"He’s a small child": Utah police shot a 13-year-old autistic boy after his mother called 911 for help

Too many questions. I highly doubt police would shoot an unarmed 13 yo...but if they did they need to go down
His mother couldn't control him and had to call the police?? Where's Dad or family. Not much of a mother in my book.
I'd be interesting to see a more comprehensive description of this event from some other source than the British extreme-left-wing paper "The Guardian".

My gut tells me there is more to this story than what I read in this very short article.
A simple google will tells you it’s all over that includes your favorite Fox News.
His mother couldn't control him and had to call the police?? Where's Dad or family. Not much of a mother in my book.
WTH. You don’t know anything about this family to make that kind of dumb assessment. Maybe the Dad went to work? Mom has to stay home to take care the boy with autism. Are you even human?
I don’t think it is that rare. This is from the link I posted:

If officers don’t have proper training, confrontations involving people with mental illness can escalate quickly. This can put everyone involved in danger.Studies show that people with mental illness are 16 times more likely to be killed by police than other suspects.
Obviously not rare at all which exposes the easy excuse of needing "proper training" as absurd. Cops are decent enough people, but training or no, they just can't handle those experiencing mental breaks in general. Certainly not well. Few people can. For those few, constant training helps. Getting out of bed in the morning inspired by the prospect of maybe helping some of these people takes a special breed of person. Many relate because they've suffered from similar mental illnesses themselves. They comprise special units which respond 24/7, never killing anyone. They handle the absolute necessity of getting those in crisis to a safe place where they can calm down, sleep, and be properly evaluated.

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