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Hey...let's ban violent movies...that makes as much sense as banning guns...

And maybe Dirty Harry. But since then, all gun movie are stupid.
Only in your Opinion.
It's not like the plot is worth watching so they introduce violence...
Actually the plot is quitet
And maybe Dirty Harry. But since then, all gun movie are stupid.
Only in your Opinion.
Name something since those 2 movies that isn't dumb.
Would you care to rephrase that, so the statement could be undersstood
I will request the same from you..

Intresting "Actually the plot is quitet"
And maybe Dirty Harry. But since then, all gun movie are stupid.
Only in your Opinion.
It's not like the plot is worth watching so they introduce violence...
Actually the plot is quitet
And maybe Dirty Harry. But since then, all gun movie are stupid.
Only in your Opinion.
Name something since those 2 movies that isn't dumb.
Would you care to rephrase that, so the statement could be understood
Name a gun movie since Bronson and Eastwood that isn't dumb?
American Outlaws, Die Hard
to name just two,
Both unwatchable, especially a Bruce Willis movie.
Indeed, we have shoot 'em up movies. We have shoot 'em up video games. we have shoot 'em up cops in the news. We have shoot 'em wars.

It is no secret where kids get their values.
Do you have that stuff in the Muslim community as well? Otherwise, where does THEIR violence come from?
Here is one place. Probably the biggest.

Somebody has to straighten that mess out, you Muslims aren't getting the job done. So you're saying that Muslim violence is home grown?
Only in your Opinion.
It's not like the plot is worth watching so they introduce violence...
Actually the plot is quitet
Only in your Opinion.
Name something since those 2 movies that isn't dumb.
Would you care to rephrase that, so the statement could be understood
Name a gun movie since Bronson and Eastwood that isn't dumb?

Name a Bronson or Eastwood movie that wasn't dumb.
Dirty Harry and Death Wish. C'MON BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Death Wish sucked. Bronson can eat a dick.
Yep...this would be easy....right? Since hollywood is eager to do anything to limit gun violence and mass shootings...they should fall right in line with simply banning all violence in movies, and television......right? No more guns in movies......we could allow them to make Romantic Comedies, maybe some dramas...but no more violence.....we know that images are powerful for mass shooters......and that criminals mimick what they see in popular entertainment.....so while we are at it....let's ban rap music too...

Video Game Violence & Mass Shootings: Why is Nobody Discussing It? | National Review

Most of us probably inhabit a kind of bubble when it comes to violence on screen. We choose to watch the sorts of films we think we’ll like and, unless we are film critics, get to avoid the sorts of films we think will bore or repel us. Until we become parents, most of us probably pay no particular attention to the drip-feed of blood and gore that now forms the basis of almost all popular entertainment.


But equally obvious is that a culture that encourages enjoyment of horrific violence alongside a sort of flippant approach to its consequences cannot be helping matters.

so you shouldn't use seatbelts because well, if people drive, that's their problem right, NRA shill?

do you ever post anything that doesn't look like Wayne LaPierre paid for it?
It's not like the plot is worth watching so they introduce violence...
Actually the plot is quitet
Name something since those 2 movies that isn't dumb.
Would you care to rephrase that, so the statement could be understood
Name a gun movie since Bronson and Eastwood that isn't dumb?

Name a Bronson or Eastwood movie that wasn't dumb.
Dirty Harry and Death Wish. C'MON BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Death Wish sucked. Bronson can eat a dick.
It did suck like most of the movies then....But then again it was cheap to go see a movie unlike now...
That reminds me, Death Wish opens this week.
Should ne a great movie
Death Wish is based on a fed up citizen who then takes matters into his own hands, and begins dealing with the out of control bad guy's on his own. I remember the Charles Bronson versions, and they were great movies back in the day. I think a famous quote was when Bronson said "do you know Jesus(?), because you're about to meet him".

The good guy winning should be the only thing promoted in this country, but why we have moved from that concept is totally unexceptable and just weird these days.

Our kids deserve better.

Hmmm, I wonder if the kids parents these days feel that they had become victims of a worldly system in which they once believed in, and that had over time betrayed them, so they retaliated by way of raising their children to strike back at the system once they (their young) gained power in the system within or in many cases they had taught them to attack the system from without if figured they would never be smart enough to gain that power within.

So are we in the midst of a revolution where it's all a retaliation based on the adults being fooled by the evil one, and then becoming disgusted with what has transpired over time, so they have raised their kids to become proxy's in order to fight a new war for them, and they have done this without them even realising what they have done or how they had been groomed by the evil one to do so, and so they inturn have groomed their kids into becoming these rebellious changlings over time ??

Who is actually at the core of the problems ? If we say the evil one from the beginning of time is the culprit, then the minions quickly come out to fight against that assertion, but it takes going back through history to recognize exactly what has taken place in it all... The evil one and his minions have somehow occupied the high ground in the world, but it is a temporary occupation. A higher power and calling is coming again, and the truth will set the world free.
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Indeed, we have shoot 'em up movies. We have shoot 'em up video games. we have shoot 'em up cops in the news. We have shoot 'em wars.

It is no secret where kids get their values.
Do you have that stuff in the Muslim community as well? Otherwise, where does THEIR violence come from?
Here is one place. Probably the biggest.

Somebody has to straighten that mess out, you Muslims aren't getting the job done. So you're saying that Muslim violence is home grown?

Indeed, we have shoot 'em up movies. We have shoot 'em up video games. we have shoot 'em up cops in the news. We have shoot 'em wars.

It is no secret where kids get their values.
Do you have that stuff in the Muslim community as well? Otherwise, where does THEIR violence come from?
Here is one place. Probably the biggest.

Somebody has to straighten that mess out, you Muslims aren't getting the job done. So you're saying that Muslim violence is home grown?

I don't watch movies, what's your point?
Indeed, we have shoot 'em up movies. We have shoot 'em up video games. we have shoot 'em up cops in the news. We have shoot 'em wars.

It is no secret where kids get their values.
Do you have that stuff in the Muslim community as well? Otherwise, where does THEIR violence come from?
Here is one place. Probably the biggest.

Somebody has to straighten that mess out, you Muslims aren't getting the job done. So you're saying that Muslim violence is home grown?

I don't watch movies, what's your point?

Ignorant by choice. Interesting concept.
Do you have that stuff in the Muslim community as well? Otherwise, where does THEIR violence come from?
Here is one place. Probably the biggest.

Somebody has to straighten that mess out, you Muslims aren't getting the job done. So you're saying that Muslim violence is home grown?

I don't watch movies, what's your point?

Ignorant by choice. Interesting concept.

If you don't want to make a point, or have no point to make, fine, but replying with a movie is childish. Then calling me ignorant, is also childish. What else ya got?
I was a film major in college along with TV and theater along with radio.. I have watched probably a million films in my lifetime yet I never became violent from watching a film....Another passion of mine is video gaming. I have been playing for forty years yet never once felt like killing a real human after playing...I started watching porn before sixteen, by sixteen I had ordered 8mm films from California and picked up a projector at a garage sale....Yet have never murdered raped or robbed to exist....

What makes other people murder, probably not having the fear of death or as the Japanese would say "they had the strength to die"....
Most of the gun movies have one thing in common, Good vs Evil with Good winning. Do you have something against Good wiinning?
I was a film major in college along with TV and theater along with radio.. I have watched probably a million films in my lifetime yet I never became violent from watching a film....Another passion of mine is video gaming. I have been playing for forty years yet never once felt like killing a real human after playing...I started watching porn before sixteen, by sixteen I had ordered 8mm films from California and picked up a projector at a garage sale....Yet have never murdered raped or robbed to exist....

What makes other people murder, probably not having the fear of death or as the Japanese would say "they had the strength to die"....
.The thing that happened is that the content or the leanings had changed in those things you have listed over time.

We once had the idea that all things created or acted upon must have a good guy winning as the result, but over time the film and gaming industries started toying with the idea of what would be so wrong with allowing the bad guy's to win sometimes or why not the glorifying of bad cultural trends if people are living it in real life for which soon began to become appealing for some reason in America to others ??......

They wanted something new in a soon to be manipulated industry where everything had come to a stall due to new producers taking over that would throw everything out, and start a new...... Hollywood figured that it wasn't going to go into the direction it had always gone in before any longer, so it was off to the races into a dark direction in order to see if that would work.

Well sadly because of the failures in society it worked, and it worked well for them, so money of course became the root of the evil once again, and morals took a back seat to the world and it's overall healthiness apart from these things that had developed over time.

Well the reading of the fall of society had been tapped into, and the race to the bottom had begun.
Seeing Death Wish brought up reminded me that when the Bronson version came out I was a child and my parents wouldn't let me watch it due to the violence.
Now in comparison to modern day movies and games showing extreme violent imagery to the point of blood and brain splatter on the camera lens that old Bronson movie is quite laughable.

The imagery that youth is exposed to at an early age during the last few decades is creating a desensitizing to the imagery and a disconnect to the reality and consequences of real violence.
Add an addiction to media devices and social networks and you have the makings of mass cultural insanity. Even the creators admit it.
You know, the FCC does have a lot of power. Start slowly. Ban any and all sexualized content shown on commercials or any regular programming during prime time and beyond, sure, why not, beyond too. Then do a slow march up to violent content as well. Or vice versa.

Yes, the democrat stronghold of Hollywood doesn't mind depicting the use of automatic weapons slaughtering whole rafts of people as glorified. Then they fly into a tissy when the natural outfall of their spammed instruction infects the mind of a predictable small percentage of unstable nut jobs eating at the trough of their viewing format.
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