Hey Dave And Barry, Blue Collar Male Support At An Absolute Low


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[But down at 1600 Pennsylvania where the boys commune daily with Valerie Jarret, the Obama adviser that experienced a double orgasm at the thought of bringing Marxist revolutionary Van Jones into the White House circle, and in the campaign war room back in Chicago they're all wearing Alfred E Neumann masks. Who's he? Nobody, just the "What, me worry?" kid from an old magazine. As the boys at powerline point out so bluntly, when you've gotten nothing but the one fingered salute for 41 months, what can you expect?]

"It wasn’t too many years ago when blue-collar men formed the core of the Democratic Party. But the Democrats have been moving steadily away from the values and interests of those voters, and the results have been obvious in recent elections. This year, Barack Obama has hit the absolute nadir in what was formerly an influential voting bloc. The National Journal reports:

Throughout his career on the national stage, Obama has struggled among white men without a college education. But in these latest surveys, he has fallen to a level of support among them lower than any Democratic nominee has attracted in any election since 1980, according to an upcoming National Journal analysis of exit polls from presidential elections. …

The new Quinnipiac poll shows Obama attracting just 29 percent of non-college white men, down from 32 percent in their most recent national survey in April…. The ABC/Washington Post survey found Obama drawing just 28 percent of non-college white men, down from 34 percent in their May survey….

Those numbers are absolutely stunning if you think back to the Democratic Party of 50 years ago."

Obama’s Support Among Blue Collar Men At Historic Low | Power Line
Yep, these white working class males are just so inconsequential and unimportant. They're just the descendants of the guys that tossed the tea overboard at Boston Harbor then waited until the Brits got close enough to see the whites of their eyes at Bunker Hill, bled and died at Gettysburg, but yet still kept marching toward the fence line, endured trench foot, poison gas and machine gun fire in Flanders Fields, stormed Omaha Beach then held the snow and blood covered line at Bastogne and made the fighting retreat from the frozen Chosin dragging the bodies of their dead comrades behind them on sleds.
They could say as in the song "We Built This City" but they sure as Hell didn't do it with "Rock and Roll". Ignore at your peril. arrogant POS.
[But down at 1600 Pennsylvania where the boys commune daily with Valerie Jarret, the Obama adviser that experienced a double orgasm at the thought of bringing Marxist revolutionary Van Jones into the White House circle, and in the campaign war room back in Chicago they're all wearing Alfred E Neumann masks. Who's he? Nobody, just the "What, me worry?" kid from an old magazine. As the boys at powerline point out so bluntly, when you've gotten nothing but the one fingered salute for 41 months, what can you expect?]

"It wasn’t too many years ago when blue-collar men formed the core of the Democratic Party. But the Democrats have been moving steadily away from the values and interests of those voters, and the results have been obvious in recent elections. This year, Barack Obama has hit the absolute nadir in what was formerly an influential voting bloc. The National Journal reports:

Throughout his career on the national stage, Obama has struggled among white men without a college education. But in these latest surveys, he has fallen to a level of support among them lower than any Democratic nominee has attracted in any election since 1980, according to an upcoming National Journal analysis of exit polls from presidential elections. …

The new Quinnipiac poll shows Obama attracting just 29 percent of non-college white men, down from 32 percent in their most recent national survey in April…. The ABC/Washington Post survey found Obama drawing just 28 percent of non-college white men, down from 34 percent in their May survey….

Those numbers are absolutely stunning if you think back to the Democratic Party of 50 years ago."

Obama’s Support Among Blue Collar Men At Historic Low | Power Line

It's a really interesting poll. Quinnipac is pretty reliable. Thanks for putting it up. His union support is sliding as well. The working men and women in the unions. Wisconsin is living proof of that.

Not the union leaders who are just raking in the $$$$$$$$$. The leaders continue to perform political fellatio with the WH.
Ironically, it is Obama's devastating war on women that should be raising eyebrows.
Ironically, it is Obama's devastating war on women that should be raising eyebrows.

[That was one Hell of a cockamamie idea, that one.

They're just looking for your money here. Coming soon, maybe, more chances for a $3.00 coffee with Joe B. I hear tell Joey B is all hands at union meetings with ladies BTW.]

"Its all Karl Rove's fault.

But the former official said the sea change, especially with the tidal wave of GOP cash, is palpable.

“There’s a very real sense of, ‘You can’t just sit back,’ ” the former official said. “There’s so much money on the other side, and we’re in unknown waters. If people are freaked out, I think they should be freaked out. After all, it’s the new reality of American electoral politics. And we’re venturing into the great unknown.”

Don Peebles, who serves on Obama’s National Finance Committee, told The Hill he’s “concerned [Obama] won’t have sufficient resources to fight back with.”

Aw, poor guy. Hundreds of millions of dollars, daily slanted polls trying to make people think you’re invulnerable, 99.9% of the broadcast and print media sacrificing any pretense of objectivity to help get you elected. Those are really tough headwinds, champ.

Still, despite those built-in advantages, there’s panic at the Obama disco.

The Obama campaign, Jillson added, “isn’t down and terrified. They’re up and running a little scared.”

Even worse? No lavish Martha’s Vineyard vacation this summer for our heroic middle-class warrior.

Don’t you see the sacrifices he’s making for you?"

Nervous Times at Obama HQ: ‘I think they should be freaked out’ | Jammie Wearing Fools
zip provides his usual sparkling and stellar touch. Nice pic. Nice suit. That one in the pic certainly never suffered the indignity of trying to stay working swinging an axe on row after endless row of soaking wet tobacco plants with multiple blisters from handling the axe covering the palm of your hand. All the while, it provided good indoctrination into the society of bitter clingers.

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