Here's your chance right wingers , back up your claims

You listed 10 things, show us where each one is from which source you listed at the bottom of your page , your such a total liar that there is no reason to believe they are even from these sources you listed . If you can't do that you will be going away.
Do you think, at this point, that ANYTHING you say has a shred of significance ? You couldn't possibly think that. Not possible. :biggrin:

Pretending won't help you.

Cheating to win elections, is SOP for Democrats >>>

1. millions of sanctuary city Democrat-protected illegal aliens,

2. fixed debates (ex. Jake Tapper getting Republicans to argue against each other, instead of presenting their strong points)

3. , Democrat leaders who had to be fired or resign (Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Scott Foval, Amy Dacey, Brad Marshall, Luis Miranda, Donna Brazile etc),

4. Hillary's earpiece, Hillary being fed information,

5. Trump rallygoers being attacked by goons at Trump rallies (Democrat mayors of San Jose, Chicago, etc), set up by Democrat campaign staff who hired homeless peole to attack Trump rallygoers.

6..disruptors inside Trump rallies,

7. FALSE TV ads (ex. disabled reporter, McCain, outsourcing, Muslim gold star father)

8. Protestors blocking traffic in cities with Democrat mayors (ex. Tampa)

9. Cops standing down while protestors throw rocks and bottle at them - Democrat mayor (Stephanie Rawlings-Baltimore)

10. National Guard sent away from the rioting in Ferguson, MO, by Democrat governor, Jay Nixon.

The purge: Senior DNC staff resigns after email revelations

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton
These have been dumped at lies and distortions long ago. look at the list , it's opinions , some of the words potential, This guy said this guy said , may have cast illegal votes, you are a clown. Go to these sights and they say nothing but bullshit. I looked at all of them.
You looked at nothing. You said there was no source in the first link. I posted it.

Here's a QUIZ (copy/pasted right out of the links) to show you didn't read the links >>

1. When a fraudulent voter registers and votes he commits several felonies: Waht are they ?

2. In the list of safe space cities, what 4 states are listed, other than Illinois and New Jersey ?

3. Who looked at data from an extensive Harvard/YouGov study ? Name please.

4. What organization was client of PILF ?

5. How many states have allowed noncitizen voting beyond municipal elections ?

6. One of the links mentions an analysis of 350 people, showing one person voted at least 30 times. What media group's analysis was this ?

7. An affidavit PILF provided to prosecutors, is from whom ?

8. What did Terri ________ say to Barbara _________ ? Answer and fill in blanks.

9. A study released by three professors at Old Dominion University and George Mason University, was based on survey data from what other study ? It showed what % of
noncitizens voted illegally in the 2008 presidential election ?

10. What illegal alien attacked the National Voter Registration Act (Motor Voter), as a tool for “entrapment ? What is her home country ?

YOU ARE BUSTED!!! (not that there was any doubt of your bullshitting) :biggrin:
Ya but that just a lie , there is no proof just a convenient lie to take away the votes of dems. Or you could prove it.
Then show us a post of a copy of a letter from your congressman, thanking you for writing to him/her for advocating a nationwide PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP requirement for voting. And THEN you can be believed that you support it. :biggrin:

It'll take a few days no doubt. No problem, we'll wait.

PS - illegal aliens aren't "dems", or anything else American.
You were saying? :)
No matter what claims anybody may make about Republican voter fraud, all of it combined, whether true or ridiculous, could hardly be a drop in the bucket compared to the MILLIONS of fraudulent votes being cast by illegal aliens.

What will stop all this, is a nationwide PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP requirement for voting. Everybody on board with this ? :biggrin:
Ya but that just a lie , there is no proof just a convenient lie to take away the votes of dems. Or you could prove it.

Democrat voters are too stupid to get an ID?

Actually,that would explain lots of their actions.
Will we have to wait much longer for actual evidence of large scale voter fraud in this conspiracy theory thread?
Will we have to wait much longer for actual evidence of large scale voter fraud in this conspiracy theory thread?
We sure don't have to wait for actual evidence of liberal BULLSHIT. :doubt: Problem with the type of BS we get from liberals is, everybody knows it's BS, they know everybody knows they're full of shit, and they keep on bullshitting, anyway. I guess they just don't know what else to do.

They cant admit that Millions of illegal aliens vote, because they depend on that illegal alien vote to sustain them. Without it, they're finished, and they know it.

Funny though how they still throw the "Conspiracy" word around, like they think it has an ounce of impact. :rolleyes:
Will we have to wait much longer for actual evidence of large scale voter fraud in this conspiracy theory thread?
We sure don't have to wait for actual evidence of liberal BULLSHIT. :doubt: Problem with the type of BS we get from liberals is, everybody knows it's BS, they know everybody knows they're full of shit, and they keep on bullshitting, anyway. I guess they just don't know what else to do.

They cant admit that Millions of illegal aliens vote, because they depend on that illegal alien vote to sustain them. Without it, they're finished, and they know it.

Funny though how they still throw the "Conspiracy" word around, like they think it has an ounce of impact. :rolleyes:
You forgot to include evidence in your post. Are you stupid, forgetful, or both?
Personally, I don’t believe there is anything wrong in principle with showing legal ID to vote, especially for use initially to register to vote. States do frequently set such qualifications today. Am I mistaken about this? In NY, as I recall, when you show up at your local voting spot you simply sign in and your signature is compared to your old signature. Seems reasonable to me. :dunno: Frankly, I’m also not in principle against every person in the country being issued a Federal ID/Tax card. Isn’t this what our Social Security card really is? What I do strongly object to is that some partisan political activists spread ridiculous charges, and at the same time consciously try to discourage certain groups of citizens from voting by purging voter lists. Long lines at voting locations, refusal to accept mail balloting, these sometimes make it almost impossible for older voters, or busy working people, to vote at all. Our voting rates are not very high as is. It seems to me a lack of reason runs through all these discussions, just as it does in the different discussion regarding undocumented workers.
Let's be more honest shall we? The Demonicrats understand their base is made up of primarily lazy & irresponsible people, so online voting suits them fine, they won't be so inclined to bus in the homeless for ice cream and beer.

And of course without a body present they're far more likely to adjust numbers in their favor.

Fact is PROGS make all things difficult, not one exception. PROGS don't take to the idea a body has to be present for one vote, and they reject all responsibility for even attending.

Let's be even more honest. We're MUCH better off when lazy irresponsible people DO NOT VOTE. Do I need to explain why?
Wow, just, wow. I am a hard-working liberal who believes in love and justice for all. And voting is a right that should be made as convenient as possible, period!
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it.
Gladly. I have an entire thread dedicated to it. Scroll through it. You’ll see endless indictments and convictions across the nation for voter fraud (some even including Republicans - though they are definitely fewer). Enjoy!
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it.
In fact, in my thread Cellblock2429 just added a single post (#250) last week with no less than 4 links to voter fraud news articles. Again, enjoy!
This list has been garbaged out multiple times , it's not a source THAT YOU CAN EVEN FOLLOW If you go to them, all you come away with is why is this a source of what this clowns point is.
:puhleeze: HA HA> Sez you. You tried to comment on the links and you STRUCK OUT, a few hours ago, remember ? Back to the dugout for you. >> A loser who has had his ass handed to him in this thread, dozens of time over. Go to bed, laughingstock. You're not going to fool anybody. :laugh:

Nineteen Foreign Nationals Charged for Voting in 2016 Election

Accused Hialeah Ballot Broker Gets Year of Probation - NBC ...
Accused Hialeah Ballot Broker Gets Year of Probation

Here's What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States | The ...
Here’s What Voter Fraud Looks Like In 23 States

Deisy Penton de Cabrera - CBS Miami
Deisy Penton de Cabrera

Former Pike County commissioner pleads guilty to voter fraud

A veteran Pike County educator, and former county commissioner, became a convicted felon on Tuesday after she pleaded guilty to a voter fraud charge.

Ex-Philly election official pleads guilty to stuffing ballot box for Democrats
A former Philadelphia election official has pleaded guilty to taking thousands of dollars in bribes to stuff the ballot boxes for Democrats in local races between 2014 and 2016. Domenick J. DeMuro,…

Officials Plead Guilty in New York Voter Fraud Case
A total of four Democratic officials and political operatives have now pleaded guilty to voter fraud-related felony charges in an alleged scheme to steal a New York election.

Massachusetts State Representative Stephen Smith Agrees to ...
Massachusetts State Representative Stephen Smith Agrees to Plead Guilty to Voter Fraud Charges

Hoboken man pleads guilty to participating in 2015 vote-by ...

Two poll workers plead guilty to illegal voting ...
Two poll workers plead guilty to illegal voting

Alabama man pleads guilty to absentee ballot fraud charges ...
Alabama man pleads guilty to absentee ballot fraud charges

(Fourth person connected to Amos Newsome campaign guilty of absentee ballot fraud)

Peru native pleads guilty to voter fraud in Wichita | The ...

Real estate consultant pleads guilty to voter fraud scheme
Real estate consultant pleads guilty to voter fraud scheme

Former Charlotte mayor pleads guilty to attempted voter ID fraud
Cannon entered the court room at noon in a suit and tie and immediately pleaded guilty to attempted voter ID fraud.

Two plead guilty in Canton voter fraud case
Two of the people charged in the Canton Voter Fraud case enter guilty pleas in Madison County Circuit Court Monday. Two others do not plead guilty and are now heading to trial in July.

10 Oregon voters plead guilty to voter fraud in 2016 presidential election
Ten people in Oregon have been convicted in voter fraud cases stemming from the 2016 election.

Jerry Nadler warned public about paper ballots in 2004: they are 'extremely susceptible to fraud' |

Ex-staffer pleads to lesser charges in election fraud case
VIRGINIA BEACH (AP) A former congressional campaign staffer has pleaded guilty to neglect of election duties in an election fraud case that clouded the race for Virginia’s 2nd District in 201…

Mexican woman in Texas sentenced to 8 years in prison for voter fraud
A Mexican citizen living in Texas was sentenced Thursday to eight years in prison for voting illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.

CONFIRMED: Voter Fraud in Kansas
Trump adviser is the Secretary of State

Nearly 200 cases of suspected voter fraud investigated in Wisconsin since 2016
In a two and a half year period, municipalities in Wisconsin investigated around 200 cases of suspected election fraud, irregularities or violations.

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes

Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters
well that didn't take him long , he's gone. I mean massive essays that are all lies posted endless times is a waste of bandwidth. Good bye and I don't want to see his comments anymore.
You were saying? :)
No matter what claims anybody may make about Republican voter fraud, all of it combined, whether true or ridiculous, could hardly be a drop in the bucket compared to the MILLIONS of fraudulent votes being cast by illegal aliens.

What will stop all this, is a nationwide PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP requirement for voting. Everybody on board with this ? :biggrin:
Ya but that just a lie , there is no proof just a convenient lie to take away the votes of dems. Or you could prove it.

Democrat voters are too stupid to get an ID?
No they are smart enough to look at the facts and know their is no voter fraud and realise this has nothing to do with anything other then taking the vote away from Democrats , which is a national program by the hate Nazi's in this country.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it.
Gladly. I have an entire thread dedicated to it. Scroll through it. You’ll see endless indictments and convictions across the nation for voter fraud (some even including Republicans - though they are definitely fewer). Enjoy!
No I've done this crap all day, give me the one that has the most convictions and I will gladly look at it.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it.
Gladly. I have an entire thread dedicated to it. Scroll through it. You’ll see endless indictments and convictions across the nation for voter fraud (some even including Republicans - though they are definitely fewer). Enjoy!
The one thing that is a hoot about these hate Nazis ,The same hate Nazi's that are such a threat to this country , is that they give themselves godly and patriotic names so far from the reality of who they are.
well that didn't take him long , he's gone. I mean massive essays that are all lies posted endless times is a waste of bandwidth. Good bye and I don't want to see his comments anymore.
YOU are a waste of time, and everybody here knows it including your fellow Democrat phonies. Most of them probably would rather have nothing to do with you because of what a blithering idiot you are. Some liberals can put forth stuff with some sense of legitimacy to their arguments. You're not one of them.

You are a blessing for conservatives. :biggrin:

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