Heroin in Huntington

Is there a purpose in making drug use safe? Let them kill themselves.
Do you feel the same way about people who drink beverage alcohol?
If they want to drink themselves to death go ahead. The difference is very few people who have a drink now and then are alcoholics. Everyone who is a drug addict is a drug addict. There are no casual drug users.
That was a pretty ignorant statement. There are millions of casual drug users.
I've known many successful people who used cocaine. They just weren't successful for long.

I have never used any substance. I do not justify drug use, neither do I long to be able to use. I am not a drug addict. If you weren't afraid you would be using now. You want to use and that's the definition of a drug addict.
There has been a pervasive myth that drugs are harmless. Those who speak up just don't want others to have fun. Don't tell me what I can put in my body. Drug use is an expression of freedom.

Oh yeah, vote Gary Johnson.
Lots of drugs are harmless. Its the abuse of drugs that is not harmless. Yes people should be free to use their drugs. However, this is not a political story. Its asking what mindset causes and entire city to be ravaged by drugs.
drugs like Heroin are making a huge impact in cities across the country right now. Its cheap, highly addictive.
as far as the deaths go, it has a great deal to do with the users, Lets say a shipment of black tar comes in, this shipment is heavily laced with fentanyl and someone dies from it. The addicts will actually look for that same batch because its obviously strong.
And if you really want to hear nasty, fentanyl is the opiate used in the patch for cancer patients. Fentanyl is an opiate 100 times stronger than heroin and if addicts know someone is using the patch, they will go through the garbage and pull out the used patches just to open them up and suck the fentanyl laced gel out of them.
I've known many successful people who used cocaine. They just weren't successful for long.

I have never used any substance. I do not justify drug use, neither do I long to be able to use. I am not a drug addict. If you weren't afraid you would be using now. You want to use and that's the definition of a drug addict.
That was a weird deflection from the point. Many people are casual drug users but you claim they are not. Your opinion doesnt match up with reality.
There has been a pervasive myth that drugs are harmless. Those who speak up just don't want others to have fun. Don't tell me what I can put in my body. Drug use is an expression of freedom.

Oh yeah, vote Gary Johnson.
Lots of drugs are harmless. Its the abuse of drugs that is not harmless. Yes people should be free to use their drugs. However, this is not a political story. Its asking what mindset causes and entire city to be ravaged by drugs.
drugs like Heroin are making a huge impact in cities across the country right now. Its cheap, highly addictive.
as far as the deaths go, it has a great deal to do with the users, Lets say a shipment of black tar comes in, this shipment is heavily laced with fentanyl and someone dies from it. The addicts will actually look for that same batch because its obviously strong.
And if you really want to hear nasty, fentanyl is the opiate used in the patch for cancer patients. Fentanyl is an opiate 100 times stronger than heroin and if addicts know someone is using the patch, they will go through the garbage and pull out the used patches just to open them up and suck the fentanyl laced gel out of them.
Thats great but it doesnt answer the "why" question. Why does one person use and get addicted to drugs? Why does a large portion of a random city become addicted to drugs to the point it turns communities to shit? We have said a downturn in the economic prospects and hopelessness. Can you think of some other reasons?
But....but....drugs don't hurt anyone......
Some drugs do hurt some of those who misuse them. But many things hurt people who misuse them, calories being one prominent example. And after you finish laughing at that revelation consider how many people are harmed by and die from their obesity.

The statistics are staggering. Obesity harms and kills far more Americans than any substance which is prohibited by the criminal law. But the population hasn't been conditioned by government propaganda to despise calories with an almost religious fervor.

Give that some thought.
Is there a purpose in making drug use safe? Let them kill themselves.
Do you feel the same way about people who drink beverage alcohol?
If they want to drink themselves to death go ahead. The difference is very few people who have a drink now and then are alcoholics. Everyone who is a drug addict is a drug addict. There are no casual drug users.

There are casual pot users. However - drugs like heroin and meth have HUGE addiction potential. People don't start out planning to be an addict.
But....but....drugs don't hurt anyone......
Some drugs do hurt some of those who misuse them. But many things hurt people who misuse them, calories being one prominent example. And after you finish laughing at that revelation consider how many people are harmed by and die from their obesity.

The statistics are staggering. Obesity harms and kills far more Americans than any substance which is prohibited by the criminal law. But the population hasn't been conditioned by government propaganda to despise calories with an almost religious fervor.

Give that some thought.

Drugs like heroin and meth have a cost that goes beyond the user.
There has been a pervasive myth that drugs are harmless. Those who speak up just don't want others to have fun. Don't tell me what I can put in my body. Drug use is an expression of freedom.

Oh yeah, vote Gary Johnson.
Lots of drugs are harmless. Its the abuse of drugs that is not harmless. Yes people should be free to use their drugs. However, this is not a political story. Its asking what mindset causes and entire city to be ravaged by drugs.
drugs like Heroin are making a huge impact in cities across the country right now. Its cheap, highly addictive.
as far as the deaths go, it has a great deal to do with the users, Lets say a shipment of black tar comes in, this shipment is heavily laced with fentanyl and someone dies from it. The addicts will actually look for that same batch because its obviously strong.
And if you really want to hear nasty, fentanyl is the opiate used in the patch for cancer patients. Fentanyl is an opiate 100 times stronger than heroin and if addicts know someone is using the patch, they will go through the garbage and pull out the used patches just to open them up and suck the fentanyl laced gel out of them.
Thats great but it doesnt answer the "why" question. Why does one person use and get addicted to drugs? Why does a large portion of a random city become addicted to drugs to the point it turns communities to shit? We have said a downturn in the economic prospects and hopelessness. Can you think of some other reasons?
availability is one thing. Something like heroin can grab ahold of you with only three consecutive uses. I deal with heroin addicts on a daily basis. The reasons? it feels good. someone talked me into it at a party, or, lets say someone was on pain medications for a time and got addicted, the prescription was not renewed. to buy that same drug on the street can be very expensive, heroin however is just 10 dollars a cap. for a new user, 10 bucks can last you 3 days or more. Don't forget to save the cotton for emergencies. Cotton shots will get you through a sickness.
but its interesting to note something I noticed in the Baltimore area. (consult a map if interested in the locations I mention)
When it was the blacks dying in Baltimore city, it was not a really big problem. It was basically over looked.
Now, when the ODs moved from Brooklyn Park and started showing up in Pasadena, and God forbid Severna Park (upper class white areas) the problem became an epidemic of major proportions. Suddenly there were town hall meetings on it, money allocated from the state to battle it, police set up new divisions just for the heroin problem. It was unreal.
This causes me to think that part of the problem is that the inner city areas are at greater risk because there is less concern when its only the blacks being affected
There has been a pervasive myth that drugs are harmless. Those who speak up just don't want others to have fun. Don't tell me what I can put in my body. Drug use is an expression of freedom.

Oh yeah, vote Gary Johnson.
Lots of drugs are harmless. Its the abuse of drugs that is not harmless. Yes people should be free to use their drugs. However, this is not a political story. Its asking what mindset causes and entire city to be ravaged by drugs.
drugs like Heroin are making a huge impact in cities across the country right now. Its cheap, highly addictive.
as far as the deaths go, it has a great deal to do with the users, Lets say a shipment of black tar comes in, this shipment is heavily laced with fentanyl and someone dies from it. The addicts will actually look for that same batch because its obviously strong.
And if you really want to hear nasty, fentanyl is the opiate used in the patch for cancer patients. Fentanyl is an opiate 100 times stronger than heroin and if addicts know someone is using the patch, they will go through the garbage and pull out the used patches just to open them up and suck the fentanyl laced gel out of them.
Thats great but it doesnt answer the "why" question. Why does one person use and get addicted to drugs? Why does a large portion of a random city become addicted to drugs to the point it turns communities to shit? We have said a downturn in the economic prospects and hopelessness. Can you think of some other reasons?
availability is one thing. Something like heroin can grab ahold of you with only three consecutive uses. I deal with heroin addicts on a daily basis. The reasons? it feels good. someone talked me into it at a party, or, lets say someone was on pain medications for a time and got addicted, the prescription was not renewed. to buy that same drug on the street can be very expensive, heroin however is just 10 dollars a cap. for a new user, 10 bucks can last you 3 days or more. Don't forget to save the cotton for emergencies. Cotton shots will get you through a sickness.
but its interesting to note something I noticed in the Baltimore area. (consult a map if interested in the locations I mention)
When it was the blacks dying in Baltimore city, it was not a really big problem. It was basically over looked.
Now, when the ODs moved from Brooklyn Park and started showing up in Pasadena, and God forbid Severna Park (upper class white areas) the problem became an epidemic of major proportions. Suddenly there were town hall meetings on it, money allocated from the state to battle it, police set up new divisions just for the heroin problem. It was unreal.
This causes me to think that part of the problem is that the inner city areas are at greater risk because there is less concern when its only the blacks being affected
I am well acquainted with the effect of addictive drugs in the Black community. I was present when crack hit the bay area and turned our communities into war zones filled with junkies, corrupt racist cops, and opportunistic gang bangers making a profit off their own people. I knew that crack was suddenly easily available but I also knew that none of the people selling the crack had the ability to bring it into the community. I later found out it was Regans administration that brought it in two years after he announced his war on drugs.
There has been a pervasive myth that drugs are harmless. Those who speak up just don't want others to have fun. Don't tell me what I can put in my body. Drug use is an expression of freedom.

Oh yeah, vote Gary Johnson.
Lots of drugs are harmless. Its the abuse of drugs that is not harmless. Yes people should be free to use their drugs. However, this is not a political story. Its asking what mindset causes and entire city to be ravaged by drugs.
drugs like Heroin are making a huge impact in cities across the country right now. Its cheap, highly addictive.
as far as the deaths go, it has a great deal to do with the users, Lets say a shipment of black tar comes in, this shipment is heavily laced with fentanyl and someone dies from it. The addicts will actually look for that same batch because its obviously strong.
And if you really want to hear nasty, fentanyl is the opiate used in the patch for cancer patients. Fentanyl is an opiate 100 times stronger than heroin and if addicts know someone is using the patch, they will go through the garbage and pull out the used patches just to open them up and suck the fentanyl laced gel out of them.
Thats great but it doesnt answer the "why" question. Why does one person use and get addicted to drugs? Why does a large portion of a random city become addicted to drugs to the point it turns communities to shit? We have said a downturn in the economic prospects and hopelessness. Can you think of some other reasons?

Nope. That's pretty much all there is to it.

Soldiers went to Nam and some did heroin. While they were there, they were "addicted." When they came back, they kicked the habit no problem b/c they had something to live for, family, friends, a life, etc. It's elementary. Addiction is 95% psychological.

When life is hopeless and despairing, folks get addicted and a slow death seems preferable. It really is that simple.

As long as life in the US is shitty for the poor and destitute, folks will become addicted. Addiction is a way to kill mental pain, disconnection, anger and loneliness.

Needless to say, this phony "race war" the elites have been trying to propagate hasn't been helping matters one bit. :sad:
There has been a pervasive myth that drugs are harmless. Those who speak up just don't want others to have fun. Don't tell me what I can put in my body. Drug use is an expression of freedom.

Oh yeah, vote Gary Johnson.
Lots of drugs are harmless. Its the abuse of drugs that is not harmless. Yes people should be free to use their drugs. However, this is not a political story. Its asking what mindset causes and entire city to be ravaged by drugs.
drugs like Heroin are making a huge impact in cities across the country right now. Its cheap, highly addictive.
as far as the deaths go, it has a great deal to do with the users, Lets say a shipment of black tar comes in, this shipment is heavily laced with fentanyl and someone dies from it. The addicts will actually look for that same batch because its obviously strong.
And if you really want to hear nasty, fentanyl is the opiate used in the patch for cancer patients. Fentanyl is an opiate 100 times stronger than heroin and if addicts know someone is using the patch, they will go through the garbage and pull out the used patches just to open them up and suck the fentanyl laced gel out of them.
Thats great but it doesnt answer the "why" question. Why does one person use and get addicted to drugs? Why does a large portion of a random city become addicted to drugs to the point it turns communities to shit? We have said a downturn in the economic prospects and hopelessness. Can you think of some other reasons?
availability is one thing. Something like heroin can grab ahold of you with only three consecutive uses. I deal with heroin addicts on a daily basis. The reasons? it feels good. someone talked me into it at a party, or, lets say someone was on pain medications for a time and got addicted, the prescription was not renewed. to buy that same drug on the street can be very expensive, heroin however is just 10 dollars a cap. for a new user, 10 bucks can last you 3 days or more. Don't forget to save the cotton for emergencies. Cotton shots will get you through a sickness.
but its interesting to note something I noticed in the Baltimore area. (consult a map if interested in the locations I mention)
When it was the blacks dying in Baltimore city, it was not a really big problem. It was basically over looked.
Now, when the ODs moved from Brooklyn Park and started showing up in Pasadena, and God forbid Severna Park (upper class white areas) the problem became an epidemic of major proportions. Suddenly there were town hall meetings on it, money allocated from the state to battle it, police set up new divisions just for the heroin problem. It was unreal.
This causes me to think that part of the problem is that the inner city areas are at greater risk because there is less concern when its only the blacks being affected
That's more a poor thing than a black thing.
Also, less of a sense of community where family structure is depleted.
But....but....drugs don't hurt anyone......
Some drugs do hurt some of those who misuse them. But many things hurt people who misuse them, calories being one prominent example. And after you finish laughing at that revelation consider how many people are harmed by and die from their obesity.

The statistics are staggering. Obesity harms and kills far more Americans than any substance which is prohibited by the criminal law. But the population hasn't been conditioned by government propaganda to despise calories with an almost religious fervor.

Give that some thought.
How many 25 year olds does obesity kill, dumbass?
There has been a pervasive myth that drugs are harmless. Those who speak up just don't want others to have fun. Don't tell me what I can put in my body. Drug use is an expression of freedom.

Oh yeah, vote Gary Johnson.
Lots of drugs are harmless. Its the abuse of drugs that is not harmless. Yes people should be free to use their drugs. However, this is not a political story. Its asking what mindset causes and entire city to be ravaged by drugs.
drugs like Heroin are making a huge impact in cities across the country right now. Its cheap, highly addictive.
as far as the deaths go, it has a great deal to do with the users, Lets say a shipment of black tar comes in, this shipment is heavily laced with fentanyl and someone dies from it. The addicts will actually look for that same batch because its obviously strong.
And if you really want to hear nasty, fentanyl is the opiate used in the patch for cancer patients. Fentanyl is an opiate 100 times stronger than heroin and if addicts know someone is using the patch, they will go through the garbage and pull out the used patches just to open them up and suck the fentanyl laced gel out of them.
Thats great but it doesnt answer the "why" question. Why does one person use and get addicted to drugs? Why does a large portion of a random city become addicted to drugs to the point it turns communities to shit? We have said a downturn in the economic prospects and hopelessness. Can you think of some other reasons?
availability is one thing. Something like heroin can grab ahold of you with only three consecutive uses. I deal with heroin addicts on a daily basis. The reasons? it feels good. someone talked me into it at a party, or, lets say someone was on pain medications for a time and got addicted, the prescription was not renewed. to buy that same drug on the street can be very expensive, heroin however is just 10 dollars a cap. for a new user, 10 bucks can last you 3 days or more. Don't forget to save the cotton for emergencies. Cotton shots will get you through a sickness.
but its interesting to note something I noticed in the Baltimore area. (consult a map if interested in the locations I mention)
When it was the blacks dying in Baltimore city, it was not a really big problem. It was basically over looked.
Now, when the ODs moved from Brooklyn Park and started showing up in Pasadena, and God forbid Severna Park (upper class white areas) the problem became an epidemic of major proportions. Suddenly there were town hall meetings on it, money allocated from the state to battle it, police set up new divisions just for the heroin problem. It was unreal.
This causes me to think that part of the problem is that the inner city areas are at greater risk because there is less concern when its only the blacks being affected
That's more a poor thing than a black thing.
Also, less of a sense of community where family structure is depleted.
not all the blacks affected are from the poor broken family areas.
availability is one thing. Something like heroin can grab ahold of you with only three consecutive uses.
In the same way that some individuals can die from a bee sting or from eating just one peanut, the biochemistry of a very small number of people will make them susceptible to getting become hooked on smack after just, as you've indicated, three consecutive uses.

Conversely, when I lived in Brooklyn I had a friend who used (inhaled) small amounts of heroin from time to time. It seemed to have a relaxing, deeply thoughtful effect on him. He did this for at least the fifteen years I lived across the street from him. The last time I saw him, which was another ten or twelve years after I moved away, he hadn't changed much and was still the same healthy, interesting and funny fellow I'd known.

So the conclusion of everything I've observed and learned about addiction over the years holds that susceptibility depends on an individual's biochemistry and psychological predisposition.

Re: the rest of your message: Well said!

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