Hey, Sealy!! FOX was right! aka Dodd 'fesses up...finally

how nicely stated WT, thanks for the pointer.

I think much faster than I type and type pretty poorly.

I also have always been spelling and grammer challenged.

** OT

Hey TM - what internet browser do you use? I just switched to Mozilla Firefox. It's much faster and has a nifty built in spell-check. Regardless of where on the net you are typing it does a spell check and underlines the misspelled word. You can right click and it gives you the right spelling (just like in MS Word). Not giving you a hard time, just letting you know. I love it. I use the dictionary all the time. :)


USMB doesn't have spellcheck, so sometimes you are going to see mistakes. No biggy, right?
actually, you are WRONG again
see the little ABC with a check mark under it
its in ALL vBB version for the last several years
People who make so little that they don't pay Federal Income Tax on their paychecks, at the end of the year, find themselves with very very little left over.

Why is that? Could it be that $40K isn't very much money?

We already has this discussion on another thread.

And the other fact is, they pay plenty of Federal Taxes, when they buy things. Gas tax, sales tax, etc.

I thought that was State tax, not Federal tax. Of course, it all goes to the government.

So it is a lie to say poor people don't pay Federal Taxes.

But its a good thing that they don't pay federal taxes on their paychecks, if that is even true, because then they would be considered the working poor.

:lol: I am the working poor.

They discussed this on Air America the other day. This notion that right wingers are spreading around that poor people don't pay any Federal Taxes, is outragous and misleading. Just short of a lie.

No it's not. We get all our federal taxes back.

Last year, I had $1213 in federal taxes withheld from my pay check. After a standard deduction, I still owed $538 in taxes. The fact that I got refunded $705 doesn't mean I didn't pay any taxes it just means that too much money was withheld.

Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.
Last year, I had $1213 in federal taxes withheld from my pay check. After a standard deduction, I still owed $538 in taxes. The fact that I got refunded $705 doesn't mean I didn't pay any taxes it just means that too much money was withheld.

Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.
no, you messed that up

he had $1213 withheld, but his tax was only $538
so he got a refund
Last year, I had $1213 in federal taxes withheld from my pay check. After a standard deduction, I still owed $538 in taxes. The fact that I got refunded $705 doesn't mean I didn't pay any taxes it just means that too much money was withheld.

Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.
no, you messed that up

he had $1213 withheld, but his tax was only $538
so he got a refund

Oh, that's not how I read it. He had $1213 withheld and still owed $538. I thought he meant in addition to the $1213 withheld he owed $538 more. Maybe you are correct and his tax was only $538 to begin with and I misunderstood. I hate numbers.
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People who make so little that they don't pay Federal Income Tax on their paychecks, at the end of the year, find themselves with very very little left over.

Why is that? Could it be that $40K isn't very much money?

We already has this discussion on another thread.

And the other fact is, they pay plenty of Federal Taxes, when they buy things. Gas tax, sales tax, etc.

I thought that was State tax, not Federal tax. Of course, it all goes to the government.

:lol: I am the working poor.

They discussed this on Air America the other day. This notion that right wingers are spreading around that poor people don't pay any Federal Taxes, is outragous and misleading. Just short of a lie.

No it's not. We get all our federal taxes back.

Last year, I had $1213 in federal taxes withheld from my pay check. After a standard deduction, I still owed $538 in taxes. The fact that I got refunded $705 doesn't mean I didn't pay any taxes it just means that too much money was withheld.

Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.

How much of the Federal Gas Tax that you paid when gas was $4 a gallon did you get back?

Trust me, you pay plenty in taxes. Too much if you ask me.
People who make so little that they don't pay Federal Income Tax on their paychecks, at the end of the year, find themselves with very very little left over.

Why is that? Could it be that $40K isn't very much money?

We already has this discussion on another thread.

I thought that was State tax, not Federal tax. Of course, it all goes to the government.

:lol: I am the working poor.

No it's not. We get all our federal taxes back.

Last year, I had $1213 in federal taxes withheld from my pay check. After a standard deduction, I still owed $538 in taxes. The fact that I got refunded $705 doesn't mean I didn't pay any taxes it just means that too much money was withheld.

Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.

How much of the Federal Gas Tax that you paid when gas was $4 a gallon did you get back?

Trust me, you pay plenty in taxes. Too much if you ask me.

<sigh> true . . . . but specifically on tax refunds, we get ours back.
Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.
no, you messed that up

he had $1213 withheld, but his tax was only $538
so he got a refund

Oh, that's not how I read it. He had $1213 withheld and still owed $538. I thought he meant in addition to the $1213 withheld he owed $538 more. Maybe you are correct and his tax was only $538 to begin with and I misunderstood. I hate numbers.
he worded it strangly
but thats bobo for ya ;)
People who make so little that they don't pay Federal Income Tax on their paychecks, at the end of the year, find themselves with very very little left over.

Why is that? Could it be that $40K isn't very much money?

We already has this discussion on another thread.

I thought that was State tax, not Federal tax. Of course, it all goes to the government.

:lol: I am the working poor.

No it's not. We get all our federal taxes back.

Last year, I had $1213 in federal taxes withheld from my pay check. After a standard deduction, I still owed $538 in taxes. The fact that I got refunded $705 doesn't mean I didn't pay any taxes it just means that too much money was withheld.

Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.

How much of the Federal Gas Tax that you paid when gas was $4 a gallon did you get back?

Trust me, you pay plenty in taxes. Too much if you ask me.
the gas tax was exactly the same at $4 a gallon as it was at $2 a gallon
no one gets that back
We already has this discussion on another thread.

I thought that was State tax, not Federal tax. Of course, it all goes to the government.

:lol: I am the working poor.

No it's not. We get all our federal taxes back.

Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.

How much of the Federal Gas Tax that you paid when gas was $4 a gallon did you get back?

Trust me, you pay plenty in taxes. Too much if you ask me.
the gas tax was exactly the same at $4 a gallon as it was at $2 a gallon
no one gets that back

My point is that these poor people get gouged enough by the Federal Government that it only makes sense they don't pay income taxes.

And I'm hearing from a lot of them that they do pay federal income tax.

I'm not even sure you guys are being factual on this.

Or, you aren't telling the whole story.

My point is that poor people pay plenty of money to the Federal Government. Add up all the poor people who paid the gas tax vs. all the rich people that paid the gas tax and the poor people paid more. Because there are a lot more of them of course.

You guys act as if the Federal Income tax goes directly towards something. It does not.

I've had people show me where our Federal taxes go and it is not true.

Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? &mdash; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

It all goes into a general fund. For example, the government might take it and apply everything we pay to the interest on the national debt. In other words, they apply it to the debt like they are making a minimum payment on our credit card.

I believe this is more the truth:

Why An Income Tax is NOT Necessary to Fund the U.S. Government

So its a shell game. The way the system is set up now, is why/how they get away with doubling the debt every 4 to 8 years. Or how they are able to go over their budgets and not worry about where the money is coming from. They just write themselves checks, the Federal Reserve doesn't mind because that just means we go further into debt, and that means they own us even more.
We already has this discussion on another thread.

I thought that was State tax, not Federal tax. Of course, it all goes to the government.

:lol: I am the working poor.

No it's not. We get all our federal taxes back.

Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.

How much of the Federal Gas Tax that you paid when gas was $4 a gallon did you get back?

Trust me, you pay plenty in taxes. Too much if you ask me.
the gas tax was exactly the same at $4 a gallon as it was at $2 a gallon
no one gets that back

I heard the government was making a fortune when gas was $4. Because the gas tax is a percentage of the cost.

So if it was 10% on $2, they made more when it was 10% of $4.

I could be wrong. Am I?
We already has this discussion on another thread.

I thought that was State tax, not Federal tax. Of course, it all goes to the government.

:lol: I am the working poor.

No it's not. We get all our federal taxes back.

Wait . . . . you had $1213 withheld and owed $538. That's $1721. But you got $705 back? Why did you owe them $538 if you ended up getting $705 back? That doesn't make sense.

How much of the Federal Gas Tax that you paid when gas was $4 a gallon did you get back?

Trust me, you pay plenty in taxes. Too much if you ask me.
the gas tax was exactly the same at $4 a gallon as it was at $2 a gallon
no one gets that back

Are you saying it was a certain $ amount in taxes per every gallon? Because then you would be right, it wouldn't matter how much a gallon was.

I just thought it was on $. Like the sales tax. If you buy one shirt for $40, you will pay less tax than you would on a shirt that cost $100.
How much of the Federal Gas Tax that you paid when gas was $4 a gallon did you get back?

Trust me, you pay plenty in taxes. Too much if you ask me.
the gas tax was exactly the same at $4 a gallon as it was at $2 a gallon
no one gets that back

I heard the government was making a fortune when gas was $4. Because the gas tax is a percentage of the cost.

So if it was 10% on $2, they made more when it was 10% of $4.

I could be wrong. Am I?
you are wrong, gas tax is per gallon, not a percentage
How much of the Federal Gas Tax that you paid when gas was $4 a gallon did you get back?

Trust me, you pay plenty in taxes. Too much if you ask me.
the gas tax was exactly the same at $4 a gallon as it was at $2 a gallon
no one gets that back

Are you saying it was a certain $ amount in taxes per every gallon? Because then you would be right, it wouldn't matter how much a gallon was.

I just thought it was on $. Like the sales tax. If you buy one shirt for $40, you will pay less tax than you would on a shirt that cost $100.
there is SOOOO much that you show that you DONT KNOW
I'm not even sure you guys are being factual on this.

Or, you aren't telling the whole story.

I'm not lying about anything.

My point is that poor people pay plenty of money to the Federal Government. Add up all the poor people who paid the gas tax vs. all the rich people that paid the gas tax and the poor people paid more. Because there are a lot more of them of course.

Yet . . . . the rich already pay for something like 60% of all federal incomes taxes. They are covering the poor already.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - In Defense of the Rich

So its a shell game. The way the system is set up now, is why/how they get away with doubling the debt every 4 to 8 years. Or how they are able to go over their budgets and not worry about where the money is coming from. They just write themselves checks, the Federal Reserve doesn't mind because that just means we go further into debt, and that means they own us even more.

We are all sheep.
Well crap, it's quitting time and Sealy is gone for the weekend. That's, that's, that's all for now folks.
I thought starting in April, 95% of us would see more on our paychecks from Obama.

The tax withholding tables are changing and I assume... or at least pray that means the tax brackets are changing as well. It would really suck if they changed the withholding deductions so you got a bigger check but at the end of the year they zapped you with penalties for not having enough withheld.

You might notice a lower FWT tax deduction from your paycheck come April. It will be easy to see if you are a salaried employee whose check doesn't change regularly. I have a payroll service and they updated the tables the first of March. So, yes, you will see more on your paychecks, but for some, it may not be noticeable... meaning, that if your check changes regularly anyway, you probably won't even notice that they withheld less this week than last week.

If that language had stayed would it would mean that AIG (and other execs) would not have gotten bonus money? Presumably, AIG would then sue because the bonus money was already contracted?

Thanks. Just trying to understand. :)

Good question, but wouldn't it have to be the employees of AIG that would have to sue as they are the ones who have been wronged, not the company?

In fact, if AIG had not been allowed to pay the contractual bonuses, they would have taken the bailout; the corporation would have either put that money to use in paying bills/loans/bonds off or using it in order to improve their capital position or distributed it to shareholders in the form of dividends or more likely a combination of the above.

Can you imagine if they had distributed the bonus money to shareholders as dividends?

Well crap, it's quitting time and Sealy is gone for the weekend. That's, that's, that's all for now folks.
Yes but now it's Monday and the pinata returned, still getting chunks taken off and still swinging around, oblivious to what an idiot he is.

"Gasoline tax is a percentage" what a ignorant, clueless dolt.

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