Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra


Listen you twit: This post doesn't have anything to do with "your family". To clarify the matter, the topic of 'Queer "Marriage" ' isn't anything new as far as threads are concerned. And, an analysis of your "condition" is part and parcel of it. This post is inspired by the desire to understand how a subculture of the LIEberrhoids (you being the perfect specimen) think. By understanding your twisted minds one will be able to better tackle the bizarre statements you freakos inundate the various Forums. Apparently, the mental disease that afflicts your subculture, the desire to twist REALITY into bizarre pretzels of idiotic fantasies is manifested in the larger community of LIEberrhoids. The connection between the two is illustrated in one of the present threads by your leader (inexplicably elected as the President of America). The example being the thread: "Obama again declares June ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month’ by the American Cowboy."

As you well know I probably made a dozen or so posts.....I say POSTS ......not pusillanimously sly "hit-&-run" one sentence comments without substance.....but, with 3,4 sentence-paragraphs in each post analyzing every nuance of the issues involved making irrefutable statements about the fucking Muslims and the Qu'ran concocted by the MONUMENTAL Whackjob and posing questions that apparently turned out to be RHETORICAL questions because you LIEberrhoids could not answer them without incriminating yourselves by supporting a HATEFUL RELIGION that has as its goal the destruction of non-believers similar to Political Movements such as fascism AND communism ........ AND TURNING THE TRUTH ON ITS HEAD, and having the PRACTITIONERS OF SAID heinous religion into supposed "innocent & peaceful" folk persecuted by us, who in reality, are for the WELFARE of HUMANITY TERRORIZED by these Islamofascist Swine as we speak......and, indeed, are the declared ENEMY of America and the World.

But, that has been already stated and restated.

As stated, I am now on a quest to analyze such wierdos and freaks, i.e. YOU, the sub-culture who compose the LIEberrhoids and your bizarre customs begining with your supposed concept of "MARRIAGE". By understanding some of the BASICS of your twisted mentality I might better understand how you abnormals (a segment of the LIEBERRHOIDS....by no means the larger portion) think and behave.

SO.....PLEASE STOP DODGING MY LEGITIMATE QUESTION AS TO YOUR "FREAKY MARRIAGE"....... ARE YOU THE "HUSBAND" or the "WIFE" because contrary to your BOGUS "MARRIAGES" in NORMAL MARRIAGES one doesn't have to be in a quandary as one is amongst you abnormals or "its".

OR.......are you going to continue to DODGE this legitimate question thereby acknowledging by your SILENCE that you freaks, or abnormals do NOT have a legitimate marriage but simply a run-o-the-mill "arrangement" that occurs between beasts even though it may occur for a considerable time because no one else would want to associate with you bizarre freakos.

Again, you bring my family into this discussion. Why is it that you feel your argument is so weak that you have to attack my wife and our marriage like that....especially when the topic of this thread has nothing to do with that?

Pretty pathetic, I must say.


As stated this doesn't have anything to with "your wife" or "family" it has to do with the mental aberration that you abnormals have and how you attempt to twist REALITY into something it is most OBVIOUSLY not......for instance as a "husband" do you have a dick ? Of course not.

You, and your ilk, as the subculture of the LIEberrhoids, have the SAME mental disease as your host, the LIEberrhoids....i.e., living in a World of Distortions and Fantasy.

"Marriages" where "husbands" don't have dicks, and/or "wives" no twats. Marriages that are constructed by Nature to produce children are BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE because the term "Marriage" has been twisted to be a term of convenience for bizarre, abnormal freaks and their perverted behaviour. TRUTH is stood up on its head and FALSEHOOD has been propagandized by Bogus PC as the TRUTH......all the earmarks of LIEberrhoidism.

Thanks for proving my point, you abnormal, bizarre Freako.


You can almost feel Gaytrauma winning over hearts and minds.
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Listen you twit: This post doesn't have anything to do with "your family". To clarify the matter, the topic of 'Queer "Marriage" ' isn't anything new as far as threads are concerned. And, an analysis of your "condition" is part and parcel of it. This post is inspired by the desire to understand how a subculture of the LIEberrhoids (you being the perfect specimen) think. By understanding your twisted minds one will be able to better tackle the bizarre statements you freakos inundate the various Forums. Apparently, the mental disease that afflicts your subculture, the desire to twist REALITY into bizarre pretzels of idiotic fantasies is manifested in the larger community of LIEberrhoids. The connection between the two is illustrated in one of the present threads by your leader (inexplicably elected as the President of America). The example being the thread: "Obama again declares June ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month’ by the American Cowboy."

As you well know I probably made a dozen or so posts.....I say POSTS ......not pusillanimously sly "hit-&-run" one sentence comments without substance.....but, with 3,4 sentence-paragraphs in each post analyzing every nuance of the issues involved making irrefutable statements about the fucking Muslims and the Qu'ran concocted by the MONUMENTAL Whackjob and posing questions that apparently turned out to be RHETORICAL questions because you LIEberrhoids could not answer them without incriminating yourselves by supporting a HATEFUL RELIGION that has as its goal the destruction of non-believers similar to Political Movements such as fascism AND communism ........ AND TURNING THE TRUTH ON ITS HEAD, and having the PRACTITIONERS OF SAID heinous religion into supposed "innocent & peaceful" folk persecuted by us, who in reality, are for the WELFARE of HUMANITY TERRORIZED by these Islamofascist Swine as we speak......and, indeed, are the declared ENEMY of America and the World.

But, that has been already stated and restated.

As stated, I am now on a quest to analyze such wierdos and freaks, i.e. YOU, the sub-culture who compose the LIEberrhoids and your bizarre customs begining with your supposed concept of "MARRIAGE". By understanding some of the BASICS of your twisted mentality I might better understand how you abnormals (a segment of the LIEBERRHOIDS....by no means the larger portion) think and behave.

SO.....PLEASE STOP DODGING MY LEGITIMATE QUESTION AS TO YOUR "FREAKY MARRIAGE"....... ARE YOU THE "HUSBAND" or the "WIFE" because contrary to your BOGUS "MARRIAGES" in NORMAL MARRIAGES one doesn't have to be in a quandary as one is amongst you abnormals or "its".

OR.......are you going to continue to DODGE this legitimate question thereby acknowledging by your SILENCE that you freaks, or abnormals do NOT have a legitimate marriage but simply a run-o-the-mill "arrangement" that occurs between beasts even though it may occur for a considerable time because no one else would want to associate with you bizarre freakos.

Again, you bring my family into this discussion. Why is it that you feel your argument is so weak that you have to attack my wife and our marriage like that....especially when the topic of this thread has nothing to do with that?

Pretty pathetic, I must say.


My posts and the thundering silence by the LIEberrhoids in responding to the CENTRAL ISSUE as indicated in my prior posts....as well as the most recent post belies your blatant LIE that (1) I don't or didn't discuss the issue DIRECTLY......and, (2): twisting my analysis of the root of the LIEberrhoidal mental disease as being something else.

As stated this doesn't have anything to with "your wife" or "family" it has to do with the mental aberration that you abnormals have and how you attempt to twist REALITY into something it is most OBVIOUSLY not......for instance as a "husband" do you have a dick ? Of course not.

You, and your ilk, as the subculture of the LIEberrhoids, have the SAME mental disease as your host, the LIEberrhoids....i.e., living in a World of Distortions and Fantasy.

"Marriages" where "husbands" don't have dicks, and/or "wives" no twats. Marriages that are constructed by Nature to produce children are BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE because the term "Marriage" has been twisted to be a term of convenience for bizarre, abnormal freaks and their perverted behaviour. TRUTH is stood up on its head and FALSEHOOD has been propagandized by Bogus PC as the TRUTH......all the earmarks of LIEberrhoidism.

Thanks for proving my point, you abnormal, bizarre Freako.

Again, you bring up my marriage, my wife, my family....Are you a Voyeur? Are you jealous? Or are you just pathetic?
He thinks the church would be diminished by sanctioning gay marriage? That's like saying the St. Patick's Day parade AKA "drunk- fest" would get a bad rap by allowing gays to march LOL. Lettuce not forget the church filing for bankruptcy to avoid making compensation due to their culture of predation.
Again, you bring my family into this discussion. Why is it that you feel your argument is so weak that you have to attack my wife and our marriage like that....especially when the topic of this thread has nothing to do with that?

Pretty pathetic, I must say.


As stated this doesn't have anything to with "your wife" or "family" it has to do with the mental aberration that you abnormals have and how you attempt to twist REALITY into something it is most OBVIOUSLY not......for instance as a "husband" do you have a dick ? Of course not.

You, and your ilk, as the subculture of the LIEberrhoids, have the SAME mental disease as your host, the LIEberrhoids....i.e., living in a World of Distortions and Fantasy.

"Marriages" where "husbands" don't have dicks, and/or "wives" no twats. Marriages that are constructed by Nature to produce children are BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE because the term "Marriage" has been twisted to be a term of convenience for bizarre, abnormal freaks and their perverted behaviour. TRUTH is stood up on its head and FALSEHOOD has been propagandized by Bogus PC as the TRUTH......all the earmarks of LIEberrhoidism.

Thanks for proving my point, you abnormal, bizarre Freako.

Her marriage is none of your concern asswipe.

You're missing the point .....and, while you're at it......get outa the closet.

As stated this doesn't have anything to with "your wife" or "family" it has to do with the mental aberration that you abnormals have and how you attempt to twist REALITY into something it is most OBVIOUSLY not......for instance as a "husband" do you have a dick ? Of course not.

You, and your ilk, as the subculture of the LIEberrhoids, have the SAME mental disease as your host, the LIEberrhoids....i.e., living in a World of Distortions and Fantasy.

"Marriages" where "husbands" don't have dicks, and/or "wives" no twats. Marriages that are constructed by Nature to produce children are BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE because the term "Marriage" has been twisted to be a term of convenience for bizarre, abnormal freaks and their perverted behaviour. TRUTH is stood up on its head and FALSEHOOD has been propagandized by Bogus PC as the TRUTH......all the earmarks of LIEberrhoidism.

Thanks for proving my point, you abnormal, bizarre Freako.

Her marriage is none of your concern asswipe.

You're missing the point .....and, while you're at it......get outa the closet.

Wait....there's a point to you bringing up MY marriage and MY wife in a thread that has nothing to do with gay marriage, marriage in general, or me?
Again, you bring my family into this discussion. Why is it that you feel your argument is so weak that you have to attack my wife and our marriage like that....especially when the topic of this thread has nothing to do with that?

Pretty pathetic, I must say.


My posts and the thundering silence by the LIEberrhoids in responding to the CENTRAL ISSUE as indicated in my prior posts....as well as the most recent post belies your blatant LIE that (1) I don't or didn't discuss the issue DIRECTLY......and, (2): twisting my analysis of the root of the LIEberrhoidal mental disease as being something else.

As stated this doesn't have anything to with "your wife" or "family" it has to do with the mental aberration that you abnormals have and how you attempt to twist REALITY into something it is most OBVIOUSLY not......for instance as a "husband" do you have a dick ? Of course not.

You, and your ilk, as the subculture of the LIEberrhoids, have the SAME mental disease as your host, the LIEberrhoids....i.e., living in a World of Distortions and Fantasy.

"Marriages" where "husbands" don't have dicks, and/or "wives" no twats. Marriages that are constructed by Nature to produce children are BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE because the term "Marriage" has been twisted to be a term of convenience for bizarre, abnormal freaks and their perverted behaviour. TRUTH is stood up on its head and FALSEHOOD has been propagandized by Bogus PC as the TRUTH......all the earmarks of LIEberrhoidism.

Thanks for proving my point, you abnormal, bizarre Freako.

Again, you bring up my marriage, my wife, my family....Are you a Voyeur? Are you jealous? Or are you just pathetic?


Your transparent attempt to deny the obvious fact that you are an Abnormal Freako fools no one except LIEberrhoids, and the closet queers.

Jealous ? Pathetic ? .......TO BE A FUCKING BIZARRE FREAK ??????

Even you can't be that STUPID & UNREALISTIC !!!!

The only explanation for that idiotic assumption of yours is that you are projecting your own feelings of justified inadequacies on the Normals.
Ok I've only seen this page of posts so what is your centeral point guatama.

The stuff your saying to bodecea is making it seem like she won whatever "debate" you two were having which is why I ask.
Ok I've only seen this page of posts so what is your centeral point guatama.

The stuff your saying to bodecea is making it seem like she won whatever "debate" you two were having which is why I ask.


My CENTRAL POINT has been underlined in ALL of my posts .....if you can't read, and/or want to fall for the bogus PC line of treating abnormals as normals and MuslimArselickers and Islamofascists (which the OVERWHELMING NUMBER OF MUSLIMS ARE) as "just plain folks"....then that's your prerogative, blind as it may be.

As stated this doesn't have anything to with "your wife" or "family" it has to do with the mental aberration that you abnormals have and how you attempt to twist REALITY into something it is most OBVIOUSLY not......for instance as a "husband" do you have a dick ? Of course not.

You, and your ilk, as the subculture of the LIEberrhoids, have the SAME mental disease as your host, the LIEberrhoids....i.e., living in a World of Distortions and Fantasy.

"Marriages" where "husbands" don't have dicks, and/or "wives" no twats. Marriages that are constructed by Nature to produce children are BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE because the term "Marriage" has been twisted to be a term of convenience for bizarre, abnormal freaks and their perverted behaviour. TRUTH is stood up on its head and FALSEHOOD has been propagandized by Bogus PC as the TRUTH......all the earmarks of LIEberrhoidism.

Thanks for proving my point, you abnormal, bizarre Freako.

Her marriage is none of your concern asswipe.

You're missing the point .....and, while you're at it......get outa the closet.

You are attacking this ladies family and being crude and disrespectul, whats the point of that?
Ok I've only seen this page of posts so what is your centeral point guatama.

The stuff your saying to bodecea is making it seem like she won whatever "debate" you two were having which is why I ask.


My CENTRAL POINT has been underlined in ALL of my posts .....if you can't read, and/or want to fall for the bogus PC line of treating abnormals as normals and MuslimArselickers and Islamofascists (which the OVERWHELMING NUMBER OF MUSLIMS ARE) as "just plain folks"....then that's your prerogative, blind as it may be.

So your central point is that the majority of muslims are extremists and not "live and let live" types?

Dont be a dick just because I called you out on being out of line with Bodecea, it is constructive criticism to help you keep whatever your point is valid. Attacking her like that invalidates anything legitimate you might have said.
Ok I've only seen this page of posts so what is your centeral point guatama.

The stuff your saying to bodecea is making it seem like she won whatever "debate" you two were having which is why I ask.


My CENTRAL POINT has been underlined in ALL of my posts .....if you can't read, and/or want to fall for the bogus PC line of treating abnormals as normals and MuslimArselickers and Islamofascists (which the OVERWHELMING NUMBER OF MUSLIMS ARE) as "just plain folks"....then that's your prerogative, blind as it may be.

In other words Gaytrauma was just going thru his daily hate spewing routine. Helluva guy, huh?

My posts and the thundering silence by the LIEberrhoids in responding to the CENTRAL ISSUE as indicated in my prior posts....as well as the most recent post belies your blatant LIE that (1) I don't or didn't discuss the issue DIRECTLY......and, (2): twisting my analysis of the root of the LIEberrhoidal mental disease as being something else.

As stated this doesn't have anything to with "your wife" or "family" it has to do with the mental aberration that you abnormals have and how you attempt to twist REALITY into something it is most OBVIOUSLY not......for instance as a "husband" do you have a dick ? Of course not.

You, and your ilk, as the subculture of the LIEberrhoids, have the SAME mental disease as your host, the LIEberrhoids....i.e., living in a World of Distortions and Fantasy.

"Marriages" where "husbands" don't have dicks, and/or "wives" no twats. Marriages that are constructed by Nature to produce children are BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE because the term "Marriage" has been twisted to be a term of convenience for bizarre, abnormal freaks and their perverted behaviour. TRUTH is stood up on its head and FALSEHOOD has been propagandized by Bogus PC as the TRUTH......all the earmarks of LIEberrhoidism.

Thanks for proving my point, you abnormal, bizarre Freako.

Again, you bring up my marriage, my wife, my family....Are you a Voyeur? Are you jealous? Or are you just pathetic?


Your transparent attempt to deny the obvious fact that you are an Abnormal Freako fools no one except LIEberrhoids, and the closet queers.

Jealous ? Pathetic ? .......TO BE A FUCKING BIZARRE FREAK ??????

Even you can't be that STUPID & UNREALISTIC !!!!

The only explanation for that idiotic assumption of yours is that you are projecting your own feelings of justified inadequacies on the Normals.

Is THAT why YOU brought it up in the first place?

I'm gonna go with you are pathetic with feelings of justified inadequacies.

You poor thing. :sad:
Ok I've only seen this page of posts so what is your centeral point guatama.

The stuff your saying to bodecea is making it seem like she won whatever "debate" you two were having which is why I ask.


My CENTRAL POINT has been underlined in ALL of my posts .....if you can't read, and/or want to fall for the bogus PC line of treating abnormals as normals and MuslimArselickers and Islamofascists (which the OVERWHELMING NUMBER OF MUSLIMS ARE) as "just plain folks"....then that's your prerogative, blind as it may be.

Not only pathetic, you sound like one of those hateful radical Muslims that hate gays and anyone (Muslims included) that don't believe as they do.
As if the entire thread weren't already hijacked long ago off the course of the original post, I thought I'd interject to ask a question in earnest I've always been curious about.

What terms are used to refer to the partners in a "gay marriage"? I've heard "life partner" or "domestic partner" but never a gender or role-associated term. Is "husband" or "wife" used? Something else? Please educate me on this point.

Wife and Wife in our house. I know some guys who use Husband and Husband.....it's not a complicated thing except for the pathetic voyeurs like G.
As if the entire thread weren't already hijacked long ago off the course of the original post, I thought I'd interject to ask a question in earnest I've always been curious about.

What terms are used to refer to the partners in a "gay marriage"? I've heard "life partner" or "domestic partner" but never a gender or role-associated term. Is "husband" or "wife" used? Something else? Please educate me on this point.

Wife and Wife in our house. I know some guys who use Husband and Husband.....it's not a complicated thing except for the pathetic voyeurs like G.

I was going to say Husband/wife and now i know im right :).
Ok I've only seen this page of posts so what is your centeral point guatama.

The stuff your saying to bodecea is making it seem like she won whatever "debate" you two were having which is why I ask.


My CENTRAL POINT has been underlined in ALL of my posts .....if you can't read, and/or want to fall for the bogus PC line of treating abnormals as normals and MuslimArselickers and Islamofascists (which the OVERWHELMING NUMBER OF MUSLIMS ARE) as "just plain folks"....then that's your prerogative, blind as it may be.

Not only pathetic, you sound like one of those hateful radical Muslims that hate gays and anyone (Muslims included) that don't believe as they do.


Your reaction to REALITY is one would expect from a typical LIEberrhoidal abnormal .........which the overwhelming number of abnormal freaks are.

The overwhelming number of Religious Christians and Muslims share some of the Biblical concepts which reflect the TRUTHS of NATURE and therefor REALITY.

Recognizing queers as Nature's abnormality is simply an irrefutable Truth as normal as the recognition of TRUISMS such as MEN are MEN & WOMEN are WOMEN.......and, QUEERS are QUEERS.

If bogus PC has convinced some of the normals to believe in its UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT then so be it.

Some normals believe in Santa Clause, some in extraterrestials, etc........THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEIR IDIOTIC BELIEFS REALISTIC or TRUE.

While a discussion of the abnormals is an interesting topic......I have other things I must do at the moment.

Clearly I made my point.

The abnormals and their PC supporting stooges choose to wallow in their fantasies.

The fact that Nature furnished us with abnormalities and fools is merely a fact of Life.

My CENTRAL POINT has been underlined in ALL of my posts .....if you can't read, and/or want to fall for the bogus PC line of treating abnormals as normals and MuslimArselickers and Islamofascists (which the OVERWHELMING NUMBER OF MUSLIMS ARE) as "just plain folks"....then that's your prerogative, blind as it may be.

Not only pathetic, you sound like one of those hateful radical Muslims that hate gays and anyone (Muslims included) that don't believe as they do.


Your reaction to REALITY is one would expect from a typical LIEberrhoidal abnormal .........which the overwhelming number of abnormal freaks are.

The overwhelming number of Religious Christians and Muslims share some of the Biblical concepts which reflect the TRUTHS of NATURE and therefor REALITY.

Recognizing queers as Nature's abnormality is simply an irrefutable Truth as normal as the recognition of TRUISMS such as MEN are MEN & WOMEN are WOMEN.......and, QUEERS are QUEERS.

If bogus PC has convinced some of the normals to believe in its UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT then so be it.

Some normals believe in Santa Clause, some in extraterrestials, etc........THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEIR IDIOTIC BELIEFS REALISTIC or TRUE.

While a discussion of the abnormals is an interesting topic......I have other things I must do at the moment.

Clearly I made my point.

The abnormals and their PC supporting stooges choose to wallow in their fantasies.

The fact that Nature furnished us with abnormalities and fools is merely a fact of Life.

So....you want to go on about my family, my wife and my life, eh?

Let's think about what kind of life YOU must have had to make you the nasty little git you come across as......:eusa_think:
Not only pathetic, you sound like one of those hateful radical Muslims that hate gays and anyone (Muslims included) that don't believe as they do.


Your reaction to REALITY is one would expect from a typical LIEberrhoidal abnormal .........which the overwhelming number of abnormal freaks are.

The overwhelming number of Religious Christians and Muslims share some of the Biblical concepts which reflect the TRUTHS of NATURE and therefor REALITY.

Recognizing queers as Nature's abnormality is simply an irrefutable Truth as normal as the recognition of TRUISMS such as MEN are MEN & WOMEN are WOMEN.......and, QUEERS are QUEERS.

If bogus PC has convinced some of the normals to believe in its UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT then so be it.

Some normals believe in Santa Clause, some in extraterrestials, etc........THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEIR IDIOTIC BELIEFS REALISTIC or TRUE.

While a discussion of the abnormals is an interesting topic......I have other things I must do at the moment.

Clearly I made my point.

The abnormals and their PC supporting stooges choose to wallow in their fantasies.

The fact that Nature furnished us with abnormalities and fools is merely a fact of Life.

So....you want to go on about my family, my wife and my life, eh?

Let's think about what kind of life YOU must have had to make you the nasty little git you come across as......:eusa_think:


I don't know if the following will make you happier or not (not that I care)......but it's a matter of clarification:

I do NOT hate abnormals, or QUEERS per se.

Just as I do NOT hate two-headed wallabees.

But, I do hate any entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH......and especially an entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH and is articulate enough to ram thru a bogus PC Agenda that convinces normally reasonable people to believe in UNMITIGATED, UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT, such as the OBVIOUS LIE that ABNORMALS are NORMALS .

What bothers me is that these ABNORMALS are able to distort the meaning of simple uncomplicated words reflecting a common NATURAL state of being, i.e. MARRIAGE to include a BIZARRE UNNATURAL RELATIONSHIP between WIERD FREAKOS for whom, it is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to produce the CENTRAL REASON for MARRIAGE which is children.

And, YES......since the OVERWHELMING NUMBER.....if not ALL the Abnormal Freaks are this DISTORTING ENTITY.....I regard them with the utmost contempt.
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Your reaction to REALITY is one would expect from a typical LIEberrhoidal abnormal .........which the overwhelming number of abnormal freaks are.

The overwhelming number of Religious Christians and Muslims share some of the Biblical concepts which reflect the TRUTHS of NATURE and therefor REALITY.

Recognizing queers as Nature's abnormality is simply an irrefutable Truth as normal as the recognition of TRUISMS such as MEN are MEN & WOMEN are WOMEN.......and, QUEERS are QUEERS.

If bogus PC has convinced some of the normals to believe in its UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT then so be it.

Some normals believe in Santa Clause, some in extraterrestials, etc........THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEIR IDIOTIC BELIEFS REALISTIC or TRUE.

While a discussion of the abnormals is an interesting topic......I have other things I must do at the moment.

Clearly I made my point.

The abnormals and their PC supporting stooges choose to wallow in their fantasies.

The fact that Nature furnished us with abnormalities and fools is merely a fact of Life.

So....you want to go on about my family, my wife and my life, eh?

Let's think about what kind of life YOU must have had to make you the nasty little git you come across as......:eusa_think:


I don't know if the following will make you happier or not (not that I care)......but it's a matter of clarification:

I do NOT hate abnormals, or QUEERS per se.

Just as I do NOT hate two-headed wallabees.

But, I do hate any entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH......and especially an entity that DISTORTS the TRUTH and is articulate enough to ram thru a bogus PC Agenda that convinces normally reasonable people to believe in UNMITIGATED, UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT, such as the OBVIOUS LIE that ABNORMALS are NORMALS .

What bothers me is that these ABNORMALS are able to distort the meaning of simple uncomplicated words reflecting a common NATURAL state of being, i.e. MARRIAGE to include a BIZARRE UNNATURAL RELATIONSHIP between WIERD FREAKOS for whom, it is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to produce the CENTRAL REASON for MARRIAGE which is children.

And, YES......since the OVERWHELMING NUMBER.....if not ALL the Abnormal Freaks are this DISTORTING ENTITY.....I regard them with the utmost contempt.

So tell us...were you beaten as a child? Locked in a closet when you were bad? Or were you allowed to run around wild with no supervision whatsoever? Did the kids laugh at you at school? Or (more likely) were you the playground bully whose glory days are now long gone as you sit there, a nothing, in the scheme of real life?

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