Hey, Kim Kong-un, Trump Just Blinked


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
After months of back-and-forth insults, threats from both the idiot Trump and Kim Jong-un to start WWIII, and the idiot Trump’s swearing there will never be any negotiations with North Korea over nukes, the idiot Trump just blinked. Now, he says “he'd be open to talking with [the] North Korean leader.”

" ‘Sure, I always believe in talking,' Trump said. ‘Absolutely I would do that, I wouldn't have a problem with that at all.' " His conciliatory comments makes it appear the idiot Trump has begun to listen to the advice of his staff and finally stop acting like a spoiled three-year-old.

However, the idiot Trump did hedge, as he tried to save face for himself to his fans when he added, “any talks would come with conditions.” But as usual, the idiot Trump was unable to give any details on what these “conditions” would be.

The idiot Trump should have quit before he pushed the North Korean leader too far. With his admission that he was willing to open talks between the U.S. and North Korea, he blinked first, which opens the door for Kim to call his bluff.

Just as the idiot Trump’s dealing with Russia consistently gives Putin upper hand, the idiot Trump’s months of childish nonsense has given Kim Jong-un the upper hand on the Korean Peninsula.

More of the idiot Trump‘s “winning” that so impresses his mindless followers, but embarrasses the rest of us.


As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

I don't think you should try to observe Trump's 3D chess moves when not even understanding regular chess.

Drives you to insanity, as can be seen here.
I don't think you should try to observe Trump's 3D chess moves when not even understanding regular chess.

Drives you to insanity, as can be seen here.

Yeah, Trump is playing 3-D Chess... convincing us he's an idiot.

Um. No.

What's happening is that he's posturing, but he's probably figured out he really has no good option for dealing with North Korea.

Any military option would trigger World War III when the Russians and Chinese bail Kim out.

We have no economic options, and China is pretty much ignoring sanctions.

And the South Koreans are opening their own negotiations because they don't trust Trump's "leadership".
Trump spews so much BS, he can't remember most of it, hardly surprising.
Yup. It's not "blinking", it's just blurting out whatever happens to get him through the moment. That's his M.O., always has been.

Whatever he did ; it worked. The world of the never Trump is filled with White geNOcide. Face it , most of Trumps initiatives are more pro White than anything else. Standing in the path of a zio initiative to bastardize the Caucasian.
Trump spews so much BS, he can't remember most of it, hardly surprising.
Yup. It's not "blinking", it's just blurting out whatever happens to get him through the moment. That's his M.O., always has been.

Whatever he did ; it worked. The world of the never Trump is filled with White geNOcide. Face it , most of Trumps initiatives are more pro White than anything else. Standing in the path of a zio initiative to bastardize the Caucasian.

Please note that Mac will not condemn this obviously racist statement.

Because he's so "moderate".
Trump spews so much BS, he can't remember most of it, hardly surprising.
Yup. It's not "blinking", it's just blurting out whatever happens to get him through the moment. That's his M.O., always has been.

Whatever he did ; it worked. The world of the never Trump is filled with White geNOcide. Face it , most of Trumps initiatives are more pro White than anything else. Standing in the path of a zio initiative to bastardize the Caucasian.
Trump spews so much BS, he can't remember most of it, hardly surprising.
Yup. It's not "blinking", it's just blurting out whatever happens to get him through the moment. That's his M.O., always has been.

Whatever he did ; it worked. The world of the never Trump is filled with White geNOcide. Face it , most of Trumps initiatives are more pro White than anything else. Standing in the path of a zio initiative to bastardize the Caucasian.

Please note that Mac will not condemn this obviously racist statement.

Because he's so "moderate".
That's not a racist statement, it's a racial statement.

Someone like you obviously doesn't, or won't, know the difference.
Cheetoboi doesnt know his ass from his elbow from day to day .. hes already forgot he said he had the biggest nuclear button because some foreign policy gurus told him to sit down and stfu.
After months of back-and-forth insults, threats from both the idiot Trump and Kim Jong-un to start WWIII, and the idiot Trump’s swearing there will never be any negotiations with North Korea over nukes, the idiot Trump just blinked. Now, he says “he'd be open to talking with [the] North Korean leader.”
You dont know the difference between talking to someone, and allowing them to have nukes? He didnt say "im now going to talk about letting them have nukes".
I don't know, i believe Trump has said all along he'd like to see a peaceful resolution. In fact i would say, if anyone has 'blinked' it would be Un. He realizes he can't bully this US President. That being said, I think it's a positive development. Un wants to talk again. The conflict should be worked out between North and South Korea. That's the way it should have always been. The US should be excluded from the talks. The US is only using South Korea as a pawn in its game. South Korea just needs to recognize that and begin pushing the US aside.

South Korea a sovereign nation that can work out its own agreements with the North. The US is standing in the way of peace at this point. It has its own agenda. South Korea needs to begin moving away from being a US Puppet. It needs to gain independence. If it doesn't head in that direction, the US will surely drag it into a catastrophic bloody war.
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Trump spews so much BS, he can't remember most of it, hardly surprising.
Yup. It's not "blinking", it's just blurting out whatever happens to get him through the moment. That's his M.O., always has been.

Whatever he did ; it worked. The world of the never Trump is filled with White geNOcide. Face it , most of Trumps initiatives are more pro White than anything else. Standing in the path of a zio initiative to bastardize the Caucasian.

Please note that Mac will not condemn this obviously racist statement.

Because he's so "moderate".
That's not a racist statement, it's a racial statement.

Someone like you obviously doesn't, or won't, know the difference.
He just using the usual Democrat talking points. Maybe he should go to his safe space.
After months of back-and-forth insults, threats from both the idiot Trump and Kim Jong-un to start WWIII, and the idiot Trump’s swearing there will never be any negotiations with North Korea over nukes, the idiot Trump just blinked. Now, he says “he'd be open to talking with [the] North Korean leader.”
You dont know the difference between talking to someone, and allowing them to have nukes? He didnt say "im now going to talk about letting them have nukes".
I think he forgot about Obama giving Iran the go ahead to go nuclear, and gave them billions to do it.
Trump spews so much BS, he can't remember most of it, hardly surprising.
Yup. It's not "blinking", it's just blurting out whatever happens to get him through the moment. That's his M.O., always has been.

Whatever he did ; it worked. The world of the never Trump is filled with White geNOcide. Face it , most of Trumps initiatives are more pro White than anything else. Standing in the path of a zio initiative to bastardize the Caucasian.

Please note that Mac will not condemn this obviously racist statement.

Because he's so "moderate".
That's not a racist statement, it's a racial statement.

Someone like you obviously doesn't, or won't, know the difference.
He just using the usual Democrat talking points. Maybe he should go to his safe space.

Yeah, i suspect the OP is an average Dem Hater-Bot. Because if anything, it looks like Un is the one who's 'blinked.' I think he realizes he can't bully this US President. He's now aggressively advocating talks with South Korea. It's a positive development. But i guess a Dem Hater-Bot wouldn't see it that way. They're not very rational folks.

I've said along that this needs to be worked out between North and South Korea. The US and all others need to be excluded from the talks. They all have their own agendas. They don't care much about the Korean People. The US especially, needs to step aside and allow Koreans to solve Korean problems.
Yup. It's not "blinking", it's just blurting out whatever happens to get him through the moment. That's his M.O., always has been.

Whatever he did ; it worked. The world of the never Trump is filled with White geNOcide. Face it , most of Trumps initiatives are more pro White than anything else. Standing in the path of a zio initiative to bastardize the Caucasian.

Please note that Mac will not condemn this obviously racist statement.

Because he's so "moderate".
That's not a racist statement, it's a racial statement.

Someone like you obviously doesn't, or won't, know the difference.
He just using the usual Democrat talking points. Maybe he should go to his safe space.

Yeah, i suspect the OP is an average Dem Hater-Bot. Because if anything, it looks like Un is the one who's 'blinked.' I think he realizes he can't bully this US President. He's now aggressively advocating talks with South Korea. It's a positive development. But i guess a Dem Hater-Bot wouldn't see it that way. They're not very rational folks.

I've said along that this needs to be worked out between North and South Korea. The US and all others need to be excluded from the talks. They all have their own agendas. They don't care much about the Korean People. The US especially, needs to step aside and allow Koreans to solve Korean problems.
I'm definitely no fan of Trump, but a higher priority for me is WHAT WORKS.

If what Trump is doing is trying to intimidate a crazy by out-crazying him with his own hyperbole and mockery and bombast, I guess I can see that. I do think that the fat kid is not so crazy as to be suicidal, so it could work.

That doesn't make it any less absurd or embarrassing, but it could work.
Whatever he did ; it worked. The world of the never Trump is filled with White geNOcide. Face it , most of Trumps initiatives are more pro White than anything else. Standing in the path of a zio initiative to bastardize the Caucasian.

Please note that Mac will not condemn this obviously racist statement.

Because he's so "moderate".
That's not a racist statement, it's a racial statement.

Someone like you obviously doesn't, or won't, know the difference.
He just using the usual Democrat talking points. Maybe he should go to his safe space.

Yeah, i suspect the OP is an average Dem Hater-Bot. Because if anything, it looks like Un is the one who's 'blinked.' I think he realizes he can't bully this US President. He's now aggressively advocating talks with South Korea. It's a positive development. But i guess a Dem Hater-Bot wouldn't see it that way. They're not very rational folks.

I've said along that this needs to be worked out between North and South Korea. The US and all others need to be excluded from the talks. They all have their own agendas. They don't care much about the Korean People. The US especially, needs to step aside and allow Koreans to solve Korean problems.
I'm definitely no fan of Trump, but a higher priority for me is WHAT WORKS.

If what Trump is doing is trying to intimidate a crazy by out-crazying him with his own hyperbole and mockery and bombast, I guess I can see that. I do think that the fat kid is not so crazy as to be suicidal, so it could work.

That doesn't make it any less absurd or embarrassing, but it could work.

Un realizes he can't bully Trump. He wants to talk. And that is a positive development.
Please note that Mac will not condemn this obviously racist statement.

Because he's so "moderate".
That's not a racist statement, it's a racial statement.

Someone like you obviously doesn't, or won't, know the difference.
He just using the usual Democrat talking points. Maybe he should go to his safe space.

Yeah, i suspect the OP is an average Dem Hater-Bot. Because if anything, it looks like Un is the one who's 'blinked.' I think he realizes he can't bully this US President. He's now aggressively advocating talks with South Korea. It's a positive development. But i guess a Dem Hater-Bot wouldn't see it that way. They're not very rational folks.

I've said along that this needs to be worked out between North and South Korea. The US and all others need to be excluded from the talks. They all have their own agendas. They don't care much about the Korean People. The US especially, needs to step aside and allow Koreans to solve Korean problems.
I'm definitely no fan of Trump, but a higher priority for me is WHAT WORKS.

If what Trump is doing is trying to intimidate a crazy by out-crazying him with his own hyperbole and mockery and bombast, I guess I can see that. I do think that the fat kid is not so crazy as to be suicidal, so it could work.

That doesn't make it any less absurd or embarrassing, but it could work.

Un realizes he can't bully Trump. He wants to talk. And that is a positive development.
Anything the fat kid does aside from his regular shit has to be viewed as a positive. Any sign of softening, and definitely any indication that he wants to open lines of communication.

And if this crap improves, Trump will deserve credit.
That's not a racist statement, it's a racial statement.

Someone like you obviously doesn't, or won't, know the difference.
He just using the usual Democrat talking points. Maybe he should go to his safe space.

Yeah, i suspect the OP is an average Dem Hater-Bot. Because if anything, it looks like Un is the one who's 'blinked.' I think he realizes he can't bully this US President. He's now aggressively advocating talks with South Korea. It's a positive development. But i guess a Dem Hater-Bot wouldn't see it that way. They're not very rational folks.

I've said along that this needs to be worked out between North and South Korea. The US and all others need to be excluded from the talks. They all have their own agendas. They don't care much about the Korean People. The US especially, needs to step aside and allow Koreans to solve Korean problems.
I'm definitely no fan of Trump, but a higher priority for me is WHAT WORKS.

If what Trump is doing is trying to intimidate a crazy by out-crazying him with his own hyperbole and mockery and bombast, I guess I can see that. I do think that the fat kid is not so crazy as to be suicidal, so it could work.

That doesn't make it any less absurd or embarrassing, but it could work.

Un realizes he can't bully Trump. He wants to talk. And that is a positive development.
Anything the fat kid does aside from his regular shit has to be viewed as a positive. Any sign of softening, and definitely any indication that he wants to open lines of communication.

And if this crap improves, Trump will deserve credit.

Un the bully, got bullied. He didn't enjoy it. He's seeing reality now.

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