Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

So....you want to go on about my family, my wife and my life, eh?

Let's think about what kind of life YOU must have had to make you the nasty little git you come across as......:eusa_think:


I don't know if the following will make you happier or not (not that I care)......but it's a matter of clarification:

I do NOT hate abnormals, or QUEERS per se.

Just as I do NOT hate two-headed wallabees.

But, I do hate any entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH......and especially an entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH and is articulate enough to ram thru a bogus PC Agenda that convinces normally reasonable people to believe in UNMITIGATED, UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT, such as the OBVIOUS LIE that ABNORMALS are NORMALS .

What bothers me is that these ABNORMALS are able to distort the meaning of simple uncomplicated words reflecting a common NATURAL state of being, i.e. MARRIAGE to include a BIZARRE UNNATURAL RELATIONSHIP between WIERD FREAKOS for whom, it is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to produce the CENTRAL REASON for MARRIAGE which is children.

And, YES......since the OVERWHELMING NUMBER.....if not ALL the Abnormal Freaks are this DISTORTING ENTITY.....I regard them with the utmost contempt.

So tell us...were you beaten as a child? Locked in a closet when you were bad? Or were you allowed to run around wild with no supervision whatsoever? Did the kids laugh at you at school? Or (more likely) were you the playground bully whose glory days are now long gone as you sit there, a nothing, in the scheme of real life?

His boyfriend never lets him be the man, so he's mad at gays for that.

I don't know if the following will make you happier or not (not that I care)......but it's a matter of clarification:

I do NOT hate abnormals, or QUEERS per se.

Just as I do NOT hate two-headed wallabees.

But, I do hate any entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH......and especially an entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH and is articulate enough to ram thru a bogus PC Agenda that convinces normally reasonable people to believe in UNMITIGATED, UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT, such as the OBVIOUS LIE that ABNORMALS are NORMALS .

What bothers me is that these ABNORMALS are able to distort the meaning of simple uncomplicated words reflecting a common NATURAL state of being, i.e. MARRIAGE to include a BIZARRE UNNATURAL RELATIONSHIP between WIERD FREAKOS for whom, it is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to produce the CENTRAL REASON for MARRIAGE which is children.

And, YES......since the OVERWHELMING NUMBER.....if not ALL the Abnormal Freaks are this DISTORTING ENTITY.....I regard them with the utmost contempt.

So tell us...were you beaten as a child? Locked in a closet when you were bad? Or were you allowed to run around wild with no supervision whatsoever? Did the kids laugh at you at school? Or (more likely) were you the playground bully whose glory days are now long gone as you sit there, a nothing, in the scheme of real life?

His boyfriend never lets him be the man, so he's mad at gays for that.

I'm wondering if his English/Spelling teacher used a ruler on his knuckles and he's been traumatized about spelling, punctuation, and just making sense ever since then.
So....you want to go on about my family, my wife and my life, eh?

Let's think about what kind of life YOU must have had to make you the nasty little git you come across as......:eusa_think:


I don't know if the following will make you happier or not (not that I care)......but it's a matter of clarification:

I do NOT hate abnormals, or QUEERS per se.

Just as I do NOT hate two-headed wallabees.

But, I do hate any entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH......and especially an entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH and is articulate enough to ram thru a bogus PC Agenda that convinces normally reasonable people to believe in UNMITIGATED, UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT, such as the OBVIOUS LIE that ABNORMALS are NORMALS .

What bothers me is that these ABNORMALS are able to distort the meaning of simple uncomplicated words reflecting a common NATURAL state of being, i.e. MARRIAGE to include a BIZARRE UNNATURAL RELATIONSHIP between WIERD FREAKOS for whom, it is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to produce the CENTRAL REASON for MARRIAGE which is children.

And, YES......since the OVERWHELMING NUMBER.....if not ALL the Abnormal Freaks are this DISTORTING ENTITY.....I regard them with the utmost contempt.

So tell us...were you beaten as a child? Locked in a closet when you were bad? Or were you allowed to run around wild with no supervision whatsoever? Did the kids laugh at you at school? Or (more likely) were you the playground bully whose glory days are now long gone as you sit there, a nothing, in the scheme of real life?


You don't really think that your babbling is going to transform you from being an Abnormal Freak to a Normal do you ????

Here is my decision: keep babbling. I may or I may not respond to your bullshit. Probably not because I have other things to do.

I don't know if the following will make you happier or not (not that I care)......but it's a matter of clarification:

I do NOT hate abnormals, or QUEERS per se.

Just as I do NOT hate two-headed wallabees.

But, I do hate any entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH......and especially an entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH and is articulate enough to ram thru a bogus PC Agenda that convinces normally reasonable people to believe in UNMITIGATED, UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT, such as the OBVIOUS LIE that ABNORMALS are NORMALS .

What bothers me is that these ABNORMALS are able to distort the meaning of simple uncomplicated words reflecting a common NATURAL state of being, i.e. MARRIAGE to include a BIZARRE UNNATURAL RELATIONSHIP between WIERD FREAKOS for whom, it is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to produce the CENTRAL REASON for MARRIAGE which is children.

And, YES......since the OVERWHELMING NUMBER.....if not ALL the Abnormal Freaks are this DISTORTING ENTITY.....I regard them with the utmost contempt.

So tell us...were you beaten as a child? Locked in a closet when you were bad? Or were you allowed to run around wild with no supervision whatsoever? Did the kids laugh at you at school? Or (more likely) were you the playground bully whose glory days are now long gone as you sit there, a nothing, in the scheme of real life?

His boyfriend never lets him be the man, so he's mad at gays for that.

The DreckPunk just surfaced with his usual off the wall bullshit.

Oh well, nothing surprising about the DreckPunk spewing crap.
It all boils down to ISLAM SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!muslims are backward beasts defending a murderous
deathcult started by a thieving caravan robber and childmolesting pig muhammad.Let the degenerate liberals defend these savages.It just proves what slime liberals are.IAM PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!
So....you want to go on about my family, my wife and my life, eh?

Let's think about what kind of life YOU must have had to make you the nasty little git you come across as......:eusa_think:


I don't know if the following will make you happier or not (not that I care)......but it's a matter of clarification:

I do NOT hate abnormals, or QUEERS per se.

Just as I do NOT hate two-headed wallabees.

But, I do hate any entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH......and especially an entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH and is articulate enough to ram thru a bogus PC Agenda that convinces normally reasonable people to believe in UNMITIGATED, UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT, such as the OBVIOUS LIE that ABNORMALS are NORMALS .

What bothers me is that these ABNORMALS are able to distort the meaning of simple uncomplicated words reflecting a common NATURAL state of being, i.e. MARRIAGE to include a BIZARRE UNNATURAL RELATIONSHIP between WIERD FREAKOS for whom, it is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to produce the CENTRAL REASON for MARRIAGE which is children.

And, YES......since the OVERWHELMING NUMBER.....if not ALL the Abnormal Freaks are this DISTORTING ENTITY.....I regard them with the utmost contempt.

So tell us...were you beaten as a child? Locked in a closet when you were bad? Or were you allowed to run around wild with no supervision whatsoever? Did the kids laugh at you at school? Or (more likely) were you the playground bully whose glory days are now long gone as you sit there, a nothing, in the scheme of real life?

More than likely he was the one getting shaken up on the playground for his lunch money.
It all boils down to ISLAM SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!muslims are backward beasts defending a murderous
deathcult started by a thieving caravan robber and childmolesting pig muhammad.Let the degenerate liberals defend these savages.It just proves what slime liberals are.IAM PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!

It all boils down to ISLAM SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!muslims are backward beasts defending a murderous
deathcult started by a thieving caravan robber and childmolesting pig muhammad.Let the degenerate liberals defend these savages.It just proves what slime liberals are.IAM PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!


Think Frenchman on Castle Wall in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"...his rant makes more humorous sense that way.
It all boils down to ISLAM SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!muslims are backward beasts defending a murderous
deathcult started by a thieving caravan robber and childmolesting pig muhammad.Let the degenerate liberals defend these savages.It just proves what slime liberals are.IAM PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!


Think Frenchman on Castle Wall in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"...his rant makes more humorous sense that way.

This clown reminds of those guys that get high on Crystal meth and keep ranting and raving all night.
It all boils down to ISLAM SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!muslims are backward beasts defending a murderous
deathcult started by a thieving caravan robber and childmolesting pig muhammad.Let the degenerate liberals defend these savages.It just proves what slime liberals are.IAM PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!


I TAUNT you muzzie lover,Did You buy a burka for your woman?Your the one who is crazy you muslim loving piece of liberal shit.PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!
It all boils down to ISLAM SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!muslims are backward beasts defending a murderous
deathcult started by a thieving caravan robber and childmolesting pig muhammad.Let the degenerate liberals defend these savages.It just proves what slime liberals are.IAM PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!


I TAUNT you muzzie lover,Did You buy a burka for your woman?Your the one who is crazy you muslim loving piece of liberal shit.PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!

Burka? I prefer my women in small g strings and high heels clown.
It all boils down to ISLAM SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!muslims are backward beasts defending a murderous
deathcult started by a thieving caravan robber and childmolesting pig muhammad.Let the degenerate liberals defend these savages.It just proves what slime liberals are.IAM PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!


I TAUNT you muzzie lover,Did You buy a burka for your woman?Your the one who is crazy you muslim loving piece of liberal shit.PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I think the Muslims just might die laughing.
I TAUNT you muzzie lover,Did You buy a burka for your woman?Your the one who is crazy you muslim loving piece of liberal shit.PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I think the Muslims just might die laughing.

This coward would never say any of this to a real Muslim face to face.
Liberal Punk, if you ever brought a stinking muslim to my property

you would find out.FUCK YOU AND FUCK ISLAM!!!
It all boils down to ISLAM SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!muslims are backward beasts defending a murderous
deathcult started by a thieving caravan robber and childmolesting pig muhammad.Let the degenerate liberals defend these savages.It just proves what slime liberals are.IAM PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!


I TAUNT you muzzie lover,Did You buy a burka for your woman?Your the one who is crazy you muslim loving piece of liberal shit.PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to take a wild guess & say that you're a conservative. :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I think the Muslims just might die laughing.

This coward would never say any of this to a real Muslim face to face.
Liberal Punk, if you ever brought a stinking muslim to my property

you would find out.FUCK YOU AND FUCK ISLAM!!!

What would we find out? That you live in your parent's basement is most likely what we would find out......lol

So tell us Tough Guy....how many tours have you done in the ME fighting the big bad Moooslims?

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