Hey Dumbass: Tax-Cuts Don't Have To Be Paid For

Btw,Hopey Changey himself supports Tax Cuts. He has in the past anyway. I'm not sure where he stands today though. He does seem to waffle a lot on everything. So if you support Hopey Changey,you also support Tax Cuts. Most of his sheep are unfortunately too dumb to realize what they're actually supporting from day to day. All they know is..."DAT BOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!" Not very intelligent people for the most part.

It really is pretty funny thinking about how i have seen several Hopey Changey sheep in the past on this board boasting about their Hopey Changey One proposing Tax Cuts. They're actually too stupid to remember all their past boasting on this issue. Their beloved Hopey Changey has supported Tax Cuts in the past. He may be taking a different position now but he did support that in the past. Btw,his insane spending more than makes up for any "Evil Tax Cuts" of the past. Oh well,i guess it will always be "DAT BOOOOOOOSH!!! for the Hopey Changey loons. I know they can't help themselves.
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Tax cuts, need to be very focused to give the best return on investment, in times of a recession....and in times of running great deficits, with national debt obligations already very high....they shouldn't be willy nilly, produce no return, and just make our deficits and national debt worse, imo.
Tax cuts, need to be very focused to give the best return on investment, in times of a recession....and in times of running great deficits, with national debt obligations already very high....they shouldn't be willy nilly, produce no return, and just make our deficits and national debt worse, imo.

Like i said,their insane spending dwarfs any possible "Evil Tax Cuts" of the past. The two don't even compare. Besides,Hopey Changey has supported and has proposed Tax Cuts in the past. Gee I wonder why he has suddenly changed his position? Could it be because Elections are right around the corner? Hmm?
Tax cuts, need to be very focused to give the best return on investment, in times of a recession....and in times of running great deficits, with national debt obligations already very high....they shouldn't be willy nilly, produce no return, and just make our deficits and national debt worse, imo.

Like i said,their insane spending dwarfs any possible "Evil Tax Cuts" of the past. The two don't even compare. Besides,Hopey Changey has supported and has proposed Tax Cuts in the past. Gee I wonder why he has suddenly changed his position? Could it be because Elections are right around the corner? Hmm?

they just released their plans for small business tax cuts, and they do support keeping the bush tax cuts for 98% of the working populous....so they still are supporting tax cuts.
Jesus....what a bunch of crapola. Deficits fell because the GOP took over in 94' and got rid of Welfare and Clinton cut the military.

Why couldn't the GOP balance the budget when they controlled the presidency and both houses then? Because they clearly didn't do that...
I'd say there's sufficient-enough-data to cover stupidity, on "conservatives'" part.....


We've BEEN "HERE", before....ya' stupid, History-CHALLENGED TEABAGGERS!!!!!


Dude....meltdown must be a constant state for you. Reading your posts is like reading the posts of a 3 year old.

Relax, Muddy!!

Admit you're OUTTA AMMO, and run-along........


"If there's one thing that Republican politicians agree on, it's that slashing taxes brings the government more money. "You cut taxes, and the tax revenues increase," President Bush said in a speech last year. Keeping taxes low, Vice President Dick Cheney explained in a recent interview, "does produce more revenue for the Federal Government." Presidential candidate John McCain declared in March that "tax cuts ... as we all know, increase revenues." His rival Rudy Giuliani couldn't agree more. "I know that reducing taxes produces more revenues," he intones in a new TV ad.

If there's one thing that economists agree on, it's that these claims are false.

We're not talking just ivory-tower lefties. Virtually every economics Ph.D. who has worked in a prominent role in the Bush Administration acknowledges that the tax cuts enacted during the past six years have not paid for themselves--and were never intended to.

Harvard professor Greg Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers from 2003 to 2005, even devotes a section of his best-selling economics textbook to debunking the claim that tax cuts increase revenues."


:woohoo: _
_ :woohoo:

"When men are established in any kind of dignity, it is thought a breach of 'modesty' for others to derogate any way from it, and question the authority of men who are in possession of it." --John Locke

In other words if you have to rely on the authority of others to make your point, you have shown that the flaw in your own logic is that you don't have any. Bush '43 was not a fiscal conservative so why would his economists say anything different?
Jesus....what a bunch of crapola. Deficits fell because the GOP took over in 94' and got rid of Welfare and Clinton cut the military.

Why couldn't the GOP balance the budget when they controlled the presidency and both houses then? Because they clearly didn't do that...

Bush and that Republican Congress clearly didn't care.

This is why I get so Pissed when people claim all conservatives will be like Bush. Bush didn't behave like a conservative. At least not when it came to expanding federal power, and spending money.
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This is why I get so Pissed when people claim all conservatives will be like Bush. Bush didn't behave like a conservative. At least not when it came to expanding federal power, and spending money.

What makes you think they're going to change their ways though? I'm not convinced at all because while they support fiscal conservatism, they support the war in Afghanistan. Wars are costly and this one is no different.

Plus I guarantee you they will not cut defense spending either which is a huge expense. What we need to do is be more friendly to other nations and support diplomacy. That alone will make this country safer. Not some useless missle defense program. They'll support that but then say we can't spend a bit more on healthcare.
Jesus....what a bunch of crapola. Deficits fell because the GOP took over in 94' and got rid of Welfare and Clinton cut the military.

Why couldn't the GOP balance the budget when they controlled the presidency and both houses then? Because they clearly didn't do that...

Something to do with utter stupidity. They decided to institute a shared power structure and the Dems took full advantage of it. Also....they never had a filibuster proof majority.

Oh and the simple fact that the Dems used two wars, several natural disasters, and a shitload of media leaks to force the Bush Administration into spending billions just to keep from looking like he didn't care about the troops and black people in general.
Jesus....what a bunch of crapola. Deficits fell because the GOP took over in 94' and got rid of Welfare and Clinton cut the military.

Why couldn't the GOP balance the budget when they controlled the presidency and both houses then? Because they clearly didn't do that...

Bush and that Republican Congress clearly didn't care.

This is why I get so Pissed when people claim all conservatives will be like Bush. Bush didn't behave like a conservative. At least not when it came to expanding federal power, and spending money.

Can you point to a conservative who once elected President did not expand federal power or spend money?

Want to start with Reagan?
Jesus....what a bunch of crapola. Deficits fell because the GOP took over in 94' and got rid of Welfare and Clinton cut the military.

Why couldn't the GOP balance the budget when they controlled the presidency and both houses then? Because they clearly didn't do that...

Something to do with utter stupidity. They decided to institute a shared power structure and the Dems took full advantage of it. Also....they never had a filibuster proof majority.

Oh and the simple fact that the Dems used two wars, several natural disasters, and a shitload of media leaks to force the Bush Administration into spending billions just to keep from looking like he didn't care about the troops and black people in general.

The reason the budget was reduced was due to Bill Clinton's Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, where not one republican voted for it.

Bill clinton IS THE REASON that we reduced our deficit spending.

It's simply NOT TRUE that this is because of Republicans taking over in 1994.


Bill Clinton, unlike most other recent presidents, demonstrated that he would immerse himself in the details of the budget. Despite the fact that it was not an issue that he emphasized while running for the presidency in 1992, Clinton demonstrated willingness early in his presidency to reduce the deficit. It was widely held that if Clinton was to get a handle on the deficit as he promised, he must do so in the first year of his presidency, when his political capital was at its peak (Hager and Cloud, 1993a).

In a joint session of Congress on February 17, 1993, President Clinton unveiled his budget proposal that included deep spending cuts, but which relied overwhelmingly on tax increases to bring the deficit downward. At the same time, Clinton proposed to quickly boost short-term job creation by pumping billions of dollars into new spending programs. Clinton's deficit-cutting plan was the largest in history, proposing to save nearly $500 billion over four years. Of that amount, roughly two-thirds would go to reduce the deficit, while another third would be used to pay for increased job creation and long-term investment spending, making net deficit reduction at the end of the four years of the plan about $325 billion (Hager, 1993).

The deficit-reduction package proposed a cut of $493 billion over four years, $247 of it coming from spending cuts and $246 billion from tax increases, almost exactly a 1-to-1 ratio. The ratio of tax increases to spending cuts quickly emerged as the major conflict point in congressional reaction to the plan. Republicans and conservative Democrats were upset that the ratio of cuts to taxes was much less than the 2-to-1 ratio that Panetta had advocated during his confirmation hearings. Though the deficit-reduction plan made notable spending cuts, its heavy reliance on tax increases displays the difficulties the Clinton economic team had coming up with acceptable spending cuts.

Clinton's call for a tax increase was a direct repudiation of the economic philosophies of his two Republican predecessors. By aiming the taxes primarily at corporations and the well-off, Clinton was suggesting that the programs of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, which were designed to stimulate economic growth through tax cuts, came at the price of high deficits. Clinton believed that he could convince the American public--and a majority in Congress--that the economic expansion of the 1980s held negative consequences in the long run. Clinton proposed to raise most of the new revenue with an array of higher taxes on upper-income Americans and corporations, including $126.3 billion over six years mainly through a new top income tax bracket of 36 percent and a surtax on income over $250,000. Overall, more than half of the new taxes were projected to fall on families making more than $200,000 a year (Cloud, 1993). Table 1 shows the distribution of tax burden by income group.

Very lengthy article...
Read more here: The success of the 1993 budget reconciliation bill at reducing the federal budget deficit. | Goliath Business News
Jesus....what a bunch of crapola. Deficits fell because the GOP took over in 94' and got rid of Welfare and Clinton cut the military.

Why couldn't the GOP balance the budget when they controlled the presidency and both houses then? Because they clearly didn't do that...

Something to do with utter stupidity. They decided to institute a shared power structure and the Dems took full advantage of it. Also....they never had a filibuster proof majority.

Oh and the simple fact that the Dems used two wars, several natural disasters, and a shitload of media leaks to force the Bush Administration into spending billions just to keep from looking like he didn't care about the troops and black people in general.

lol, you can't be serious.

Just one example: remember when Kerry got hammered for the infamous 87 billion, that he for before he was against?

Remember why he was for it and then against it?

Because he and other Democrats wanted to PAY for it. Bush however who was against it before he was for it, threatened to VETO the 87 billion if it was paid for.
Clinton had a Republican Congress that forced him to balance the budget. Hopefully we'll have this same scenario after the November elections. My prediction is that if the Republicans take control of Congress,things will begin to get better for America. This all hinges on the Republicans regaining control of our Congress though. If that doesn't happen then all bets are off.

That's false. Republicans voted unanimously against Clinton's 93 budget, and deficits fell from that point on. PAYGO was also contributory. Congress had to conform to PAYGO until Bush and the Republicans let it expire in 2001, so they could go on their budget-busting spree.

Jesus....what a bunch of crapola. Deficits fell because the GOP took over in 94' and got rid of Welfare and Clinton cut the military.

So your contention is that cutting defense is an effective way to balance the budget?

Ok. See how many of your rightwing pals you can get on board with you. Not to mention the establishment GOP.
The current number of Americans living in poverty is at its highest level in the 50yrs of record keeping. This has happened under your Hopey Changey's watch. You can go ahead and try to blame others but it is what it is. Trickle Up Poverty is happening. You Hopey Changey Socialists/Progressives are the cause of this. Hopefully there will be a "Correction Election" in November. You guys gots to go. Nuff said.

No it's happening UNDER BUSH'S TAX CUTS. Remember, the magic ones that guaranteed prosperity!!! lol

Uncertainty is the cause of the poor economy.....not the Bush Tax Cuts. The fact that they're about to expire is whats scaring the hell out of everyone.....not to mention the simple fact that we have a radical in the White House that lies about everything. He and the Democrats cannot be trusted.

That is retarded. The economy tanked in 2007 over a year before Obama was elected. You need to grow up, mentally.
It really is pretty funny thinking about how i have seen several Hopey Changey sheep in the past on this board boasting about their Hopey Changey One proposing Tax Cuts. They're actually too stupid to remember all their past boasting on this issue.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......you mean......​

"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."

Yeah....I remember it WELL!!!!!

Tax cuts, need to be very focused to give the best return on investment, in times of a recession....and in times of running great deficits, with national debt obligations already very high....they shouldn't be willy nilly, produce no return, and just make our deficits and national debt worse, imo.

Like i said,their insane spending dwarfs any possible "Evil Tax Cuts" of the past. The two don't even compare. Besides,Hopey Changey has supported and has proposed Tax Cuts in the past. Gee I wonder why he has suddenly changed his position? Could it be because Elections are right around the corner? Hmm?

"It is not so long ago, that economists and politicians on both sides of the Atlantic fretted about the US government's escalating budget deficit and the ballooning size of public debt.

The days of gloom are over."

Tax cuts, need to be very focused to give the best return on investment, in times of a recession....and in times of running great deficits, with national debt obligations already very high....they shouldn't be willy nilly, produce no return, and just make our deficits and national debt worse, imo.

Like i said,their insane spending dwarfs any possible "Evil Tax Cuts" of the past. The two don't even compare. Besides,Hopey Changey has supported and has proposed Tax Cuts in the past. Gee I wonder why he has suddenly changed his position? Could it be because Elections are right around the corner? Hmm?

obama's first fiscal budget, the 2010 budget will reduce deficit spending by $70 billion, compared to president bush's last fiscal budget for 2009.... though $70 billion less of a deficit is not nearly enough...they are heading in the right direction...:clap2:
Something to do with utter stupidity. They decided to institute a shared power structure and the Dems took full advantage of it. Also....they never had a filibuster proof majority.

Oh and the simple fact that the Dems used two wars, several natural disasters, and a shitload of media leaks to force the Bush Administration into spending billions just to keep from looking like he didn't care about the troops and black people in general.

Nope, wasn't the GOP's fault at all. Not one bit...

But they were somehow the reason that Bill Clinton was able to balance the budget? Where are you living? La la land? The reason the budget decreased was because Clinton put a program in place to reduce the deficit. But Bush and the Republicans quickly disgarded that program when they took over in 2001 and the debt skyrocketed again. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Hopey Changey just spent $42 Billion more Taxpayer Dollars today. This spending included some Tax Cuts. It's actually kind of sad watching loyal Hopey Changey sheep flailing & screeching such stupidity on a daily basis. They don't even know what they support from day to day. They really are that stupid. Their Hopey Changey One just spent $42 Billion more in Taxpayer cash while including some Tax Cuts. So where is all their daily b*tchin about Tax Cuts coming from? Is it just more ignorant "DAT BOOOOOOOOSH!!" stuff? Looks like it to me. JEESH!
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