Heroic Police Officer tries to fill void in woman's life.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Officer Frank Geisenhoffer who is a dedicated and selfless member of the often hated police saw a woman, and found a void in her life he hoped to fill.

Cop's Indecent Requests Caught On Secret Recordings

Yes, Frank felt that Elizabeth Restropro didn't have nearly enough creepy stalker like perverts making indecent proposals to her. Frank decided to take it upon himself to fill this particularly slimy void with his own brand of perversions.

His requests for Elizabeth included pictures of her nude, video of her masturbating, and pictures of her sister topless.

When Elizabeth mentioned it to another cop she was told it was her word against his, and that wasn't going to fly. I mean, we all know how Cops are the greatest most trustworthy people in the universe right? So Elizabeth recorded the slimy scum and soon had all the proof she needed.

Faced with this evidence, the police department realized that there was a problem. So they told Frank to knock it off, and told him if he did something like that in the next year, they were going to have to talk to him again. Bad Frank.

Thank God we have those cops out there enforcing the law. I mean, can you imagine if they were out there abusing their power and getting away with it? I wonder if I should start a poll so we can make our estimates on when one of Frank's "buddies" pulls over Elizabeth and "finds" drugs in her car? If I was Elizabeth, I'd be thinking about moving out of the area quick. Thou shalt not go against a cop, they are a brotherhood that protects one another.

Seriously, Elizabeth, if you read this, please make sure to record everything that happens from now on. Because as you are just starting to learn, you can't trust the Cops ever.


Did Frank really believe a young woman would want that creepy dude on top of her sweaty and all? Seriously Frank?

Frank you may see yourself as some heroic stud. But the rest of us see you as a creepy old pervert. I wonder how often you park your patrol car down by the middle school.

I know the police supporters here on the message board are thrilled that you're still out there protecting and serving and all that. You still have about half the population that trusts you. Of course, chances are that even they find you to be a creepy old pervert.
What the hell is wrong with you?
What the hell is wrong with you?

I wasn't the one sexually harassing a young woman and telling her to take topless pics of her sister. I'm the one who thinks that is wrong. Or do you think women enjoy that kind of thing?
Sigh. It's a problem we have to deal with in our country today. Seeing all you wild eyed wannabe heroes pointing out the bad apple in the barrel. There simply isn't a profession on the planet without a certain amount of bad folks involved. Because they are all people . And not all people are good, nor are they all bad as you attempt to portray cops.
Grow up and give yourself a little reality check.
While you're at it... you might pray you never need the help of a cop you have such distain for.
Officer Frank Geisenhoffer who is a dedicated and selfless member of the often hated police saw a woman, and found a void in her life he hoped to fill.

Cop's Indecent Requests Caught On Secret Recordings

Yes, Frank felt that Elizabeth Restropro didn't have nearly enough creepy stalker like perverts making indecent proposals to her. Frank decided to take it upon himself to fill this particularly slimy void with his own brand of perversions.

His requests for Elizabeth included pictures of her nude, video of her masturbating, and pictures of her sister topless.

When Elizabeth mentioned it to another cop she was told it was her word against his, and that wasn't going to fly. I mean, we all know how Cops are the greatest most trustworthy people in the universe right? So Elizabeth recorded the slimy scum and soon had all the proof she needed.

Faced with this evidence, the police department realized that there was a problem. So they told Frank to knock it off, and told him if he did something like that in the next year, they were going to have to talk to him again. Bad Frank.

Thank God we have those cops out there enforcing the law. I mean, can you imagine if they were out there abusing their power and getting away with it? I wonder if I should start a poll so we can make our estimates on when one of Frank's "buddies" pulls over Elizabeth and "finds" drugs in her car? If I was Elizabeth, I'd be thinking about moving out of the area quick. Thou shalt not go against a cop, they are a brotherhood that protects one another.

Seriously, Elizabeth, if you read this, please make sure to record everything that happens from now on. Because as you are just starting to learn, you can't trust the Cops ever.


Did Frank really believe a young woman would want that creepy dude on top of her sweaty and all? Seriously Frank?

Frank you may see yourself as some heroic stud. But the rest of us see you as a creepy old pervert. I wonder how often you park your patrol car down by the middle school.

I know the police supporters here on the message board are thrilled that you're still out there protecting and serving and all that. You still have about half the population that trusts you. Of course, chances are that even they find you to be a creepy old pervert.
As long as cops are selected from the population of us humans, there will always be some that are creeps, jerks, perverts, etc. That being said, you are painting with a very broad brush. I remember cops, fireman and other first responders rushing into the burning twin towers to rescue those trapped in those buildings. There have been cops that have sacrificed their own lives to save the lives of people they didn't even know.

In general, I respect the police.
I get too angry in these "Police" threads. I remember back to the most recent 10 or so Executions of Police Officers and the "glee" emitted from some on this site.
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[QUOT. "Old Yeller, post: 16638034, member: 55695"]I get too angry in these "Police" threads. I remember back to the most recent 10 or so Executions of Police and the "glee" emitted from some on this site.[/QUOTE]
These are some pretty dark episodes indeed. Hubby and I take in the news with coffee in the mornings and it's always a wtf at the shit antics and attitudes of the left recently.
Sigh. It's a problem we have to deal with in our country today. Seeing all you wild eyed wannabe heroes pointing out the bad apple in the barrel. There simply isn't a profession on the planet without a certain amount of bad folks involved. Because they are all people . And not all people are good, nor are they all bad as you attempt to portray cops.
Grow up and give yourself a little reality check.
While you're at it... you might pray you never need the help of a cop you have such distain for.

I understand. The problem isn't with police officers harassing women, it's with us "wild eyed" types thinking it is a problem for them to do it.

Then you go to my favorite place, the last refuge. I'll tell you what I've told others on this very message board. I live in Rural Georgia. The response time is more than thirty minutes for anyone dumb enough to call the cops. So if there was an emergency, the last person you would call would be the cops.

Take a look at the linked story again. The woman, Elizabeth, tried to talk to another cop about it. She hoped that by bringing it up to another cop, she could get the harassment to stop. Nope, not gonna happen. Her word against a cop. So one bad cop, became one bad cop, and one who acted to protect a brother officer against a citizen complaint. So where were the good cops? Two of them being bad seems an unlikely combination doesn't it? I mean, if less than one percent of the cops are bad, what are the chances that two in a row are going to be bad?

Meh. It's far easier to blame me for this, than it is to question your assumptions. Fine, blame me. I don't mind. I'm used to it. I laugh when I read the usual who are you going to call nonsense.
Officer Frank Geisenhoffer who is a dedicated and selfless member of the often hated police saw a woman, and found a void in her life he hoped to fill.

Cop's Indecent Requests Caught On Secret Recordings

Yes, Frank felt that Elizabeth Restropro didn't have nearly enough creepy stalker like perverts making indecent proposals to her. Frank decided to take it upon himself to fill this particularly slimy void with his own brand of perversions.

His requests for Elizabeth included pictures of her nude, video of her masturbating, and pictures of her sister topless.

When Elizabeth mentioned it to another cop she was told it was her word against his, and that wasn't going to fly. I mean, we all know how Cops are the greatest most trustworthy people in the universe right? So Elizabeth recorded the slimy scum and soon had all the proof she needed.

Faced with this evidence, the police department realized that there was a problem. So they told Frank to knock it off, and told him if he did something like that in the next year, they were going to have to talk to him again. Bad Frank.

Thank God we have those cops out there enforcing the law. I mean, can you imagine if they were out there abusing their power and getting away with it? I wonder if I should start a poll so we can make our estimates on when one of Frank's "buddies" pulls over Elizabeth and "finds" drugs in her car? If I was Elizabeth, I'd be thinking about moving out of the area quick. Thou shalt not go against a cop, they are a brotherhood that protects one another.

Seriously, Elizabeth, if you read this, please make sure to record everything that happens from now on. Because as you are just starting to learn, you can't trust the Cops ever.


Did Frank really believe a young woman would want that creepy dude on top of her sweaty and all? Seriously Frank?

Frank you may see yourself as some heroic stud. But the rest of us see you as a creepy old pervert. I wonder how often you park your patrol car down by the middle school.

I know the police supporters here on the message board are thrilled that you're still out there protecting and serving and all that. You still have about half the population that trusts you. Of course, chances are that even they find you to be a creepy old pervert.
As long as cops are selected from the population of us humans, there will always be some that are creeps, jerks, perverts, etc. That being said, you are painting with a very broad brush. I remember cops, fireman and other first responders rushing into the burning twin towers to rescue those trapped in those buildings. There have been cops that have sacrificed their own lives to save the lives of people they didn't even know.

In general, I respect the police.

Here be the rub. Yes, some less savory types are going to slip in now and then. I'll grant you that. But the question is what happens when you find them? What happens when you find these less savory types have managed to infiltrate the police.

The Catholic Church, of which I am a member, received a lot of bad press for a very good reason. When they found a Priest misbehaving with the children, they did not act to put an end to it, they acted to quiet it up. They covered it up. The Church got the bad press they deserved, because again, sometimes a baddie is going to get in. It's what you do when you discover it that matters most of all. If you are actively searching for those baddies, and taking action once the baddies are uncovered, then I have a lot more respect for them.

Instead, the police act to cover up for the baddies. The other day I posted one story where a cop was finally fired almost six full years after a bad shooting. Six years after he shot up the wrong car. He shot the victim of a drive by shooting. That can't be explained as anything but a colossal screw up. Then he lied after the fact, claiming he was shooting at the other car. The other car was a block and a half away, well outside the range of any handgun, and accelerating away even faster. Now, how in the hell did all 16 shots end up in the wrong car if he was shooting at a car a block and a half away?

The Department spent nearly six years "investigating" this shooting. If someone had been shooting at the beloved cops, they would have been indicted, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in the electric chair before half that time had passed.

It's what you do when you find the baddie has gotten in that speaks louder than any words.
In related news, 800,000 plus cops didn't do that.

Perhaps you can help me. In the news story it says that Elizabeth approached another cop and told him what was going on in an effort to stop it. The other cop said she couldn't prove it because it was her word against the cops.

Now, why didn't this fellow officer report it up the chain? Or at least go to good old perverted Frank and tell him to knock it off? What we have instead is one cop covering up for another. Now, if the cops are like Ivory Soap, more than 99% good, what are the chances that two bad cops were involved in this one case?
I get too angry in these "Police" threads. I remember back to the most recent 10 or so Executions of Police Officers and the "glee" emitted from some on this site.

I don't believe that you'll find any gleeful posts from me about anyone dying. I can't remember ever writing one in all the years I've been on the planet. Perhaps you can find one for me.
Sigh. It's a problem we have to deal with in our country today. Seeing all you wild eyed wannabe heroes pointing out the bad apple in the barrel. There simply isn't a profession on the planet without a certain amount of bad folks involved. Because they are all people . And not all people are good, nor are they all bad as you attempt to portray cops.
Grow up and give yourself a little reality check.
While you're at it... you might pray you never need the help of a cop you have such distain for.

I understand. The problem isn't with police officers harassing women, it's with us "wild eyed" types thinking it is a problem for them to do it.

Then you go to my favorite place, the last refuge. I'll tell you what I've told others on this very message board. I live in Rural Georgia. The response time is more than thirty minutes for anyone dumb enough to call the cops. So if there was an emergency, the last person you would call would be the cops.

Take a look at the linked story again. The woman, Elizabeth, tried to talk to another cop about it. She hoped that by bringing it up to another cop, she could get the harassment to stop. Nope, not gonna happen. Her word against a cop. So one bad cop, became one bad cop, and one who acted to protect a brother officer against a citizen complaint. So where were the good cops? Two of them being bad seems an unlikely combination doesn't it? I mean, if less than one percent of the cops are bad, what are the chances that two in a row are going to be bad?

Meh. It's far easier to blame me for this, than it is to question your assumptions. Fine, blame me. I don't mind. I'm used to it. I laugh when I read the usual who are you going to call nonsense.

I'm not blaming you for a few bad cops. I'm blaming you for perpetuating the false idea that all cops are bad cops.It's this kind of hyperbole that seems to get the leftyloons all excited and dangerous. A bad experience does not make it a fact that there are more bad than good cops. I had a crummy experience with some inbred, toothless fuck from Georgia... I don't assume you're all that fucked up. You don't always call the cops to save you. I myself am in the boonies and far from any services, Anyone stupid enough to fuck with me out here will probably still be here when the cops come with a couple bullet holes in him. The cops still need to be called when crime occurs
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In related news, 800,000 plus cops didn't do that.

Perhaps you can help me. In the news story it says that Elizabeth approached another cop and told him what was going on in an effort to stop it. The other cop said she couldn't prove it because it was her word against the cops.

Now, why didn't this fellow officer report it up the chain? Or at least go to good old perverted Frank and tell him to knock it off? What we have instead is one cop covering up for another. Now, if the cops are like Ivory Soap, more than 99% good, what are the chances that two bad cops were involved in this one case?

You do not know what that cop did or did not say to Frank,
Sigh. It's a problem we have to deal with in our country today. Seeing all you wild eyed wannabe heroes pointing out the bad apple in the barrel. There simply isn't a profession on the planet without a certain amount of bad folks involved. Because they are all people . And not all people are good, nor are they all bad as you attempt to portray cops.
Grow up and give yourself a little reality check.
While you're at it... you might pray you never need the help of a cop you have such distain for.

I understand. The problem isn't with police officers harassing women, it's with us "wild eyed" types thinking it is a problem for them to do it.

Then you go to my favorite place, the last refuge. I'll tell you what I've told others on this very message board. I live in Rural Georgia. The response time is more than thirty minutes for anyone dumb enough to call the cops. So if there was an emergency, the last person you would call would be the cops.

Take a look at the linked story again. The woman, Elizabeth, tried to talk to another cop about it. She hoped that by bringing it up to another cop, she could get the harassment to stop. Nope, not gonna happen. Her word against a cop. So one bad cop, became one bad cop, and one who acted to protect a brother officer against a citizen complaint. So where were the good cops? Two of them being bad seems an unlikely combination doesn't it? I mean, if less than one percent of the cops are bad, what are the chances that two in a row are going to be bad?

Meh. It's far easier to blame me for this, than it is to question your assumptions. Fine, blame me. I don't mind. I'm used to it. I laugh when I read the usual who are you going to call nonsense.

I'm not blaming you for a few bad cops. I'm blaming you for perpetuating the false idea that all cops are bad cops.It's this kind of hyperbole that seems to get the leftyloons all excited and dangerous. A bad experience does not make it a fact that there are more bad than good cops. I had a crummy experience with some inbred, toothless fuck from Georgia... I don't assume you're all that fucked up. You don't always call the cops to save you. I myself am in the boonies and far from any services, Anyone stupid enough to fuck with me out here will probably still be here when the cops come with a couple bullet holes in him. The cops still need to be called when crime occurs

Police take care of their own first. Even if that means ignoring misconduct or even covering it up.

But let's examine this story and replace cop with anything you like. A person delivering Coke or Beer. Would they still have a job?

While we are being honest let's consider this. Do you believe that Elizabeth is the first woman that Frank has acted inappropriately towards? I doubt if his first effort to perform such an act would include nude photos of himself and video of him masturbating.

Most states would call that indecent exposure at the very least. But not in Frank's case. As I said, it is unlikely that his first foray into such behavior was so relentlessly extreme.

A study was conducted, and Judges, Prosecutors, and Defense Attorneys were polled. The conclusion was that one in five court cases had incidents of police lying. Remember, these are court cases, where all testimony is under oath. That pledge to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. Every state considers lying under oath to be Perjury, and every single state has it as a felony. Yet the Judges, and lawyers believe that in one out of five cases there is a lie told by a police officer in it somewhere.

The other officers know it is a lie, but go along, because of a little thing called the Blue Wall of Silence. Video has begun to expose this propensity to lie.

We don't know what was said to Frank by the other officer, but we can make some pretty good guesses. After the discussion with the second cop, Elizabeth began to record her interactions with Frank. Those interactions did not change. Once she had him on tape admitting to showing her a video of himself masturbating, she took it to the Police Department and filed a formal complaint.

So it is logical to assume that whatever the officer did, it did not dissuade Frank in any way. If that is the case, can we believe that Frank will stop his harassment of the young Elizabeth just because the Department said to? You see, if we operate on the assumption that Frank was warned by a fellow cop, it makes Frank look even worse. If we operate on the assumption that the second cop did nothing, it makes them both look bad, and by extension the entire department.

Now, think of yourself. What would you do? Let's say that someone comes to you and says a fellow employee is making inappropriate comments and showing pictures and video of themselves in sexual poses. What would you do? As for me, I'd walk that person right into the office of my manager. If the manager was the one doing, we'd be walking into the office of Human Resources.

Truthfully, since we are talking truth here, the officers word is much better than the citizens. That is the truth, and it reflects what the police are supposed to be, what we want to believe they are. When one is caught lying, or planting evidence, or doing something else. Then the department either covers it up, or if that is impossible, stands up and swears that this one bad cop with years in the department is just one bad cop.

Frank is not a Sheepdog. He isn't out there taking care of the flock. He's a wolf, not in sheep clothing, but in sheep dog clothing. He should have been fired, and barred from working in that field again. He can start a new career as a truck driver, or whatever. But he should not be given the authority, the power, and the automatic respect that comes with the badge and gun.

This summer, some police dog will die in a hot car. The cop won't be charged with cruelty to animals. It happens every year, and every year there are no charges. Usually if there is a statement, it's about how awful the cop feels about it. Yet others are charged with a crime for doing the same thing, and how they feel about it is never the determining factor in how it is handled.
In related news, 800,000 plus cops didn't do that.

Perhaps you can help me. In the news story it says that Elizabeth approached another cop and told him what was going on in an effort to stop it. The other cop said she couldn't prove it because it was her word against the cops.

Now, why didn't this fellow officer report it up the chain? Or at least go to good old perverted Frank and tell him to knock it off? What we have instead is one cop covering up for another. Now, if the cops are like Ivory Soap, more than 99% good, what are the chances that two bad cops were involved in this one case?
Sounds like the second cop explained the truth to her. If it's he said she said, cop or no cop, you can't prove it. Especially if it was on going, that makes it an even higher hurdle.

Nor did I ever hear of it being illegal to ask a gal to send nasty photos. Not professional but not illegal either. Why would another officer get involved in stupid shit like that? She doesn't know how to say no, fuck off, or maybe later? a grownup would say no, if he persisted, send a letter or email to the dept. head.
In related news, 800,000 plus cops didn't do that.

Perhaps you can help me. In the news story it says that Elizabeth approached another cop and told him what was going on in an effort to stop it. The other cop said she couldn't prove it because it was her word against the cops.

Now, why didn't this fellow officer report it up the chain? Or at least go to good old perverted Frank and tell him to knock it off? What we have instead is one cop covering up for another. Now, if the cops are like Ivory Soap, more than 99% good, what are the chances that two bad cops were involved in this one case?
Sounds like the second cop explained the truth to her. If it's he said she said, cop or no cop, you can't prove it. Especially if it was on going, that makes it an even higher hurdle.

Nor did I ever hear of it being illegal to ask a gal to send nasty photos. Not professional but not illegal either. Why would another officer get involved in stupid shit like that? She doesn't know how to say no, fuck off, or maybe later? a grownup would say no, if he persisted, send a letter or email to the dept. head.

You know, if you read the linked articles it would save you the trouble of looking like such a moron.

Frank took pictures of himself in the nude, and video of himself masturbating. Then he showed the pictures and video to Elizabeth.

Tennessee Indecent Exposure Laws - FindLaw

That would appear to brush right up against the definition of public indecency.
In related news, 800,000 plus cops didn't do that.

Perhaps you can help me. In the news story it says that Elizabeth approached another cop and told him what was going on in an effort to stop it. The other cop said she couldn't prove it because it was her word against the cops.

Now, why didn't this fellow officer report it up the chain? Or at least go to good old perverted Frank and tell him to knock it off? What we have instead is one cop covering up for another. Now, if the cops are like Ivory Soap, more than 99% good, what are the chances that two bad cops were involved in this one case?
Sounds like the second cop explained the truth to her. If it's he said she said, cop or no cop, you can't prove it. Especially if it was on going, that makes it an even higher hurdle.

Nor did I ever hear of it being illegal to ask a gal to send nasty photos. Not professional but not illegal either. Why would another officer get involved in stupid shit like that? She doesn't know how to say no, fuck off, or maybe later? a grownup would say no, if he persisted, send a letter or email to the dept. head.

You know, if you read the linked articles it would save you the trouble of looking like such a moron.

Frank took pictures of himself in the nude, and video of himself masturbating. Then he showed the pictures and video to Elizabeth.

Tennessee Indecent Exposure Laws - FindLaw

That would appear to brush right up against the definition of public indecency.
You are the fool here. You think I'm going to your dank seedy underworld of hate. I said 800,000 plus cops didn't do that and how an adult would handle such a situation. Since I didn't foam over in juvenile hate with you you think I'm the fool.

Grow up.
In related news, 800,000 plus cops didn't do that.

Perhaps you can help me. In the news story it says that Elizabeth approached another cop and told him what was going on in an effort to stop it. The other cop said she couldn't prove it because it was her word against the cops.

Now, why didn't this fellow officer report it up the chain? Or at least go to good old perverted Frank and tell him to knock it off? What we have instead is one cop covering up for another. Now, if the cops are like Ivory Soap, more than 99% good, what are the chances that two bad cops were involved in this one case?
Sounds like the second cop explained the truth to her. If it's he said she said, cop or no cop, you can't prove it. Especially if it was on going, that makes it an even higher hurdle.

Nor did I ever hear of it being illegal to ask a gal to send nasty photos. Not professional but not illegal either. Why would another officer get involved in stupid shit like that? She doesn't know how to say no, fuck off, or maybe later? a grownup would say no, if he persisted, send a letter or email to the dept. head.

You know, if you read the linked articles it would save you the trouble of looking like such a moron.

Frank took pictures of himself in the nude, and video of himself masturbating. Then he showed the pictures and video to Elizabeth.

Tennessee Indecent Exposure Laws - FindLaw

That would appear to brush right up against the definition of public indecency.
You are the fool here. You think I'm going to your dank seedy underworld of hate. I said 800,000 plus cops didn't do that and how an adult would handle such a situation. Since I didn't foam over in juvenile hate with you you think I'm the fool.

Grow up.

You said it was no crime, and I showed that it very well could have been. Now, you are changing the standards of the discussion. Isn't this where you prefer to suggest I'd do well to be beaten by the police to teach me some lesson or another?

Police Officer Stress

I presume that if I get "tuned up" I'll learn to keep my mouth shut and worship the police like I'm supposed to right?

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