Herschel Walker Mocked Over False Claim He Was FBI Agent: 'Humiliating Lie'

This guy will be a perfect example of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This is a seat the Republicans should be taking back, but frankly, I'd put this race at Lean D now. Walker is a terrible candidate, has no understanding of the issues, and he's made false claims over and over and over. The Georgia GOP screwed themselves by allowing him to get away with no debates in the primary and now he's untested and unvetted.
Yeah..the whole celebrity candidate thing leaves me cold. The guy has no skills...and is being backed for no other reason than name recognition and a black skin. Black folk are so thin on the ground in the Republican party that they yearn for any person of color to run on their ticket..just so they can say how inclusive they are...not~
will others see a black face and vote on the strength of that?
Will white Repubs vote for him?
We shall see..I guess~
Naw, man. Obama got elected because he was the guy who was smart enough to realize early on the Iraq War was a terrible idea. Not to mention Bush wrecked the economy.

Obama was an incompetent piece of shit and the worst President this country ever had until Joe Potatohead stole the election.

You stupid asshole Moon Bats fell all over yourselves voting for the sonofabitch because he was a Negro. What you got for your vote was increased poverty, decreased family income, allowed millions of Illegals to flood in, $10 trillion in debt and nothing to show for it, higher taxes, weakened military, disastrous foreign policy, dismal economic growth and dishonesty in government.

You Moon Bats always make the wrong decisions at the polls. You can't help it, can you?
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Obama was an incompetent piece of shit and the worst President this country ever had until Joe Potatohead stole the election.

You stupid asshole Moon Bats fell all over yourselves voting for the sonofabitch because he was a Negro. What you got for your vote was increased poverty, decreased family income, $10 trillion in debt and nothing to show for it, higher taxes, weakened military, disastrous foreign policy, dismal economic growth and dishonesty in government.

You Moon Bats always make the wrong decisions at the polls. You can't help, can you?

Actually Obama is smarter than Trump and has much more education than Trump or you.
Won't matter.

People love him because he played Football.

That's how dumb we are as a society.
you voted for a 47 year politician that had never done one thing for america. There is that.

In fact, a VP who threatened a country to fire a prosecutor looking into his son's business partners.
you voted for a 47 year politician that had never done one thing for america. There is that.

In fact, a VP who threatened a country to fire a prosecutor looking into his son's business partners.

Shokin refused to prosecute corruption in Ukraine. The US, UN and EU wanted Ukraine to clean up their reputation for corruption so they could attract foreign investment to Ukraine.

How could you be so bloody ignorant?
Shokin refused to prosecute corruption in Ukraine. The US, UN and EU wanted Ukraine to clean up their reputation for corruption so they could attract foreign investment to Ukraine.

How could you be so bloody ignorant?

Look who you are exchanging with and that will answer your question.
Shokin refused to prosecute corruption in Ukraine. The US, UN and EU wanted Ukraine to clean up their reputation for corruption so they could attract foreign investment to Ukraine.

How could you be so bloody ignorant?
how is that the VP of the US's position?
how is that the VP of the US's position?

It was US foreign policy in agreement with the EU and UN to help Ukraine rise above their reputation for corruption. That's why Hunter was hired to teach highest and best business practices
It was US foreign policy in agreement with the EU and UN to help Ukraine rise above their reputation for corruption. That's why Hunter was hired to teach highest and best business practices
that explains nothing. They aren't our responsibility, sounds like the EU had issues.

you all are fking goofy fkers who lick the assholes of demofks for loss of dignity.
I know you Putin loving people would love to hand all of Europe over to 1 of your heroes but what makes you think he stops with Ukraine?
Why did you believe the russian dossier comrade?

You don't get to project your commie love onto me.
The former football star reportedly told an audience in 2019: "I spent time at Quantico at the FBI training school. Y'all didn't know I was an agent?"
Hm. I wonder if that “report” is at all reliable?

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