High School Physics solve 9/11


I see you still haven't provided a link to support YOUR CLAIM that the building in China that did not collapse had a concrete core. You are the first person I have encountered to claim that it did so I think you are LYING. So all you can do is talk trash.


ok.... let me get this straight....

YOU make the comparison to the building in China and you dont even know what it is made of? :lol:

you really are a jackass!!

here's a picture of the TVCC (which housed the Mandarin hotel) under construction.

No you just assume everyone is more stupid than you so you can maintain your delusions if intellectual adequacy.

A picture of the outside during the constructionproves what?

If you do a little research on the history of skyscrapers you will find they weren't possible until the inexpensive production of structural steel was possible in the late 1800s. Their development began in Chicago. We could see the construction of the Sears tower from casmpus when I was in college and my pledge father was an architect.

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I see you still haven't provided a link to support YOUR CLAIM that the building in China that did not collapse had a concrete core. You are the first person I have encountered to claim that it did so I think you are LYING. So all you can do is talk trash.


ok.... let me get this straight....

YOU make the comparison to the building in China and you dont even know what it is made of? :lol:

you really are a jackass!!

here's a picture of the TVCC (which housed the Mandarin hotel) under construction.

No you just assume everyone is more stupid than you so you can maintain your delusions if intellectual adequacy.

If you do a little research on the history of skyscrapers you will find they weren't possible until the inexpensive production of structural steel was possible in the late 1800s. We could see the construction of the Sears tower from casmpus when I was in college and my pledge father was an architect.


you didnt even address the fact you didnt know the construction of the building you tried to use as a comparison
No you just assume everyone is more stupid than you so you can maintain your delusions if intellectual adequacy.

If you do a little research on the history of skyscrapers you will find they weren't possible until the inexpensive production of structural steel was possible in the late 1800s. We could see the construction of the Sears tower from casmpus when I was in college and my pledge father was an architect.


and if you knew the history of rice production in china you would understand how food production affects their economy and makes it possible to feed construction workers at the building site.

this one time at band camp we all ate oatmeal.

i don't have attention deficit dis-....... HEY LOOK!! A CHICKEN!!!! :lol:
No you just assume everyone is more stupid than you so you can maintain your delusions if intellectual adequacy.

If you do a little research on the history of skyscrapers you will find they weren't possible until the inexpensive production of structural steel was possible in the late 1800s. We could see the construction of the Sears tower from casmpus when I was in college and my pledge father was an architect.


and if you knew the history of rice production in china you would understand how food production affects their economy and makes it possible to feed construction workers at the building site.

this one time at band camp we all ate oatmeal.

i don't have attention deficit dis-....... HEY LOOK!! A CHICKEN!!!! :lol:
this guy is almost as delusional as christophera

I see you still haven't provided a link to support YOUR CLAIM that the building in China that did not collapse had a concrete core. You are the first person I have encountered to claim that it did so I think you are LYING. So all you can do is talk trash.


ok.... let me get this straight....

YOU make the comparison to the building in China and you dont even know what it is made of? :lol:

you really are a jackass!!

here's a picture of the TVCC (which housed the Mandarin hotel) under construction.

Ok that page is weird. Don't think I've ever looked at a web page written in Chinese before.

I see you still haven't provided a link to support YOUR CLAIM that the building in China that did not collapse had a concrete core. You are the first person I have encountered to claim that it did so I think you are LYING. So all you can do is talk trash.


ok.... let me get this straight....

YOU make the comparison to the building in China and you dont even know what it is made of? :lol:

you really are a jackass!!

here's a picture of the TVCC (which housed the Mandarin hotel) under construction.

Ok that page is weird. Don't think I've ever looked at a web page written in Chinese before.
but the photo was clear enough to show the point
If the idiot wants me to search for shit in reference to claims he made then I'm gonna do it in a language of me choosing. Not his.

I can only read and write a little Chinese but I'm guessing a little is still more than him.
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And still, no sign of Elvis.

When they can find Elvis, then they can discuss physics.

Until then, they're just whiny little bitches who contribute nothing to Society.
If the idiot wants me to search for shit in reference to claims he made then I'm gonna do it in a language of me choosing. Not his.

I can only read and write a little Chinese but I'm guessing a little is still more than him.

You CLAIMED the Chinese hotel had a concrete core in post #456.

i dont really give a fuck what you regard as intelligent if you are stupid enough to claim planes hitting buildings and raging fires shouldnt collapse buildings. the facts of the day show that planes hit buildings and they collapsed.

if you are going to try to disprove the obvious you are going to need evidence that something else did it. you have none.

So why don't you explain why that hotel in Peking didn't collapse due to fire?

What's wrong, can't handle the physics? :eusa_whistle:



concrete core and built after the lessons learned on 9/11.

whats wrong? watch too many youtube videos to be able to think for yourself?:lol:

You are the one failing to provide a link for you CLAIM and then call me lazy for not researching your bullshit. :eusa_whistle: :lol:

You are correct, I am not a Physics major and I do not understand physics. However i do understand how a building implosion works. And I do know and understand that there has been no evidence of any pre-planned explosives at the World Trade center or Pentagon.

Now when you can show me evidence that will stand up in a court of law that there was some other cause than the jet liners that caused this damage, then i can take it serious. Until then you got nothing.

Are there such things as building implosions?

An implosion is what can happen to a submarine. The pressure of the water on the outside is greater than the air pressure inside so the hull can be forced in if it cannot handle the differential.

An implosion is what happens in some atomic bomb designs as in Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki. Synchronized chemical explosions around the core create an inward spherical pressure wave to compress the fissionable material to critical mass.

Where has there ever been a building implosion by the correct physics definition? A normal demolition is merely timed explosive destruction of building support elements to allow gravity to pull the structure down in the desired manner, it is not an IMPLOSION.

That is why I mentioned General Semantics.

You are correct, I am not a Physics major and I do not understand physics. However i do understand how a building implosion works. And I do know and understand that there has been no evidence of any pre-planned explosives at the World Trade center or Pentagon.

Now when you can show me evidence that will stand up in a court of law that there was some other cause than the jet liners that caused this damage, then i can take it serious. Until then you got nothing.

Are there such things as building implosions?

An implosion is what can happen to a submarine. The pressure of the water on the outside is greater than the air pressure inside so the hull can be forced in if it cannot handle the differential.

An implosion is what happens in some atomic bomb designs as in Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki. Synchronized chemical explosions around the core create an inward spherical pressure wave to compress the fissionable material to critical mass.

Where has there ever been a building implosion by the correct physics definition? A normal demolition is merely timed explosive destruction of building support elements to allow gravity to pull the structure down in the desired manner, it is not an IMPLOSION.

That is why I mentioned General Semantics.


Are you this big a dick in real life?

find any proof of anything other than airplanes crashing into the buildings and the subsequent fires causing the collapses yet? :eusa_whistle:

Why don't you PROVE that airliners could do it?

You want to keep it on the level of people BELIEVING things. BELIEF doesn't require accurate data about the buildings. The NIST report never even specifies the total for the concrete in the towers.

Physics has been reduced to the level of rhetoric, oratory and sophistry on the subject of 9/11. That is nothing but stupid crap. People need to be kept from understanding Newtonian physics to go along with the idiotic official theory.

Not being able to specifythe weight of a floor assembly after arguing about whether or not they pancaked for EIGHT YEARS is pretty stupid.


Because disinformation agents Fizzle and Ollie CANT prove it.Neither can the brainwashed Bush dupes living in denial and afraid of truth.Thats why they grasp at all kinds of straws all the time showing what real fools they really are.

ask them to refute this evidence right here below.watch them grasp at straws like they always do so they can support THEIR version of events.I guarantee you,your in for a great laugh.hee hee.

Well George,since you somehow have been able to sit through their ramblings-god I dont know how you do, it gets old watching them make up stuff after a while to support their version of events of the fairy tales of the governments.anyways since you still ARE discussing this with them,point out how the skyscraper in La in 88 burned for three hours and was lit up like a torch far more severe than the twin towers were,yet it did not collapse, or the skyscraper in philly in 99 how it got lit up like a torch as well and burned for 19 hours and did not collapse.It was the worst fire in the history of skyscrapers and they did not collapse either. yet these towers that were oxygen starved as indicated by the black smoke which is hardly a serious fire, collapsed.

Gam and Fizzle cant use the planes caused the towers to collapse because they hit them above.damaging a few columns above cant cause the towers to collapse.Only if you remove all the support columns from below can it cause a complete freefall collapse like they did. Whats really funny is Gam and Fizzle will really get desperate then and say they did not fall at freefall speed.lol.

which is pure B.S cause all you got to do is time the collapse and it happens in 11 seconds which equals free fall speed.you go to the top of those towers and drop a rock,the time it takes to land is around 11 seconds which equals free fall speed.

what I thought was so funny about Gams explanation of the fire exploding is the majority of the fire exploded OUTSIDE the towers so it was hardly serious enough as the oxygen starved fires indicated,to cause the steel columns to weaken. and as i said earlier,the tapes that were released in 2005 from the familys efforts through a freedom of information act,you can hear the voices of the firefighters themselves saying-yeah their nothing serious,we should have them put out soon.right before it collapses.I assume you HAVE heard those tapes? I guarantee you Gammy and Fizzle havent.

That fire wasnt hot enough to roast a marshmellow, let alone hot enough to cause the towers steel to weaken like the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists like to claim it did.lol.PRICELESS!!!!

and Like I said before,the designers anticipated this when they designed the towers.John Skilling the lead engineer said-There would be a great loss of life due to the fires but the structure itself would remain standing.and the head construction manager said they could take hits from multiple airliners traveling at 600 mph thats why Toto attacked me earlier cause he knows it is true and he cant refute the experts since the towers remained standing and did not fall after the initial impacts.thats why they throw personal attacks because they cant refute the experts.

It also means nothing to agents Fizzle,Gammy and Ollie of course that scientists found evidence of military grade thermite and explosive residue in samples that were collected by bystanders or that there was mid air pulverization of 90,00 tons of concrete thrown upwards in the air inconsistant with the mere collapse of a building or that body parts were found on rooftops several blocks away ,impossible due to a mere collapse of a tower,or that a mere collapse of a tower doesnt throw several tons of steel columns into other buildings found several blocks away or cause steel columns to be melted like Terral has showed pics of many times in the past or that wintesses heard explosions in the basement before the plane struck above.they'll make up the craziest shit to try and save face in their posts and say your a liar that none of those things happened as you'll find out soon enough.but go ahead and ask them about all that and explain it all.your in for some good laughs from them I guarantee you that.
must see video.

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Lets just end this bullshit once and for all:


No physics degree necessary to figure that out!

Now, shut the fuck up already!

This is the kind of rubbish you get from BELIEVERS.

Can't get the facts right and exaggerate to support the idiotic BELIEF.

The planes had a fuel capacity of 25,000 gallons but only contained 10,000 gallons. So how is 40% of full capacity fully fueled? The plane that hit the north tower was 141 tons but the maximum take off weight for that design is 200 tons. So how was it fully loaded?

Skyscrapers must be designed to support their own weight. Therefore lower levels must be strong enough to support the combined weights of all levels higher up. But making them stronger means putting in more steel which makes lowerlevels heavier.

So why haven't people claimimg to know physics been demanding information on the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level of the towers? Physics without DATA. ROFL

Let's see someone build a physical model that can support its own weight but collapse if the top 15% is dropped on the rest from not moer than 10% 0f the height.

I can't do links yet.

YouTube - Gravitational Collapse onto Cumulative Supports

YouTube - 9/11 Experiments: The Arbitrator of Competing Hypotheses


well done.well said.:clap2:you schooled the Bush dupes.
Basically you can't provide a credible source for the DOJ document so you try to hide that by living in divecon candyland. Is your Zipcode there still 00000 to represent Loserville?

you lied and said there was no evidence. i provided three pieces of evidence. you dont like them. i get it. it doesnt mean they dont exist. the fact is that you lied and got caught.


Did fizzbitch fuckwad ever find the doj document or is he still going by unverifiable fantasies?

of course fizzlebitch only goes by unverifiable fantasies.everybody knows that.:lol:
I haven't read the whole thread and perhaps this has been answered, but let's suppose explosives did bring down the towers ...... why would anyone think it was our government that did it and not terrorists? What if the terrorists planted all the explosives and coordinated with the airplane crashes as a backup plan?

Many aspects of the ensuing cover-up imply government complicity in the events of 9/11

Yeah Kurtsprincess,what he said.Something that you are not aware of is that Bush's brother and cousin were head of the security of the towers.Al-queda never could have planted the explosives in the towers.they never could have got past the security.Thats why these fools defend the official version of the collapse of the towers to no end no matter how absurd and ludicrous the explanation is and wont admit explosives were planted because they then have to admit it was an inside job.:lol:

If you REALLY want to learn the truth about 9/11,you need to read David Ray Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.

These fools I will refer them to that book and they wont even bother reading it since they are obviously not interested in the truth.If someone wont even read a book you refer them to,then their not worth debating.
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So accusing someone of being lazy is your method of not having to support your CLAIM?

Is that just the dumb method you use to hide a LIE?


are you too stupid to understand any of this at all or is it just this one part?

YOU made the fucking comparison to the other building so its YOU that needs to fucking back up your claim that they are similar. :cuckoo:

they arent. hotel in china you are comparing it to was designed and built AFTER 9/11 and was built with a concrete core, not a steel core. yes i can back it up but i'm not doing your fucking homework for you. you can start by using the search feature of this page and you can also use google if you want. the info is there. dont be a fucking lazy slug. i bet you breast fed until you were 12, you lazy fuck!! :lol:


I see you still haven't provided a link to support YOUR CLAIM that the building in China that did not collapse had a concrete core. You are the first person I have encountered to claim that it did so I think you are LYING. So all you can do is talk trash.


I see your quickly learning the truth about agent Fizzle.:lol:
If the idiot wants me to search for shit in reference to claims he made then I'm gonna do it in a language of me choosing. Not his.

I can only read and write a little Chinese but I'm guessing a little is still more than him.

You CLAIMED the Chinese hotel had a concrete core in post #456.


because YOU tried to compare it to the WTC in post 454, you moron!!! :lol:

what, you think i randomly go around posting construction info on random buildings throughout the world?!! :lol:

another fucking twoofer moron bites the dust. you tried to use a stupid fucking comparison and asked for an explanation on why it didnt collapse. YOU brought the building up, jackass.

now run along before somebody sprays a chemtrail over your head.... :cuckoo:
I haven't read the whole thread and perhaps this has been answered, but let's suppose explosives did bring down the towers ...... why would anyone think it was our government that did it and not terrorists? What if the terrorists planted all the explosives and coordinated with the airplane crashes as a backup plan?

Many aspects of the ensuing cover-up imply government complicity in the events of 9/11

Yeah Kurtsprincess,what he said.Something that you are not aware of is that Bush's brother and cousin were head of the security of the towers.Al-queda never could have planted the explosives in the towers.they never could have got past the security.Thats why these fools defend the official version of the collapse of the towers to no end no matter how absurd and ludicrous the explanation is and wont admit explosives were planted because they then have to admit it was an inside job.:lol:

If you REALLY want to learn the truth about 9/11,you need to read David Ray Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.

These fools I will refer them to that book and they wont even bother reading it since they are obviously not interested in the truth.If someone wont even read a book you refer them to,then their not worth debating.

If you'd have ever read a book, perhaps you'd know how to properly structure a sentence and how to spell. Somehow, you never quote this book that you're so fond of; I'm guessin you cannot read.
of course fizzlebitch only goes by unverifiable fantasies.everybody knows that.:lol:

what color is the sky in your world?

arent you the guy that thinks you are important enough to have government agents come here and spread "disinfo" just because people dont buy into your wild delusions? :lol:

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