Heroic Derek Chauvin Appeals to US Supreme Court

What I have is what has widely been disseminated in media and internet
I don’t accept homework assignments from dolts. Disprove that there were any medical assessments containing “overdose” in their material
Yea, I didn't think you would support your claim either.
I made my statement
Disprove it
I don’t do work at your behest
You made the claim, you back it up. I don't need to do anything.

The medical examiner ruled it a homicide, Chauvin was already convicted of murder, and you failed to support your claim.

You lose.
Leftists are constantly giving out homework assignments. I’m going to try that tactic, starting this evening.
Go for it. It's easy to make up any stupid bullshit when you don't have that pesky burden of proof getting in the way.
You made the claim, you back it up. I don't need to do anything.

The medical examiner ruled it a homicide, Chauvin was already convicted of murder, and you failed to support your claim.

You lose.
Actually, there was more than one medical examiner involved. Early reports was that drugs were a contributing factor.
The jury was psychologically tainted by the media and peer pressure from the prosecutors to convict these heroes.

Says Chauvin's lawyers. But no court has ever found that to be true.

But not appellant court in Minnesota found that to be true. Nor did the Minnesota Supreme Court. Nor did any US Federal appellant court.

The SCOTUS is very, very reluctant to overturn jury decisions.
Actually, there was more than one medical examiner involved. Early reports was that drugs were a contributing factor.
The “contributing factor“ medical examiner‘s report ruled it a homicide and testified as such.

Case closed.
Actually, there was more than one medical examiner involved. Early reports was that drugs were a contributing factor.

The SCOTUS will not retry the case, nor re-examine the evidence. They are almost never a court of primary jurisdiction. And essentially never for state rulings.

Its highly unlikely the SCOTUS will ignore the jury's findings and replace them with yours.
Are you aware that there was an incident on the NY subway that was virtually identical to the one involving Daniel Penney and the homeless criminal lunatic about one week later?
Actually no, can you bring us up to speed on it.
In this one, a homeless black guy was harassing passengers (No mention that he was threatening death), and another passenger stepped up, took the knife he had in his pocket, and stabbed the homeless guy to death? And in this case, the one who did the killing left the scene and also had a weapon on him - much worse than what Penney did - and also bludgeoned the homeless guy to death.

However, he had something going for him that Penney doesn’t - he is black. The grand jury did not charge him, and he was released.
Post a link to the story.
Tell us Sparky, what are black folks getting away with that you don't get away with.
Why did the black guy who stabbed the homeless lunatic in the subway to death because he was “harassing” passengers - and who then left the scene - not get charged?

The white Marine got charged for unintentionally causing the death of a homeless thug criminal. The black killer, who was worse because he fled the scene AND was carrying a dangerous weapon, intentionally murdered the homeless guy,

But this is in a liberal city, where blacks gets to walk and whitey faces 15 years in prison - even when the black is guilty of much worse than the white.
Not one ME or Doctor claimed that Floyd was going to die that day, if Chauvin would not have had his knee on the man's damn neck.
Oh well….Floyd wasn’t long for this world anyway. What’s your opinion on that guy pleading for his life in the hotel corridor, when police shot him?
Why did the black guy who stabbed the homeless lunatic in the subway to death because he was “harassing” passengers - and who then left the scene - not get charged?

The white Marine got charged for unintentionally causing the death of a homeless thug criminal. The black killer, who was worse because he fled the scene AND was carrying a dangerous weapon, intentionally murdered the homeless guy,

But this is in a liberal city, where blacks gets to walk and whitey faces 15 years in prison - even when the black is guilty of much worse than the white.

Whataboutry in a different state?

That's not a compelling legal argument before the Supreme Court.
Why did the black guy who stabbed the homeless lunatic in the subway to death because he was “harassing” passengers - and who then left the scene - not get charged?
What black guy?
The white Marine got charged for unintentionally causing the death of a homeless thug criminal. The black killer, who was worse because he fled the scene AND was carrying a dangerous weapon, intentionally murdered the homeless guy,

But this is in a liberal city, where blacks gets to walk and whitey faces 15 years in prison - even when the black is guilty of much worse than the white.
Post the story, so that we can all get up to speed of what you are talking about.

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