Heroic Police Officer tries to fill void in woman's life.

Sigh. It's a problem we have to deal with in our country today. Seeing all you wild eyed wannabe heroes pointing out the bad apple in the barrel. There simply isn't a profession on the planet without a certain amount of bad folks involved. Because they are all people . And not all people are good, nor are they all bad as you attempt to portray cops.
Grow up and give yourself a little reality check.
While you're at it... you might pray you never need the help of a cop you have such distain for.
Just how far over the line would a cop have to be for you to NOT slobber all over yourself defending his actions?
Protection rackets? Money laundering? Murder for hire? Kidnapping and selling children?
I don't believe that you'll find any gleeful posts from me about anyone dying. I can't remember ever writing one in all the years I've been on the planet. Perhaps you can find one for me.

a.) Posting history does not go back very far as I have found out looking for my own stuff.
b.) I ain't doing that much work.
c.) I said "some" posters, no names.
d.) Most disgusting posting occurred around Police shooting criminals in MINN or Louisiana.
e.) After that time about 10 valuable innocent Officers were executed in cold blood.
KC, DAL,LA, NY on and on it went. One Cop shot in back of head at a Gas Station in HOU?

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