Heroin in Huntington

Are you aware of exactly how full of shit you are?
Maybe you're just resistant to facts which are opposed to the drug-warrior brainwash. So consider this:

During the Prohibition era the alcohol "bootlegger" was comparable to the contemporary smack dealer in that the product he had for sale was sometimes called "bathtub gin" because the buyers had no idea what they were getting. Some of it was diluted anti-freeze, rubbing alcohol, or any number of things that killed a lot of people, blinded some, and made a lot more very sick with all sorts of stomach problems.

That situation is analogous to today's slobbering, nodding-out, scabby-armed smack junkie who has no idea what is in the glassine bag he gets from the street dealer. If heroin were available through federally regulated programs in laboratory pure, carefully measured doses, (as it is in Switzerland) there would be none of the stereotypical degenerate junkies on today's streets. There would be a much different, much more civilized situation where heroin addiction is concerned.
Is there a purpose in making drug use safe? Let them kill themselves.
Are you aware of exactly how full of shit you are?
Maybe you're just resistant to facts which are opposed to the drug-warrior brainwash. So consider this:

During the Prohibition era the alcohol "bootlegger" was comparable to the contemporary smack dealer in that the product he had for sale was sometimes called "bathtub gin" because the buyers had no idea what they were getting. Some of it was diluted anti-freeze, rubbing alcohol, or any number of things that killed a lot of people, blinded some, and made a lot more very sick with all sorts of stomach problems.

That situation is analogous to today's slobbering, nodding-out, scabby-armed smack junkie who has no idea what is in the glassine bag he gets from the street dealer. If heroin were available through federally regulated programs in laboratory pure, carefully measured doses, (as it is in Switzerland) there would be none of the stereotypical degenerate junkies on today's streets. There would be a much different, much more civilized situation where heroin addiction is concerned.
I thought we were keeping government out of this? But you want the taxpayers to subsidize heroin? Fucked up! Really fucked up.
Is there a purpose in making drug use safe? Let them kill themselves.
Do you feel the same way about people who drink beverage alcohol?
If they want to drink themselves to death go ahead. The difference is very few people who have a drink now and then are alcoholics. Everyone who is a drug addict is a drug addict. There are no casual drug users.
Destroy the deep state, and much of this problem would cease.

The Politics of Heroin | Chicago Review Press
The war on drugs by our central government, has been a dismal failure. Just as they have failed with their wars on cancer, terrorism, and poverty. All it does is make government bigger and more tyrannical to say nothing of the opportunities it generates for nefarious actions by the deep state.
That has nothing to do with people willfully breaking the law and using drugs in the first place. More lefty excuse bullshit. Like pregnancy and abortion are inevitable.
No that has nothing to do with my point.

Government is not only ineffectual in the war on drugs, it is also corrupt.
It has everything to do with your point. You make it sound like the gov is responsible for drug use. The culture is.
Government doesn't generate the culture that uses. If you remove the culture, the gov and any war on drugs become moot.
That has nothing to do with people willfully breaking the law and using drugs in the first place.
The concept of "people willfully breaking the law and using drugs" is not as simple as you seem to think it is. Instead, it poses a philosophical question about the exercise of prohibitive laws where the use of recreational drugs is concerned. There is an important moral element involved in this issue which most Americans have been gradually conditioned to by the incremental impositions of government intrusion and its arbitrary mandates.

The fundamental purpose of the Criminal Law in a democratic society is that of protecting the law-abiding from the actions of the lawless. That's all. The law-abiding citizen's behavior is largely governed by a spontaneous moral sense of right and wrong. It is wrong to harm others without justified provocation. It is wrong to kill, to assault, to steal. But in the example of an adult citizen who chooses to ingest something, such as excessive calories or some recreational substance, there is no moral inhibition operating to impede such behavior -- nor should there be.

This is why the War on Drugs was a bad idea to begin with and why it has been, and will continue to be, utterly futile. There is no spontaneous moral inhibition against using recreational substances, therefore the Criminal Law has no moral authority where such use by adults is concerned.

The absence of spontaneous moral inhibition is precisely why the Prohibition against the use of beverage alcohol was an abject failure. Unfortunately the level of corruption operating within the framework of the War on Drugs is such that it will take a major attack by the mainstream media over a substantial period of time to awaken the general public to the truth about what in reality is the greatest federalized scam of the past century.
You sound like an addict rationalizing and deflecting everything onto externals.
Get yourself an intervention.
Destroy the deep state, and much of this problem would cease.

The Politics of Heroin | Chicago Review Press
The war on drugs by our central government, has been a dismal failure. Just as they have failed with their wars on cancer, terrorism, and poverty. All it does is make government bigger and more tyrannical to say nothing of the opportunities it generates for nefarious actions by the deep state.
That has nothing to do with people willfully breaking the law and using drugs in the first place. More lefty excuse bullshit. Like pregnancy and abortion are inevitable.
No that has nothing to do with my point.

Government is not only ineffectual in the war on drugs, it is also corrupt.
It has everything to do with your point. You make it sound like the gov is responsible for drug use. The culture is.
Government doesn't generate the culture that uses. If you remove the culture, the gov and any war on drugs become moot.
Absurd. I did not make it sound like the government is responsible. Must be those voices in your head again.
Destroy the deep state, and much of this problem would cease.

The Politics of Heroin | Chicago Review Press
The war on drugs by our central government, has been a dismal failure. Just as they have failed with their wars on cancer, terrorism, and poverty. All it does is make government bigger and more tyrannical to say nothing of the opportunities it generates for nefarious actions by the deep state.
That has nothing to do with people willfully breaking the law and using drugs in the first place. More lefty excuse bullshit. Like pregnancy and abortion are inevitable.
No that has nothing to do with my point.

Government is not only ineffectual in the war on drugs, it is also corrupt.
It has everything to do with your point. You make it sound like the gov is responsible for drug use. The culture is.
Government doesn't generate the culture that uses. If you remove the culture, the gov and any war on drugs become moot.
Absurd. I did not make it sound like the government is responsible. Must be those voices in your head again.
Then explain the corruption you allege.
The war on drugs by our central government, has been a dismal failure. Just as they have failed with their wars on cancer, terrorism, and poverty. All it does is make government bigger and more tyrannical to say nothing of the opportunities it generates for nefarious actions by the deep state.
That has nothing to do with people willfully breaking the law and using drugs in the first place. More lefty excuse bullshit. Like pregnancy and abortion are inevitable.
No that has nothing to do with my point.

Government is not only ineffectual in the war on drugs, it is also corrupt.
It has everything to do with your point. You make it sound like the gov is responsible for drug use. The culture is.
Government doesn't generate the culture that uses. If you remove the culture, the gov and any war on drugs become moot.
Absurd. I did not make it sound like the government is responsible. Must be those voices in your head again.
Then explain the corruption you allege.
Oh brother... You mean you are unaware the deep state is a drug pusher... Really?
That has nothing to do with people willfully breaking the law and using drugs in the first place. More lefty excuse bullshit. Like pregnancy and abortion are inevitable.
No that has nothing to do with my point.

Government is not only ineffectual in the war on drugs, it is also corrupt.
It has everything to do with your point. You make it sound like the gov is responsible for drug use. The culture is.
Government doesn't generate the culture that uses. If you remove the culture, the gov and any war on drugs become moot.
Absurd. I did not make it sound like the government is responsible. Must be those voices in your head again.
Then explain the corruption you allege.
Oh brother... You mean you are unaware the deep state is a drug pusher... Really?
So you're saying the gov is responsible. Make up your mind.
That has nothing to do with people willfully breaking the law and using drugs in the first place.
The concept of "people willfully breaking the law and using drugs" is not as simple as you seem to think it is. Instead, it poses a philosophical question about the exercise of prohibitive laws where the use of recreational drugs is concerned. There is an important moral element involved in this issue which most Americans have been gradually conditioned to by the incremental impositions of government intrusion and its arbitrary mandates.

The fundamental purpose of the Criminal Law in a democratic society is that of protecting the law-abiding from the actions of the lawless. That's all. The law-abiding citizen's behavior is largely governed by a spontaneous moral sense of right and wrong. It is wrong to harm others without justified provocation. It is wrong to kill, to assault, to steal. But in the example of an adult citizen who chooses to ingest something, such as excessive calories or some recreational substance, there is no moral inhibition operating to impede such behavior -- nor should there be.

This is why the War on Drugs was a bad idea to begin with and why it has been, and will continue to be, utterly futile. There is no spontaneous moral inhibition against using recreational substances, therefore the Criminal Law has no moral authority where such use by adults is concerned.

The absence of spontaneous moral inhibition is precisely why the Prohibition against the use of beverage alcohol was an abject failure. Unfortunately the level of corruption operating within the framework of the War on Drugs is such that it will take a major attack by the mainstream media over a substantial period of time to awaken the general public to the truth about what in reality is the greatest federalized scam of the past century.
You sound like an addict rationalizing and deflecting everything onto externals.
Get yourself an intervention.
Good question - here's an interesting article I found: WSAZ Investigates: The Detroit Connection
I've heard this city is a vast majority white and there is lots of racists. How do these guys from Detroit move in and get whites to buy from them?

There are no racial boundaries when it comes to drugs.

....just when it comes to arrests and incarcerations...

That's mighty white of you to pimp that out you fucken peice of shit.

Look at the facts - arrest rates and incarceration rates for blacks are higher than for whites for the same drug crimes. It is what it is. When it comes to drug use - it crosses all lines.

True enough. I have a 39 year old that just went through a mandatory 6 month rehab and has since entered another facility, also rehab, that's a little closer to home and her kids. Her motivation is five years in prison. If she blows it. I hope she makes it.

I'm sorry you've been through this with family members. The more people I know, the more I find have had to deal with some aspect of addiction. My husband has an addiction to prescription drugs, another thing all too common in WV. Hugs to you and yours :smiliehug:
There has been a pervasive myth that drugs are harmless. Those who speak up just don't want others to have fun. Don't tell me what I can put in my body. Drug use is an expression of freedom.

Oh yeah, vote Gary Johnson.
Lots of drugs are harmless. Its the abuse of drugs that is not harmless. Yes people should be free to use their drugs. However, this is not a political story. Its asking what mindset causes and entire city to be ravaged by drugs.

WV has lost a lot of jobs and population, and Huntington I think is one of the areas heavily hit: West Virginia Unrecovered: No Job Gains Since 2008 | WV Center on Budget and Policy

While the state has lost 1,900 jobs since 2008, the jobs losses have been mostly concentrated in the southern part of the state. Between 2008 and 2014, the Huntington-Ashland area lost 6,500 jobs, Charleston 4,500, and Beckley 1,400. Meanwhile, Morgantown has gained 6,400 jobs since 2008, the Wheeling area has gained just 300, and the Parkersburg-Vienna area has lost 1,000.
Bad economics and no hope destroys a lot of places. i was just wondering why this particular place instead of other places like it.
The dealers are mixing the heroin with fentanyl, which is a synthetic opioid that is like 50-100 times more potent than heroin. It's causing the users to overdose, sometimes on accident and sometimes on purpose to incapacitate or murder them. They call it "hot packing" someone to make their death appear to be an accidental overdose.

I've been hearing about that alot on the news.

People also overdose accidently when they fall off the wagon. Too often, when they have been clean for a while, when they go back, they go back to the old dosage they were accustomed to, and it's too much.
IOW, this problem will only get worse if HRC is elected.
Dont you think that the GOP nominee with his track record of outsourcing his jobs would actually make it worse?

Well, no.

What I study is the Deep State.

I'm not concerned with the outsourcing of jobs. What I am concerned with is the funding of black-ops. and unapproved intelligence operations that congress and the peoples representatives wouldn't approve of.

Hillary Clinton is the chosen representative of the Deep State. Take for instance the establishment choosing Anderson Cooper as one of the debate moderators. If you study these things, you would know that he is CIA, he's part of the Deep State.

Judging by the way the establishment and the CFR have been treating the two candidates, you can be sure that the establishment will continue shipping heroine and cocaine into the nation so that the intelligence establishment will launder the cash and have a large pool of liquid funds to operate from, regardless of the budget congress approves.

Trump's shadowy benefactors (the mafia) have have been shut out of the game, largely since the days of Reagan. If you research Roy Cohn, Resorts international, ect., you will learn why this whole immigration issue is such a big deal to his benefactors. Their only source of revenue since those days have been gambling and drugs.

What have we seen? Moves toward drugs legalization, the Feds letting Mexican cartels take over turf, and allowing Indians to set up casino's to take over their turf. It has been a nightmare for them.

The Deep State has grown in power and scope. The only thing I can't figure out is why he seems to approve of what Assange has done but wants to see Snowden's head on a platter. :dunno:

The fact is, Hillary will tolerate more of this shit. I don't think Trump will. It goes against his, make America great again. Toleration of this crap is what is patently racist. She was in government when this was going down. In fact, her husband was Governor and participated in that whole Mena airport scandal. Getting minority communities hooked on drugs is considered by them, as, genocidal.

The CIA admitted in 1998 that guerrilla armies it actively supported in Nicaragua were smuggling illegal drugs into the United States—drugs that were making their way onto the streets of inner-city black neighborhoods in the form of crack cocaine. The CIA also admitted that, in the midst of the War on Drugs, it blocked law enforcement efforts to investigate illegal drug networks that were helping to fund its covert war in Nicaragua.
America's Current Racial Caste System - We Need to Ensure That It Is Our Last

Clintons, Contras and Cocaine

Clintons, Contras and Cocaine

I find it ironic that it takes a criminal organization to challenge the corruption that has rotted to the core the criminals in D.C. :lmao:

I seriously doubt Clinton will tolerate more of it. Clinton has a long record of supporting community integrity, issues involving children, drug addiction etc. Hillary Clinton’s $10 billion plan for treating drug addiction

I don't see Trump caring. He's only about Trump.

Isn't that convenient?

The government makes sure to flood hopeless communities with drugs, gets folks addicted, and then turns around and creates jobs for bureaucrats to treat those same victims it originally created, thereby creating more voters living off of tax payer money to keep politicians in power.

Problem => Reaction => Solution


What a nice scam they have going on to keep their system going on. . . .
IOW, this problem will only get worse if HRC is elected.
Dont you think that the GOP nominee with his track record of outsourcing his jobs would actually make it worse?

Well, no.

What I study is the Deep State.

I'm not concerned with the outsourcing of jobs. What I am concerned with is the funding of black-ops. and unapproved intelligence operations that congress and the peoples representatives wouldn't approve of.

Hillary Clinton is the chosen representative of the Deep State. Take for instance the establishment choosing Anderson Cooper as one of the debate moderators. If you study these things, you would know that he is CIA, he's part of the Deep State.

Judging by the way the establishment and the CFR have been treating the two candidates, you can be sure that the establishment will continue shipping heroine and cocaine into the nation so that the intelligence establishment will launder the cash and have a large pool of liquid funds to operate from, regardless of the budget congress approves.

Trump's shadowy benefactors (the mafia) have have been shut out of the game, largely since the days of Reagan. If you research Roy Cohn, Resorts international, ect., you will learn why this whole immigration issue is such a big deal to his benefactors. Their only source of revenue since those days have been gambling and drugs.

What have we seen? Moves toward drugs legalization, the Feds letting Mexican cartels take over turf, and allowing Indians to set up casino's to take over their turf. It has been a nightmare for them.

The Deep State has grown in power and scope. The only thing I can't figure out is why he seems to approve of what Assange has done but wants to see Snowden's head on a platter. :dunno:

The fact is, Hillary will tolerate more of this shit. I don't think Trump will. It goes against his, make America great again. Toleration of this crap is what is patently racist. She was in government when this was going down. In fact, her husband was Governor and participated in that whole Mena airport scandal. Getting minority communities hooked on drugs is considered by them, as, genocidal.

The CIA admitted in 1998 that guerrilla armies it actively supported in Nicaragua were smuggling illegal drugs into the United States—drugs that were making their way onto the streets of inner-city black neighborhoods in the form of crack cocaine. The CIA also admitted that, in the midst of the War on Drugs, it blocked law enforcement efforts to investigate illegal drug networks that were helping to fund its covert war in Nicaragua.
America's Current Racial Caste System - We Need to Ensure That It Is Our Last

Clintons, Contras and Cocaine

Clintons, Contras and Cocaine

I find it ironic that it takes a criminal organization to challenge the corruption that has rotted to the core the criminals in D.C. :lmao:

I seriously doubt Clinton will tolerate more of it. Clinton has a long record of supporting community integrity, issues involving children, drug addiction etc. Hillary Clinton’s $10 billion plan for treating drug addiction

I don't see Trump caring. He's only about Trump.

Isn't that convenient?

The government makes sure to flood hopeless communities with drugs, gets folks addicted, and then turns around and creates jobs for bureaucrats to treat those same victims it originally created, thereby creating more voters living off of tax payer money to keep them in power.

Problem => Reaction => Solution


What a nice scam they have going on to keep their system going on. . . .

I'm not that paranoid about our government - I doubt they are doing that deliberately.
I thought we were keeping government out of this? But you want the taxpayers to subsidize heroin? Fucked up! Really fucked up.
The most sophisticated and potentially successful strategy for dealing intelligently and rationally with what presently is called "the drug problem" would cost less then ten percent of what presently is wasted on the drug war. Far less than ten percent.

The War on Drugs is in fact the most elaborate money-making scam ever perpetrated on the American taxpayers, not to mention the taxpayers in other developed nations. I'm surprised this hasn't even occurred to you. In addition to the cost in dollars and cents this corrupt system has done major damage to the quality of life in American society.
If they want to drink themselves to death go ahead. The difference is very few people who have a drink now and then are alcoholics. Everyone who is a drug addict is a drug addict. There are no casual drug users.
And very few people who use a recreational drug now and then are addicts. The ratio is probably less than one percent.

I've known plenty of successful people who use cocaine now and then. The only reason I never joined them when invited is I have no interest in it. The only recreational substance I've ever used is marijuana, which I enjoyed on a fairly regular basis throughout the sixties and seventies when it was decriminalized in New York City. The only reason I stopped using it is the insane criminal laws imposed on it.

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