Heroic Derek Chauvin Appeals to US Supreme Court

Crowing Roosters Who Gobble With Gavels

SCROTUS justices are cowards, bitter washed-up lawyers who couldn't make a living in private practice. They are conceited nobodies who pathetically elevated themselves to be supreme Deciders on the law. They're a little clique of clowns wearing gowns who pronounce "justice" as "just us."
Unless they rule in your favor!!!!!
Im trying to remember which piece of shit turned social justice martyr Chauvin is in prison for justicing.
Again, what are black folks getting away with because we are black? You made the statement.
I answered this already, and you ignored it.

A week after Dan Penney defended innocent subway passengers from a homeless black lunatic criminal and is now facing 15 years in prison for it, ANOTHER person killed a homeless black lunatic for “harassing” subway passengers by stabbing him to death with a large knife he had in his pockets.

In the second case, it worse more blatant: the lunatic did NOT issue death threats, but the other guy deliberately stabbed him to death. And not only that, he fled the scene. (Penney remained on scene.) But charges against the murderer were dropped, even though he fled the scene and was carrying a dangerous weapon.

He was black.
Floyd killed himself. He overdosed.
If Chavin had been black, there would have been no charges. What about the five black cops who murdered an INNOCENT black? Why aren’t they spending the next 30 years in prison?

Oh right.…they’re black. Only whitey gets punished. (See case above I just described.)
What I think isn't relevant.

That's a copout.
That's up to the legal defense to decide. As far as I'm concerned, they were fighting a losing battle.

Are you seriously telling me that if the issue of Floyd's respiratory distress before being on the ground was known and acknowledged, that the prosecution would have still had a rock solid case for asphyxiation by Chauvin?

If Floyd's respiratory distress before the knee on his back was acknowledged by the prosecution, did they at least try to find out what caused that before claiming asphyxiation by Chauvin? If so, what did they find? If not, holy shit. This means they willingly and knowingly ignored what was potentially a determining and possibly exculpatory factor in Floyd's death other than Chauvin's knee.
I'm sure the medical examiner had access to all of the same footage that we saw.

Of course he did. But that doesn't mean much these days. Look at the Nick Sandmann case: Everyone was thoroughly convinced that Sandmann harassed a Native American veteran. Keep in mind, this was all based on a single photo. Then, when the additional video came out and the truth revealed, many people STILL vilified that kid.

They were ready to lynch him based on one photo, but a forty five minute video that turned the original narrative on it's head was still not enough for some to let go of their hatred for him.

Point being, knowing what I know about human behavior and seeing what I've seen in this country over the last ten years or so, it is entirely plausible that the independent MEs were biased.
If you want to question his competence, go ahead, but I'll take his medical credentials over yours. Additionally, a second autopsy was done and it concluded the same thing.

That's not entirely true. If it was, they wouldn't have paid for a second, independent autopsy. The first autopsy didn't quite say what they wanted it to say, i.e., that Chauvin suffocated Floyd.

I actually did a little research on these autopsies and I couldn't help but notice some distinct differences between the two. To start with, I noticed the original autopsy was much more detailed as to what the ME found as he conducted the examination - "Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the forehead, face, and upper lip" and, "Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma"., etc. - whereas Baden and Wilson merely said, in so many words: "Chauvin killed Floyd."
The original autopsy report by Dr. Andrew Baker had some telling findings, especially regarding Floyd's heart disease:

* Arteriosclerotic heart disease, multifocal, severe (bolding is mine).
Cross sections of the vessels show multifocal atherosclerosis, with 75% proximal and 75% mid narrowing of the left anterior descending coronary artery; 75% proximal narrowing of the 1st diagonal branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery; 25% proximal narrowing of the circumflex coronary artery; and 90% proximal narrowing of the right coronary artery .
* Cross sections of coronary arteries, though not all ideally oriented, confirm the gross impression of atherosclerotic narrowing (again, bolding is mine).
Floyd's heart disease, even if there were no drugs in his system, made him a walking heart attack just waiting to happen. The addition of the drugs and his extreme emotional distress made a heart attack that much more likely.

As to the drugs in his system, in a memorandum detailing a meeting with county attorneys and the original ME, Baker, Baker reported that Floyd's medical records mention he had been admitted to methamphetamine detox at some point.

In the same memorandum regarding the drugs in Floyd's system, Baker said that if Floyd had been say, found dead in his home and had had the same level of drugs in his system that he had on that fateful day, the ME would have ruled his death a fentanyl overdose. In other words, Floyd already had a dangerous amount of drugs in his system. Pair that with the pre-existing severe heart disease and his emotional distress and you have a pretty good case for heart attack.

I wasn't able to find a detailed autopsy report from the independent MEs Baden and Wilson. Only a summation that they submitted at a press conference: "Cause of Death: Mr. Floyd died of traumatic asphyxia due to the
compression of his neck and back during restraint by police."

It should also be noted that the original ME, Dr. Baker, made it a point NOT to watch the video so as not to be biased as he conducted his examination. Whereas, the Floyd family and legal team (and presumably the independent MEs, Baden and Wilson) had seen the video and so were likely biased. In fact, the very reason they conducted the independent autopsy was because they felt the original ME did not take into consideration the "effect of the purposeful use of force on Mr. Floyd's neck.", as noted openly in their report submitted as Exhibit605252020 in the trial.

Yea, after careful consideration, I think I'll go with them over what some random person on the internet thinks. It was a really difficult decision though.

So which experts are you going with? Baker, who did the original autopsy, or Baden and Wilson, who did the independent autopsy? The reason I ask is because their findings pertaining to asphyxiation were diametrically opposite. As noted by Patrick Loften, a county prosecution attorney, in a memorandum regarding a meeting with Dr. Baker, Baker said "The autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation." while Baden and Wilson said it was asphyxiation.


Below are the links to the three reports/documents I found:

Exhibit A


Original Hennepin County Autopsey Report
That's a copout.
Think what you want. I believe the medical examiner's findings and testimony pretty much make that an impossible case to be won for the defense. When you start going after the credibility of the medical expert, you're going to fucking lose.

Are you seriously telling me that if the issue of Floyd's respiratory distress before being on the ground was known and acknowledged, that the prosecution would have still had a rock solid case for asphyxiation by Chauvin?
Yes. You're not going to overrule the findings of two independent medical examiners over some bullshit that some non-medical person on the internet came up with. Sorry.

If Floyd's respiratory distress before the knee on his back was acknowledged by the prosecution, did they at least try to find out what caused that before claiming asphyxiation by Chauvin? If so, what did they find? If not, holy shit. This means they willingly and knowingly ignored what was potentially a determining and possibly exculpatory factor in Floyd's death other than Chauvin's knee.
I don't know. You're welcome to sift through his entire testimony. I saw much of it but I can't recall if exactly that detail was brought up. If it means so much to you, you can go look for it.

Of course he did. But that doesn't mean much these days. Look at the Nick Sandmann case: Everyone was thoroughly convinced that Sandmann harassed a Native American veteran. Keep in mind, this was all based on a single photo. Then, when the additional video came out and the truth revealed, many people STILL vilified that kid.

They were ready to lynch him based on one photo, but a forty five minute video that turned the original narrative on it's head was still not enough for some to let go of their hatred for him.
The Sandmann case wasn't inspected by a medical expert. You're comparing apples and roller coasters.

Point being, knowing what I know about human behavior and seeing what I've seen in this country over the last ten years or so, it is entirely plausible that the independent MEs were biased.
If you're arguing that both medical examiners were biased, you're going to have a hell of a hard time proving that beyond a reasonable doubt. It's going to take more than some non-medical person's half-baked theories on an anonymous message board. I think most reasonable people are going to go with what the medical experts concluded.

That's not entirely true. If it was, they wouldn't have paid for a second, independent autopsy. The first autopsy didn't quite say what they wanted it to say, i.e., that Chauvin suffocated Floyd.

I actually did a little research on these autopsies and I couldn't help but notice some distinct differences between the two. To start with, I noticed the original autopsy was much more detailed as to what the ME found as he conducted the examination - "Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the forehead, face, and upper lip" and, "Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma"., etc. - whereas Baden and Wilson merely said, in so many words: "Chauvin killed Floyd."
The original autopsy report by Dr. Andrew Baker had some telling findings, especially regarding Floyd's heart disease:

* Arteriosclerotic heart disease, multifocal, severe (bolding is mine).
Cross sections of the vessels show multifocal atherosclerosis, with 75% proximal and 75% mid narrowing of the left anterior descending coronary artery; 75% proximal narrowing of the 1st diagonal branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery; 25% proximal narrowing of the circumflex coronary artery; and 90% proximal narrowing of the right coronary artery .
* Cross sections of coronary arteries, though not all ideally oriented, confirm the gross impression of atherosclerotic narrowing (again, bolding is mine).
Floyd's heart disease, even if there were no drugs in his system, made him a walking heart attack just waiting to happen. The addition of the drugs and his extreme emotional distress made a heart attack that much more likely.

As to the drugs in his system, in a memorandum detailing a meeting with county attorneys and the original ME, Baker, Baker reported that Floyd's medical records mention he had been admitted to methamphetamine detox at some point.

In the same memorandum regarding the drugs in Floyd's system, Baker said that if Floyd had been say, found dead in his home and had had the same level of drugs in his system that he had on that fateful day, the ME would have ruled his death a fentanyl overdose. In other words, Floyd already had a dangerous amount of drugs in his system. Pair that with the pre-existing severe heart disease and his emotional distress and you have a pretty good case for heart attack.

I wasn't able to find a detailed autopsy report from the independent MEs Baden and Wilson. Only a summation that they submitted at a press conference: "Cause of Death: Mr. Floyd died of traumatic asphyxia due to the
compression of his neck and back during restraint by police."

It should also be noted that the original ME, Dr. Baker, made it a point NOT to watch the video so as not to be biased as he conducted his examination. Whereas, the Floyd family and legal team (and presumably the independent MEs, Baden and Wilson) had seen the video and so were likely biased. In fact, the very reason they conducted the independent autopsy was because they felt the original ME did not take into consideration the "effect of the purposeful use of force on Mr. Floyd's neck.", as noted openly in their report submitted as Exhibit605252020 in the trial.
Baker was very thorough. He concluded homicide. Case closed as far as I'm concerned.

So which experts are you going with? Baker, who did the original autopsy, or Baden and Wilson, who did the independent autopsy? The reason I ask is because their findings pertaining to asphyxiation were diametrically opposite. As noted by Patrick Loften, a county prosecution attorney, in a memorandum regarding a meeting with Dr. Baker, Baker said "The autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation." while Baden and Wilson said it was asphyxiation.


Below are the links to the three reports/documents I found:

Exhibit A


Original Hennepin County Autopsey Report
Both. As I keep explaining, homicide was ruled in both. They're just explaining the same thing in different ways. I don't know how you guys can keep ignoring the determination "homicide" as though Baker's report agrees with you. I've been saying this from the beginning. Homicide has a very clear definition that Baker explains in his testimony in the video I posted above.
Floyd died from a drug overdose and was already in the process of dying from an overdose before officer Chauvin restrained him. The tainted jurors who convicted Chauvin did so out of fear that they would be targeted by the left and the media if they didn't find him guilty.

Derek Chauvin who was convicted of second-degree murder of George Floyd has appealed to the USSC after the state of Minnesota refused his appeal without explanation.

Chauvin's lawyer is saying the original trial was tainted by the media and courts so that facts were discarded such as:

-Floyd admitted to using drugs on video.

-Floyd repeatedly said he couldn't breathe on video before the cops ever touched him.

-Floyd's lungs were 2 to 3 times the normal size and filled with fluid. This is a symptom of an overdose.

-A Floyd hired family pathologist claimed Floyd died of Asphyxiation, but the government found he died from cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained and that there were "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

-Hennepin County's chief medical examiner strongly suggested the primary cause of death was the deadly combination of Fentanyl, Meth, and a long list of Floyd's health problems.

-Floyd had almost 4 times the level of Fentanyl that is considered lethal.

-The restraint of using a knee on the back was in fact part of the training that officers received.

-Chauvin was the police officer that asked the ambulance to make Floyd a top priority and to hurry it up to the scene.
Fuck you... fuck you... fuck you!

Go fuck yourself, asshole racist prick!
That's a copout.

Are you seriously telling me that if the issue of Floyd's respiratory distress before being on the ground was known and acknowledged, that the prosecution would have still had a rock solid case for asphyxiation by Chauvin?

If Floyd's respiratory distress before the knee on his back was acknowledged by the prosecution, did they at least try to find out what caused that before claiming asphyxiation by Chauvin? If so, what did they find? If not, holy shit. This means they willingly and knowingly ignored what was potentially a determining and possibly exculpatory factor in Floyd's death other than Chauvin's knee.

Of course he did. But that doesn't mean much these days. Look at the Nick Sandmann case: Everyone was thoroughly convinced that Sandmann harassed a Native American veteran. Keep in mind, this was all based on a single photo. Then, when the additional video came out and the truth revealed, many people STILL vilified that kid.

They were ready to lynch him based on one photo, but a forty five minute video that turned the original narrative on it's head was still not enough for some to let go of their hatred for him.

Point being, knowing what I know about human behavior and seeing what I've seen in this country over the last ten years or so, it is entirely plausible that the independent MEs were biased.

That's not entirely true. If it was, they wouldn't have paid for a second, independent autopsy. The first autopsy didn't quite say what they wanted it to say, i.e., that Chauvin suffocated Floyd.

I actually did a little research on these autopsies and I couldn't help but notice some distinct differences between the two. To start with, I noticed the original autopsy was much more detailed as to what the ME found as he conducted the examination - "Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the forehead, face, and upper lip" and, "Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma"., etc. - whereas Baden and Wilson merely said, in so many words: "Chauvin killed Floyd."
The original autopsy report by Dr. Andrew Baker had some telling findings, especially regarding Floyd's heart disease:

* Arteriosclerotic heart disease, multifocal, severe (bolding is mine).
Cross sections of the vessels show multifocal atherosclerosis, with 75% proximal and 75% mid narrowing of the left anterior descending coronary artery; 75% proximal narrowing of the 1st diagonal branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery; 25% proximal narrowing of the circumflex coronary artery; and 90% proximal narrowing of the right coronary artery .
* Cross sections of coronary arteries, though not all ideally oriented, confirm the gross impression of atherosclerotic narrowing (again, bolding is mine).
Floyd's heart disease, even if there were no drugs in his system, made him a walking heart attack just waiting to happen. The addition of the drugs and his extreme emotional distress made a heart attack that much more likely.

As to the drugs in his system, in a memorandum detailing a meeting with county attorneys and the original ME, Baker, Baker reported that Floyd's medical records mention he had been admitted to methamphetamine detox at some point.

In the same memorandum regarding the drugs in Floyd's system, Baker said that if Floyd had been say, found dead in his home and had had the same level of drugs in his system that he had on that fateful day, the ME would have ruled his death a fentanyl overdose. In other words, Floyd already had a dangerous amount of drugs in his system. Pair that with the pre-existing severe heart disease and his emotional distress and you have a pretty good case for heart attack.

I wasn't able to find a detailed autopsy report from the independent MEs Baden and Wilson. Only a summation that they submitted at a press conference: "Cause of Death: Mr. Floyd died of traumatic asphyxia due to the
compression of his neck and back during restraint by police."

It should also be noted that the original ME, Dr. Baker, made it a point NOT to watch the video so as not to be biased as he conducted his examination. Whereas, the Floyd family and legal team (and presumably the independent MEs, Baden and Wilson) had seen the video and so were likely biased. In fact, the very reason they conducted the independent autopsy was because they felt the original ME did not take into consideration the "effect of the purposeful use of force on Mr. Floyd's neck.", as noted openly in their report submitted as Exhibit605252020 in the trial.

So which experts are you going with? Baker, who did the original autopsy, or Baden and Wilson, who did the independent autopsy? The reason I ask is because their findings pertaining to asphyxiation were diametrically opposite. As noted by Patrick Loften, a county prosecution attorney, in a memorandum regarding a meeting with Dr. Baker, Baker said "The autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation." while Baden and Wilson said it was asphyxiation.


Below are the links to the three reports/documents I found:

Exhibit A


Original Hennepin County Autopsey Report
Too much fact
Too little feeling or wish

Great Job!!!
Think what you want. I believe the medical examiner's findings and testimony pretty much make that an impossible case to be won for the defense. When you start going after the credibility of the medical expert, you're going to fucking lose.

Again, which medical examiner? One says asphyxiation, the other does not.
Yes. You're not going to overrule the findings of two independent medical examiners over some bullshit that some non-medical person on the internet came up with. Sorry.

I didn't come up with this stuff and it's not bullshit. I'm telling you what the medical examiners said, not me.

Also, in case you haven't noticed, I did not say the independent MEs were wrong, I merely pointed out how they could be biased. I'm also raising the issue of Floyd's initial respiratory distress before being placed on the ground and asking why this was seemingly not addressed in the trial. That's it.
I don't know. You're welcome to sift through his entire testimony. I saw much of it but I can't recall if exactly that detail was brought up. If it means so much to you, you can go look for it.

I already did.

The Sandmann case wasn't inspected by a medical expert. You're comparing apples and roller coasters.

That wasn't the point. The point is people were biased against Sandmann even after the truth came out. By the same token, people were biased against Chauvin. Why? Because black killings by white cops is a hot and divisive issue in this country and Chauvin was a white cop whose black suspect died in his custody. That alone was enough to condemn him for many people.
If you're arguing that both medical examiners were biased, you're going to have a hell of a hard time proving that beyond a reasonable doubt.

There's no way to prove bias. However, you and I both know that it exists. We both know it exists in the law enforcement community; the black community; the white community; the legal community; the medical community; both political parties and in the population at large.
It's going to take more than some non-medical person's half-baked theories on an anonymous message board.

What theories? I made no theories whatsoever other than to point out that Floyd had trouble breathing before they put him on the ground, that he had severe heart disease coupled with high levels of opioids in his system.
I think most reasonable people are going to go with what the medical experts concluded.

Even Baker, who said there was no sign of asphyxiation?
Baker was very thorough. He concluded homicide. Case closed as far as I'm concerned.

Okay, case closed. So why did Floyd's family attorneys think another autopsy was required? It makes no sense why, if Baker ruled Floyd's death a homicide, that wasn't enough for them.
Both. As I keep explaining, homicide was ruled in both. They're just explaining the same thing in different ways.

Are you suggesting that "There is no sign of asphyxiation" is just a different way of saying "There was asphyxiation"?

As I said, these two conclusions are diametrically opposite.
I don't know how you guys can keep ignoring the determination "homicide" as though Baker's report agrees with you. I've been saying this from the beginning. Homicide has a very clear definition that Baker explains in his testimony in the video I posted above.
And yet, neither Baker nor Baden and Wilson or anyone else ever addressed the issue of Floyd's breathing difficulties before Chauvin's knee was on his neck.
Again, which medical examiner? One says asphyxiation, the other does not.
Again, both. They both ruled homicide.

I didn't come up with this stuff and it's not bullshit. I'm telling you what the medical examiners said, not me.
The medical examiners said homicide. Case closed.

Also, in case you haven't noticed, I did not say the independent MEs were wrong, I merely pointed out how they could be biased. I'm also raising the issue of Floyd's initial respiratory distress before being placed on the ground and asking why this was seemingly not addressed in the trial. That's it.
Right. So you, someone with no medical background whatsoever, want to argue that the medical experts here may have been biased. And you think that's a compelling argument? Like I said, unless you can prove any thing of the sort, you have nothing but a losing argument.

I already did.
Excellent. Then you can stop asking me. I'll go with what the medical experts think.

That wasn't the point. The point is people were biased against Sandmann even after the truth came out. By the same token, people were biased against Chauvin. Why? Because black killings by white cops is a hot and divisive issue in this country and Chauvin was a white cop whose black suspect died in his custody. That alone was enough to condemn him for many people.
Showing that the media is biased sometimes in no way indicates that both medical examiners were biased. Stupid argument.

"Your honor, I understand that there is video footage of the defendant killing that person. Your honor, I also understand that the medical examiner's findings show that the defendant killed that person. But your honor, sometimes people are biased. You see, this one time, the media was biased against Sandmann, and therefore my client deserves to go free. I rest my case."


There's no way to prove bias. However, you and I both know that it exists. We both know it exists in the law enforcement community; the black community; the white community; the legal community; the medical community; both political parties and in the population at large.
There's no way to prove bias and there's no reason to believe that both of these medical examiners were biased. Stupid fucking argument.

What theories? I made no theories whatsoever other than to point out that Floyd had trouble breathing before they put him on the ground, that he had severe heart disease coupled with high levels of opioids in his system.
Medical examiner says homicide. I'll take his word over whatever bullshit your pushing.

Even Baker, who said there was no sign of asphyxiation?
Yes. He ruled homicide. Hard to argue against that.
Okay, case closed. So why did Floyd's family attorneys think another autopsy was required? It makes no sense why, if Baker ruled Floyd's death a homicide, that wasn't enough for them.
I don't know. I can think of two reasons.

1) It strengthens their argument when there are now two independent reports showing that Chauvin killed him. It's kind of hard to argue that both of them were biased, yet here we are lol.

2) I think Baker's writing was excessively complicated for many non-medical people to understand. They wanted something simple and straight to the point like "He died from asphyxia" and they got language that was far more technical: "Cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." I think it left enough room for people to question what was even stated in the report. Once again, here we are lol.

Are you suggesting that "There is no sign of asphyxiation" is just a different way of saying "There was asphyxiation"?

As I said, these two conclusions are diametrically opposite.
No. This is what I mean in that second point I posted above. "No physical sign of asphyxiation" means exactly what it says. There was no physical sign of it. It doesn't mean it didn't happen. From my understanding, someone can be strangled and that will often leave injuries to the victim's neck. That's not the same as someone getting smothered by a pillow, which will presumably not leave those physical signs while still ending up with the same result of asphyxiation. But I'm not the expert here. He is. And he ruled homicide.

"Asphyxiation by a variety of methods is an increasingly common type of torture. It usually leaves no marks, produces a death experience with loss of consciousness, and recuperation is rapid."

And yet, neither Baker nor Baden and Wilson or anyone else ever addressed the issue of Floyd's breathing difficulties before Chauvin's knee was on his neck.
Yea, I'll still go with the findings of the medical experts over some random person on the internet. Thanks though.
Last edited:
I answered this already, and you ignored it.

A week after Dan Penney defended innocent subway passengers from a homeless black lunatic criminal and is now facing 15 years in prison for it,
No he didn't, the guy hadn't harmed not one person on that train. Next.
ANOTHER person killed a homeless black lunatic for “harassing” subway passengers by stabbing him to death with a large knife he had in his pockets.
Witnesses said Williams was defending himself from an attack by the homeless man. The police said that witnesses and video showed that it was self defense.

Penny was not attacked, 2 totally different situations.
In the second case, it worse more blatant: the lunatic did NOT issue death threats, but the other guy deliberately stabbed him to death. And not only that, he fled the scene. (Penney remained on scene.) But charges against the murderer were dropped, even though he fled the scene and was carrying a dangerous weapon.

He was black.
Were you there for either attack?

So tell us how you know more about these incidents than the actual witnesses who were there or the police who reviewed the video or witness statements. Please inform us how you know more than they do.
Unless they rule in your favor!!!!!
Bury Marbury

Here is an example of "Begging the Question" that little Mamas' Boys who suck their thumbs in college classrooms are too genetically stupid to understand:

In Marbury v Madison, SCROTUS interpreted the Constitution as giving it the right to interpret the Constitution.
Im trying to remember which piece of shit turned social justice martyr Chauvin is in prison for justicing.
Both Parties Are Whiteys Hating Whitey

Earl Warren, a Republican. Before being appointed Chief Justice, which Eisenhower said was "the worst mistake I ever made," Warren had been Governor of California and Tom Dewey's running mate in 1948.
Floyd died from a drug overdose and was already in the process of dying from an overdose before officer Chauvin restrained him. The tainted jurors who convicted Chauvin did so out of fear that they would be targeted by the left and the media if they didn't find him guilty.

Derek Chauvin who was convicted of second-degree murder of George Floyd has appealed to the USSC after the state of Minnesota refused his appeal without explanation.

Chauvin's lawyer is saying the original trial was tainted by the media and courts so that facts were discarded such as:

-Floyd admitted to using drugs on video.

-Floyd repeatedly said he couldn't breathe on video before the cops ever touched him.

-Floyd's lungs were 2 to 3 times the normal size and filled with fluid. This is a symptom of an overdose.

-A Floyd hired family pathologist claimed Floyd died of Asphyxiation, but the government found he died from cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained and that there were "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

-Hennepin County's chief medical examiner strongly suggested the primary cause of death was the deadly combination of Fentanyl, Meth, and a long list of Floyd's health problems.

-Floyd had almost 4 times the level of Fentanyl that is considered lethal.

-The restraint of using a knee on the back was in fact part of the training that officers received.

-Chauvin was the police officer that asked the ambulance to make Floyd a top priority and to hurry it up to the scene.
What's heroic about putting your knee on a man's neck while he is cuffed and 3 other officers are holding him down?

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