High Profile DOJ Alum Push Back At Barr’s Flynn Shenanigans

And other than who it's aimed at, this is different from you how exactly?
Do you have something to say about the statements by McCord and Kravis? If you don't, do me a favor and STFU.
The people involved in this fraud on our justice system would like nothing more than have everyone shut up.
I want y’all to keep talking but when anyone asks you anything about this, y’all are just silent.
Nobody cares

Wow you cared when you accused Biden of getting a prosecutor fired just to stop a prosecution into a Ukrainian energy company.

Even though the facts proved the exact opposite.

So you care about this sort of thing when a democrat is accused of it but didn't do it.

You don't care if a republican is accused of it and actually did do it.


You're either a russian troll or seriously hates America, our constitution and rule of law.

Hows' the weather in today in moscow comrade?

Have you heard the wonderful news?
The Ukraine is investigating Biden for forcing the firing of the prosecutor.
Make no mistake: The Department’s action is extraordinarily rare, if not unprecedented. If any of us, or anyone reading this statement who is not a friend of the President, were to lie to federal investigators in the course of a properly predicated counterintelligence investigation, and admit we did so under oath, we would be prosecuted for it.

It wasn't a "properly predicated" investigation, that's exactly the point.
Of course it was. Trump's own assistant AG appointed a special counsel to continue the investigation after Trump fired Comey in an effort to disrupt or halt the FBI's counterintelligence investigation.


That didn't happen?



Reported. Stop page-pushing, asswipe....we ain't interested in all your stupid text and graphics.
Reported. Stop page-pushing, asswipe....we ain't interested in all your stupid text and graphics.
IOW...."We don't read so good".
Nobody cares among Trumplenuts. But then they wouldn't care if Barr used the Constitution to start a bonfire of the Bill of rights.
The BoR is PART of the constitution, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck.
OMG. What a dumb post.
At the end of the day, Flynn may very well be guilty of something, or maybe not.
What? He confessed to a crime. Barr's duplicitous rationale for dropping charges has been dismantled and dismissed for the corrupt horseshit it is. WTF are you talking about?
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The deep state over at the Dept. of Justice ought to relax. If they are innocent, they will have a chance to prove it to Mr. Durham. If they are guilty, at least the underlings will be able to make a deal for people higher on the food chain.

Gen. Flynn is going to be talking now, isn't that what they wanted in the first place?
Unfortunately, the credibility of the DOJ and the FBI is in the shitter at this point.
Agreed. Ever since Barr took that position, career prosecutors have been heading for the hills.
Getting caught tends to make people run.
Being corrupt tends to drive the good ones away.

The DoJ is being turned into Trump’s political tool. Good career prosecutors don’t want to be a part of tearing our institutions down.
It's especially devious of Barr to make disparaging comments about career prosecutors when he knows DOJ policy prohibits them to speak publicly about the Flynn case.
Make no mistake: The Department’s action is extraordinarily rare, if not unprecedented. If any of us, or anyone reading this statement who is not a friend of the President, were to lie to federal investigators in the course of a properly predicated counterintelligence investigation, and admit we did so under oath, we would be prosecuted for it.

Comey admitted he setup the perjury trap for Flynn, see the video.
There was no properly predicated reason to question (perjury trap) General Flynn, period.
There was no "lie" either, there was an "I don't recall" like Hillary always says.
Nobody cares

Wow you cared when you accused Biden of getting a prosecutor fired just to stop a prosecution into a Ukrainian energy company.

Even though the facts proved the exact opposite.

So you care about this sort of thing when a democrat is accused of it but didn't do it.

You don't care if a republican is accused of it and actually did do it.


You're either a russian troll or seriously hates America, our constitution and rule of law.

Hows' the weather in today in moscow comrade?

I'm an American who fought for his Country, your judgments mean nothing to me. Your problem is that you are willfully blind partisan who lives by the rule
1) No Dem EVER does anything wrong
2) No Pub EVER does anything right
Flynn didn't do anything and you're too stupid to open your eyes to it. Why don't you show me where I EVER accused Biden of what you say?
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2000 former DOJ employees out of how many former DOJ employees? It was formed in 1870 suffice it to say no one from that time is still around but it would be fair to say the number of former employees is very large and 2000 might not constitute a very large percent of them.

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