Hey, Mrs. Pelossi, It's Not About Constitution. It Is About a Cover-Up

The investigation was an Executive Branch investigation, and Trump isn't withholding anything the courts aren't allowing.

Meaning they are withholding the evidence Congress has subpoenaed. They have sued and the case is working it's way through the courts now.

Meanwhile Democrats are holding Fascist secret hearings with no due process.

The rules for the hearings were established by the Republicans. Are you calling the Republicans a bunch of Fascist?
You're either lying or misinformed.

Congress got the Mueller Report that exonerated Trump. The Executive Branch is coequal. They arent entitled to everything they want, just like Trump can't subpoena everything Congress does within their Branch.

Would you be ok with Trump subpoenas for Congresses private dealings with each other about whether or not they committed hypothetical crimes? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't.

And no. Gingrich allowed Clinton due process. In the Judiciary, where it belongs.

Newt held private hearings to remove unsubstantiated claims and brought the real accusations to public hearings. Shiff isn't allowing any due process. He denies Republicans ability to cross examine, call witnesses, or have Trumps attorney present. Shiff is using a SCIF to hide proof of Trumps innocence.
Trump and his Cartel demanded a vote on an inquiry from the Democrats

so, him being 'THE CHOSEN ONE" they voted.

The investigation was an Executive Branch investigation, and Trump isn't withholding anything the courts aren't allowing.

Meaning they are withholding the evidence Congress has subpoenaed. They have sued and the case is working it's way through the courts now.

Meanwhile Democrats are holding Fascist secret hearings with no due process.

The rules for the hearings were established by the Republicans. Are you calling the Republicans a bunch of Fascist?
You're either lying or misinformed.

Congress got the Mueller Report that exonerated Trump. The Executive Branch is coequal. They arent entitled to everything they want, just like Trump can't subpoena everything Congress does within their Branch.

Would you be ok with Trump subpoenas for Congresses private dealings with each other about whether or not they committed hypothetical crimes? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't.

And no. Gingrich allowed Clinton due process. In the Judiciary, where it belongs.

Newt held private hearings to remove unsubstantiated claims and brought the real accusations to public hearings. Shiff isn't allowing any due process. He denies Republicans ability to cross examine, call witnesses, or have Trumps attorney present. Shiff is using a SCIF to hide proof of Trumps innocence.

There are so many statements in your comment that are simply a twisted weird interpretation and what actually........ didn't happen. I'm totally fascinated with this alternate university approach.

Dang it! I'm totally jealous - You're very good at it.
Comrade Donald demanded a favor for his personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid.

That's the definition of corruption. He's no different than a KGB thug.

Except for the fact that at least 70 Congresspersons and one Senator are card carrying members of the Democrats of Socialist Americans funded and supported by the CPUSA. Then we certainly know that Obama pledged to be more flexible to Russia's Oligarchs and Putin in his mistaken open microphone conversation with Medvedev.

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There are so many statements in your comment that are simply a twisted weird interpretation and what actually........ didn't happen. I'm totally fascinated with this alternate university approach.

Dang it! I'm totally jealous - You're very good at it.
Don't be an sore loser.

The Clinton impeachment was in the open. On TV. Like the first hearing that Naddler did where Democrats had their asses kicked up onto their shoulders. Kinda explains the SCIF, doesn't it?
There are so many statements in your comment that are simply a twisted weird interpretation and what actually........ didn't happen. I'm totally fascinated with this alternate university approach.

Dang it! I'm totally jealous - You're very good at it.
Don't be an sore loser.

The Clinton impeachment was in the open. On TV. Like the first hearing that Naddler did where Democrats had their asses kicked up onto their shoulders. Kinda explains the SCIF, doesn't it?

See.......this is exactly what I'm talking about. You are a master at stating the truth without it being true.

Yes, Clinton's impeachment was in the open - BUT - how many years of investigations happened BEFORE it was brought out in the open. Investigations started January 1994. Congress voted to start impeachment proceedings October 1998.

AND yes, I'm a totally sore loser.....but only most of the time. (grin)
The ability of politicians to call white black is known.

Considering the fury the Democrats attacked the President, who made an OFFICIAL inquiry about accusations of crimes against John Biden, metastases of corruption hit one of the branches of power in our country much more than we expected.

Correction: Donald Trump made a secret call to the President of the Ukraine and asked him to:
a) investigate a mythical DNC server in Ukraine and
b) investigate his political rival

It was not an 'official inquiry' - which is why Trump
a) sent his private attorney to push the Ukrainians to agree and
b) didn't make the request through official channels(they are specifically identified in the treaty with Ukraine)

Secret call.
Demand for a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival.
No demand that Ukraine investigate anyone else- including Paul Manafort.

Just Trump doing what he does best- using his office for his own political benefit.
Comrade Donald demanded a favor for his personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid.

That's the definition of corruption. He's no different than a KGB thug.
That's nothing but lies.

Biden's family Influence Peddling business is indefensible, but keep trying.

And by 'indefensible' you mean you have no evidence of any crimes by Joe or Hunter Biden- but you like that President Trump made a secret call to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival.
Comrade Donald demanded a favor for his personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid.

That's the definition of corruption. He's no different than a KGB thug.

Comrade Donald demanded a favor for his personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid.


Dem corruption must never be revealed.

We need a law to keep Dem corruption hidden.....forever!!!
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!" :206:

This is all the tard herd has to defend Trump's crimes.


If the Bidens did nothing wrong, they have nothing to worry about from an investigation.

Who says that the Biden's are worried?

Remember- it isn't the Biden's that are fighting tooth and nail against dozens of investigations- that would be the Trumps.

If Trump did nothing wrong- why is he concealing all of the documents about Ukraine, other than the 'transcript'? Why is he trying to prevent White House staff from testifying?

Why does he refuse to release his tax returns?
Why do they fight against releasing the grand jury info from the Mueller report?

Why are the Trump's so worried?
Comrade Donald demanded a favor for his personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid.

That's the definition of corruption. He's no different than a KGB thug.
That's nothing but lies.

Biden's family Influence Peddling business is indefensible, but keep trying.

And by 'indefensible' you mean you have no evidence of any crimes by Joe or Hunter Biden- but you like that President Trump made a secret call to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival.


We should never investigate any Dem corruption.
Especially if the Dem is running for President!
Comrade Donald demanded a favor for his personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid.

That's the definition of corruption. He's no different than a KGB thug.

Comrade Donald demanded a favor for his personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid.


Dem corruption must never be revealed.

We need a law to keep Dem corruption hidden.....forever!!!
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!" :206:

This is all the tard herd has to defend Trump's crimes.

Remind us what the "crimes" are again? And be sure to look up the definition of crime before you make yourself look silly again.

Explain why Biden’s son URGENTLY left the boardS of directors of companies in Ukraine and China, and we will continue the conversation.

By the way, why did NOBODY prosecute Joe Biden when he HAD threatened the Ukrainian president there would be no help in the amount of a billion dollars IF the prosecutor who was conducting the investigation against the company where Biden’s sonWAS "WORKING" was not removed from his post ?? ?

Biden spoke openly about this

Withholding the Mueller evidence the House has subpoenaed.
Mueller exonerated Trump..

Except of course Mueller specifically stated that he didn't exonerate Trump.

Just another Trumpette lying again.

[URL="https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/24/robert-mueller-hearing-special-counsel-testifies-trump-russia"]Mueller insists his report did not exonerate Trump on obstruction charges
Testifying for almost seven hours[/URL] at back-to-back hearings on Capitol Hill, Mueller rejected the US president’s claims that his investigation was “a witch-hunt”, that Russian election interference was “a hoax” and that Mueller’s report provided Trump with “total exoneration”.

Earlier in the day, at the start of the judiciary committee hearing, its chairman, Jerry Nadler, asked if Mueller’s report exonerated Trump, as the president has frequently claimed. Mueller answered: “No.”

The report did not reach a conclusion on the question of obstruction of justice, he added, and “the president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed”.
That's exactly what I said to Trumpybear. But he didn't listen and obstructed Congress anyway.
Obstructed Congress?

Desperate much?

Obstructing an impeachment is obstruction of justice.

Nixon would have been impeached for that if he had not resigned first.

Do you think your Orange Messiah will resign first?

Obstructing an impeachment is obstruction of justice.

Can you post the relevant statute? Thanks!
The investigation was an Executive Branch investigation, and Trump isn't withholding anything the courts aren't allowing.

Meaning they are withholding the evidence Congress has subpoenaed. They have sued and the case is working it's way through the courts now.

Meanwhile Democrats are holding Fascist secret hearings with no due process.

The rules for the hearings were established by the Republicans. Are you calling the Republicans a bunch of Fascist?
and you sit there like this is unusual anymore. when the left does it, i don't see you care. when the right does it, it's an unholy foul.

until we find a baseline we can agree on again, this is the best we can hope for. it fucking sucks.
Comrade Donald demanded a favor for his personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid.

That's the definition of corruption. He's no different than a KGB thug.

Comrade Donald demanded a favor for his personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid.


Dem corruption must never be revealed.

We need a law to keep Dem corruption hidden.....forever!!!
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!" :206:

This is all the tard herd has to defend Trump's crimes.

Remind us what the "crimes" are again? And be sure to look up the definition of crime before you make yourself look silly again.

Explain why Biden’s son URGENTLY left the boardS of directors of companies in Ukraine and China, and we will continue the conversation.

By the way, why did NOBODY prosecute Joe Biden when he HAD threatened the Ukrainian president there would be no help in the amount of a billion dollars IF the prosecutor who was conducting the investigation against the company where Biden’s sonWAS "WORKING" was not removed from his post ?? ?

Biden spoke openly about this


Sigh. It has been explained to you trolls over and over- but you either
a) Are just so firmly up Trump's rear end that you think his prostate is a star or
b) You are incapable of reading or
c) You are a foreign troll just happily trying to hurt the U.S.

Here is what Joe Biden actually did in Ukraine

Current and former U.S. and Ukrainian officials say Burisma had been under scrutiny for alleged improper acquisition of licenses, a probe unrelated to Hunter Biden’s position on the board. The investigation went dormant, they said, before Biden and a group of U.S. allies pushed for Shokin’s ouster in 2015, arguing he was turning a blind eye to corruption
That's exactly what I said to Trumpybear. But he didn't listen and obstructed Congress anyway.
Obstructed Congress?

Desperate much?

Obstructing an impeachment is obstruction of justice.

Nixon would have been impeached for that if he had not resigned first.

Do you think your Orange Messiah will resign first?

Obstructing an impeachment is obstruction of justice.

Can you post the relevant statute? Thanks!

Is Obstruction an Impeachable Offense? History Says Yes
In 1974, the House Judiciary Committee adopted articles of impeachment against Mr. Nixon, accusing him of “interfering or endeavoring to interfere with the conduct of investigations” into the Watergate burglary.

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

Richard M. Nixon, using the powers of his high office, engaged personally and through his close subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or plan designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation of such illegal entry; to cover up, conceal and protect those responsible; and to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or plan included one or more of the following:

  1. making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

  2. withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

  3. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;

  4. interfering or endeavouring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force, and Congressional Committees;

From Clinton's impeachment:
and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, and has to that end engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony

Oh the citation?
Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution.
The investigation was an Executive Branch investigation, and Trump isn't withholding anything the courts aren't allowing.

Meaning they are withholding the evidence Congress has subpoenaed. They have sued and the case is working it's way through the courts now.

Meanwhile Democrats are holding Fascist secret hearings with no due process.

The rules for the hearings were established by the Republicans. Are you calling the Republicans a bunch of Fascist?
You're either lying or misinformed.

Congress got the Mueller Report that exonerated Trump. .

Except as I point out again- Mueller didn't exonerate Trump

That is just another Trump lie

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