"Hey, I Know! Let's Piss Off The Catholics!"

The moment one of these eggheads feels the need to try and impress you with their "education" and/or IQ-intelligence you know they're dumber than a stump

Yep, memorizing Kurt Vonnegut's novels ain't what feeds the bulldog.

It's like my papa told me once, leftists lack common sense, that will be their downfall in the long run

What Hitlery wants to bring to America......

Let the world know: Germany is going down – CHRIST MICHAEL
Except your science has never disproved the existence of God :) I'm pretty confident that would have made the news

The burden isn't on science to disprove god. It's on the theists to provide proof. Science also hasn't disproved that a flying spaghetti monster controls the galaxy with pasta and meatballs.
Everywhere you look is the proof of God.
One must want to see God and not be intent on denying His existence first.

Religious hogwash. This is also "proof" of 2,000 gods all over the world. Are you devout in your belief of those?
Actually, all evidence points to monotheism when you look at all the options with an open mind.

Many of those thousands of gods form the center of a monotheistic religion.

And no, there is zero evidence to support design/theism/god, whatever you want to call it.

Meanwhile, the scientific community is getting closer and closer every day to witnessing the beginning of the universe and figuring out how net-energy in the universe may be zero (signifying that "something from nothing" is perfectly reasonable.)

You can have Pat Robertson or Haggard, or Fallwell or Billy Graham.

I'll take Stephen Hawking, thanks.
Funny you mention the origins of the universe. 50 years ago science said the universe had no beginning, it always existed. Guess what. As we learn more we continue to see how everything dovetails with Judeo Christian Scripture.

I'll take Dr Collins as an example. Went into his research on the human genome as an athiest. His discovery of the human genome got him a Nobel Prize and one other thing - the knowledge that God exists. Collins is a Christian now.

Collins: Why this scientist believes in God - CNN.com
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