Hey righties -where does the Constitution say anything about the olympics?

HEY GUYS - Which of the 18 enumerated power grants Congress the authority to spend money on the Olympics?
Hey righties -where does the Constitution say anything about the olympics?



Hey, idiot, what makes you think righties, whatever they are, support federal funding for the Olympics?

Because they're voting for the guy that took hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for the Olympics?

You are voting for the guy that signed a law that makes the PATRIOT Act look like a massive expansion of civil rights, does that mean you support it?
I'm not comparing them you illiterate. I'm asking where does the Constitution authorize Mitt Romney to spend hundreds of millions of the taxpayer's money on the Olympics.

He got it from Congress who approved it you moron try using your brain for something other than separating ears.

So Congress can just spend money on whatever they like?

Thanks to the idiots, like you, who insist they can, yes.
Hey righties -where does the Constitution say anything about the olympics?

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

Romney Olympic success required federal payout | WashingtonExaminer.com


The Same Authority the Government uses for ever dollar it spends. It's Taxation Powers.

Can you tell me where it says the Federal Government can not spend money to host an Olympic Games in an American City?

Hey righties -where does the Constitution say anything about the olympics?

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

Romney Olympic success required federal payout | WashingtonExaminer.com


The Same Authority the Government uses for ever dollar it spends. It's Taxation Powers.

Can you tell me where it says the Federal Government can not spend money to host an Olympic Games in an American City?


Is it this one:
To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Is it under Artile 1, Section 8?

Until then?


Which of the 18 enumerated power grants Congress the authority to spend money on the Olympics?

ARTICLE 1 SECTION 8...or can't you read?

Until then? SHUT UP.:eusa_hand:
Article I Section 8 contains all 18 enumerated power you illiterate moron. I asked you WHICH one. Do you know what the word "WHICH" means or has rightidom dropped completely off the map in terms of utter stupidity?
Hey righties -where does the Constitution say anything about the olympics?

Romney Olympic success required federal payout | WashingtonExaminer.com


The Same Authority the Government uses for ever dollar it spends. It's Taxation Powers.

Can you tell me where it says the Federal Government can not spend money to host an Olympic Games in an American City?


Is it this one:
To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

And YOU are about one idiotic, son of a bitch. WHAT have I answered?

s0n? YOU pretend you're smart.

Turns out? NOT SO MUCH.

YOU relied upon another to give you the answer you fucking poseur.:eusa_hand:

And I caught yer dumbass BOY.
Hey righties -where does the Constitution say anything about the olympics?

Romney, who is now visiting the opening of the London Olympics, subsequently registered as a lobbyist for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and secured $342 million in direct funding from the federal government and another $1.1 billion in indirect financing from Washington.

Romney Olympic success required federal payout | WashingtonExaminer.com


The constitution says nothing about the olympics but I think its pretty neat that Romney is capable enough to raise almost $1.5 billion for the Olympics after they hired him to help them out.

Shows that he is good at this and makes me way more confident about possibly voting for him this year.
Hey righties -where does the Constitution say anything about the olympics?

Romney Olympic success required federal payout | WashingtonExaminer.com


The Same Authority the Government uses for ever dollar it spends. It's Taxation Powers.

Can you tell me where it says the Federal Government can not spend money to host an Olympic Games in an American City?


Is it this one:
To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Legal experts would probably argue it falls both under General Welfare, and Regulating Commerce. It's a Grey area Because the above Quote as you see says nothing about how they can spend the money, it only says they can Lay and Collect the Taxes. We spend money on a lot of things, that you would be hard pressed to find a Direct quote in the Constitution specifically saying we can do that.

I am not sure what your point is here. Salt lake was a Successful Olympics that Brought in a Shit ton of Money to the Area, and country as a whole, The Federal Government helped Secure the Games because we wanted them in the US, and we got them. It Created a hell of a lot of Jobs related to it as well, all be it temporary.

Kinda silly to make a big deal out of 342 million dollars when were spending 4 Billion a day right now isn't it?

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