Heroic Derek Chauvin Appeals to US Supreme Court

Floyd died from a drug overdose and was already in the process of dying from an overdose before officer Chauvin restrained him. The tainted jurors who convicted Chauvin did so out of fear that they would be targeted by the left and the media if they didn't find him guilty.

Derek Chauvin who was convicted of second-degree murder of George Floyd has appealed to the USSC after the state of Minnesota refused his appeal without explanation.

Chauvin's lawyer is saying the original trial was tainted by the media and courts so that facts were discarded such as:

-Floyd admitted to using drugs on video.

-Floyd repeatedly said he couldn't breathe on video before the cops ever touched him.

-Floyd's lungs were 2 to 3 times the normal size and filled with fluid. This is a symptom of an overdose.

-A Floyd hired family pathologist claimed Floyd died of Asphyxiation, but the government found he died from cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained and that there were "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

-Hennepin County's chief medical examiner strongly suggested the primary cause of death was the deadly combination of Fentanyl, Meth, and a long list of Floyd's health problems.

-Floyd had almost 4 times the level of Fentanyl that is considered lethal.

-The restraint of using a knee on the back was in fact part of the training that officers received.

-Chauvin was the police officer that asked the ambulance to make Floyd a top priority and to hurry it up to the scene.

How is murdering a man 'heroic'?

And the USSC almost never overturns jury convictions on questions of the evidence or accusations of 'taint'. That's for the lower courts to determine.

The SCOTUS typically gets involved if the court case involves some larger legal issue. Which Derek's lawyers aren't alleging.
Floyd died from a drug overdose and was already in the process of dying from an overdose before officer Chauvin restrained him. The tainted jurors who convicted Chauvin did so out of fear that they would be targeted by the left and the media if they didn't find him guilty.

Derek Chauvin who was convicted of second-degree murder of George Floyd has appealed to the USSC after the state of Minnesota refused his appeal without explanation.

Chauvin's lawyer is saying the original trial was tainted by the media and courts so that facts were discarded such as:

-Floyd admitted to using drugs on video.

-Floyd repeatedly said he couldn't breathe on video before the cops ever touched him.

-Floyd's lungs were 2 to 3 times the normal size and filled with fluid. This is a symptom of an overdose.

-A Floyd hired family pathologist claimed Floyd died of Asphyxiation, but the government found he died from cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained and that there were "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

-Hennepin County's chief medical examiner strongly suggested the primary cause of death was the deadly combination of Fentanyl, Meth, and a long list of Floyd's health problems.

-Floyd had almost 4 times the level of Fentanyl that is considered lethal.

-The restraint of using a knee on the back was in fact part of the training that officers received.

-Chauvin was the police officer that asked the ambulance to make Floyd a top priority and to hurry it up to the scene.
He died from asphyxiation due to a knee on his neck from an idiot of a cop.
The jury said otherwise. Chauvin is a convicted murderer.
Something everyone overlooks is the fact that Floyd was complaining he couldn't breathe before they had him on the ground and before Chauvin put his knee on his back. This doesn't seem to have even come up in the trial.

If you don't believe me, watch the entire video again. Floyd first said he couldn't breathe just before they tried to put him in the cruiser. What's more, when they got him in the SUV cruiser he claimed to be claustrophobic despite the fact that they just pulled him from his own SUV.

If Chauvin and his fellow officers employed illegal or improper tactics then they should be punished accordingly. But I don't believe for one minute that Chauvin's knee on his back is what killed Floyd. I think that the combination of the drugs in his system and his self-induced stress and anxiety (from the drugs) caused a heart attack or something.
Correct! Accounts say he was bashing his head on the inside of the cop car, was shouting he can't breathe and claiming claustrophobia. He was bleeding from his head so they pulled him back out of the car and told him to lay on the ground. Later they found he had ingested meth and found it in the backseat of the cop car. Chauvin had no way of knowing the thug was half dead already when he was holding him down. By the way, the sombitch thug was blabbering the whole time so he couldn't have been strangled by Chauvin's knee.
Lib loons have steadfastly maintained that you can yell and talk when you “can’t breathe”
Of course, to maintain the anti-police narrative at the time and pressured by the prosecution. Another report said he died of an overdose. I stick with the latter.
Oh. So you just want to ignore what the medical examiner said for conspiracy theory reasons. I see.

What report said he died of an overdose?
Show these diverse opinions of yours then. We know what the medical examiner said.

What do you have?
What I have is what has widely been disseminated in media and internet
I don’t accept homework assignments from dolts. Disprove that there were any medical assessments containing “overdose” in their material
Wasn't that what OJ's lawyer said? Comeon judge. Cut my client some slack. He only murdered a couple of people.
You don’t understand statistics, do you? 50 million police encounters, many with defiant thugs fighting with them, and 0.0000001% end peacefully. It’s a testament to police restraint that a killing of an unarmed person is so exceedingly rare.

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