High Profile RW predator accused Again!



Um…no this is a recent story… you have to either read the link or google the words in the link. Either way, doing so will keep you from looking like an idiot!
This is a c-p of your op

Just when Republicans thought "Grope-Gate" had been closed for good, up pops a gust of foul wind that blows it wide open again. This time it isn't The Donald. It's that ol' house Negro, Uncle Clarence Thomas.

In 1999 Moira Smith, now an Alaskan lawyer, reported to friends that Thomas had groped her at a dinner party.

Anita Hill backs probe against Clarence Thomas

run along moron
No, You'd better run a long, stupid toad. Are you so stupid that you think I am disconnected from my own words? No wonder Trump and his wild stupidity is so popular. His followers are carbon copies of YOU. Yes, I wrote 1999 because that is when the victim reported to her friends that Trump had groped her at a party. The story is just now going public…that is what I meant when I said this is a recent story… a recent NEWS story. Look at the date the story broke in the link I provided. JEESHSSS. Attempting to communicate with dumbasses like you is too damn tiring.
There's nothing anyone can do. These accusations are all from the 90s or even 80s. There no investigation to be had. That someone was touched! What do these crazy women think is going to happen?
They seek justice in the Court of Public Opinion. The verdict will be reached on November 8.
Clarence Thomas will not get one vote.
No but his actions could influence some voters to vote for Hillary. Most sane people would not want two criminal G ROPers in such high offices. Trump might nominate some of his G ROPer friends to the Supreme Court and we'd be stuck with them for years.
that ol' house Negro, Uncle Clarence Thomas.

You apparently haven't the first idea of the historical antecedents, thus the applicability, of the metaphor you used. Clarence Thomas is not a man who'd ever have been a house slave, or, as you put it, "house Negro." In the days of slavery, dark-skinned blacks worked in the fields while light-skinned blacks worked in the house, hence the terms "field Negroes" and "house Negroes." (I'm sure there may have been some exceptions, but that was the norm.) It got so bad, that not only did the slave owners, who were often responsible for the lighter shade of brown his slaves had, give lighter-skinned blacks more respect, but so did the dark-skinned blacks.
Did anyone ask you to engage in racial "chest beating?" You bahs-turds never miss the opportunity to look longingly in the historical mirror at the racial mess your ancestors made and use it to make yourselves feel superior.

However, the sarcastic meme, House Negro, is actually a neologism borrowed from a more offensive term used to describe those slaves who lived in the "master's" house and took good care of him and doing anything, including betraying their brethren, to maintain their status.

Thomas may not be a chattel slave but it is plain to see that he was owned mentally and spiritually by Scalia. Scalia's death didn't change that. Thomas still lives, figuratively, in his master's house doing everything he can to undermine his own people. Like the House Negro of slavery times, his comfort and well being is paramount. As long as he has a good life with his masters, he doesn't care about the struggles of his own kind. Nor does Thomas give a damn about poor White people.

Look, I don't disagree that Justice Thomas seems little but Scalia's former puppet. I take exception with your having invoked the "house slave" metaphor. That particular device was unnecessary to make the point which is very "make-able" on its own without the inflammatory slavery reference.


Um…no this is a recent story… you have to either read the link or google the words in the link. Either way, doing so will keep you from looking like an idiot!
This is a c-p of your op

Just when Republicans thought "Grope-Gate" had been closed for good, up pops a gust of foul wind that blows it wide open again. This time it isn't The Donald. It's that ol' house Negro, Uncle Clarence Thomas.

In 1999 Moira Smith, now an Alaskan lawyer, reported to friends that Thomas had groped her at a dinner party.

Anita Hill backs probe against Clarence Thomas

run along moron
No, You'd better run a long, stupid toad. Are you so stupid that you think I am disconnected from my own words? No wonder Trump and his wild stupidity is so popular. His followers are carbon copies of YOU. Yes, I wrote 1999 because that is when the victim reported to her friends that Trump had groped her at a party. The story is just now going public…that is what I meant when I said this is a recent story… a recent NEWS story. Look at the date the story broke in the link I provided. JEESHSSS. Attempting to communicate with dumbasses like you is too damn tiring.
you are dumb on a scale that requires the making of a new scale.

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