High School Physics solve 9/11

User edit...Curvelight posted nothing but the usual silly little profane lyrics and delusions of actually mattering to anybody other than the obese drive-through community. Nothing worthy of being repeated.

Its pretty sad that you're so delusional...for a while there you were at least laying off the silly profanity and at least I could read your silly diatribe without laughing at you. Now you're just a caricature of an angry little person. Life not turning out like you want fry chief?

Why is it that you're unable to admit that the 9/11 Commission Report is right or simply point out one major inaccuracy in the document? Do one or the other or shut the heck up.

Did you ever respond to post 114?
I said it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes on 9E you fizzwad. That is what I proved by the 9E CR saying it traveled UNDETECTED for 36 minutes. If it was "detected" that means someone was "detecting" it but since it was UNDETECTED.....guess what that means? Lol....

you fucking LIAR.

this is what you first said before you tried to run away with your tail between your legs when caught lying.

Lol. Is that why even the Commission Report says it had no live tracking for 36 minutes? Idiot.

so prove the commission said there was no live tracking for 36 minutes or shut the fuck up!! :lol:

This is why you're such a pathetic trolling shitbox licker. You've already admitted 77 was not tracked live for 36 minutes. Let's look at your admission, your exact words:

"On 9/11 controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes. We already went over that and we both agreed."

So there you are admitting it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes but now you want to say it was tracked live? What pathetic childish spin will you try to use now? You just pwned like I've pwned the rest of your sorry ass clubhouse. Not only are you fools ignorant of basic 9E facts but you can't even remember your own bullshit. Rotfl......though I must admit....there is no achievement in pwning you stupid fucks.

no jackass, radar tracking a plane and controllers not recognizing what radar blip is flight 77 is NOT "no live tracking". the flight was tracked by radar live the entire time. the 9/11 commission is right. controllers didnt know what blip was flight 77. the 9/11 commission is also right when it says that FAA radar tracked the flight from the moment its transponder was turned off.

once again, you are caught lying. its quite entertaining watching you try to squirm out of it. your initial claim that it was not tracked live for 36 minutes is just a flat out lie.
you fucking LIAR.

this is what you first said before you tried to run away with your tail between your legs when caught lying.

so prove the commission said there was no live tracking for 36 minutes or shut the fuck up!! :lol:

This is why you're such a pathetic trolling shitbox licker. You've already admitted 77 was not tracked live for 36 minutes. Let's look at your admission, your exact words:

"On 9/11 controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes. We already went over that and we both agreed."

So there you are admitting it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes but now you want to say it was tracked live? What pathetic childish spin will you try to use now? You just pwned like I've pwned the rest of your sorry ass clubhouse. Not only are you fools ignorant of basic 9E facts but you can't even remember your own bullshit. Rotfl......though I must admit....there is no achievement in pwning you stupid fucks.

no jackass, radar tracking a plane and controllers not recognizing what radar blip is flight 77 is NOT "no live tracking". the flight was tracked by radar live the entire time. the 9/11 commission is right. controllers didnt know what blip was flight 77. the 9/11 commission is also right when it says that FAA radar tracked the flight from the moment its transponder was turned off.

once again, you are caught lying. its quite entertaining watching you try to squirm out of it. your initial claim that it was not tracked live for 36 minutes is just a flat out lie.

You are an unbelievably stupid divecon. Your claim that the controllers didn't know "what blip" was flight 77 is pure bullshit and I've already proven that by pointing out the first time a controller saw a Primary blip was at 9:32 from Dulles. That is what the fucking Report states. By "live tracking" I am talking about controllers doing a live tracking that day and you know that. I'm not talking about radar reconstructions. Even after I post your own fucking words with you admitting controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes you still try to fucking back pedal. Be grateful you're smart enough to only do this shit on a message board. Or did you learn that the hard way after getting your ass beat on a regular basis?

Entertain us some more you stupid dickhead and pretend you didn't say:

"On 9/11 controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes. We already went over that and we both agreed."

Rotfl...you're suck a fucking loser. If they couldn't identify it for 36 minutes that means for 36 minutes it was UNDETECTED as the CR states. Holy shit, could you possibly be any more fucking ridiculous?
I learned all about it in my High School Physics class.....

We called it Gravity

Have you seen a video comparison of WTC 7 to a known demo collapse?

Yes I have...very pretty

Care to provide the formula for a synchronized thermite burnthrough of 39 collumns on 100 floors?

Gravity my friend.......Gravity

Here is another one for you Force= mass X acceleration
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This is why you're such a pathetic trolling shitbox licker. You've already admitted 77 was not tracked live for 36 minutes. Let's look at your admission, your exact words:

"On 9/11 controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes. We already went over that and we both agreed."

So there you are admitting it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes but now you want to say it was tracked live? What pathetic childish spin will you try to use now? You just pwned like I've pwned the rest of your sorry ass clubhouse. Not only are you fools ignorant of basic 9E facts but you can't even remember your own bullshit. Rotfl......though I must admit....there is no achievement in pwning you stupid fucks.

no jackass, radar tracking a plane and controllers not recognizing what radar blip is flight 77 is NOT "no live tracking". the flight was tracked by radar live the entire time. the 9/11 commission is right. controllers didnt know what blip was flight 77. the 9/11 commission is also right when it says that FAA radar tracked the flight from the moment its transponder was turned off.

once again, you are caught lying. its quite entertaining watching you try to squirm out of it. your initial claim that it was not tracked live for 36 minutes is just a flat out lie.

You are an unbelievably stupid divecon. Your claim that the controllers didn't know "what blip" was flight 77 is pure bullshit and I've already proven that by pointing out the first time a controller saw a Primary blip was at 9:32 from Dulles. That is what the fucking Report states. By "live tracking" I am talking about controllers doing a live tracking that day and you know that. I'm not talking about radar reconstructions. Even after I post your own fucking words with you admitting controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes you still try to fucking back pedal. Be grateful you're smart enough to only do this shit on a message board. Or did you learn that the hard way after getting your ass beat on a regular basis?

Entertain us some more you stupid dickhead and pretend you didn't say:

"On 9/11 controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes. We already went over that and we both agreed."

Rotfl...you're suck a fucking loser. If they couldn't identify it for 36 minutes that means for 36 minutes it was UNDETECTED as the CR states. Holy shit, could you possibly be any more fucking ridiculous?

i highlighted your feeble excuse for the lie you posted. thanks for admitting you lied when you said there was no live tracking for 36 minutes. you have now changed the definition of live tracking to match your lie. very nice!! :lol:
That's a complete nonsequitur you ignorant hick.
How so, nutjob?

You guys are constantly saying the lack of a whistleblower means the OCT is true. Think about that. First off, there have already been many whistleblowers showing why aspects of the OCT is bullshit but you dismiss them as insane. Even if someone came out and said he was part of a FF Op on 9E you guys would do the same fucking thing. And you know. If anyone was part of a FF Op they would have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose.

well done.:clap2:those idiots always ignore the fact that there HAVE been whistleblowers that have blown the case open and they always dismiss them as crackpots or whatever when you prove they dont know what they are talking about.:cuckoo:
no jackass, radar tracking a plane and controllers not recognizing what radar blip is flight 77 is NOT "no live tracking". the flight was tracked by radar live the entire time. the 9/11 commission is right. controllers didnt know what blip was flight 77. the 9/11 commission is also right when it says that FAA radar tracked the flight from the moment its transponder was turned off.

once again, you are caught lying. its quite entertaining watching you try to squirm out of it. your initial claim that it was not tracked live for 36 minutes is just a flat out lie.

You are an unbelievably stupid divecon. Your claim that the controllers didn't know "what blip" was flight 77 is pure bullshit and I've already proven that by pointing out the first time a controller saw a Primary blip was at 9:32 from Dulles. That is what the fucking Report states. By "live tracking" I am talking about controllers doing a live tracking that day and you know that. I'm not talking about radar reconstructions. Even after I post your own fucking words with you admitting controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes you still try to fucking back pedal. Be grateful you're smart enough to only do this shit on a message board. Or did you learn that the hard way after getting your ass beat on a regular basis?

Entertain us some more you stupid dickhead and pretend you didn't say:

"On 9/11 controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes. We already went over that and we both agreed."

Rotfl...you're suck a fucking loser. If they couldn't identify it for 36 minutes that means for 36 minutes it was UNDETECTED as the CR states. Holy shit, could you possibly be any more fucking ridiculous?

i highlighted your feeble excuse for the lie you posted. thanks for admitting you lied when you said there was no live tracking for 36 minutes. you have now changed the definition of live tracking to match your lie. very nice!! :lol:

Lol...I didn't change anything you dumbfuck. Is this the best you can do? More false accusations to try and hide your own hypocrisy and ignorance?

You worthless dickwad. Look back at Candy's post where she claimed the Controllers would have to be in on the conspiracy. I responded to that by pointing out for 36 minutes no Controller anywhere was doing a live tracking and I've proven that repeatedly. Naw, you're way way way too much of a worthless shit ball to even attempt and be honest. Even when I prove you have ALREADY ADMITED NO CONTROLLER COULD IDENTIFY IT FOR THIRTY SIX MINUTES YOU STILL FUCKING WHINE LIKE THE USELESS LITTLE OLLIECON YOU ARE. C'mon, embarrass yourself some more you fucking birth regret.
First off, it's not a fact. Next, there are many professional engineers and architects who have explained why tower 7 fell, and last off...it didn't fall for "no reason".


those people will lose their jobs if they dont go along with the official version:cuckoo: and hate to break the news to you but there was damage to other buildings FAR more extensive than there was to wt7 yet they did not fall so he is correct it fell for no reason 9/11 apologist.
Seriously, you nutjobs need to quit while you're behind.

thanks for proving that when your losing a debate and cant counter facts THIS is all you can come back with.:lol:
Lets just end this bullshit once and for all:


No physics degree necessary to figure that out!

Now, shut the fuck up already!

thats something YOU and your troll buddies need to take the advise of cause you just proved your as big of a moron idiot as Barach,Fizz,Gomer Pyle Ollie and Cornboy troll are as well in the fact that there is a video we have posted HUNDREDS of times in the past of the onsite construction manager Frank Demartini back in jan 01 on the history channel modern marvels talking about how they designed the towers and anticipated that back then of an airliner veering off course in speeds up to 600mph saying it is like an intense mirror grid,that it is so strong that it could take hits from MULTIPLE airliners and would remain standing.

I would post the video for you to watch like I have hundreds of times before in the past but me and you both know you wont watch it cause as we both know,you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists only see what you WANT to see and hear what you want to hear.anything that doesnt go along with your views,you ignore it and dont watch it.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:
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You are an unbelievably stupid divecon. Your claim that the controllers didn't know "what blip" was flight 77 is pure bullshit and I've already proven that by pointing out the first time a controller saw a Primary blip was at 9:32 from Dulles. That is what the fucking Report states. By "live tracking" I am talking about controllers doing a live tracking that day and you know that. I'm not talking about radar reconstructions. Even after I post your own fucking words with you admitting controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes you still try to fucking back pedal. Be grateful you're smart enough to only do this shit on a message board. Or did you learn that the hard way after getting your ass beat on a regular basis?

Entertain us some more you stupid dickhead and pretend you didn't say:

"On 9/11 controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes. We already went over that and we both agreed."

Rotfl...you're suck a fucking loser. If they couldn't identify it for 36 minutes that means for 36 minutes it was UNDETECTED as the CR states. Holy shit, could you possibly be any more fucking ridiculous?

i highlighted your feeble excuse for the lie you posted. thanks for admitting you lied when you said there was no live tracking for 36 minutes. you have now changed the definition of live tracking to match your lie. very nice!! :lol:

Lol...I didn't change anything you dumbfuck. Is this the best you can do? More false accusations to try and hide your own hypocrisy and ignorance?

You worthless dickwad. Look back at Candy's post where she claimed the Controllers would have to be in on the conspiracy. I responded to that by pointing out for 36 minutes no Controller anywhere was doing a live tracking and I've proven that repeatedly. Naw, you're way way way too much of a worthless shit ball to even attempt and be honest. Even when I prove you have ALREADY ADMITED NO CONTROLLER COULD IDENTIFY IT FOR THIRTY SIX MINUTES YOU STILL FUCKING WHINE LIKE THE USELESS LITTLE OLLIECON YOU ARE. C'mon, embarrass yourself some more you fucking birth regret.

you mean HE claimed.cornboy troll is a HE.something else cornboy troll will also conviently leave out no doubt is that one of the air traffic controllers said that the lead man in charge there took the taped transcripts and wadded them up and destroyed them before dropping them in a trashcan.and as far as we know,no disciplinary actions were ever taken against him.
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You worthless dickwad. Look back at Candy's post where she claimed the Controllers would have to be in on the conspiracy. I responded to that by pointing out for 36 minutes no Controller anywhere was doing a live tracking and I've proven that repeatedly. Naw, you're way way way too much of a worthless shit ball to even attempt and be honest. Even when I prove you have ALREADY ADMITED NO CONTROLLER COULD IDENTIFY IT FOR THIRTY SIX MINUTES YOU STILL FUCKING WHINE LIKE THE USELESS LITTLE OLLIECON YOU ARE. C'mon, embarrass yourself some more you fucking birth regret.

no, thats not what you said. you did NOT say no controller could identify it for 36 minutes. instead, you lied and said there was no live tracking. i pointed out you lied. now you get really upset and go off on rants and call me things like "olliecon" (dont know what it is and dont care) and try to back track on your original statement. i did admit no controller identified which radar blip was flight 77 for 36 minutes but that isnt your original claim!!

face it. you lied. you got caught. :lol:
You worthless dickwad. Look back at Candy's post where she claimed the Controllers would have to be in on the conspiracy. I responded to that by pointing out for 36 minutes no Controller anywhere was doing a live tracking and I've proven that repeatedly. Naw, you're way way way too much of a worthless shit ball to even attempt and be honest. Even when I prove you have ALREADY ADMITED NO CONTROLLER COULD IDENTIFY IT FOR THIRTY SIX MINUTES YOU STILL FUCKING WHINE LIKE THE USELESS LITTLE OLLIECON YOU ARE. C'mon, embarrass yourself some more you fucking birth regret.

no, thats not what you said. you did NOT say no controller could identify it for 36 minutes. instead, you lied and said there was no live tracking. i pointed out you lied. now you get really upset and go off on rants and call me things like "olliecon" (dont know what it is and dont care) and try to back track on your original statement. i did admit no controller identified which radar blip was flight 77 for 36 minutes but that isnt your original claim!!

face it. you lied. you got caught. :lol:

Saying there was no live tracking is the same thing as the Report saying it traveled undetected for 36 minutes. You are the one lying and trying to change your claim by saying the Controllers were always looking at the blip. You dumbfucking divecon. I've already quoted the Report specifically stating the Command Center was looking for 77. No controller was looking at any Primary blip you dumb fuck. Read the report:

"Although the Command Center learned Flight 77 was missing, neither it nor FAA headquarters issued an all points bulletin to surrounding centers to search for primary radar targets. American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

So tell us Einstein, how were controllers tracking a blip they weren't even looking for? We know the Indy Controllers never saw 77 as a Primary blip so it couldn't have been them. So show us what controllers were tracking 77's Primary blip? It will be kind of hard with the Report saying:

"The Command Center kept looking for American 77. At 9:21, it advised the Dulles terminal control facility, and Dulles urged its controllers to look for primary targets. At 9:32, they found one. Several of the Dulles controllers "observed a primary radar target tracking eastbound at a high rate of speed" and notified Reagan National Airport."

Dulles wasn't even looking for Primary blips until the Command Center told them to. Also, Primary blips don't automatically appear on radars observed by commercial traffic aircraft. They have to turn on their Primary radars as evidenced by the CR. You're so fucking ignorant. You don't even comprehend the Report you rely on to defend the OCT. Here's a little math pop quiz: How many minutes are there between 8:56 am and 9:32 am?
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Fizz, Divecon, Candy, and Ollie. Why do you four fucktards keep playing the same dishonest games? None of you give a fuck about those who died that day. You almost act like you are glad innocent people died. Especially the children and babies. Do you have wet dreams about the suffering? Do you all get off on it so much you can't help but do anything except Celebrate that day? You obviously don't give a shit about information or the facts. You hang on for dear life to any insignificant bullshit you can and when you are proven wrong you do nothing but edit the posts to your convenience because you know nobody will hold you accountable. This world will be so much better off when progress and evolution happens that removes your kind from the earth forever. You guys are beyond pathetic and deserve nothing else but the Hell that is coming your way. Don't forget to cheer the dead bodies from 9E. Without that you assholes wouldn't have anything to say.
FLIGHT 77 WAS TRACKED BY RADAR THE ENTIRE TIME. radar only works "live". you cant flip a switch and see where planes were before you turned the radar on.

no matter how many times you keep repeating shit trying to change your original claim the fact remains that you were caught lying.


You fucking divecon. It wasn't tracked live because no controller was tracking it. That is why the report said it traveled UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. You fucking little worm. Explain to us what the report meant by saying it TRAVELED UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. Let's see how you explain that.
because the transponder was OFF you fucking IDIOT
Damn buddy, you beat me to it!

That was one of the very first things the hijackers did after taking control. They may have been batshit fucking crazy, but they damn sure weren't stupid!

Christ, debating with these twufer clowns is a lesson in futility to say the least!:cuckoo:
Fizz, Divecon, Candy, and Ollie. Why do you four fucktards keep playing the same dishonest games? None of you give a fuck about those who died that day. You almost act like you are glad innocent people died. Especially the children and babies. Do you have wet dreams about the suffering? Do you all get off on it so much you can't help but do anything except Celebrate that day? You obviously don't give a shit about information or the facts. You hang on for dear life to any insignificant bullshit you can and when you are proven wrong you do nothing but edit the posts to your convenience because you know nobody will hold you accountable. This world will be so much better off when progress and evolution happens that removes your kind from the earth forever. You guys are beyond pathetic and deserve nothing else but the Hell that is coming your way. Don't forget to cheer the dead bodies from 9E. Without that you assholes wouldn't have anything to say.
And this post is the prime example of what these clowns do when they've just been BLOWN OUT OF THE FUCKING WATER!

Fizz, Divecon, Candy, and Ollie. Why do you four fucktards keep playing the same dishonest games? None of you give a fuck about those who died that day. You almost act like you are glad innocent people died. Especially the children and babies. Do you have wet dreams about the suffering? Do you all get off on it so much you can't help but do anything except Celebrate that day? You obviously don't give a shit about information or the facts. You hang on for dear life to any insignificant bullshit you can and when you are proven wrong you do nothing but edit the posts to your convenience because you know nobody will hold you accountable. This world will be so much better off when progress and evolution happens that removes your kind from the earth forever. You guys are beyond pathetic and deserve nothing else but the Hell that is coming your way. Don't forget to cheer the dead bodies from 9E. Without that you assholes wouldn't have anything to say.
thats just it, i DO care about those that died that day
thats why i wont let your LIES go unanswered

and you troofer fucking morons are the pathetic ones
Fizz, Divecon, Candy, and Ollie. Why do you four fucktards keep playing the same dishonest games? None of you give a fuck about those who died that day. You almost act like you are glad innocent people died. Especially the children and babies. Do you have wet dreams about the suffering? Do you all get off on it so much you can't help but do anything except Celebrate that day? You obviously don't give a shit about information or the facts. You hang on for dear life to any insignificant bullshit you can and when you are proven wrong you do nothing but edit the posts to your convenience because you know nobody will hold you accountable. This world will be so much better off when progress and evolution happens that removes your kind from the earth forever. You guys are beyond pathetic and deserve nothing else but the Hell that is coming your way. Don't forget to cheer the dead bodies from 9E. Without that you assholes wouldn't have anything to say.
thats just it, i DO care about those that died that day
thats why i wont let your LIES go unanswered

and you troofer fucking morons are the pathetic ones
Damn right!
Look, you fucking needledicked, never been laid twufer clowns. It's time you fools knocked your shit off. Stop stepping on the memory of those unfortunate souls who tragically died on 9/11, and let 'em rest in peace.
You fucking divecon. It wasn't tracked live because no controller was tracking it. That is why the report said it traveled UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. You fucking little worm. Explain to us what the report meant by saying it TRAVELED UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. Let's see how you explain that.
because the transponder was OFF you fucking IDIOT
Damn buddy, you beat me to it!

That was one of the very first things the hijackers did after taking control. They may have been batshit fucking crazy, but they damn sure weren't stupid!

Christ, debating with these twufer clowns is a lesson in futility to say the least!:cuckoo:

yeah after a while it gets tiresome taking these Bush dupes to school all the time.
You fucking divecon. It wasn't tracked live because no controller was tracking it. That is why the report said it traveled UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. You fucking little worm. Explain to us what the report meant by saying it TRAVELED UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. Let's see how you explain that.
because the transponder was OFF you fucking IDIOT
Damn buddy, you beat me to it!

That was one of the very first things the hijackers did after taking control. They may have been batshit fucking crazy, but they damn sure weren't stupid!

Christ, debating with these twufer clowns is a lesson in futility to say the least!:cuckoo:

You dumbass. He claimed Controllers were tracking it the whole time with the Primary blip. Indy never turned on their Primary radars in time so between 8:56 am and 9:32 am no Controller was looking at any Primary blip for that 36 minutes. That is why the Report says:

"American 77 traveled undetected for 36 minutes on a course heading due east for Washington, D.C."

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