Hey Donny...Please pardon Manafort.

Good men don't evade their patriotic duty of paying their taxes. The best thing the prez can do is continue to distance himself from the likes of people like manafort. Put manafort on ignore and let him serve his deserved time.
Nah. Trump needs to stay out of the whole mess.

If they committed a crime then they need to do the time.
I was going to make this same post. I hope he pardons him and invites him and Putin for a week of golf and parties in Palm Beach.

That would be so great
“He’s a good man” and he deserves your help.
Plus, the level of TDS that will ensue will be absolutely fascinating.
You Want to release a felon because you think it’s going to bother somebody who’s not a felon? Your post is pretty confusing. Care to give any details?
Yeah, go ahead Donnie, Dumb Ass...a constitutional crisis for no reason sounds great...and Manifort still goes to jail.

Manafort Is Expected to Face Charges in New York, Even if Trump Pardons Him

What constitutional crisis? Are you under the influence while posting?

Ask Senate Republicans.
Republicans warn Trump against Manafort pardon

Oh, come on everyone knows they're just a bunch of rino's, but, but, but Hillary. And who knows what Hillary has to do with this but they'll bring her up.
Nah. Trump needs to stay out of the whole mess.

If they committed a crime then they need to do the time.
And if he did pardon Manafort...your reaction would be...?

I don't agree with 99% of Presidential pardons. Especially when you see some of the criminals that are pardoned.

Some pardon's are good, most are not.

Trump needs to stay out of that mess.
Yeah, go ahead Donnie, Dumb Ass...a constitutional crisis for no reason sounds great...and Manifort still goes to jail.

Manafort Is Expected to Face Charges in New York, Even if Trump Pardons Him

What constitutional crisis? Are you under the influence while posting?

dimocrap scum are dimocraps because they're stupid. Not complicated at all.

The President's power to pardon is absolute. The only thing he can't issue a pardon for is treason.

I wonder, are dimocrap scum stupid first and then become dimocraps are or they dimocraps first and then become stupid.

This should replace the age old chicken/egg dilemma
Good men don't evade their patriotic duty of paying their taxes. The best thing the prez can do is continue to distance himself from the likes of people like manafort. Put manafort on ignore and let him serve his deserved time.

Patriotism and paying taxes do not correlate any longer....that shit went out the window when you fuckers forced us to foster wetbacks by the tens of millions...FUCK YOU...I cut every corner possible. FREE MANAFORT!
“He’s a good man” and he deserves your help.
Plus, the level of TDS that will ensue will be absolutely fascinating.
You just love criminals like yourself.

What crime has brokeloser committed or are you lying again?

I had a lying, cheating, scamming illegal from New Zealand working on my vacation home a state away. He was referred by a neighbor who had used him for years, he presented me with lies and fraudulent documentation and the Left turns that into its my fault and not his.
You know, they’re always awesome at assigning blame in that backwards world of LibTardia.
Manafort might have to do a year in jail and have to wait until after the 2020 election to be pardoned by The President.

It's sickening that Mueller put a 70 year old man in solitary confinement for what essentially was tax issues, for the entirety of his investigation, while a dirt bag like Cohen is doing publicity tours and interviews, and lying to Congress, not once, but twice, and still is not in jail.

Since when does Imprisonment In Solitary Confinement Happen for Tax Crimes?
Even Before you are Convicted?

Why isn't Al Sharpton in Solitary Confinement?
Just reduce his 'excessive' sentence down to 12 months...with time off for good behavior after 3. :p
“He’s a good man” and he deserves your help.
Plus, the level of TDS that will ensue will be absolutely fascinating.
You Want to release a felon because you think it’s going to bother somebody who’s not a felon? Your post is pretty confusing. Care to give any details?

So releasing felons is reserved for Democrats? You really need to get out and explore beyond your trailer park, dumbass.
New Bill From Sacramento Democrats Will Mean Early Release For Repeat Felons
Just reduce his 'excessive' sentence down to 12 months...with time off for good behavior after 3. :p
Remember The DemNazi LeftTards were telling us Manafort was going to get 25 Years in Prison. Some were ever saying he could get Life.

For things he did on behalf of The Podesta Group, Obama, and Hillary Clinton, no less.
Just reduce his 'excessive' sentence down to 12 months...with time off for good behavior after 3. :p
So defrauding the Federal government of 30 million and obstructing justice deserves a slap on the wrist?

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