Hey Biden Administration, Which is it? Is It the Govt's Right to know who has been vaccinated or not?

View attachment 510368

White House insists door-to-door vaccination volunteers

not government workers, US not keeping database

White House defends door-to-door jab checks, says it's 'government's business''s 'government's business''s 'government's business''s 'government's business''s 'government's business''s 'government's business''s 'government's business''s 'government's business'

White House defends door-to-door jab checks, says it's 'government's business'

to know who has been vaccinated​

Which is it?

Another day another Sleazy attempt to gin up fear and paranoia about the vaccines, and mistrust of the US government.

Always spreading Russian propaganda and hate. What kind of person hates their own country?
How did he try to gin up fear of the vaccine, Dumbass?

They’re going door to door to hunt you down to make sure you got vaccinated. Be afraid be very afraid the government is out to get you.

You’re the same clowns who said that the health department doing well baby check ups was intruding on your family’s privacy and spying on their parenting.
The government has no right HIPAA guarantees each citizen the right to tell the fascists to go F themselves.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule recognizes the legitimate need for public health authorities and others responsible for ensuring public health and safety to have access to protected health information to carry out their public health mission. The Rule also recognizes that public health reports made by covered entities are an important means of identifying threats to the health and safety of the public at large, as well as individuals. Accordingly, the Rule permits covered entities to disclose protected health information without authorization for specified public health purposes.
See 45 CFR 164.512(b)(1)(i).

The Privacy Rule permits covered entities to disclose protected health information, without authorization, to public health authorities who are legally authorized to receive such reports for the purpose of preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability. This would include, for example, the reporting of a disease or injury; reporting vital events, such as births or deaths; and conducting public health surveillance, investigations, or interventions.
View attachment 510368

White House insists door-to-door vaccination volunteers

not government workers, US not keeping database

White House defends door-to-door jab checks, says it's 'government's business''s 'government's business'

White House defends door-to-door jab checks, says it's 'government's business'

to know who has been vaccinated​

Which is it?

Have these morons heard of HIPPA??? Wow!
The government has no right HIPAA guarantees each citizen the right to tell the fascists to go F themselves.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule recognizes the legitimate need for public health authorities and others responsible for ensuring public health and safety to have access to protected health information to carry out their public health mission. The Rule also recognizes that public health reports made by covered entities are an important means of identifying threats to the health and safety of the public at large, as well as individuals. Accordingly, the Rule permits covered entities to disclose protected health information without authorization for specified public health purposes.
None of that empowers the Biden admin to go door to door with volunteers demanding HIPPA protected information. Dem Nazi's can go F themselves. Go ahead go door to door and give everyone a breath test to determine if they have been drinking and are hence a threat to themselves and others. Go door to door and demand illegals undergo screening to make sure they are not infested with all manner of disease and parasites.
None of that empowers the Biden admin to go door to door with volunteers demanding HIPPA protected information. Dem Nazi's can go F themselves.
The volunteers can't "demand" any information.

Why twist the truth?
Right they are going door to door to have the door slammed in their face riiiiiiiiiight. Dems are the party of government THREATS and FINES. You WILL obey or else that's how Dems govern otherwise nobody would listen to the retards.
The volunteers can't "demand" any information.

Why twist the truth?
Right they are going door to door to have the door slammed in their face riiiiiiiiiight. Dems are the party of government THREATS and FINES. You WILL obey or else that's how Dems govern otherwise nobody would listen to the retards.
Still doesn't change the fact that they can't demand any information.

But you can set your hair on fire if it makes you feel better.
The government has no right HIPAA guarantees each citizen the right to tell the fascists to go F themselves.

They gotta change that law first. Otherwise it's illegal.
Amazing how previous law strangles Gov't overreach. Shows at least we've done a few things right.

Unfortunately when leftists are in power they only abide by the laws they like and ignore those that hinder their agenda. A glance at the Obama Administration will prove it.
Unfortunately when leftists are in power they only abide by the laws they like and ignore those that hinder their agenda. A glance at the Obama Administration will prove it.
See 45 CFR 164.512(b)(1)(i).

It gives the government under "compelling government interest" access to HIPPA information without needing permission from the subject.
The government has no right HIPAA guarantees each citizen the right to tell the fascists to go F themselves.
This is a very informative page about HIPAA and vaccination status disclosure.

The above link seems to indicate that anyone can ask about vaccination status, but a person does not have to answer the question and vaccination status is protected information.

However, this US government links says otherwise. It says health providers can provide a person's protected information to a public health authority without prior authorization of the individual...

This link says the gov is not likely to prosecute HIPAA violations for disclosure of COVID info that are made in "good faith."

administration will send reps door-to-door to demand to know who has and who hasn't gotten the vaccines - but will not keep records on this
So if it's an issue for you, lie. It doesn't seem to be an issue for you any other time.
Unfortunately when leftists are in power they only abide by the laws they like and ignore those that hinder their agenda. A glance at the Obama Administration will prove it.
See 45 CFR 164.512(b)(1)(i).

It gives the government under "compelling government interest" access to HIPPA information without needing permission from the subject.
Isn’t that convenient the politicians made sure they can do that. What else are you overjoyed at the government can do to Americans?
The government has no right HIPAA guarantees each citizen the right to tell the fascists to go F themselves.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule recognizes the legitimate need for public health authorities and others responsible for ensuring public health and safety to have access to protected health information to carry out their public health mission. The Rule also recognizes that public health reports made by covered entities are an important means of identifying threats to the health and safety of the public at large, as well as individuals. Accordingly, the Rule permits covered entities to disclose protected health information without authorization for specified public health purposes.
None of that empowers the Biden admin to go door to door with volunteers demanding HIPPA protected information. Dem Nazi's can go F themselves. Go ahead go door to door and give everyone a breath test to determine if they have been drinking and are hence a threat to themselves and others. Go door to door and demand illegals undergo screening to make sure they are not infested with all manner of disease and parasites.

It never ceases to amaze me that the same clowns who think that employers should have the right to drug test everyone who works for them, who oppose vaccine mandates, also oppose volunteers going door to door to ask people to get vaccinated.

You want the right to lie to people to discourage vaccination. You want the Arizona Fraudit people to go to the homes of Democratic voters and ask them to confirm they voted Democrat, in violation of the Constitution, but anyone going door to door to encourage their neighbours to chose to get vaccinated, is a bridge too far.

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously.
administration will send reps door-to-door to demand to know who has and who hasn't gotten the vaccines - but will not keep records on this
So if it's an issue for you, lie. It doesn't seem to be an issue for you any other time.

Yes, let’s spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to gather information that is inaccurate. If you leftists had the ability to think beyond how you feel at any given moment this country would be in great shape.
The government has no right HIPAA guarantees each citizen the right to tell the fascists to go F themselves.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule recognizes the legitimate need for public health authorities and others responsible for ensuring public health and safety to have access to protected health information to carry out their public health mission. The Rule also recognizes that public health reports made by covered entities are an important means of identifying threats to the health and safety of the public at large, as well as individuals. Accordingly, the Rule permits covered entities to disclose protected health information without authorization for specified public health purposes.
None of that empowers the Biden admin to go door to door with volunteers demanding HIPPA protected information. Dem Nazi's can go F themselves. Go ahead go door to door and give everyone a breath test to determine if they have been drinking and are hence a threat to themselves and others. Go door to door and demand illegals undergo screening to make sure they are not infested with all manner of disease and parasites.

It never ceases to amaze me that the same clowns who think that employers should have the right to drug test everyone who works for them, who oppose vaccine mandates, also oppose volunteers going door to door to ask people to get vaccinated.

You want the right to lie to people to discourage vaccination. You want the Arizona Fraudit people to go to the homes of Democratic voters and ask them to confirm they voted Democrat, in violation of the Constitution, but anyone going door to door to encourage their neighbours to chose to get vaccinated, is a bridge too far.

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously.

How many times do you have to be told we Americans don’t GAF what some leftist Canadian twat thinks? Why don’t you concentrate on destroying your own pathetic little country that has zero standing on the world stage and hides behind the might of America for its very existence.
See 45 CFR 164.512(b)(1)(i).

It gives the government under "compelling government interest" access to HIPPA information without needing permission from the subject.
Isn’t that convenient the politicians made sure they can do that. What else are you overjoyed at the government can do to Americans?
I'm not taking sides as to if the government should have that power. I'm just informing people of what the law is. They seem to think all non-authorized HIPPA disclosures are illegal.
See 45 CFR 164.512(b)(1)(i).

It gives the government under "compelling government interest" access to HIPPA information without needing permission from the subject.
Isn’t that convenient the politicians made sure they can do that. What else are you overjoyed at the government can do to Americans?
I'm not taking sides as to if the government should have that power. I'm just informing people of what the law is. They seem to think all non-authorized HIPPA disclosures are illegal.
Yeah, you’re clearly the standard bearer for bipartisanship on this forum.
The government has no right HIPAA guarantees each citizen the right to tell the fascists to go F themselves.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule recognizes the legitimate need for public health authorities and others responsible for ensuring public health and safety to have access to protected health information to carry out their public health mission. The Rule also recognizes that public health reports made by covered entities are an important means of identifying threats to the health and safety of the public at large, as well as individuals. Accordingly, the Rule permits covered entities to disclose protected health information without authorization for specified public health purposes.
None of that empowers the Biden admin to go door to door with volunteers demanding HIPPA protected information. Dem Nazi's can go F themselves. Go ahead go door to door and give everyone a breath test to determine if they have been drinking and are hence a threat to themselves and others. Go door to door and demand illegals undergo screening to make sure they are not infested with all manner of disease and parasites.

It never ceases to amaze me that the same clowns who think that employers should have the right to drug test everyone who works for them, who oppose vaccine mandates, also oppose volunteers going door to door to ask people to get vaccinated.

You want the right to lie to people to discourage vaccination. You want the Arizona Fraudit people to go to the homes of Democratic voters and ask them to confirm they voted Democrat, in violation of the Constitution, but anyone going door to door to encourage their neighbours to chose to get vaccinated, is a bridge too far.

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously.

How many times do you have to be told we Americans don’t GAF what some leftist Canadian twat thinks? Why don’t you concentrate on destroying your own pathetic little country that has zero standing on the world stage and hides behind the might of America for its very existence.

Triggered much asshole? Attempting to insult me and call me names isn’t going to change the fact that you people are too stupid to keep the lights on in Texas when it gets cold.

Canada is the best country in the world to live in according to multiple surveys in multiple years. That’s a whole lot more standing than the USA has had in decades.

The best country in the world to live in has no standing on the world stage according to you.

You were elected a ConMan president and he killed 1/2 million people. The republican party seems to think that the solution to your problems is to prevent Black people from voting and allow those who put Trump into office to overturn any election which would toss him out of office.

Your nation has lost its way and lost its mind. At least a portion of votes Republican has. Somebody needs to tell you’re drunk and be it’s time to smarten up.

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