Heroic Derek Chauvin Appeals to US Supreme Court

Do you know how to express a coherent thought? 😄
We must have hearings on freedom. And when we must comply to authoritarian police. When they demand it. Suspicion is one thing. Arrogance and power abuses is another. There are African Americans who are dead now for following what I spewed who were not criminals. No one forces a man to be a police officer. No one!
Oh please…..you did a search and found one. There are thousands of blacks who defy police and don’t get killed, or else we’d hear about it.
We do hear about police departments targeting black communities with aggressive traffic and civil enforcement and disportionate uses of force and violence. That is the conclusion reached after multiple DOJ investigations into multiple police departments in multiple States by multiple administration's. You choose to only focus on the instances where people die and even then not to condemn them but to excuse them by describing the victims as having been disrespectful and belligerent to officers as if those are executable offenses in this country and I suppose to obvious racists like you they are.
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We must have hearings on freedom. And when we must comply to authoritarian police. When they demand it. Suspicion is one thing. Arrogance and power abuses is another. There are African Americans who are dead now for following what I spewed who were not criminals. No one forces a man to be a police officer. No one!
Yeah.... I still have no fucking clue what side of this you're on. 😄
The rise of social media has caused a lot more problems than fixes. The surveillance cameras expanding at exponential rates is ludicrous. Why? because people monitoring them are not qualified or like children. Profiling is dehumanizing and emasculating. Unfortunately, some of the groups who laugh at people in cameras are the ones who are profiled. The curtains would block videos. If used properly, the worst drug infected people with potential violence situations can be handled. This is an example of police importance.
Sounds more like an example of arrogance, or believing the laws don't apply to cops.
Yeah.... I still have no fucking clue what side of this you're on. 😄
On many issues it is not about sides. It is to degree. This is not moderate people either. The criminal codes are massive. Work on it. There are two major parties.
On many issues it is not about sides. It is to degree. This is not moderate people either. The criminal codes are massive. Work on it. There are two major parties.
Work on your English and sentence structure if you want people to understand what point you're trying to make. 😄
Oh please…..you did a search and found one. There are thousands of blacks who defy police and don’t get killed, or else we’d hear about it.
So only one white person in America defied the police? Wow.
I could post those all day, but when you are dealing with a racist who is in denial why bother.
Jail would have been fine. Cops aren't allowed to murder for any reason.
Blame the justice system that allowed Floyd, to still be on the street after his robbery of a pregnant woman, where he held a gun to her pregnant stomach!
So only one white person in America defied the police? Wow.
I could post those all day, but when you are dealing with a racist who is in denial why bother.
I didn’t say that. The point is there are millions of blacks who ALSO defied police and didn’t get killed.

Your implication was that police don’t kill defiant whites but kill defiant blacks, when it’s a once in a million occurrence. But of course a racist like you would see it that way.
Blame the justice system that allowed Floyd, to still be on the street after his robbery of a pregnant woman, where he held a gun to her pregnant stomach!
The liberal justice system is also at fault for Neely’s death - the homeless lunatic in the NY subway. After 42 arrests, why was this thug walking around among normal people?
I didn’t say that. The point is there are millions of blacks who ALSO defied police and didn’t get killed.
There are also millions of whites who defied the police and didn't get killed, I just posted one of them as an example.
Your implication was that police don’t kill defiant whites but kill defiant blacks, when it’s a once in a million occurrence. But of course a racist like you would see it that way.
So millions of black folks defie the police, but only once in a blue moon someone white does. Do you understand how stupid that sounds.
There are also millions of whites who defied the police and didn't get killed, I just posted one of them as an example.

So millions of black folks defie the police, but only once in a blue moon someone white does. Do you understand how stupid that sounds.
I didn’t say that, either. Take off your racist glasses.

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