Heroin in Huntington

Yes Op this will affect the next generation we've seen happen over and over again. That's the the one real answer I can give, knowing very little of WV. But I can bet the lack of real male role models is one big problem. This country will fall if father's continue to abandoned their responsibilities.
Deserve help! They fucked up. Why should anyone help them? They got there on their own, they can get out on their own.
Thats the beauty of dealing with a conservative like me.
You dont have to help them, I will.
And the big difference? Im not going to try and get legislation passed to force you to pay for it.

What is the success rate of treating heroin addiction?
the first time around, maybe 50%, if they live to go for a second run at a recovery it goes up by a large percentage.
The problem is that with a heavy user, the body converts the heroin to morphine, and the morphine converts to metabolites that get collected by the fat cells to be used at a later day when needed.
It can be 7 to 10 years before the metabolites are completely out of the body. This means that if something causes stress, or even the wrong song comes on the radio, the brain can start looking for the drug, the metabolites release and the brain recognizes it as heroin and a craving can be the result.
Its a long road. Putting down the needle is only the first step in a full recovery. the next few years are critical for them to work on themselves and commit to not using.
Ive seen people go out after 5 years clean and overdose because they thought they could handle it just one more time, and they used the same amount they did before they quit.
I have honestly been to 7 funerals just in the last year for those that relapsed or never got help to start with.
On Wed of this week Im taking one girl to a rehab on the Eastern Shore, then on Thursday I bring one to a rehab in northern Maryland. This is out of my own pocket, when they get out in 30 days I will cover the first two months of a halfway/recovery house for them so they have time to find work and start getting back on their feet.
Is it a certain thing that they will be clean a year from now? no. But I still think they have the right to be given that chance.
My initial work is taking them from a stage in the addiction that they dont think they have a problem to the stage of contemplation where they admit they might have a problem and might have to do something about it, to the action stage where they are ready to go into rehab on their own accord.
Keep fighting the good fight.

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