Hey republicans you can't have it both ways

Why should you? You want the same telephone system I had (rotary dial hardwired into the house). Same computer (none)? Same car (no airconditioning, good for about 80k miles)?

Why do you feel you deserve anything?

That's funny I hear everyday pull yourself bootstraps we did back in my day blahblah in your day people as young as in their 20's could work a low paying job(which is worth more then its today) with no college diploma and buy a house and raise kids, put money in bank collect interest.

Today it doesn't work like anymore. I work 40 hours a week and my check is 310 after taxes but me I just want everything.

Not that greatest generation the greediest generation.

Back in the day, my father graduated High School and got a blue collar job. Without my mother working, they raised four kids, bought a house in the suburbs, two cars, full healthcare and sent four kids to college without going into debt

This is what used to be called the American Dream.

Now, you are just called lazy and shiftless if you can't do it

Exactly I work a third shift job and at the end of year my take home pay is 14880 and trust me am not complaining about that it could be worse. But these republicans always going on about "they pay no fed income taxes because they are lazy and don't wanna to work, back in my day" stuff like that.

1974 min wage was 2.00 dollars today that is worth 9.49 with inflation.

No I don't I make min wage I make 9.35. But lower paying jobs today have not kept up with inflation. How does somebody "make it" when rent prices go up, food prices go up, gas prices go up, ect.

But why is it that wages have not went up?
Sounds like what Republicans have been selling us for 30 years about Supply Side Economics. If only we would cut their taxes, they could hire more employees

Has there ever been a GOP tax cut that didn't promise more jobs?

Has there ever been one that didnt deliver it?

Still waiting on all those jobs from the Bush tax cuts......I guess trickle down takes some time

Has there ever been one that didnt deliver it?

Still waiting on all those jobs from the Bush tax cuts......I guess trickle down takes some time

obama claims to have created 7 MILLION new jobs leftard

and where are the 3 million "green jobs" obama promised?

why are you asking others to produce jobs you idiots claim to have already created?

why not worry about your own failed record instead of pointing fingers?

What does that have to do with Supply Side Economics?
That's funny I hear everyday pull yourself bootstraps we did back in my day blahblah in your day people as young as in their 20's could work a low paying job(which is worth more then its today) with no college diploma and buy a house and raise kids, put money in bank collect interest.

Today it doesn't work like anymore. I work 40 hours a week and my check is 310 after taxes but me I just want everything.

Not that greatest generation the greediest generation.

Back in the day, my father graduated High School and got a blue collar job. Without my mother working, they raised four kids, bought a house in the suburbs, two cars, full healthcare and sent four kids to college without going into debt

This is what used to be called the American Dream.

Now, you are just called lazy and shiftless if you can't do it

Exactly I work a third shift job and at the end of year my take home pay is 14880 and trust me am not complaining about that it could be worse. But these republicans always going on about "they pay no fed income taxes because they are lazy and don't wanna to work, back in my day" stuff like that.

1974 min wage was 2.00 dollars today that is worth 9.49 with inflation.

No I don't I make min wage I make 9.35. But lower paying jobs today have not kept up with inflation. How does somebody "make it" when rent prices go up, food prices go up, gas prices go up, ect.

But why is it that wages have not went up?

Minimum wages have not gone up because Republicans piss and moan about every nickel increase in the minimum wage

I made minimum wage in 1974. For that $2.00 an hour I could buy seven gallons of gas. Today, you can buy a little over two. I spent $650 for my first years College tuition. I paid for college just working summers. A new car was $2500, little over a half years pay. My first apartment was $140 a month

It used to be that minimum wage could get you started in life. No more
Back in the day, my father graduated High School and got a blue collar job. Without my mother working, they raised four kids, bought a house in the suburbs, two cars, full healthcare and sent four kids to college without going into debt

This is what used to be called the American Dream.

Now, you are just called lazy and shiftless if you can't do it

Exactly I work a third shift job and at the end of year my take home pay is 14880 and trust me am not complaining about that it could be worse. But these republicans always going on about "they pay no fed income taxes because they are lazy and don't wanna to work, back in my day" stuff like that.

1974 min wage was 2.00 dollars today that is worth 9.49 with inflation.

No I don't I make min wage I make 9.35. But lower paying jobs today have not kept up with inflation. How does somebody "make it" when rent prices go up, food prices go up, gas prices go up, ect.

But why is it that wages have not went up?

Minimum wages have not gone up because Republicans piss and moan about every nickel increase in the minimum wage

I made minimum wage in 1974. For that $2.00 an hour I could buy seven gallons of gas. Today, you can buy a little over two. I spent $650 for my first years College tuition. I paid for college just working summers. A new car was $2500, little over a half years pay. My first apartment was $140 a month

It used to be that minimum wage could get you started in life. No more

Because govt interference has raised the price of gas and tuition. And you want more of it.
Still waiting for proof the Bush tax cuts did not create jobs.
OK, I have to ask: what exactly did your father do for a living?

Climbed telephone poles

Actually no, I can assure you he did not get paid for just climbing poles.. was probably a cable dog.. something that is a trained skill.. something not everyone can do.. and he most probably put himself in demand for the skill he took upon himself to learn... he is not welcoming people to WalMart, asking if they want fries with their meal, or mopping a floor

And funny how people in that trade that is in demand (running cable above and below ground) are STILL in demand and support families without the absolute need for a college education

My dad was a Splicer. A Union Splicer. He was hired out of HS and the company taught him his skills

With just a High School education, he was able to support a family of six without my mom working.

Used to be the American Dream
Still waiting on all those jobs from the Bush tax cuts......I guess trickle down takes some time

obama claims to have created 7 MILLION new jobs leftard

and where are the 3 million "green jobs" obama promised?

why are you asking others to produce jobs you idiots claim to have already created?

why not worry about your own failed record instead of pointing fingers?

What does that have to do with Supply Side Economics?

WHY DONT you try answering your own question leftard?

what is it called now under obama; in the 8th straight year of Progressive Majority Party rule?
Climbed telephone poles

Actually no, I can assure you he did not get paid for just climbing poles.. was probably a cable dog.. something that is a trained skill.. something not everyone can do.. and he most probably put himself in demand for the skill he took upon himself to learn... he is not welcoming people to WalMart, asking if they want fries with their meal, or mopping a floor

And funny how people in that trade that is in demand (running cable above and below ground) are STILL in demand and support families without the absolute need for a college education

My dad was a Splicer. A Union Splicer. He was hired out of HS and the company taught him his skills

With just a High School education, he was able to support a family of six without my mom working.

Used to be the American Dream

OK, so he worked, got training and did a job not many people would do.
What's the issue here again? He didnt stay sweeping floors his life, right?
Climbed telephone poles

Actually no, I can assure you he did not get paid for just climbing poles.. was probably a cable dog.. something that is a trained skill.. something not everyone can do.. and he most probably put himself in demand for the skill he took upon himself to learn... he is not welcoming people to WalMart, asking if they want fries with their meal, or mopping a floor

And funny how people in that trade that is in demand (running cable above and below ground) are STILL in demand and support families without the absolute need for a college education

My dad was a Splicer. A Union Splicer. He was hired out of HS and the company taught him his skills

With just a High School education, he was able to support a family of six without my mom working.

Used to be the American Dream

Sorry.. still can be.. in my work life, I deal with many cable dogs.. all of which earn a good living (no thanks to unionization)... as a matter of fact, in the IT business, if you apply yourself, you can do VERY well without any college education
leftard; why do you lie to yourself so much?
there was less job growth in the bush years because employment was at or near FULL EMPLOYMENT.
leftard; obama's unemployment number is GARBAGE; it doesnt count MILLIONS not in the Labor Market
Actually, yes yes we can have it both ways.

See, there is absolutely nothing that is stopping us from supporting reasonable policies. There is nothing wrong with expecting people to take responsibility for oneself. And there is nothing wrong with wanting people to be working for what they get.
Hey Steph could you live on 10 an hour even if it was full time?

I've been working for 45 years, started out at 1.85hr...I've found a way to MAKE IT even if it meant working a second job...but I have something called pride and don't expect the taxpayers (my fellow country people) to take care of me...today pride is history with people like you pushing the fact they NEED welfare if you don't raise the mim. wage on a business, which I would guess you have never had one of your own

Again, it is FALLACY to assume ANYONE can get a better paying job. You are living in a dream land. The market is not even close to what it was 45 years ago my dear.

And I am all for less reliance on government assistance. I made that clear.

No jobs?! You couldn't be more wrong. We don't have a job shortage in this country I promise you that. See, people think that because unemployment is high that must mean there are few vacant jobs. That simply isn't the case. Put your resume on career builder or monster some time. Your inbox will be inundated with job openings. The actual problem is a shortage in people with the skills qualified to work those jobs and the idea to raise the minimum wage doesn't help that issue. If you can get more money doing nothing more as opposed to the effort of broadening your skill set, what do suppose most people are going to choose?
I've been working for 45 years, started out at 1.85hr...I've found a way to MAKE IT even if it meant working a second job...but I have something called pride and don't expect the taxpayers (my fellow country people) to take care of me...today pride is history with people like you pushing the fact they NEED welfare if you don't raise the mim. wage on a business, which I would guess you have never had one of your own

Again, it is FALLACY to assume ANYONE can get a better paying job. You are living in a dream land. The market is not even close to what it was 45 years ago my dear.

And I am all for less reliance on government assistance. I made that clear.

No jobs?! You couldn't be more wrong. We don't have a job shortage in this country I promise you that. See, people think that because unemployment is high that must mean there are few vacant jobs. That simply isn't the case. Put your resume on career builder or monster some time. Your inbox will be inundated with job openings. The actual problem is a shortage in people with the skills qualified to work those jobs and the idea to raise the minimum wage doesn't help that issue. If you can get more money doing nothing more as opposed to the effort of broadening your skill set, what do suppose most people are going to choose?

Exactly the point. And sometimes a 4-year University degree is not the solution. For you younger's look into what jobs are "hot" before you go to college--so you know what skill set you're going to need to obtain that job.

All these "junk" degrees such as communications--philosophy--etc. etc.--aren't going to buy you a dimes worth of coffee, once you get that degree--and are in debt up to your ears in student loans. I know a lot of kids that can't get jobs in their degree field simply because they picked the WRONG major to study.

Besides college look into skilled trades--electricians--plumbers are not what you consider low paying jobs today. In my state you are required to be an apprentice for a minimum of 4 years--then you take a state board examination for a Journeyman's license--and they are required to take continuing education class's just like doctors and nurses. Skilled trades are everywhere--including auto mechanics--body shop mechanics, etc.
Again, it is FALLACY to assume ANYONE can get a better paying job. You are living in a dream land. The market is not even close to what it was 45 years ago my dear.

And I am all for less reliance on government assistance. I made that clear.

No jobs?! You couldn't be more wrong. We don't have a job shortage in this country I promise you that. See, people think that because unemployment is high that must mean there are few vacant jobs. That simply isn't the case. Put your resume on career builder or monster some time. Your inbox will be inundated with job openings. The actual problem is a shortage in people with the skills qualified to work those jobs and the idea to raise the minimum wage doesn't help that issue. If you can get more money doing nothing more as opposed to the effort of broadening your skill set, what do suppose most people are going to choose?

Exactly the point. And sometimes a 4-year University degree is not the solution. For you younger's look into what jobs are "hot" before you go to college--so you know what skill set you're going to need to obtain that job.

All these "junk" degrees such as communications--philosophy--etc. etc.--aren't going to buy you a dimes worth of coffee, once you get that degree--and are in debt up to your ears in student loans. I know a lot of kids that can't get jobs in their degree field simply because they picked the WRONG major to study.

Besides college look into skilled trades--electricians--plumbers are not what you consider low paying jobs today. In my state you are required to be an apprentice for a minimum of 4 years--then you take a state board examination for a Journeyman's license--and they are required to take continuing education class's just like doctors and nurses. Skilled trades are everywhere--including auto mechanics--body shop mechanics, etc.

And thank you for pointing out the above. That's one of the other complaints we hear bemoaning the plight of people in bad financial spots; their huge debt coming out of college. Another myth out there seems to be this misconception that simply being at a college will get you a decent job. Obviously that's not the case. In my opinion, we have way to many kids going to college who simply shouldn't be there. You need to have a real plan before you invest that kind of money in higher education. Find out what skills are in demand. What they pay, etc. And if those things don't wave your flag, your best off not spending big university tuition not knowing what you want to do when your done and/or if it will provide a return on the investment.
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Why should you? You want the same telephone system I had (rotary dial hardwired into the house). Same computer (none)? Same car (no airconditioning, good for about 80k miles)?

Why do you feel you deserve anything?

That's funny I hear everyday pull yourself bootstraps we did back in my day blahblah in your day people as young as in their 20's could work a low paying job(which is worth more then its today) with no college diploma and buy a house and raise kids, put money in bank collect interest.

Today it doesn't work like anymore. I work 40 hours a week and my check is 310 after taxes but me I just want everything.

Not that greatest generation the greediest generation.

Back in the day, my father graduated High School and got a blue collar job. Without my mother working, they raised four kids, bought a house in the suburbs, two cars, full healthcare and sent four kids to college without going into debt

This is what used to be called the American Dream.

Now, you are just called lazy and shiftless if you can't do it

To bad your dad didnt pass on his work ethic.

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