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Herman Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll

so it has to be in writing? given that there's no such "party" as the tea party and they are REPUBLICANS... EXTREME RIGHTWING REPUBLICANS... they share the REPUBLICAN PLATFORM.

i guess michelle bachmann didn't get the memo about reproductive choice not being part of her agenda. :thup:

Those are the agreed points for TEA Partiers. It may, however, shock you to discover that - perhaps unlike liberals - they are individuals and each has their own views on social issues.

do we need to go and find every statement written by them on the issue of reproductive choice?

yeah... i know they like to say that. but it's no one really believes it (though tea extremists like saying it... as they shriek about their anti-choice platforms).

from a year ago... points out how disingenuous it is for tea people to say they don't involve in social issues:

The Alaska election results underscore the extent to which the Tea Party movement and its candidates—strongly anti-abortion rights politicians such as Miller, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Marco Rubio in Florida, Rand Paul in Kentucky, and Ken Buck in Colorado—have come to be affiliated with Christian conservative ideals, even as Tea Party organizers say they have little interest in social issues.

Tea Party Express spokesman William Owens, a prominent Christian conservative with a history of pro-life activism, said Wednesday in an interview with The Daily Beast that the group steers clear of abortion because it wants to “focus on the most important things. The whole thrust of the Tea Party movement came out of fiscal irresponsibility and government overextending itself.”

But Miller, who received more than $550,000 in donations and on-the-ground support from the California-based Tea Party Express and frequently tweeted about his Tea Party affiliation, made his antiabortion stance a central part of the Alaska Senate primary. In June, he sent a fundraising letter to “pro-life supporters” criticizing Murkowski’s support for Roe v. Wade and stem-cell research, as well as her opposition to the “Mexico City Policy,” which under President George W. Bush prevented American foreign aid dollars from funding abortion services. (President Obama repealed the policy, also known as “Global Gag Rule,” in 2009.)

“I pledge to you that if you send me to Washington D.C., there will be no greater advocate for life in the United States Senate,” Miller wrote in the letter. “I am committed to advocating for innocent life and vigorously opposing the culture of death.”

Although both Miller and Murkowski said they supported the parental-notification ballot initiative, Miller was more involved, co-hosting a July fundraiser for the group behind the measure, Alaskans for Parental Rights.

Miller is one of several candidates prominently endorsed on the website of the Tea Party Express, which also links approvingly to parentalrights.org, a group lobbying for a federal parental rights law even more expansive than the one that passed Tuesday in Alaska.

Tea Party Embraces Pro-Life, Christian Conservative Ideals - The Daily Beast

in the meantime, feel free to name a tea extremist who is pro choice...

you know, while you say there's no social agenda.

Follow this logic.... I know it's not above your intellectual paygrade, mo chara.

1. The TEA Parties, nationally, agreed on the above list as their agenda.

2. Local parties, and individuals within those parties, are at liberty (key word that) to stand on whatever other issues they feel appropriate.

Not rocket science, huh?
The Perot movement/party in the nineties genuinely didn't have a social agenda, that's why you saw it composed of left, right, and center interests who were likeminded on economic/fiscal/trade issues.

The Tea Party is no such thing.
He voted for the original version that failed; voted against the final version based on his commitment to States Rights. He got the vote of the Southern Democrats because of it; lost the vote of many Republicans and Northern Democrats because of it. But then Ron Paul says he also would have opposed it on the same grounds. Senator Robert Byrd led the Senate filibuster against it both times, but not for reasons of States Rights. :)

The Tea Party however does not get into any social issues and either way would not be a deal breaker for them.

The Tea Party doesn't get into social issues??

lol, name the Tea Party candidates or elected officials that are pro-choice on abortion.

Abortion is not on their agenda. The agenda is:

Protect the Constitution
Reject Cap & Trade
Demand a balanced budget
Enact fundamental tax reform
Fiscal responsibility & Constitutionally limited government
End runaway government spending
Defund, repeal and replace ObamaCare
'All of the above' energy plan
Stop the pork
Stop the tax hikes

See abortion on that? No. Why? Because it's not on there.

Because YOU are dishonest!

Tea Party anti-abortion ad too graphic for YouTube but not TV

- An anti-abortion ad by Washington, DC tea party candidate Missy Reilly Smith has achieved an unlikely distinction of being banned from YouTube while still being legal and constitutionally protected and will air on local Washington television stations.

The advertisements can also be viewed at Smith's website, which boasts in bold lettering: "Tea party's number one mission: end legalized child-killing!"
I always thought of the Tea Party as being libertarian rather than socially conservative. But over time, it seems that the movement has been moving towards the socially conservative side, at least somewhat.

Once Obama was elected most of the former Bush supporters became Tea Party. That was the time of change for it.
Doesn't make sense. Bush was a big spending liberal, in spite of the "R" behind his name.
Every time CON$ervatism fails, and it fails every time it's tried, CON$ claim that the "Borrow & Spend" Reagan CON$ervative was a Liberal.
The Tea Party doesn't get into social issues??

lol, name the Tea Party candidates or elected officials that are pro-choice on abortion.

Abortion is not on their agenda. The agenda is:

Protect the Constitution
Reject Cap & Trade
Demand a balanced budget
Enact fundamental tax reform
Fiscal responsibility & Constitutionally limited government
End runaway government spending
Defund, repeal and replace ObamaCare
'All of the above' energy plan
Stop the pork
Stop the tax hikes

See abortion on that? No. Why? Because it's not on there.

Because YOU are dishonest!

Tea Party anti-abortion ad too graphic for YouTube but not TV

- An anti-abortion ad by Washington, DC tea party candidate Missy Reilly Smith has achieved an unlikely distinction of being banned from YouTube while still being legal and constitutionally protected and will air on local Washington television stations.

The advertisements can also be viewed at Smith's website, which boasts in bold lettering: "Tea party's number one mission: end legalized child-killing!"

So the tea party followed suit right behind the current admin in using graphic pictures.

Poor kid. So we have a section of that movement that wants to include abortion.. SO? they dont represent the entire group.
Once Obama was elected most of the former Bush supporters became Tea Party. That was the time of change for it.
Doesn't make sense. Bush was a big spending liberal, in spite of the "R" behind his name.

That's silly, spending doesn't make you a liberal. He was just an untrustworthy Conservative...let's be honest here.
Intellectual dishonesty will get you nowhere.

Chimpola was a neocon, whose policies were virtually indistinguishable from those of uber-liberoidal LBJ.
Doesn't make sense. Bush was a big spending liberal, in spite of the "R" behind his name.

That's silly, spending doesn't make you a liberal. He was just an untrustworthy Conservative...let's be honest here.
Intellectual dishonesty will get you nowhere.

Chimpola was a neocon, whose policies were virtually indistinguishable from those of uber-liberoidal LBJ.
Liberals hated LBJ!!! They blamed him for Kennedy's assassination. Go back and watch "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour" and tell me Libs thought the CON$ervative LBJ was a Liberal! Next you will try to pass off Hubert Horatio Humphrey as a Lib. :cuckoo:
Killing two birds with one video. At the Code Red "Kill The Bill" rally at the Capital in March 2010 you have Teabaggers against abortion and supporting Bush.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4GLBnNXhi4"]Capitol building Tea Party protest against Obamacare 11 - Abortion truck and freaks - YouTube[/ame]
So much for the TEA Party being racist...
The social conservatives, the Christian Right, that crowd attached itself like leeches to the tea party movement because fiscal/economic issues were getting all the headlines.

It quickly became a symbiotic type relationship, because coalitions are necessary in the 2 party real world, and the whatever else the tea party was going to be, it wasn't going to be a legitimate 3rd party movement,

in other words, the tea party and the social conservatives simply reverted to the same old coalition they'd always been in.
Beats Perry, Bachmann etc.

In the words of Private Oppend from "Saving Private Ryan" "What is going on here?"

This just goes to show you how dumb republicans are in Florida. It really does.

PLEASE,PLEASE share your wisdom as to why this makes Floridians stupid? I hope you have some actual facts because im considering sending this man a few bucks. Tell me WHY AM I WASTING MY MONEY?

When Bachmann won a poll a couple weeks ago, did you send her money? Would it have been a waste if you did?

I hope you are following me here.
Personally, I would love to see it. Cain vs. Obama. Any questions asked to Cain about any kind of policy will be answered with ..uh..I have to hire someone to deal with that. EXTRA CHEESE!

That debate would be a hoot.

(This guy is such a non entity. Its comical. If you morons actually would make him be the one who represents your side, then it says everything about. Just pathetic). Suddenly having no experience is a good thing. How many times did we hear about community organizer and how bad that was.
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Those are the agreed points for TEA Partiers. It may, however, shock you to discover that - perhaps unlike liberals - they are individuals and each has their own views on social issues.

do we need to go and find every statement written by them on the issue of reproductive choice?

yeah... i know they like to say that. but it's no one really believes it (though tea extremists like saying it... as they shriek about their anti-choice platforms).

from a year ago... points out how disingenuous it is for tea people to say they don't involve in social issues:

The Alaska election results underscore the extent to which the Tea Party movement and its candidates—strongly anti-abortion rights politicians such as Miller, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Marco Rubio in Florida, Rand Paul in Kentucky, and Ken Buck in Colorado—have come to be affiliated with Christian conservative ideals, even as Tea Party organizers say they have little interest in social issues.

Tea Party Express spokesman William Owens, a prominent Christian conservative with a history of pro-life activism, said Wednesday in an interview with The Daily Beast that the group steers clear of abortion because it wants to “focus on the most important things. The whole thrust of the Tea Party movement came out of fiscal irresponsibility and government overextending itself.”

But Miller, who received more than $550,000 in donations and on-the-ground support from the California-based Tea Party Express and frequently tweeted about his Tea Party affiliation, made his antiabortion stance a central part of the Alaska Senate primary. In June, he sent a fundraising letter to “pro-life supporters” criticizing Murkowski’s support for Roe v. Wade and stem-cell research, as well as her opposition to the “Mexico City Policy,” which under President George W. Bush prevented American foreign aid dollars from funding abortion services. (President Obama repealed the policy, also known as “Global Gag Rule,” in 2009.)

“I pledge to you that if you send me to Washington D.C., there will be no greater advocate for life in the United States Senate,” Miller wrote in the letter. “I am committed to advocating for innocent life and vigorously opposing the culture of death.”

Although both Miller and Murkowski said they supported the parental-notification ballot initiative, Miller was more involved, co-hosting a July fundraiser for the group behind the measure, Alaskans for Parental Rights.

Miller is one of several candidates prominently endorsed on the website of the Tea Party Express, which also links approvingly to parentalrights.org, a group lobbying for a federal parental rights law even more expansive than the one that passed Tuesday in Alaska.

Tea Party Embraces Pro-Life, Christian Conservative Ideals - The Daily Beast

in the meantime, feel free to name a tea extremist who is pro choice...

you know, while you say there's no social agenda.

Follow this logic.... I know it's not above your intellectual paygrade, mo chara.

1. The TEA Parties, nationally, agreed on the above list as their agenda.

2. Local parties, and individuals within those parties, are at liberty (key word that) to stand on whatever other issues they feel appropriate.

Not rocket science, huh?

Exactly. The Tea Party wasn't around when George W. Bush was President. Wasn't even a concept yet. By the end of GWB's second term, however, there was deep disatisfaction among many of us having discussions over coffee in diners, in the workplace. It WAS mostly us Tea Partiers--Republicans, Democrats, and Independents--who put the Democrats back into power in 2006. We just hadn't conceived of any kind of political concept or movement at that time.

TARP passed in late 2008 got all of our attention big time, and when Obama broke a number of campaign promises by signing off on the first appropriations bill of his administration AND was obviously misappropriating TARP funds AND began pushing the unconscionable stimulus package, the Tea Party began activating. We thought we were a tax reform group though we did use the Boston Tea Party as a symbol. It was the media who dubbed us the "Tea Party".

I can't speak for every state, but I'm pretty darn sure that there are a LOT of pro choice, pro gay marriage, or name your social issue of choice people among our local Tea Party groups and those in Kansas, Texas, and Arkansas of which I am familiar.

That is why nobody in the Tea Party really cares whether Herman Cain in pro choice or whatever but are interested in his philosophy and game plan for the role of government in taxes, economic integrity, and personal liberties.

It was interesting reading Erik Erickson of Red State's commentary on the last debate which he hated. He thought Herman Cain won. In retrospect, Erickson may be right. Cain is now rapidly developing name recognition and may be on the verge of a breakthrough to be considered a front runner.
This just goes to show you how dumb republicans are in Florida. It really does.
Who was the person who said Florida Republicans were too racist to vote for a Black man?

Oh that's right. Herman Cain is an Uncle Tom so it doesn't matter. :rolleyes:
Indeed. Herman Cain is da MAN...not a politician...but a citizen bent on serving and correcting what he sees wrong from the perspective of serving in the trenches of the working men/women of this nation.

He has my full support.

:clap2: mine to at least he wont lie like the last black one who got in and ruined our lives.
He is a great business man.
You can't beat his record in being a very intelligent person.
Look what he was when he was in the Navy;
Before his business and economics career he worked as a mathematician in ballistics for the United States Navy.
He knows a lot more than Obama does about economics.
Just remember that George Washington wasn't a career politician either, and he turned out to be a great President.
I like his answer about not being a politician when he said and "How's that working out for you"? :)

"He knows a lot more than Obama does about economics"

And that's something to hang your hat on?
Who was the person who said Florida Republicans were too racist to vote for a Black man?

Oh that's right. Herman Cain is an Uncle Tom so it doesn't matter. :rolleyes:
Indeed. Herman Cain is da MAN...not a politician...but a citizen bent on serving and correcting what he sees wrong from the perspective of serving in the trenches of the working men/women of this nation.

He has my full support.

:clap2: mine to at least he wont lie like the last black one who got in and ruined our lives.

"at least he wont lie like the last black one who got in and ruined our lives"

Obama may have contributed to "ruining our lives" but in the real world, Obama is only part of the problem! Egads..talk about a Drama Queen!!:eek:
The Perot movement/party in the nineties genuinely didn't have a social agenda, that's why you saw it composed of left, right, and center interests who were likeminded on economic/fiscal/trade issues.

The Tea Party is no such thing.

Had Ross won things might have been different now.

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