Hey republicans you can't have it both ways

Agreed. Minimum wage goes up...so does everything else. The idiot OP just can't (or refuses) to understand it.

Yep. And that includes wages for the people who are now going to be pissed that a sacker the Piggly Wiggly now makes as much as a someone just starting out in a real trade that he/had to actually work at.

Damn....before you know it people will be making decent wages

What a dumb ass comment. But I dont expect anything else from you.
Agreed. Minimum wage goes up...so does everything else. The idiot OP just can't (or refuses) to understand it.

Yep. And that includes wages for the people who are now going to be pissed that a sacker the Piggly Wiggly now makes as much as a someone just starting out in a real trade that he/had to actually work at.

I know this will be hard for you to understand, but.... the piggly wiggly guy, that's all he is gonna make.... minimum wage plus a little.

You can't hire someone with basic skills in any trade and get by paying them minimum wage. Unless they are illegals. Even people with aptitude but no skills for a trade get hired at more than minimum wage. At least where I am.

But while an inexperienced new hire trades person may start out not making much, they sure have a better upside than the piggly wiggly worker.

My point being that the tradesman in not gonna be mad at the piggly wiggly worker. They don't have the same career path and are not competing with each other.

You just want to promote class warfare among poor people.

Low wage workers being mad at other low wage workers cause one got a raise? I don't think so.

Bullshit. When I started machining I didnt make much more then min wage. But I worked my ass of to improve my skills.
Yet another disingenuous comment from a moronic lib.

And you left of the fact that the guy above the starting machinist,electrician etc. will also want a wage increase.
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Damn....before you know it people will be making decent wages

Before you know it minimum wage will be considered decent wage ... When it suits Progressive Liberal purposes and their complete void of respectable principles.
Then the progressive Liberals will still be complaining about wage inequity ... Because they don't understand what "minimum" means.

Damn....before you know it people will be making decent wages

Before you know it minimum wage will be considered decent wage ... When it suits Progressive Liberal purposes and their complete void of respectable principles.
Then the progressive Liberals will still be complaining about wage inequity ... Because they don't understand what "minimum" means.

Minimum wage is vote buying geared for the dumbmasses.
Damn....before you know it people will be making decent wages

Before you know it minimum wage will be considered decent wage ... When it suits Progressive Liberal purposes and their complete void of respectable principles.
Then the progressive Liberals will still be complaining about wage inequity ... Because they don't understand what "minimum" means.

Minimum wage is vote buying geared for the dumbmasses.

It makes pols popular to come out and say "America, you deserve a raise" and then mandate that someone else give it to them.
For once I want someone to respond, America you deserve to be unemployed, which is exactly what will happen if Mr Generous here gets his way.
Yep. And that includes wages for the people who are now going to be pissed that a sacker the Piggly Wiggly now makes as much as a someone just starting out in a real trade that he/had to actually work at.

Damn....before you know it people will be making decent wages

What a dumb ass comment. But I dont expect anything else from you.

Imagine that

People making wages they can support themselves on.......a conservative nightmare
Damn....before you know it people will be making decent wages

Before you know it minimum wage will be considered decent wage ... When it suits Progressive Liberal purposes and their complete void of respectable principles.
Then the progressive Liberals will still be complaining about wage inequity ... Because they don't understand what "minimum" means.


Just think of a minimum wage where you could pay for college, maybe buy a car, get an apartment

When I made $2.10 an hour I could.
Imagine that

People making wages they can support themselves on.......a conservative nightmare

Progressive Liberals supporting the idea that the minimum is an acceptable goal in achieving any success is certainly a Conservative nightmare.
It is also a pretty good example of why their lack of decent principles offers nothing but the bottom of the barrel to the fools that support them.

What a dumb ass comment. But I dont expect anything else from you.

Imagine that

People making wages they can support themselves on.......a conservative nightmare

Wow...dumb ass libs demanding more then they are worth because they are to lazy to apply themselves. What a shocker...

Yes....people struggling to support their families are too lazy to apply themselves

There are so many good jobs out there......why don't these people just take them?
You can't bitch and whine about keeping the minimum wage as it is and expect people not to be on food stamps.

The minimum wage isn't even $10 an hour. Tell me, repubs, could you live on that wage? The average fast food worker is 29 despite the fact that those companies are making record profits.

You all seem to believe in this fallacy that ANYONE could get a well paying job if they tried their darndest. That's moronic. There will always be poor working people as long as there are low wage jobs. Many single parents can't raise their kids on $10 an hour despite having a full time job. Should their kids be punished because their parents can't bring home a decent pay check?

Hey guess what raising the minimum wage would do?

1) less people would be on food stamps

2) the economy would improve because there would be a stimulation of economic demand. Capitalism 101.

Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would kill about 500,000 jobs according to the CBO. HOWEVER IT WOULD IMPROVE THE WAGES OF 24 MILLION PEOPLE who really do need the extra income. 900,000 people would be lifted out of poverty. The good far outweighs the bad. Again, less reliance on food stamps.

Minimum-wage hike would help alleviate poverty, but could kill jobs, CBO reports - The Washington Post
Notruthi this post.

first i can have it both ways, maybe im bisexual?
second raising the min wage does not reduce food stamps.
you realize the mi wage is just inflation, it doesnt help anyone, or we wouldnt have to keep raising it
Minimum wage was never meant to support a family on its for kids in high school and those who have just graduated and starting out in the workforce. If you want jobs that can earn people enough to support a family stop putting policies in place that discourage investment and business expansion.

You know what? You are probably right. Minimum wage jobs were not meant to raise a family on. But when your good paying job is gone and your family is already here and the only job you could come up with was minimum wage, what would you suggest a worker do? Abandon his/her family so they can go on welfare? Live in a homeless shelter.

Apply for food stamps? What you want them to do when minimum wage jobs are what they can find and qualify for?

And I bet you got a list of a hundred of those policies put in place that discourages investment and business expansion.

You want to share that list?
Your biggest is Obamacare which discourages hiring and causes employers to either cut workers back to part time or let them go outright to stay below the magic 50 full time employees you need no further proof of this than the President pushing the employer mandate to 2016. Add to this all the new taxes, fees, and regulations this administration has added on and we get the economy and job market we see before us
You can't bitch and whine about keeping the minimum wage as it is and expect people not to be on food stamps.

The minimum wage isn't even $10 an hour. Tell me, repubs, could you live on that wage? The average fast food worker is 29 despite the fact that those companies are making record profits.

You all seem to believe in this fallacy that ANYONE could get a well paying job if they tried their darndest. That's moronic. There will always be poor working people as long as there are low wage jobs. Many single parents can't raise their kids on $10 an hour despite having a full time job. Should their kids be punished because their parents can't bring home a decent pay check?

Hey guess what raising the minimum wage would do?

1) less people would be on food stamps
There is no question that republicans are absolute hypocrites, but to answer your question 1. NO, there would probably be MORE people on food stamps because more small companies would lay off workers or big companies move to another country where labor is cheaper if they can afford.
Hey Steph could you live on 10 an hour even if it was full time?

I've been working for 45 years, started out at 1.85hr...I've found a way to MAKE IT even if it meant working a second job...but I have something called pride and don't expect the taxpayers (my fellow country people) to take care of me...today pride is history with people like you pushing the fact they NEED welfare if you don't raise the mim. wage on a business, which I would guess you have never had one of your own

Again, it is FALLACY to assume ANYONE can get a better paying job. You are living in a dream land. The market is not even close to what it was 45 years ago my dear.

And I am all for less reliance on government assistance. I made that clear.
It is a FALLACY to think raising minimum wage will help the poor.
I've been working for 45 years, started out at 1.85hr...I've found a way to MAKE IT even if it meant working a second job...but I have something called pride and don't expect the taxpayers (my fellow country people) to take care of me...today pride is history with people like you pushing the fact they NEED welfare if you don't raise the mim. wage on a business, which I would guess you have never had one of your own

Again, it is FALLACY to assume ANYONE can get a better paying job. You are living in a dream land. The market is not even close to what it was 45 years ago my dear.

And I am all for less reliance on government assistance. I made that clear.
It is a FALLACY to think raising minimum wage will help the poor.

The only way to help the poor is to keep them from making money

GOP Platform 2014
I've been working for 45 years, started out at 1.85hr...I've found a way to MAKE IT even if it meant working a second job...but I have something called pride and don't expect the taxpayers (my fellow country people) to take care of me...today pride is history with people like you pushing the fact they NEED welfare if you don't raise the mim. wage on a business, which I would guess you have never had one of your own

Again, it is FALLACY to assume ANYONE can get a better paying job. You are living in a dream land. The market is not even close to what it was 45 years ago my dear.

And I am all for less reliance on government assistance. I made that clear.
It is a FALLACY to think raising minimum wage will help the poor.

Well if making more money won't help the poor, what the fuck would?

You right wingers are off the wall. Paying minimum wage workers more won't help them.
I guess cutting their wages would.

Fucking people are crazy.
Damn....before you know it people will be making decent wages

What a dumb ass comment. But I dont expect anything else from you.

Imagine that

People making wages they can support themselves on.......a conservative nightmare

You'd have to imagine it with a higher min wage because reality is most people who would have had a job will now be unemployed.
Recall that conservatives want people to be self sufficient. Liberals want the government to solve their problems. Higher min wage is the gov't solving problems, and of course making them much worse.
Minimum wage was never meant to support a family on its for kids in high school and those who have just graduated and starting out in the workforce. If you want jobs that can earn people enough to support a family stop putting policies in place that discourage investment and business expansion.

You know what? You are probably right. Minimum wage jobs were not meant to raise a family on. But when your good paying job is gone and your family is already here and the only job you could come up with was minimum wage, what would you suggest a worker do? Abandon his/her family so they can go on welfare? Live in a homeless shelter.

Apply for food stamps? What you want them to do when minimum wage jobs are what they can find and qualify for?

And I bet you got a list of a hundred of those policies put in place that discourages investment and business expansion.

You want to share that list?
Your biggest is Obamacare which discourages hiring and causes employers to either cut workers back to part time or let them go outright to stay below the magic 50 full time employees you need no further proof of this than the President pushing the employer mandate to 2016. Add to this all the new taxes, fees, and regulations this administration has added on and we get the economy and job market we see before us

You contend that a requirement that goes into effect in 2016 is the reason that companies haven't been hiring much for the past few years.

Lack of consumer demand from lack of good paying jobs has nothing to do with it. It's all on health care. Get rid of health care and the economy will EXPLODE? What a fucking joker you are.

And of course you listed all the job killing taxes, fees and regulations that are killing those jobs.

To bad you didn't mentions any specifics. But what the fuck did I expect.
You can't bitch and whine about keeping the minimum wage as it is and expect people not to be on food stamps.

The minimum wage isn't even $10 an hour. Tell me, repubs, could you live on that wage? The average fast food worker is 29 despite the fact that those companies are making record profits.

You all seem to believe in this fallacy that ANYONE could get a well paying job if they tried their darndest. That's moronic. There will always be poor working people as long as there are low wage jobs. Many single parents can't raise their kids on $10 an hour despite having a full time job. Should their kids be punished because their parents can't bring home a decent pay check?

Hey guess what raising the minimum wage would do?

1) less people would be on food stamps

2) the economy would improve because there would be a stimulation of economic demand. Capitalism 101.

Raising the minimum wage to 10.10 an hour would kill about 500,000 jobs according to the CBO. HOWEVER IT WOULD IMPROVE THE WAGES OF 24 MILLION PEOPLE who really do need the extra income. 900,000 people would be lifted out of poverty. The good far outweighs the bad. Again, less reliance on food stamps.

Minimum-wage hike would help alleviate poverty, but could kill jobs, CBO reports - The Washington Post

Dayam, you are incredibly stupid. We talked about this when the report came out 2 weeks ago, and your side lost.

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