Hi, Fed Up With the Indeterminancy of Politics


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2013

My name's Dak.

One thing I've come to conclusion over the years is how politics is loaded with nonstop gibberish, nonsense, and gobbledygook. People constantly shift burden of proof onto the negative and brutally assert their positions as "practical". They force others to assume the risk of unreliable statements, and don't explain why their beliefs are necessary.

Instead, people take nothing seriously, proclaim that opposition to their beliefs is absurd, and merely try to intimidate the general public into believing things just because they say so. Abuse of process is out of hand, and this has especially gotten worse since 9/11. If you ask for decent decorum, people call you a fundamentalist, terrorist, Islamofascist. They say you're obligated to endure duress, intimidation, harassment, negligence, and provocation. Just because you don't approve of something doesn't mean you're entitled to peace of mind.

I'm convinced at this point that the rule of law doesn't exist anymore but in name only. Modern politics is incredibly anarchic where people constantly advocate their own self-interests, and exploit the naivete of others born outside of inside information.

What's worse is people make appeals to stupidity as an excuse for not taking the time, energy, and attention to make sense of what's going on. People are just incredibly stubborn today, and either double down or expect the opposition to compromise. There is no analysis of positions today. People will do anything but analyze just in order to make the opposition analyze things for them.

My name's Dak.

One thing I've come to conclusion over the years is how politics is loaded with nonstop gibberish, nonsense, and gobbledygook. People constantly shift burden of proof onto the negative and brutally assert their positions as "practical". They force others to assume the risk of unreliable statements, and don't explain why their beliefs are necessary.

Instead, people take nothing seriously, proclaim that opposition to their beliefs is absurd, and merely try to intimidate the general public into believing things just because they say so. Abuse of process is out of hand, and this has especially gotten worse since 9/11. If you ask for decent decorum, people call you a fundamentalist, terrorist, Islamofascist. They say you're obligated to endure duress, intimidation, harassment, negligence, and provocation. Just because you don't approve of something doesn't mean you're entitled to peace of mind.

I'm convinced at this point that the rule of law doesn't exist anymore but in name only. Modern politics is incredibly anarchic where people constantly advocate their own self-interests, and exploit the naivete of others born outside of inside information.

What's worse is people make appeals to stupidity as an excuse for not taking the time, energy, and attention to make sense of what's going on. People are just incredibly stubborn today, and either double down or expect the opposition to compromise. There is no analysis of positions today. People will do anything but analyze just in order to make the opposition analyze things for them.

^^ The "Dak Attack" :razz:

Welcome to the forum Dak. :)
welcome dak,

you have to have an ability to not stand distraction .

stick to the facts and your fine in politics
welcome dak,

you have to have an ability to not stand distraction .

stick to the facts and your fine in politics

Many are judgmental about facts. They see things and implicitly believe those facts must be interpreted absolutely in a particular way.

For example, I get fed up with conservative workaholics who believe on a local level that the layout of roads, parks, schools, or whatnot implictly suggests that a town or city should be planned in a certain manner to respect who we are. This gets worse when actually working with conservatives where they have tremendously poor communication skills and just expect you to have a predestined calling. Otherwise, they just make fun of you and call you autistic or having asperger's.

I see this from liberals on a federal and state level too though. They think that statistics imply that certain social programs ought to be enacted to stereotype everyone together in the national interest. Where conservatives engage in tradition, liberals engage in social democracy. They still expect people to conform to authority, and anyone who doesn't acknowledge politically correct interpretations of facts, again, is labeled as mental.

I just wish people weren't so easily distracted. It's very annoying seeing people throw facts out there in response to other facts and suggest that their interpretation is "practical". People need to understand that one fact does not automatically domino into another.

This country needs a third party, but I'm not sure libertarians are the ones to go forward with it. Sometimes, I get the impression that they're all about facts because they advocate fiscal responsibility without social responsibility. They expect outputs without inputs, results without process, ends without means.
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welcome dak,

you have to have an ability to not stand distraction .

stick to the facts and your fine in politics

Many are judgmental about facts. They see things and implicitly believe those facts must be interpreted absolutely in a particular way.

For example, I get fed up with conservative workaholics who believe on a local level that the layout of roads, parks, schools, or whatnot implictly suggests that a town or city should be planned in a certain manner to respect who we are. This gets worse when actually working with conservatives where they have tremendously poor communication skills and just expect you to have a predestined calling. Otherwise, they just make fun of you and call you autistic or having asperger's.

I see this from liberals on a federal and state level too though. They think that statistics imply that certain social programs ought to be enacted to stereotype everyone together in the national interest. Where conservatives engage in tradition, liberals engage in social democracy. They still expect people to conform to authority, and anyone who doesn't acknowledge politically correct interpretations of facts, again, is labeled as mental.

I just wish people weren't so easily distracted. It's very annoying seeing people throw facts out there in response to other facts and suggest that their interpretation is "practical". People need to understand that one fact does not automatically domino into another.

This country needs a third party, but I'm not sure libertarians are the ones to go forward with it. Sometimes, I get the impression that they're all about facts because they advocate fiscal responsibility without social responsibility. They expect outputs without inputs, results without process, ends without means.

"They expect outputs without inputs, results without process, ends without means."

Excellent !As Dr Deming said. "If you cannot describe what you are doing as a process you don't know what you are doing"


My name's Dak.

One thing I've come to conclusion over the years is how politics is loaded with nonstop gibberish, nonsense, and gobbledygook. People constantly shift burden of proof onto the negative and brutally assert their positions as "practical". They force others to assume the risk of unreliable statements, and don't explain why their beliefs are necessary.

Instead, people take nothing seriously, proclaim that opposition to their beliefs is absurd, and merely try to intimidate the general public into believing things just because they say so. Abuse of process is out of hand, and this has especially gotten worse since 9/11. If you ask for decent decorum, people call you a fundamentalist, terrorist, Islamofascist. They say you're obligated to endure duress, intimidation, harassment, negligence, and provocation. Just because you don't approve of something doesn't mean you're entitled to peace of mind.

I'm convinced at this point that the rule of law doesn't exist anymore but in name only. Modern politics is incredibly anarchic where people constantly advocate their own self-interests, and exploit the naivete of others born outside of inside information.

What's worse is people make appeals to stupidity as an excuse for not taking the time, energy, and attention to make sense of what's going on. People are just incredibly stubborn today, and either double down or expect the opposition to compromise. There is no analysis of positions today. People will do anything but analyze just in order to make the opposition analyze things for them.

Welcome to American politics...... since it's inception...... :cool:
Welcome Comrade!

I'd be a socialist if it wasn't for encountering so many who are obsessed with hard work and making the other guy do all of it. They have very little appreciation for free will. All they care about is "species-being".

Thanks though.

My name's Dak.

One thing I've come to conclusion over the years is how politics is loaded with nonstop gibberish, nonsense, and gobbledygook. People constantly shift burden of proof onto the negative and brutally assert their positions as "practical". They force others to assume the risk of unreliable statements, and don't explain why their beliefs are necessary.

Instead, people take nothing seriously, proclaim that opposition to their beliefs is absurd, and merely try to intimidate the general public into believing things just because they say so. Abuse of process is out of hand, and this has especially gotten worse since 9/11. If you ask for decent decorum, people call you a fundamentalist, terrorist, Islamofascist. They say you're obligated to endure duress, intimidation, harassment, negligence, and provocation. Just because you don't approve of something doesn't mean you're entitled to peace of mind.

I'm convinced at this point that the rule of law doesn't exist anymore but in name only. Modern politics is incredibly anarchic where people constantly advocate their own self-interests, and exploit the naivete of others born outside of inside information.

What's worse is people make appeals to stupidity as an excuse for not taking the time, energy, and attention to make sense of what's going on. People are just incredibly stubborn today, and either double down or expect the opposition to compromise. There is no analysis of positions today. People will do anything but analyze just in order to make the opposition analyze things for them.

As Jerry says: "People - they're the worst!"

You know all that bull shit you are describing? It abounds here - in SPADES. Welcome to USMB. I hope your stay here is both enjoyable and educational.

My name's Dak.

One thing I've come to conclusion over the years is how politics is loaded with nonstop gibberish, nonsense, and gobbledygook. People constantly shift burden of proof onto the negative and brutally assert their positions as "practical". They force others to assume the risk of unreliable statements, and don't explain why their beliefs are necessary.

Instead, people take nothing seriously, proclaim that opposition to their beliefs is absurd, and merely try to intimidate the general public into believing things just because they say so. Abuse of process is out of hand, and this has especially gotten worse since 9/11. If you ask for decent decorum, people call you a fundamentalist, terrorist, Islamofascist. They say you're obligated to endure duress, intimidation, harassment, negligence, and provocation. Just because you don't approve of something doesn't mean you're entitled to peace of mind.

I'm convinced at this point that the rule of law doesn't exist anymore but in name only. Modern politics is incredibly anarchic where people constantly advocate their own self-interests, and exploit the naivete of others born outside of inside information.

What's worse is people make appeals to stupidity as an excuse for not taking the time, energy, and attention to make sense of what's going on. People are just incredibly stubborn today, and either double down or expect the opposition to compromise. There is no analysis of positions today. People will do anything but analyze just in order to make the opposition analyze things for them.
Welcome to USMB, Daktoria. Hope you enjoy the boards.

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