Heroic Derek Chauvin Appeals to US Supreme Court

You don’t understand statistics, do you? 50 million police encounters, many with defiant thugs fighting with them,
That's not a real statistic, you understand that right? This is just your racist narrative.
and 0.0000001% end peacefully. It’s a testament to police restraint that a killing of an unarmed person is so exceedingly rare.
Not ending in death isn't the same as ending peacefully, Dumb dumb. A testament to law enforcement isn't usually the conclusion of any investigation into an American police department.
In spite of the fact that Floyd was complaining he couldn't breathe long before Chauvin put his knee on Floyd's neck.

Was this even brought up in the trial?
I don't know. If you want to argue against the medical examiner's ruling, be my guest. It sure as hell didn't work for Chauvin's defense.
Actually no, can you bring us up to speed on it.

No big deal was made about it because the killer was black. (They only throw the book at whitey.) The black killer’s charges were dismissed because it was determined his actions were reasonable in dealing with a man harassing passengers on a NY subway.

Post a link to the story.
No big deal was made about it because the man the police killed was a lowly whitey. Not surprised you didn’t hear of it.

Now in this case, the cop who killed an unarmed man (white) not only wasn’t sent to prison, he was temporarily rehired so he could get his pension. if the unarmed man had been black, even a low class criminal thug like Floyd, there would have been national riots. But a whitey? Eh.

About the same as you felt when Floyd was pleading for his life. So now you are God and can tell us when Floyd was going to die.
I’m not saying when he was going to die. Just that a drug addict engaged in criminal behavior is likely to die early.
I don't even remembering talking to you about obesity.

Everyone knows black women on average are larger than white women, but white men are more obese than black men. Yep more black men have diabetes later in life than white men. Tell us something we don't know.

When it comes to smoking more black men smoke as compared to white men and it is just opposite when it comes to women.

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Just for reality. when we have national health insurance as the prices keep going up in huge ways, there will be cries of hate, racism, bigotry and everything else if there is a line of people getting more and more important operations and having to wait.
No big deal was made about it because the killer was black. (They only throw the book at whitey.) The black killer’s charges were dismissed because it was determined his actions were reasonable in dealing with a man harassing passengers.

No big deal was made about it because the man the police killed was a lowly whitey. Not surprised you didn’t hear of it.

Now in this case, the cop who killed an unarmed man (white) not only wasn’t sent to prison, he was temporarily rehired so he could get his pension. if the unarmed man had been black, even a low class criminal thug like Floyd, there would have been national riots. But a whitey? Eh.

That was a terrible police shooting. I remember that one.

The poor victim was obviously stressed out from the police screaming conflicting orders at him.
Criminal , drug addicted , terrible health Floyd would be alive today had he not instigated a police encounter
No big deal was made about it because the killer was black. (They only throw the book at whitey.) The black killer’s charges were dismissed because it was determined his actions were reasonable in dealing with a man harassing passengers.
You are just a racist fool, how many black men have been released from prison after spending 25 or 30yrs for a crime they didn't commit?

Witnesses said Williams was defending himself from an attack by the homeless man. The police said that witnesses and video showed that it was self defense, so why do you think different? Do you remember Bernard Goetz?
No big deal was made about it because the man the police killed was a lowly whitey. Not surprised you didn’t hear of it.

Now in this case, the cop who killed an unarmed man (white) not only wasn’t sent to prison, he was temporarily rehired so he could get his pension. if the unarmed man had been black, even a low class criminal thug like Floyd, there would have been national riots. But a whitey? Eh.

Please tell us when Floyd threatened Chauvin's life. How was Floyd a threat when he was cuffed and was being held by 3 officers and one on his neck. You prove more and more that you are just a hateful, racist white woman.
I don't know.

Don't you think it should have been?
If you want to argue against the medical examiner's ruling, be my guest. It sure as hell didn't work for Chauvin's defense.

Although I don't agree with the murder charge and conviction, I won't argue the point of the medical examiner's ruling. However, I WILL ask if he even considered this fact before ruling. If he did, did he not think to wonder what was causing Floyd's respiratory distress before he was on the ground? If he did not then he's a fucking incompetent boob who likely bowed to public pressure.

For me, the fact that Floyd complained of trouble breathing even before they had him on the ground raises a big question and throws the entire prosecution's case into doubt.
Don't you think it should have been?
What I think isn't relevant. That's up to the legal defense to decide. As far as I'm concerned, they were fighting a losing battle.

Although I don't agree with the murder charge and conviction, I won't argue the point of the medical examiner's ruling. However, I WILL ask if he even considered this fact before ruling. If he did, did he not think to wonder what was causing Floyd's respiratory distress before he was on the ground? If he did not then he's a fucking incompetent boob who likely bowed to public pressure.
I'm sure the medical examiner had access to all of the same footage that we saw. If you want to question his competence, go ahead, but I'll take his medical credentials over yours. Additionally, a second autopsy was done and it concluded the same thing.

Yea, after careful consideration, I think I'll go with them over what some random person on the internet thinks. It was a really difficult decision though.
Floyd never plead for his life to be saved because his life was not being taken by another person
He did fake the can’t breathe stuff and other tricks that detained criminals try to employ
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You don’t understand statistics, do you? 50 million police encounters, many with defiant thugs fighting with them, and 0.0000001% end peacefully. It’s a testament to police restraint that a killing of an unarmed person is so exceedingly rare.
Nothing to do with statistics. One person abused is too many.

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