Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

All you need to understand is that you're side lost.

Grasp that first.
You just remind yourself that my side lost so you can forget about how much you fucked up electing Trump.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

All you need to understand is that you're side lost.

Grasp that first.
You just remind yourself that my side lost so you can forget about how much you fucked up electing Trump.

Because your side did such a wonderful job, right? That's why the republicans hold historically high numbers in all elected positions.

Good job morons.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

All you need to understand is that you're side lost.

Grasp that first.
You just remind yourself that my side lost so you can forget about how much you fucked up electing Trump.

Because your side did such a wonderful job, right? That's why the republicans hold historically high numbers in all elected positions.

Good job morons.
No one could have predicted Americans would be stupid enough to elect Trump. It blows my mind. Deep down you know it was a terrible idea but you just can't admit it to yourselves can you?
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
See, that's what's pathetic about you voting for Trump. Your only justification for his election is because of Hillary. You aren't even examining Trump and it's dumb.
I'm 15, I voted for nobody.

There are no positives about Trump other than the fact that he's not a massively corrupt policy and pardon-selling Establishment shill who compromised classified information out of either sheer stupidity or carelessness. Hillary is even worse than a candidate with no positives.

You haven't even finished your formal education. Your opinion is not informed by any real world experience but rather by dubious internet narratives.

Treat the OP as a class assignment. Do your homework and give an informed answer with sources.Your answers so far would not warrant a passing grade.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.

Sure I can justify winning, enough Americans finally got tired of your regressive bullshit and kicked your ass. It's on you to figure out why, we owe you no explanations. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Ok so the reason I should vote republican is...what?

Being a decent hard working human being

Wait... I see your problem:)
Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
See, that's what's pathetic about you voting for Trump. Your only justification for his election is because of Hillary. You aren't even examining Trump and it's dumb.
I'm 15, I voted for nobody.

There are no positives about Trump other than the fact that he's not a massively corrupt policy and pardon-selling Establishment shill who compromised classified information out of either sheer stupidity or carelessness. Hillary is even worse than a candidate with no positives.

You haven't even finished your formal education. Your opinion is not informed by any real world experience but rather by dubious internet narratives.

Treat the OP as a class assignment. Do your homework and give an informed answer with sources.Your answers so far would not warrant a passing grade.
And yet I'm more informed than you. Does your age give you the comfort you need when realizing a 15 year old is better informed, better educated, and more mature than you?

Maybe you should read the thread instead of making an uneducated assumption based on reading... pretty much none of it. Well, that and the fact that you're just upset I'm not riding Hillary's coattails like an establishment-worshipping peeon and disregarding all evidence that she's the least fit candidate in recent history, like you.

I'd tell you to base your opinion of me on my posts rather than my age, but you'll remain short-sighted and ignorant, regardless of what I say.
Last edited:
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.

Sure I can justify winning, enough Americans finally got tired of your regressive bullshit and kicked your ass. It's on you to figure out why, we owe you no explanations. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Ok so the reason I should vote republican is...what?

Being a decent hard working human being

Wait... I see your problem:)
I know this "liberals are moochers" meme makes you feel superior and less insecure about yourself but it has no basis in reality. Food stamps are mostly a red state program.
Trump is doing a superb job and he's not even president yet. We should all be grateful that he's president and we missed disaster.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

All you need to understand is that you're side lost.

Grasp that first.
You just remind yourself that my side lost so you can forget about how much you fucked up electing Trump.

Because your side did such a wonderful job, right? That's why the republicans hold historically high numbers in all elected positions.

Good job morons.
No one could have predicted Americans would be stupid enough to elect Trump. It blows my mind. Deep down you know it was a terrible idea but you just can't admit it to yourselves can you?

There were lots of people smart enough to think trump would be elected. Wasn't my choice but its still smarter than electing the most corrupt woman in politics
Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.

Sure I can justify winning, enough Americans finally got tired of your regressive bullshit and kicked your ass. It's on you to figure out why, we owe you no explanations. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Ok so the reason I should vote republican is...what?

Being a decent hard working human being

Wait... I see your problem:)
I know this "liberals are moochers" meme makes you feel superior and less insecure about yourself but it has no basis in reality. Food stamps are mostly a red state program.

Who said anything about liberals or food stamps? I'm talking about you. You are literally one of the most intellectually laziest posters on this board. People can explain their reasoning for backing Trump again and again. I've seen at least a dozen or so do so and you're so lazy you wont even try to understand them when their specifically tell you what they are thinking. Instead you call them stupid and go on about how no one could predict how stupid they were when lots of people predicted trump would Win.

And you sure as heck aren't a decent human being

Wait, you are human right?
Trump will run the Whitehouse like a business board of directors. Get smart people to provide him the facts and options and Trump will make an executive decision
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.

Sure I can justify winning, enough Americans finally got tired of your regressive bullshit and kicked your ass. It's on you to figure out why, we owe you no explanations. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Ok so the reason I should vote republican is...what?

Being a decent hard working human being

Wait... I see your problem:)
I know this "liberals are moochers" meme makes you feel superior and less insecure about yourself but it has no basis in reality. Food stamps are mostly a red state program.

Who said anything about liberals or food stamps? I'm talking about you. You are literally one of the most intellectually laziest posters on this board. People can explain their reasoning for backing Trump again and again. I've seen at least a dozen or so do so and you're so lazy you wont even try to understand them when their specifically tell you what they are thinking. Instead you call them stupid and go on about how no one could predict how stupid they were when lots of people predicted trump would Win.

And you sure as heck aren't a decent human being

Wait, you are human right?
I don't expect everyone to be liberal. I don't expect people to agree with me on everything. I do expect people to be smart enough to not vote for Trump. That is unforgivable crap.
Sure I can justify winning, enough Americans finally got tired of your regressive bullshit and kicked your ass. It's on you to figure out why, we owe you no explanations. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Ok so the reason I should vote republican is...what?

Being a decent hard working human being

Wait... I see your problem:)
I know this "liberals are moochers" meme makes you feel superior and less insecure about yourself but it has no basis in reality. Food stamps are mostly a red state program.

Who said anything about liberals or food stamps? I'm talking about you. You are literally one of the most intellectually laziest posters on this board. People can explain their reasoning for backing Trump again and again. I've seen at least a dozen or so do so and you're so lazy you wont even try to understand them when their specifically tell you what they are thinking. Instead you call them stupid and go on about how no one could predict how stupid they were when lots of people predicted trump would Win.

And you sure as heck aren't a decent human being

Wait, you are human right?
I don't expect everyone to be liberal. I don't expect people to agree with me on everything. I do expect people to be smart enough to not vote for Trump. That is unforgivable crap.

Voting for trump is unforgivable? Really? Have you tried?

Cause bill Clinton assaulted women and abused power. Hillary Clinton sold influence for money. Robert Byrd was an actual member of the KKK. Ted Kennedy killed a woman. did you have a problem forgiving people who voted for them?

I'm guessing not
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
See, that's what's pathetic about you voting for Trump. Your only justification for his election is because of Hillary. You aren't even examining Trump and it's dumb.
I'm 15, I voted for nobody.

There are no positives about Trump other than the fact that he's not a massively corrupt policy and pardon-selling Establishment shill who compromised classified information out of either sheer stupidity or carelessness. Hillary is even worse than a candidate with no positives.

You haven't even finished your formal education. Your opinion is not informed by any real world experience but rather by dubious internet narratives.

Treat the OP as a class assignment. Do your homework and give an informed answer with sources.Your answers so far would not warrant a passing grade.
And yet I'm more informed than you. Does your age give you the comfort you need when realizing a 15 year old is better informed, better educated, and more mature than you?

Maybe you should read the thread instead of making an uneducated assumption based on reading... pretty much none of it. Well, that and the fact that you're just upset I'm not riding Hillary's coattails like an establishment-worshipping peeon and disregarding all evidence that she's the least fit candidate in recent history, like you.

I'd tell you to base your opinion of me on my posts rather than my age, but you'll remain short-sighted and ignorant, regardless of what I say.
And yet I'm more informed than you.
You're but yet another fool who cannot distinguish between fact and fiction. In your case it's understandable as your age has not yet afforded you the experience to discern the difference.

My opinion of you, as with any poster, can only be based on the content of your posts.
Ok so the reason I should vote republican is...what?

Being a decent hard working human being

Wait... I see your problem:)
I know this "liberals are moochers" meme makes you feel superior and less insecure about yourself but it has no basis in reality. Food stamps are mostly a red state program.

Who said anything about liberals or food stamps? I'm talking about you. You are literally one of the most intellectually laziest posters on this board. People can explain their reasoning for backing Trump again and again. I've seen at least a dozen or so do so and you're so lazy you wont even try to understand them when their specifically tell you what they are thinking. Instead you call them stupid and go on about how no one could predict how stupid they were when lots of people predicted trump would Win.

And you sure as heck aren't a decent human being

Wait, you are human right?
I don't expect everyone to be liberal. I don't expect people to agree with me on everything. I do expect people to be smart enough to not vote for Trump. That is unforgivable crap.

Voting for trump is unforgivable? Really? Have you tried?

Cause bill Clinton assaulted women and abused power. Hillary Clinton sold influence for money. Robert Byrd was an actual member of the KKK. Ted Kennedy killed a woman. did you have a problem forgiving people who voted for them?

I'm guessing not
Why are you deflecting to other people? Defend Trump or shut up.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.
Stagnant and Static Status Quo

You're appealing to the disproven authority of Establishment failures. Conformity to them, their procedures, and their laws is deformity. Indoctrinated education is for people too dumb to learn anything on their own. Those who believe in what they're told by people paid to tell them don't need to be replaced by robots, because they already are robots.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
See, that's what's pathetic about you voting for Trump. Your only justification for his election is because of Hillary. You aren't even examining Trump and it's dumb.
I'm 15, I voted for nobody.

There are no positives about Trump other than the fact that he's not a massively corrupt policy and pardon-selling Establishment shill who compromised classified information out of either sheer stupidity or carelessness. Hillary is even worse than a candidate with no positives.

You haven't even finished your formal education. Your opinion is not informed by any real world experience but rather by dubious internet narratives.

Treat the OP as a class assignment. Do your homework and give an informed answer with sources.Your answers so far would not warrant a passing grade.
And yet I'm more informed than you. Does your age give you the comfort you need when realizing a 15 year old is better informed, better educated, and more mature than you?

Maybe you should read the thread instead of making an uneducated assumption based on reading... pretty much none of it. Well, that and the fact that you're just upset I'm not riding Hillary's coattails like an establishment-worshipping peeon and disregarding all evidence that she's the least fit candidate in recent history, like you.

I'd tell you to base your opinion of me on my posts rather than my age, but you'll remain short-sighted and ignorant, regardless of what I say.
And yet I'm more informed than you.
You're but yet another fool who cannot distinguish between fact and fiction. In your case it's understandable as your age has not yet afforded you the experience to discern the difference.

My opinion of you, as with any poster, can only be based on the content of your posts.
View must be nice from that glass house of yours. The fact that the Establishment has decided, and still decides, what you have determined to be fact only shows that you lack self-awareness.

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