Hey, Sealy!! FOX was right! aka Dodd 'fesses up...finally

Exclusive: Treasury, Fed Reviewed AIG Bonus Info Months Ago

As Congress and the Obama Administration consider legislation to limit bonuses at American International Group (AIG: 1.16, -0.43, -27.04%), documents obtained by FOX Business show AIG bonuses and other compensation were reviewed and changed by officials at the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve in November, when the Treasury made its first investment of taxpayer funds -- $40 billion -- in the company.

Nov. 1, 2008: “Have your benefits team made any progress on the ‘soft’ issues, or heard anything from the fed [sic] on the bonus situation?” a Treasury official wrote in an e-mail about the transaction.

Despite their deliberations at the time, the Treasury and Fed officials, which were part of the Bush Administration, eventually decided to restrict compensation on just the top 75 company executives--and some of them may still have received hefty bonuses.

Exclusive: Treasury, Fed Reviewed AIG Bonus Info Months Ago - FOXBusiness.com

Fox actually got it wrong. Their original story was inaccurate.

They only got lucky that it actually was Dodd.

But Fox's original story was not correct.

So I don't want to read Fox's story.

are you covering your ears and making whoo whoo noises so you don't have to hear about it, too? :lol:
Exclusive: Treasury, Fed Reviewed AIG Bonus Info Months Ago

As Congress and the Obama Administration consider legislation to limit bonuses at American International Group (AIG: 1.16, -0.43, -27.04%), documents obtained by FOX Business show AIG bonuses and other compensation were reviewed and changed by officials at the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve in November, when the Treasury made its first investment of taxpayer funds -- $40 billion -- in the company.

Nov. 1, 2008: “Have your benefits team made any progress on the ‘soft’ issues, or heard anything from the fed [sic] on the bonus situation?” a Treasury official wrote in an e-mail about the transaction.

Despite their deliberations at the time, the Treasury and Fed officials, which were part of the Bush Administration, eventually decided to restrict compensation on just the top 75 company executives--and some of them may still have received hefty bonuses.

Exclusive: Treasury, Fed Reviewed AIG Bonus Info Months Ago - FOXBusiness.com

Fox actually got it wrong. Their original story was inaccurate.

They only got lucky that it actually was Dodd.

But Fox's original story was not correct.

So I don't want to read Fox's story.

Geitner now says it was his office.
Exclusive: Treasury, Fed Reviewed AIG Bonus Info Months Ago

As Congress and the Obama Administration consider legislation to limit bonuses at American International Group (AIG: 1.16, -0.43, -27.04%), documents obtained by FOX Business show AIG bonuses and other compensation were reviewed and changed by officials at the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve in November, when the Treasury made its first investment of taxpayer funds -- $40 billion -- in the company.

Nov. 1, 2008: “Have your benefits team made any progress on the ‘soft’ issues, or heard anything from the fed [sic] on the bonus situation?” a Treasury official wrote in an e-mail about the transaction.

Despite their deliberations at the time, the Treasury and Fed officials, which were part of the Bush Administration, eventually decided to restrict compensation on just the top 75 company executives--and some of them may still have received hefty bonuses.

Exclusive: Treasury, Fed Reviewed AIG Bonus Info Months Ago - FOXBusiness.com

Fox actually got it wrong. Their original story was inaccurate.

They only got lucky that it actually was Dodd.

But Fox's original story was not correct.

So I don't want to read Fox's story.

bullshit, but at your pleasure, I can't help it if you choose to be narrow minded. nobody can.
Your fantasys did not work willow.

The truth is bearing out.

Your big scadal is Dodd screwed up by uderstating his part in a legal decision to get the bonuses back.
Your fantasys did not work willow.

The truth is bearing out.

Your big scadal is Dodd screwed up by uderstating his part in a legal decision to get the bonuses back.

is "uderstating" anything like lying? or is this another pathetic attempt on your part at spin?
wow what an informative post del.

Now go read the papers that dont just print what Faux noise repetes
Yes it is. The same people that made the mess were the same ones who got the bonus'. We hired them to fix the mess they created.

The idea was, who better to defuse the bomb than the people that made it".

AIG screwed up . . . who hired people to fix the mess? Whose 'we', government? Do those people work for the government . . . or for AIG? Yes, I'm confused.

The people who work for AIG and caused this mess answer to the people who run and own the Federal Reserve.

If anything shady is going on, it would be at the direction of Paulson/Berneke/Greenspan/Geithner.


The people who own/run the Federal Reserve tell the politicians what to do.

Before all this, I said the Federal Reserve had the GOP in their pockets. Now, it seems they also have Dodd in their pocket too. And 15 blue dog democrats from what I am hearing.

Sealy, it's more than a few. There are some good Dems and good Repubs . . . but generally speaking, politicians are corrupt.

So this is getting into the area where Republicans are right when they say, "all politicians are corrupt".

Because maybe there are more good democrats than there are bad ones. But not enough of them to get anything done.

So I hope Republican voters are happy. They have proven that both parties suck.

Republican voters haven't proven that both parties suck --- the parties themselves prove that they suck. Why don't you see this?

And I hope they aren't convincing themselves that this proves that Republicans are better than Democrats, because if anything, all this proves is that the rich bankers own some of our boys too.

This does not in any way redeem the GOP. Not even close.
wow what an informative post del.

Now go read the papers that dont just print what Faux noise repetes

why won't you answer the question?
for that matter, why won't you answer any question?
is it because you haven't any answers?
thought so.

AIG screwed up . . . who hired people to fix the mess? Whose 'we', government? Do those people work for the government . . . or for AIG? Yes, I'm confused.

The people who work for AIG and caused this mess answer to the people who run and own the Federal Reserve.

If anything shady is going on, it would be at the direction of Paulson/Berneke/Greenspan/Geithner.


The people who own/run the Federal Reserve tell the politicians what to do.

Before all this, I said the Federal Reserve had the GOP in their pockets. Now, it seems they also have Dodd in their pocket too. And 15 blue dog democrats from what I am hearing.

Sealy, it's more than a few. There are some good Dems and good Repubs . . . but generally speaking, politicians are corrupt.

So this is getting into the area where Republicans are right when they say, "all politicians are corrupt".

Because maybe there are more good democrats than there are bad ones. But not enough of them to get anything done.

So I hope Republican voters are happy. They have proven that both parties suck.

Republican voters haven't proven that both parties suck --- the parties themselves prove that they suck. Why don't you see this?

And I hope they aren't convincing themselves that this proves that Republicans are better than Democrats, because if anything, all this proves is that the rich bankers own some of our boys too.

This does not in any way redeem the GOP. Not even close.

I'm starting to see that 15 plus Democrats have sold out.

When I say sold out, I mean act just like Republicans.

So as the Obama democrats try to fix healthcare, the 15 blue dog democrats are going to obstuct any fixes because the healthcare lobbyists have paid them to do so.

Just like Dodd tried to protect CEO bonus'. That was very Republican of him, wouldn't you say?

And just like Obama is going to leave some troops in Iraq to protect the oil fields, for the oil barons, who by the way are also the bankers that own the federal reserve.

So no matter which party is in charge, the bankers will always get their way?

That's why my grandma says, "all politicians are corrupt, but at least every once in awhile the Democrats give a dog a bone".

Maybe that's why middle class Republicans exist. They don't feel like it is ever them who the Democrats are "giving a bone to". THey feel like the dems only give poor people a bone.

So if the rich always own us no matter who's in charge, and the only difference is the dems give a bone to the poor, and thats the only difference, this is why they vote Republican? Because they prefer that the poor don't get a bone?

I'm starting to see why middle class people vote Republican. I don't agree, but at least I'm starting to understand.

In some ways, I don't blame them.

This Dodd thing is frustrating me too.

But don't take your eye off the ball. The problem is still the bankers that own the Federal Reserve.

And, our politicians are in their pockets. We need to get them out of their pockets.

This latest story, I think is great. They tried to pull a fast one on us and the GOP busted them.

This is a good role for the GOP. Keeping the Dems honest.
Your fantasys did not work willow.

The truth is bearing out.

Your big scadal is Dodd screwed up by uderstating his part in a legal decision to get the bonuses back.

poor poor idiot,, would you please explain to us dimwits what a scadal is??? :lol:
So . . . . Geithner was the one who wanted the language stripped out of the bill? Why, if he knew the AIG bonuses would be coming due? I don't believe this is a case of 'crossed signals'.
Your fantasys did not work willow.

The truth is bearing out.

Your big scadal is Dodd screwed up by uderstating his part in a legal decision to get the bonuses back.

poor poor idiot,, would you please explain to us dimwits what a scadal is??? :lol:

Well, at least Dodd has an excuse.

Why did Bush & Paulson try to slip this in last year?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

The deal proposed by Paulson was nothing short of outrageous. It included no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gave congressional blessing and funding to what he had already been doing, ad hoc. He planed on retaining Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper.

There were to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that got relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

So now there is oversite and the government is going to get an equity share. That's two huge differences between Bush & Obama.

So what Dodd/Geithner did was exactly what Paulson/Bush were trying to sneak by us last year.

Do you find that intesting?
Your fantasys did not work willow.

The truth is bearing out.

Your big scadal is Dodd screwed up by uderstating his part in a legal decision to get the bonuses back.

poor poor idiot,, would you please explain to us dimwits what a scadal is??? :lol:

Well, at least Dodd has an excuse.

Why did Bush & Paulson try to slip this in last year?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

The deal proposed by Paulson was nothing short of outrageous. It included no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gave congressional blessing and funding to what he had already been doing, ad hoc. He planed on retaining Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper.

There were to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that got relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

So now there is oversite and the government is going to get an equity share. That's two huge differences between Bush & Obama.

So what Dodd/Geithner did was exactly what Paulson/Bush were trying to sneak by us last year.

Do you find that intesting?

bobo you think there is oversight? I bet you think there is transpancy too! I don't think the government is going to get anything but sued. imho.
Your fantasys did not work willow.

The truth is bearing out.

Your big scadal is Dodd screwed up by uderstating his part in a legal decision to get the bonuses back.

poor poor idiot,, would you please explain to us dimwits what a scadal is??? :lol:

Well, at least Dodd has an excuse.

Why did Bush & Paulson try to slip this in last year?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

The deal proposed by Paulson was nothing short of outrageous. It included no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gave congressional blessing and funding to what he had already been doing, ad hoc. He planed on retaining Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper.

There were to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that got relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

So now there is oversite and the government is going to get an equity share. That's two huge differences between Bush & Obama.

So what Dodd/Geithner did was exactly what Paulson/Bush were trying to sneak by us last year.

Do you find that intesting?

Shouldn't 'we the people' be getting that equity share, since the government works for us?
poor poor idiot,, would you please explain to us dimwits what a scadal is??? :lol:

Well, at least Dodd has an excuse.

Why did Bush & Paulson try to slip this in last year?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

The deal proposed by Paulson was nothing short of outrageous. It included no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gave congressional blessing and funding to what he had already been doing, ad hoc. He planed on retaining Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper.

There were to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that got relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

So now there is oversite and the government is going to get an equity share. That's two huge differences between Bush & Obama.

So what Dodd/Geithner did was exactly what Paulson/Bush were trying to sneak by us last year.

Do you find that intesting?

Shouldn't 'we the people' be getting that equity share, since the government works for us?

When I say We, I mean the government, and when I say the government, I mean we.
poor poor idiot,, would you please explain to us dimwits what a scadal is??? :lol:

Well, at least Dodd has an excuse.

Why did Bush & Paulson try to slip this in last year?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

The deal proposed by Paulson was nothing short of outrageous. It included no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gave congressional blessing and funding to what he had already been doing, ad hoc. He planed on retaining Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper.

There were to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that got relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

So now there is oversite and the government is going to get an equity share. That's two huge differences between Bush & Obama.

So what Dodd/Geithner did was exactly what Paulson/Bush were trying to sneak by us last year.

Do you find that intesting?

bobo you think there is oversight? I bet you think there is transpancy too! I don't think the government is going to get anything but sued. imho.

If they get sued, then you are to blame for telling Obama/Dodd to take back the bonus'.

But I don't think the AIG exec's are going to win.

Would they win if you were on the jury?
Shouldn't 'we the people' be getting that equity share, since the government works for us?

When I say We, I mean the government, and when I say the government, I mean we.[/QUOTE]

Since the bonuses were paid for with taxpayer money . . . when they tax them and get the money back . . . can we all expect a check in the mail?
Well, at least Dodd has an excuse.

Why did Bush & Paulson try to slip this in last year?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

The deal proposed by Paulson was nothing short of outrageous. It included no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gave congressional blessing and funding to what he had already been doing, ad hoc. He planed on retaining Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper.

There were to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that got relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

So now there is oversite and the government is going to get an equity share. That's two huge differences between Bush & Obama.

So what Dodd/Geithner did was exactly what Paulson/Bush were trying to sneak by us last year.

Do you find that intesting?

bobo you think there is oversight? I bet you think there is transpancy too! I don't think the government is going to get anything but sued. imho.

If they get sued, then you are to blame for telling Obama/Dodd to take back the bonus'.

But I don't think the AIG exec's are going to win.

Would they win if you were on the jury?

yes I think they would.. they had a contract. I think the better way to have achieved the same goal would have been to withold the 160 million from the next "bailout" they came begging for.

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