'Hey White Boy!' 3 Black Teens Attack Man With Rock...

Sadly, there are many Black Americans out there acting like this.

Sadly, at one time, there were many White Americans who belonged to the KKK.

Keep in mind, there are ALLOT MORE Black Americans who are NOT acting like this!

Superb rationalization...would you like a bandaid for your lip?

Exactly what have I rationalized?

I'm the guy advocating for a complete end to Affirmative Action.

The Epidemic of Racial Crimes in America US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I'm the guy who stated White people should be ALLOT more wary around Blacks.

But I'm also fair and open minded enough to see that the "Race" which so divides U.S. is an artificial construct of the wealthy, manipulative Elite who are FEEDING from the hate and division.

I am fair and open minded enough to know that Most Blacks are NOT like this.

Just like most Whites never belonged to the KKK, even in its heyday.

But it only takes ONE violent Black to End the life of my loved ones, so I'll keep up my guard, .....

and keep trying to dismantle the Machines of Racial Division.

If we stop the power-Elite from profiting from the division, they will stop.

Until we stop the Power-Elite from foisting the Racial Division, it is in human nature for it to rapidly grow.

Which side of your rationalization line was big mike on?

M. Brown was a drug addict, racist, sexist, and a brutal thug.

My friend Brian was Black, and one of the best people I've ever known. He was killed by someone very like M. Brown.

>>Holder yawns<<

The media, of course, is fast asleep at the switch. 99% of America wont know about it......the victim wasn't black.:2up:

Ammo up my friends......ammo up!!!:rock:

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