Hey, Kim Kong-un, Trump Just Blinked

I'm definitely no fan of Trump, but a higher priority for me is WHAT WORKS.

If what Trump is doing is trying to intimidate a crazy by out-crazying him with his own hyperbole and mockery and bombast, I guess I can see that. I do think that the fat kid is not so crazy as to be suicidal, so it could work.

That doesn't make it any less absurd or embarrassing, but it could work.
I see your point, but this could get worse with statements that appear to support a nuclear first strike.
I'm definitely no fan of Trump, but a higher priority for me is WHAT WORKS.

If what Trump is doing is trying to intimidate a crazy by out-crazying him with his own hyperbole and mockery and bombast, I guess I can see that. I do think that the fat kid is not so crazy as to be suicidal, so it could work.

That doesn't make it any less absurd or embarrassing, but it could work.
I see your point, but this could get worse with statements that appear to support a nuclear first strike.
Sure it could, yeah. We've been in uncharted territory since Trump announced he was running.

I'm just trying to find a possible silver lining to this stuff.
I don't think you should try to observe Trump's 3D chess moves when not even understanding regular chess.

Drives you to insanity, as can be seen here.

Trump can’t play one dimensional chess, much less three. It requires strategy and thinking ahead. These skills aren’t in Trump’s tool kit.

Furthermore, you can’t lose your cool when the opposition’s knight takes your bishop. Tweeting insults at dawn aren’t a sign of advanced thinking.
That's not a racist statement, it's a racial statement.

Someone like you obviously doesn't, or won't, know the difference.

I think your dodge is obvious enough.

You'll whine all day about liberals and moderates who won't except your "The PC Police are going to get us all!" premise....

But I've never seen you get on here and condemn many of our open house racists like this guy, Odium, Correll, Steve McGarrett or others.
After months of back-and-forth insults, threats from both the idiot Trump and Kim Jong-un to start WWIII, and the idiot Trump’s swearing there will never be any negotiations with North Korea over nukes, the idiot Trump just blinked. Now, he says “he'd be open to talking with [the] North Korean leader.”

" ‘Sure, I always believe in talking,' Trump said. ‘Absolutely I would do that, I wouldn't have a problem with that at all.' " His conciliatory comments makes it appear the idiot Trump has begun to listen to the advice of his staff and finally stop acting like a spoiled three-year-old.

However, the idiot Trump did hedge, as he tried to save face for himself to his fans when he added, “any talks would come with conditions.” But as usual, the idiot Trump was unable to give any details on what these “conditions” would be.

The idiot Trump should have quit before he pushed the North Korean leader too far. With his admission that he was willing to open talks between the U.S. and North Korea, he blinked first, which opens the door for Kim to call his bluff.

Just as the idiot Trump’s dealing with Russia consistently gives Putin upper hand, the idiot Trump’s months of childish nonsense has given Kim Jong-un the upper hand on the Korean Peninsula.

More of the idiot Trump‘s “winning” that so impresses his mindless followers, but embarrasses the rest of us.


As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

It is unfortunate for the people of our nation that the idiot Trump never gives any sound thought before he acts or speaks, ever. His conduct has always been that of a spoiled and spiteful three-year-old. The countless lawsuits he's lost over the decades provide more than adequate evidence of this.

European leaders were quick to realize his abominable behavior as POTUS was due to this substantial character flaw, coupled with his ignorance of policies and protocol. Europe’s leaders saw immediately he would never make any effort whatsoever to learn.

His boorish conduct hasn't gone unnoticed by the European population either, the vast majority have no desire for him to visit their countries.

For example, citizens in the UK (and the Royals themselves) would much rather see Mr. and Mrs. Obama attend the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Everyone on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean know the Obamas will represent the United States with honor and dignity, two characteristics absent in the idiot Trump.

Sadly, should the idiot Trump and his wife put in an appearance at the wedding, it is certain he will make a fool of himself and embarrass the people of the U.S.... as usual. Melania however, could go either way. She might wear attire appropriate for the occasion, or, dress like a hooker, as she has many times in the past.

One of the many issues that makes the idiot Trump completely unqualified to be the POTUS is his total disconnect from reality. (This refusal to face reality matches that in his conservative base, which is the primary reason he is so popular with them.) Again, his nature to act like a spoiled and spiteful three-year-old blinds him to the real-world consequences of his asinine conduct and Twitter rants.

Kim Jong-un has now proven he will remain undeterred in building a nuclear arsenal, which called the idiot Trump's many bluffs. This will require the White House staff get busy making arrangements to send negotiators to join South Korea's representatives. They will soon meet with those sent by the North.

But, the United States' participation in any meeting is, at the moment, not a done deal. It is possible neither of the two Koreas will want the interference a U.S. presence will cause. Such unwanted interference is guaranteed if the idiot Trump chooses the individuals who will be negotiating for the U.S. It is typical for him to choose his cronies or family members for these duties. His choices are normally clueless and lack the required skills to accomplish the necessary goals of their assignment.

Proof of this can be seen in all those he has appointed to government positions and judicial posts, as all have been inadequate for their tasks.

If the United States does, in fact, receive an invitation to the summit between the two Koreas, the U.S. place at the bargaining table will be secondary to that of South Korea. This should be a condition set by the South Korean government, and be stringently enforced. Limiting U.S. participation will prevent the derailment of the talks by any influence from the idiot Trump.

The people sent by Washington must be made to understand they will speak only when permitted.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. But thus far, the conservatives' responses to this thread have proven, again, all we can expect is their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.). The message board designers included "funny" in their ratings system as an additional method conservatives can use to deny facts. The “funny” rating enables the conservatives to remain safely cloistered in their alternate reality.

That's not a racist statement, it's a racial statement.

Someone like you obviously doesn't, or won't, know the difference.

I think your dodge is obvious enough.

You'll whine all day about liberals and moderates who won't except your "The PC Police are going to get us all!" premise....

But I've never seen you get on here and condemn many of our open house racists like this guy, Odium, Correll, Steve McGarrett or others.
I do with actual racists here as I do in real life: Note who they are, and move on. Sometimes even ask them questions for insight.

If you think screaming RACIST at them accomplishes something, or (more likely) if it makes you "feel" better about yourself, great.

I take the words "racist" and "racism" seriously; you spray them around like water to troll people and (more likely) to "feel" better about yourself.

If you have a problem with me pointing that out, tough shit. Just keep bitch, bitch, bitching. Go ahead. Assuage your White Guilt as needed.
He just using the usual Democrat talking points. Maybe he should go to his safe space.
Naw, the only person who needs a safe space is Mac, who whines constantly when I rip on him. Oh, I'll post in the CDZ, that way Joe won't pick on me!
Holy crap. This is getting creepy.
I do with actual racists here as I do in real life: Note who they are, and move on. Sometimes even ask them questions for insight.

If you think screaming RACIST at them accomplishes something, or (more likely) if it makes you "feel" better about yourself, great.

I take the words "racist" and "racism" seriously; you spray them around like water to troll people and (more likely) to "feel" better about yourself.

If you have a problem with me pointing that out, tough shit. Just keep bitch, bitch, bitching. Go ahead. Assuage your White Guilt as needed.

I don't have "white guilt", buddy. I didn't do anything bad. Quite the oppossite, I help people.

But the point is, you spend a lot of time here whining about the left because they don't think "political correctness" (better known to normal people as 'not being a shithead') is the worst threat to freedom, ever!

But some racist gets on here and talks about wanting to round up the Hispanics or put all the blacks in jail, and you 'hmm, hmmm, hmmm..." like it's no big deal.

Trump rode those sentiments to the White House, buddy. It is a big deal.
I do with actual racists here as I do in real life: Note who they are, and move on. Sometimes even ask them questions for insight.

If you think screaming RACIST at them accomplishes something, or (more likely) if it makes you "feel" better about yourself, great.

I take the words "racist" and "racism" seriously; you spray them around like water to troll people and (more likely) to "feel" better about yourself.

If you have a problem with me pointing that out, tough shit. Just keep bitch, bitch, bitching. Go ahead. Assuage your White Guilt as needed.

I don't have "white guilt", buddy. I didn't do anything bad. Quite the oppossite, I help people.

But the point is, you spend a lot of time here whining about the left because they don't think "political correctness" (better known to normal people as 'not being a shithead') is the worst threat to freedom, ever!

But some racist gets on here and talks about wanting to round up the Hispanics or put all the blacks in jail, and you 'hmm, hmmm, hmmm..." like it's no big deal.

Trump rode those sentiments to the White House, buddy. It is a big deal.
Got it, thanks.

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