Herman Cain is a Federal Reserve/IMF/World Bank Toadie


May 29, 2011
Before It's News

Herman Cain is a Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank Toadie

Herman Cain, the African-American GOP presidential candidate, is another globalist and monetarist. He claims there is no need to audit the Federal Reserve. This must be because he was on the Board of Directors for a regional bank of the Federal Reserve in Kansas City. For someone who knows the Federal Reserve is a private banking corporation and operates for the sake of the profit of its members, and can and has printed trillions of dollars of money it need not report to the government, and that gave away trillions of newly created dollars to foreign central banks to keep their Ponzi scheme afloat, one would expect to hear from Herman Cain exactly Herman Cain has said.

If the U.S. Congress decides to spend a million dollars it must vote to appropriate the money. But, the Federal Reserve does not, and has no obligation to report when it creates money in multiples of trillions of dollars. Nixon began selling gold to prop up the dollar when faced with paying for the Vietnam War. The foreign banks bought so much gold that Nixon closed the gold window forever. Now our newly created money is backed by only more newly created money while the government continues to tax, borrow and print up trillions of dollars to make up for its trillions of dollars in budgetary shortfall. The debt it owes to China, Japan and Saudi Arabia spells certain disaster because all the debt is short-term and must be refinanced to reflect current economic/market conditions. Since we have a service-based economy that runs a trade deficit of tens of billions of dollars monthly, the American government has decided to make up the shortfall with more newly printed money.

There are five things, and only five things that help give value to newly created money. The first thing is peoples' ignorance which economists also call "market confidence. The next thing is a monopoly fiat system back by violence which the government laughingly calls "law". The next thing is our ability to take over oil producing countries and prop up hated dictators and install governments that will sell us oil, which is what our elites hypocritically refer to as "foreign policy". The fourth one is the gullibility of the rest of the world to continue to provide us with products for which we continue to send them money we pretend has value. We call this globalism. The last thing that gives money value is that people will believe it will serve to store value and will save it. But, our inflation rate destroys the value of saved money because it will assuredly be worth less latter as printing more money will cause prices to rise and the value of the monetary unit to fall.

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Herman Cain is a Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank Toadie.
Herman Cain, the African-American GOP presidential candidate, is another globalist and monetarist. He claims there is no need to audit the Federal Reserve.
Correction. Herman Cain said there is no need to audit the Federal Reserve but he also said he wouldn't be against doing it.

Even Wikipedia gets it right:
Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cain believes that there was no need for an audit of the Federal Reserve. Cain also commented that while such an audit is not a high priority for him, he does not object to it.
The more you look, the more you will hate this guy. He is fine in the business world, good for him, but running this country? His stance on muslims alone should disqualify him.

Here is a question for him, would muslim american service members be kicked out if he became president? This is a serious question.
Before It's News

Herman Cain is a Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank Toadie

Herman Cain, the African-American GOP presidential candidate, is another globalist and monetarist. He claims there is no need to audit the Federal Reserve. This must be because he was on the Board of Directors for a regional bank of the Federal Reserve in Kansas City. For someone who knows the Federal Reserve is a private banking corporation and operates for the sake of the profit of its members, and can and has printed trillions of dollars of money it need not report to the government, and that gave away trillions of newly created dollars to foreign central banks to keep their Ponzi scheme afloat, one would expect to hear from Herman Cain exactly Herman Cain has said.

If the U.S. Congress decides to spend a million dollars it must vote to appropriate the money. But, the Federal Reserve does not, and has no obligation to report when it creates money in multiples of trillions of dollars. Nixon began selling gold to prop up the dollar when faced with paying for the Vietnam War. The foreign banks bought so much gold that Nixon closed the gold window forever. Now our newly created money is backed by only more newly created money while the government continues to tax, borrow and print up trillions of dollars to make up for its trillions of dollars in budgetary shortfall. The debt it owes to China, Japan and Saudi Arabia spells certain disaster because all the debt is short-term and must be refinanced to reflect current economic/market conditions. Since we have a service-based economy that runs a trade deficit of tens of billions of dollars monthly, the American government has decided to make up the shortfall with more newly printed money.

There are five things, and only five things that help give value to newly created money. The first thing is peoples' ignorance which economists also call "market confidence. The next thing is a monopoly fiat system back by violence which the government laughingly calls "law". The next thing is our ability to take over oil producing countries and prop up hated dictators and install governments that will sell us oil, which is what our elites hypocritically refer to as "foreign policy". The fourth one is the gullibility of the rest of the world to continue to provide us with products for which we continue to send them money we pretend has value. We call this globalism. The last thing that gives money value is that people will believe it will serve to store value and will save it. But, our inflation rate destroys the value of saved money because it will assuredly be worth less latter as printing more money will cause prices to rise and the value of the monetary unit to fall.

You can't post entire article. Post 2-3 paragraphs and link the rest-Meister

Maybe I'll support Cain after reading this.

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