High School Physics solve 9/11

You stupid fuck. If there was live tracking why were they looking for flight 77?

FLIGHT 77 WAS TRACKED BY RADAR THE ENTIRE TIME. radar only works "live". you cant flip a switch and see where planes were before you turned the radar on.

no matter how many times you keep repeating shit trying to change your original claim the fact remains that you were caught lying.


You fucking divecon. It wasn't tracked live because no controller was tracking it. That is why the report said it traveled UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. You fucking little worm. Explain to us what the report meant by saying it TRAVELED UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. Let's see how you explain that.
because the transponder was OFF you fucking IDIOT
again you lie
the radar was tracking it, they just didnt know it was flight 77 because the transponder had been turned off

You seem to keep ignoring facts from the Report. It points out a Primary target wasn't seen until 9:32

"The Command Center kept looking for American 77. At 9:21, it advised the Dulles terminal control facility, and Dulles urged its controllers to look for primary targets. At 9:32, they found one."

If they didn't find a Primary target until 9:32 that means they weren't tracking any Primary targets you idiot fuck turd. Holy shit how can you be this fucking dumb?
you keep using false info as if it was real

"the command center" was the Indy air traffic controllers
they didnt know what the blip was
you are too fucking stupid to understand what you read

Your stupidity is amazing. Indianapolis Center is not the Command Center you dumb fuck. Indy never turned on their Primary radar to look for 77. The Command Center in the 9E CR is talking about Herndon Command Center. Indy is not known as a Command Center. That is an FAA designation you ignorant fizz.
FLIGHT 77 WAS TRACKED BY RADAR THE ENTIRE TIME. radar only works "live". you cant flip a switch and see where planes were before you turned the radar on.

no matter how many times you keep repeating shit trying to change your original claim the fact remains that you were caught lying.


You fucking divecon. It wasn't tracked live because no controller was tracking it. That is why the report said it traveled UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. You fucking little worm. Explain to us what the report meant by saying it TRAVELED UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. Let's see how you explain that.
because the transponder was OFF you fucking IDIOT

The xponder turned off would not make it stealth you fucking candycorn. You still want to say it was detected while the Report says it traveled undetected for 36 minutes?
You fucking divecon. It wasn't tracked live because no controller was tracking it. That is why the report said it traveled UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. You fucking little worm. Explain to us what the report meant by saying it TRAVELED UNDETECTED FOR 36 MINUTES. Let's see how you explain that.
because the transponder was OFF you fucking IDIOT

The xponder turned off would not make it stealth you fucking candycorn. You still want to say it was detected while the Report says it traveled undetected for 36 minutes?
i never said it would you dipshit
you are the one saying it wasnt tracked when the data available shows IT WAS
You seem to keep ignoring facts from the Report. It points out a Primary target wasn't seen until 9:32

"The Command Center kept looking for American 77. At 9:21, it advised the Dulles terminal control facility, and Dulles urged its controllers to look for primary targets. At 9:32, they found one."

If they didn't find a Primary target until 9:32 that means they weren't tracking any Primary targets you idiot fuck turd. Holy shit how can you be this fucking dumb?
you keep using false info as if it was real

"the command center" was the Indy air traffic controllers
they didnt know what the blip was
you are too fucking stupid to understand what you read

Your stupidity is amazing. Indianapolis Center is not the Command Center you dumb fuck. Indy never turned on their Primary radar to look for 77. The Command Center in the 9E CR is talking about Herndon Command Center. Indy is not known as a Command Center. That is an FAA designation you ignorant fizz.
that link YOU posted said it was indy you dipshit
divemoroncon is such a one trick pony ..he just types liar in all caps and calls it evidence
and Id-Eots chimes in and shows what a fucking moron he is again

You're a classic ollie fizz lost in candyland diving for cons you can wrap your legs around. Look at this you dumb fizz:

"The Air Transport Association has staffed a position at the FAA Air Traffic Control System Command Center, commonly known as*the Command Center,*in Herndon, Virginia, since 1996."
FAA Air Traffic Control System Command Center -- ATA Desk

Is it just me or does that point out what is known as the Command Center? Lol....you love getting pwned like the little ollie you are!
you keep using false info as if it was real

"the command center" was the Indy air traffic controllers
they didnt know what the blip was
you are too fucking stupid to understand what you read

Your stupidity is amazing. Indianapolis Center is not the Command Center you dumb fuck. Indy never turned on their Primary radar to look for 77. The Command Center in the 9E CR is talking about Herndon Command Center. Indy is not known as a Command Center. That is an FAA designation you ignorant fizz.
that link YOU posted said it was indy you dipshit

The link I posted earlier was to the 9E CR. You dumb fuck...I fully anticipated you being this candycorn so that is why I posted a different link showing you the Command Center is not the Indy Center. How the fuck can you be this dumb?
because the transponder was OFF you fucking IDIOT

The xponder turned off would not make it stealth you fucking candycorn. You still want to say it was detected while the Report says it traveled undetected for 36 minutes?
i never said it would you dipshit
you are the one saying it wasnt tracked when the data available shows IT WAS

I said it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes on 9E you fizzwad. That is what I proved by the 9E CR saying it traveled UNDETECTED for 36 minutes. If it was "detected" that means someone was "detecting" it but since it was UNDETECTED.....guess what that means? Lol....
The xponder turned off would not make it stealth you fucking candycorn. You still want to say it was detected while the Report says it traveled undetected for 36 minutes?
i never said it would you dipshit
you are the one saying it wasnt tracked when the data available shows IT WAS

I said it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes on 9E you fizzwad. That is what I proved by the 9E CR saying it traveled UNDETECTED for 36 minutes. If it was "detected" that means someone was "detecting" it but since it was UNDETECTED.....guess what that means? Lol....
it WAS tracked on radar you dipshit
they just didnt know it was flight 77
this is typical troofer bullshit, take some minor inconsistency and make a mountain out of it
I said it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes on 9E you fizzwad. That is what I proved by the 9E CR saying it traveled UNDETECTED for 36 minutes. If it was "detected" that means someone was "detecting" it but since it was UNDETECTED.....guess what that means? Lol....

you fucking LIAR.

this is what you first said before you tried to run away with your tail between your legs when caught lying.

Lol. Is that why even the Commission Report says it had no live tracking for 36 minutes? Idiot.

so prove the commission said there was no live tracking for 36 minutes or shut the fuck up!! :lol:
I said it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes on 9E you fizzwad. That is what I proved by the 9E CR saying it traveled UNDETECTED for 36 minutes. If it was "detected" that means someone was "detecting" it but since it was UNDETECTED.....guess what that means? Lol....

you fucking LIAR.

this is what you first said before you tried to run away with your tail between your legs when caught lying.

Lol. Is that why even the Commission Report says it had no live tracking for 36 minutes? Idiot.

so prove the commission said there was no live tracking for 36 minutes or shut the fuck up!! :lol:

Oh goodness you ignorant fart juice. I've already proven it repeatedly you divecon. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but it takes a seriously stupid fizz fuck to see the report says it traveled undetected for 36 minutes then claim that doesn't prove it wasn't being tracked live. You also ignore the fact the Command Center was still looking for it at 9:21 and the report says it wasn't until 9:32 a Primary target was found.
this is typical troofer bullshit, take some minor inconsistency and make a mountain out of it

There is no inconsistency you candycorn. You just don't know how to be honest.
wow, how ironic for a lying piece of shit like you to claim

You do this all the time you fucking reject. Every single time you are proven wrong you stop quoting the posts that show your ignorance then you call people liars.
I said it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes on 9E you fizzwad. That is what I proved by the 9E CR saying it traveled UNDETECTED for 36 minutes. If it was "detected" that means someone was "detecting" it but since it was UNDETECTED.....guess what that means? Lol....

you fucking LIAR.

this is what you first said before you tried to run away with your tail between your legs when caught lying.

Lol. Is that why even the Commission Report says it had no live tracking for 36 minutes? Idiot.

so prove the commission said there was no live tracking for 36 minutes or shut the fuck up!! :lol:

This is why you're such a pathetic trolling shitbox licker. You've already admitted 77 was not tracked live for 36 minutes. Let's look at your admission, your exact words:

"On 9/11 controllers could not identify it for 36 minutes. We already went over that and we both agreed."

So there you are admitting it wasn't tracked live for 36 minutes but now you want to say it was tracked live? What pathetic childish spin will you try to use now? You just pwned like I've pwned the rest of your sorry ass clubhouse. Not only are you fools ignorant of basic 9E facts but you can't even remember your own bullshit. Rotfl......though I must admit....there is no achievement in pwning you stupid fucks.
I learned all about it in my High School Physics class.....

We called it Gravity
User edit...Curvelight posted nothing but the usual silly little profane lyrics and delusions of actually mattering to anybody other than the obese drive-through community. Nothing worthy of being repeated.

Its pretty sad that you're so delusional...for a while there you were at least laying off the silly profanity and at least I could read your silly diatribe without laughing at you. Now you're just a caricature of an angry little person. Life not turning out like you want fry chief?

Why is it that you're unable to admit that the 9/11 Commission Report is right or simply point out one major inaccuracy in the document? Do one or the other or shut the heck up.
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