Hey.....hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters joining Parler

I was banned for calling Omar a dirty Terrorist.

No Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, none of it...I'm 53 and have been online since AOL dial up
I finally broke down at the end of this past May and joined Twitter
I lasted 2 months before getting banned for calling Pelosi a treasonous c--t that should hang
I have an account but ain't used it in months. Have Gab as well but never really used it.
Word is this is where Trump will launch his 2024 campaign from if the "Hammer " Steal is successful. It's a good place to be right now and it actually works with your phone. It is simply no longer possible to post to this site from a cell phone... I thought it was the RAM but no apparently the Android system just does not get along with this platform host. After twenty minutes of trying to post this post from my phone I gave up and sat down at the workstation.

In any case see you there...... I am justoffal over there too...

Thanks, but if Trump accepts defeat under these circumstances then there very likely won't be a 2024 election or any other election ever again. Five days ago the fate of the free world hinged on this election. And now? Now all those diehard Trump supporters are saying shit like, "Life must go on" or "We'll get 'em in '24" or "We must support our election process". Losers and fucking disgraces all of them. As Trump falls, so falls our civilization.
I'm still trying to understand when the media started declaring a President the winner, especially in light of the multiple state challenges yet to be resolved. Isn't there supposed to a final electoral vote count in the Congress and THEY declare the new President?

Something like that. The election must be certified. In other words, everyone who despises Trump is counting lots of hatched chickens when none have.

Not sure how he can fight this exactly....it's pretty obvious that this was yet another deep state action against this POTUS.....but where to you go from here?
Take the House in 2022 and give Biden an Impeachment.
Word is this is where Trump will launch his 2024 campaign from if the "Hammer " Steal is successful. It's a good place to be right now and it actually works with your phone. It is simply no longer possible to post to this site from a cell phone... I thought it was the RAM but no apparently the Android system just does not get along with this platform host. After twenty minutes of trying to post this post from my phone I gave up and sat down at the workstation.

In any case see you there...... I am justoffal over there too...

Thanks, but if Trump accepts defeat under these circumstances then there very likely won't be a 2024 election or any other election ever again. Five days ago the fate of the free world hinged on this election. And now? Now all those diehard Trump supporters are saying shit like, "Life must go on" or "We'll get 'em in '24" or "We must support our election process". Losers and fucking disgraces all of them. As Trump falls, so falls our civilization.
I'm still trying to understand when the media started declaring a President the winner, especially in light of the multiple state challenges yet to be resolved. Isn't there supposed to a final electoral vote count in the Congress and THEY declare the new President?

Something like that. The election must be certified. In other words, everyone who despises Trump is counting lots of hatched chickens when none have.

Not sure how he can fight this exactly....it's pretty obvious that this was yet another deep state action against this POTUS.....but where to you go from here?

I'll stop pretending to be the "adult" in the room, okay? The only way to keep America (and the world) standing out of Hell is to fucking fight, got it? Did our Founding Fathers resolve differences with the British Empire in courts? But . . . WHO will actually fight? No one left is possessed of a fucking backbone one. Sad but bloody true . . .

Fortitude as a quality has all but disappeared.
Word is this is where Trump will launch his 2024 campaign from if the "Hammer " Steal is successful. It's a good place to be right now and it actually works with your phone. It is simply no longer possible to post to this site from a cell phone... I thought it was the RAM but no apparently the Android system just does not get along with this platform host. After twenty minutes of trying to post this post from my phone I gave up and sat down at the workstation.
I’m posting from my phone right now.
Parler’s join page said verification code would be sent. It was not. Now to try Gab.
Word is this is where Trump will launch his 2024 campaign from if the "Hammer " Steal is successful. It's a good place to be right now and it actually works with your phone. It is simply no longer possible to post to this site from a cell phone... I thought it was the RAM but no apparently the Android system just does not get along with this platform host. After twenty minutes of trying to post this post from my phone I gave up and sat down at the workstation.

In any case see you there...... I am justoffal over there too...

Thanks, but if Trump accepts defeat under these circumstances then there very likely won't be a 2024 election or any other election ever again. Five days ago the fate of the free world hinged on this election. And now? Now all those diehard Trump supporters are saying shit like, "Life must go on" or "We'll get 'em in '24" or "We must support our election process". Losers and fucking disgraces all of them. As Trump falls, so falls our civilization.
I'm still trying to understand when the media started declaring a President the winner, especially in light of the multiple state challenges yet to be resolved. Isn't there supposed to a final electoral vote count in the Congress and THEY declare the new President?

Something like that. The election must be certified. In other words, everyone who despises Trump is counting lots of hatched chickens when none have.

Not sure how he can fight this exactly....it's pretty obvious that this was yet another deep state action against this POTUS.....but where to you go from here?

I'll stop pretending to be the "adult" in the room, okay? The only way to keep America (and the world) standing out of Hell is to fucking fight, got it? Did our Founding Fathers resolve differences with the British Empire in courts? But . . . WHO will actually fight? No one left is possessed of a fucking backbone one. Sad but bloody true . . .

Yeah it's going to come down to two POTUSES I'm afraid....one for RED america and one for Blue America.....that simple.... When Maxine waters spilled the beans a few years ago saying that Obama has given us a very powerful tool for winning elections.....she was dead on....he did.


It's happening. Parler is now the number one most downloaded app on the planet. The beauty of Parler is the application of fair and equal treatment. Conservatives flock to it in droves because it's the only place they can go to express their opinion without having it suppressed by an algorithm or a left-wing moderator. The left is a flocking to Parler in droves because they see fresh herds of right-wing conservatives that they can insult spit at. The difference in a place like Parler is that while the lefties are not censored they are also not favored and so their plaintive cries and insults go largely ignored. The construct of the board enables a person to float through the insults and the hate speech effortlessly without using the ignore feature.

Parler has also become the new Trump Central. Should the court challenges fail to restore a law lawful election, Parler will be where Trump will organize his 2024 run. It's about time conservatives had a place to turn to that was not heavily censored and biased.


It's happening. Parler is now the number one most downloaded app on the planet. The beauty of Parler is the application of fair and equal treatment. Conservatives flock to it in droves because it's the only place they can go to express their opinion without having it suppressed by an algorithm or a left-wing moderator. The left is a flocking to Parler in droves because they see fresh herds of right-wing conservatives that they can insult spit at. The difference in a place like Parler is that while the lefties are not censored they are also not favored and so their plaintive cries and insults go largely ignored. The construct of the board enables a person to float through the insults and the hate speech effortlessly without using the ignore feature.

Parler has also become the new Trump Central. Should the court challenges fail to restore a law lawful election.Parler will be where Trump will organize his 2024 run. It's about time conservatives had a place to turn to that was not heavily censored and biased.

Heh. Took you long enough.
Nazis are going to ruin it for you.
You got to take the good with the bad.
It's the only way you can truly have free speech. The only thing they censor is the occasional XXX skin merchants that show up. Even they get a small run of a few days before they get warned off. This is the way all platforms should be... fair and equal treatment. That means there's plenty of lefties there too to debate with if you choose to. The big difference there is that the lefties can't run to the management and cry about the conservatives and vice versa btw.

It's happening. Parler is now the number one most downloaded app on the planet. The beauty of Parler is the application of fair and equal treatment. Conservatives flock to it in droves because it's the only place they can go to express their opinion without having it suppressed by an algorithm or a left-wing moderator. The left is a flocking to Parler in droves because they see fresh herds of right-wing conservatives that they can insult spit at. The difference in a place like Parler is that while the lefties are not censored they are also not favored and so their plaintive cries and insults go largely ignored. The construct of the board enables a person to float through the insults and the hate speech effortlessly without using the ignore feature.

Parler has also become the new Trump Central. Should the court challenges fail to restore a law lawful election, Parler will be where Trump will organize his 2024 run. It's about time conservatives had a place to turn to that was not heavily censored and biased.

Now you can truly say what you don't mean.

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