Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

First, why should we make a case to you? He already won. He will be president regardless whether you think he has any knowledge.

Second, you'd have yo have a correct understanding of the issues. I've seen zero evidence that to have common sense concerning any of the areas you mentioned. How on earth would you be qualified to determine trumps understanding before you understand the issues yourself?
Why does it matter what I know? I'm not going to be president. Trump has no idea.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Winners don't need any justification, they won. All the soiled libtard diapers is icing on the cake.
It must feel good to finally win at something huh?

We've won 3 of the last 4 elections, even in 2012 you lost some seats in congress. In total you lost 14 senators, 64 congressmen, 18 governorships, and 30+ State houses. I guess you haven't been paying attention.
Yeah Americans are painfully stupid aren't they? They can't even name policies that they like of republicans.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe...
Hey, Leftwinger, you just lost the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

Whatever-in-the-world makes you think that the Right gives the smallest rat's ass what you believe?
It matters if you can't explain it yourself lol. That's what.
Mighty Big words from a collection of newly-castrated political eunuchs...
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

Hey little billy: Why should anyone care what you believe?

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the most resounding electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.

Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Winners don't need any justification, they won. All the soiled libtard diapers is icing on the cake.
It must feel good to finally win at something huh?

We've won 3 of the last 4 elections, even in 2012 you lost some seats in congress. In total you lost 14 senators, 64 congressmen, 18 governorships, and 30+ State houses. I guess you haven't been paying attention.

In my state a lot of gerrymandering going on, Dems had more votes and still lost seats.

Welcome to a republican form of government idiot.
Texas, I never met a Texan I liked.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe...
Hey, Leftwinger, you just lost the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

Whatever-in-the-world makes you think that the Right gives the smallest rat's ass what you believe?
It matters if you can't explain it yourself lol. That's what.

The right has taken over with racism and bigotry. Elitist are in control , another Russia. Sessions and Flynn are racist bigots. The rest are social class bigots.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

Hey little billy: Why should anyone care what you believe?

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the most resounding electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.

Winners don't need any justification, they won. All the soiled libtard diapers is icing on the cake.
It must feel good to finally win at something huh?

We've won 3 of the last 4 elections, even in 2012 you lost some seats in congress. In total you lost 14 senators, 64 congressmen, 18 governorships, and 30+ State houses. I guess you haven't been paying attention.

In my state a lot of gerrymandering going on, Dems had more votes and still lost seats.

Welcome to a republican form of government idiot.

Oh I've lived through many Pub Presidents, even voted for most of them, and now all I have is disdain for them.

Thanks from proving beyond any doubt how clueless you really are. LMAO
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

You seem confused, we don't give a fuck what you believe.
Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Winners don't need any justification, they won. All the soiled libtard diapers is icing on the cake.
It must feel good to finally win at something huh?

We've won 3 of the last 4 elections, even in 2012 you lost some seats in congress. In total you lost 14 senators, 64 congressmen, 18 governorships, and 30+ State houses. I guess you haven't been paying attention.
Yeah Americans are painfully stupid aren't they? They can't even name policies that they like of republicans.

Well child I've explained my reasoning, how you deal with it is on you.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

You seem confused, we don't give a fuck what you believe.
It doesn't matter what I believe. You can't justify his presidency to anyone including yourselves and you know it.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

Hey little billy: Why should anyone care what you believe?

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the most resounding electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.

It must feel good to finally win at something huh?

We've won 3 of the last 4 elections, even in 2012 you lost some seats in congress. In total you lost 14 senators, 64 congressmen, 18 governorships, and 30+ State houses. I guess you haven't been paying attention.

In my state a lot of gerrymandering going on, Dems had more votes and still lost seats.

Welcome to a republican form of government idiot.

Oh I've lived through many Pub Presidents, even voted for most of them, and now all I have is disdain for them.

Thanks from proving beyond any doubt how clueless you really are. LMAO

What are you 10, Bush Jr. Bush Sr. Reagan, Nixon, I guess I'll quit I'm showing my age. The older I get the more tolerant of others I become. Most of us seniors are like that. You have your hands full when you spout hatred.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

Hey little billy: Why should anyone care what you believe?

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the most resounding electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.

Winners don't need any justification, they won. All the soiled libtard diapers is icing on the cake.
It must feel good to finally win at something huh?

We've won 3 of the last 4 elections, even in 2012 you lost some seats in congress. In total you lost 14 senators, 64 congressmen, 18 governorships, and 30+ State houses. I guess you haven't been paying attention.

In my state a lot of gerrymandering going on, Dems had more votes and still lost seats.

Welcome to a republican form of government idiot.
Texas, I never met a Texan I liked.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe...
Hey, Leftwinger, you just lost the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

Whatever-in-the-world makes you think that the Right gives the smallest rat's ass what you believe?
It matters if you can't explain it yourself lol. That's what.

The right has taken over with racism and bigotry. Elitist are in control , another Russia. Sessions and Flynn are racist bigots. The rest are social class bigots.

I'm very sure the feeling was mutual, Texans don't tend to tolerate idiots very well.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

You seem confused, we don't give a fuck what you believe.
It doesn't matter what I believe. You can't justify his presidency to anyone including yourselves and you know it.

Sure I can, the people voted for him.
End of story.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

Hey little billy: Why should anyone care what you believe?

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the most resounding electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.

It must feel good to finally win at something huh?

We've won 3 of the last 4 elections, even in 2012 you lost some seats in congress. In total you lost 14 senators, 64 congressmen, 18 governorships, and 30+ State houses. I guess you haven't been paying attention.

In my state a lot of gerrymandering going on, Dems had more votes and still lost seats.

Welcome to a republican form of government idiot.
Texas, I never met a Texan I liked.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe...
Hey, Leftwinger, you just lost the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

Whatever-in-the-world makes you think that the Right gives the smallest rat's ass what you believe?
It matters if you can't explain it yourself lol. That's what.

The right has taken over with racism and bigotry. Elitist are in control , another Russia. Sessions and Flynn are racist bigots. The rest are social class bigots.

I'm very sure the feeling was mutual, Texans don't tend to tolerate idiots very well.

Texans do not tolerate others very well at all. Texas has the highest uninsured even some kids. Disgusting.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

Hey little billy: Why should anyone care what you believe?

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the most resounding electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.

We've won 3 of the last 4 elections, even in 2012 you lost some seats in congress. In total you lost 14 senators, 64 congressmen, 18 governorships, and 30+ State houses. I guess you haven't been paying attention.

In my state a lot of gerrymandering going on, Dems had more votes and still lost seats.

Welcome to a republican form of government idiot.

Oh I've lived through many Pub Presidents, even voted for most of them, and now all I have is disdain for them.

Thanks from proving beyond any doubt how clueless you really are. LMAO

What are you 10, Bush Jr. Bush Sr. Reagan, Nixon, I guess I'll quit I'm showing my age. The older I get the more tolerant of others I become. Most of us seniors are like that. You have your hands full when you spout hatred.

Well I can say at 10 I knew what a republican form of government is, here's a little hint, it has nothing to do with the party in power or who the president is. Please keep up the great posts, I enjoy a good laugh.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

You seem confused, we don't give a fuck what you believe.
It doesn't matter what I believe. You can't justify his presidency to anyone including yourselves and you know it.

Sure I can, the people voted for him.
End of story.

So the rest of us can stop paying taxes , great. Well let the elites take care of them self's. If these people do not take in consideration what the maj of us want, screw them, no taxes, and they go broke. He is probably going to break the USA anyway.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

You seem confused, we don't give a fuck what you believe.
It doesn't matter what I believe. You can't justify his presidency to anyone including yourselves and you know it.

Sure I can, the people voted for him.
End of story.

So the rest of us can stop paying taxes , great. Well let the elites take care of them self's. If these people do not take in consideration what the maj of us want, screw them, no taxes, and they go broke. He is probably going to break the USA anyway.

let's start here, do you know the difference between a Republic and a Democracy?
In my state a lot of gerrymandering going on, Dems had more votes and still lost seats.

Welcome to a republican form of government idiot.

Oh I've lived through many Pub Presidents, even voted for most of them, and now all I have is disdain for them.

Thanks from proving beyond any doubt how clueless you really are. LMAO

What are you 10, Bush Jr. Bush Sr. Reagan, Nixon, I guess I'll quit I'm showing my age. The older I get the more tolerant of others I become. Most of us seniors are like that. You have your hands full when you spout hatred.

Well I can say at 10 I knew what a republican form of government is, here's a little hint, it has nothing to do with the party in power or who the president is. Please keep up the great posts, I enjoy a good laugh.

Your right the Pres elect is more liberal than most of what you call liberals. The party of the Pubs is all about money under the disguise of Christianity.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

Hey little billy: Why should anyone care what you believe?

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the most resounding electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.

We've won 3 of the last 4 elections, even in 2012 you lost some seats in congress. In total you lost 14 senators, 64 congressmen, 18 governorships, and 30+ State houses. I guess you haven't been paying attention.

In my state a lot of gerrymandering going on, Dems had more votes and still lost seats.

Welcome to a republican form of government idiot.
Texas, I never met a Texan I liked.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe...
Hey, Leftwinger, you just lost the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

Whatever-in-the-world makes you think that the Right gives the smallest rat's ass what you believe?
It matters if you can't explain it yourself lol. That's what.

The right has taken over with racism and bigotry. Elitist are in control , another Russia. Sessions and Flynn are racist bigots. The rest are social class bigots.

I'm very sure the feeling was mutual, Texans don't tend to tolerate idiots very well.

Texans do not tolerate others very well at all. Texas has the highest uninsured even some kids. Disgusting.

Not my problem, never had any myself. I would have taken care of them if I had, just as all decent parents should, or they shouldn't have them to begin with. It's not my responsibility to take care of your rug rats.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Hey Billy, why should we or anyone give a shit what an ignorant left wing nutter thinks? You idiots lost, it will be a long time before you ever win anything again. You don't matter, no one cares.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

You seem confused, we don't give a fuck what you believe.
It doesn't matter what I believe. You can't justify his presidency to anyone including yourselves and you know it.

Sure I can, the people voted for him.
End of story.
You can't justify idiotic actions.

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