High School Physics solve 9/11

Still waiting to hear the audio tape that captured the actual explosions that brought these buildings down. It should sound something like this:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ng5qwtR59A]YouTube - coolest building implosion[/ame]

Instead we heard this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XELamUnF0EU]YouTube - 2nd Plane WTC[/ame]
Many aspects of the ensuing cover-up imply government complicity in the events of 9/11

Yeah Kurtsprincess,what he said.Something that you are not aware of is that Bush's brother and cousin were head of the security of the towers.Al-queda never could have planted the explosives in the towers.they never could have got past the security.Thats why these fools defend the official version of the collapse of the towers to no end no matter how absurd and ludicrous the explanation is and wont admit explosives were planted because they then have to admit it was an inside job.:lol:

If you REALLY want to learn the truth about 9/11,you need to read David Ray Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.

These fools I will refer them to that book and they wont even bother reading it since they are obviously not interested in the truth.If someone wont even read a book you refer them to,then their not worth debating.

If you'd have ever read a book, perhaps you'd know how to properly structure a sentence and how to spell. Somehow, you never quote this book that you're so fond of; I'm guessin you cannot read.
i've stopped reading most of his long winded rambling posts
they are generally incoherent
Still waiting to hear the audio tape that captured the actual explosions that brought these buildings down. It should sound something like this:
YouTube - coolest building implosion

Instead we heard this:

YouTube - 2nd Plane WTC

Hey Gomer, still want to make yourself look like an idiot ignoring witness testimonys including firemen,scientists,architects,engineers,and demolition experts? for the hundreth time,according to YOUR logic,if the governments version is correct,then the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer apples anymore.:lol: and that doesnt counter anything I said in my long post, which of course is typical for you.:lol:
Still waiting to hear the audio tape that captured the actual explosions that brought these buildings down. It should sound something like this:
YouTube - coolest building implosion

Instead we heard this:

YouTube - 2nd Plane WTC

Hey Gomer, still want to make yourself look like an idiot ignoring witness testimonys including firemen,scientists,architects,engineers,and demolition experts? for the hundreth time,according to YOUR logic,if the governments version is correct,then the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer apples anymore.:lol: and that doesnt counter anything I said in my long post, which of course is typical for you.:lol:
except its YOU doing the ignoring, dipshit
Still waiting to hear the audio tape that captured the actual explosions that brought these buildings down. It should sound something like this:
YouTube - coolest building implosion

Instead we heard this:

YouTube - 2nd Plane WTC

Hey Gomer, still want to make yourself look like an idiot ignoring witness testimonys including firemen,scientists,architects,engineers,and demolition experts? for the hundreth time,according to YOUR logic,if the governments version is correct,then the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer apples anymore.:lol: and that doesnt counter anything I said in my long post, which of course is typical for you.:lol:

Hundreds of video recorders and audio recorders within hearing distance, many of them operated by professional news crews when the towers fell. And we don't hear any controlled demolition explosions. Not on even one of those tapes. Yes there is the occasional secondary explosion as in any major office building fire, but those didn't bring the towers down. Now have you any physical evidence of planted explosions?
Still waiting to hear the audio tape that captured the actual explosions that brought these buildings down. It should sound something like this:
YouTube - coolest building implosion

Instead we heard this:

YouTube - 2nd Plane WTC

Hey Gomer, still want to make yourself look like an idiot ignoring witness testimonys including firemen,scientists,architects,engineers,and demolition experts? for the hundreth time,according to YOUR logic,if the governments version is correct,then the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer apples anymore.:lol: and that doesnt counter anything I said in my long post, which of course is typical for you.:lol:

Hundreds of video recorders and audio recorders within hearing distance, many of them operated by professional news crews when the towers fell. And we don't hear any controlled demolition explosions. Not on even one of those tapes. Yes there is the occasional secondary explosion as in any major office building fire, but those didn't bring the towers down. Now have you any physical evidence of planted explosions?

hundreds you say ?...source please
Hey Gomer, still want to make yourself look like an idiot ignoring witness testimonys including firemen,scientists,architects,engineers,and demolition experts? for the hundreth time,according to YOUR logic,if the governments version is correct,then the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer apples anymore.:lol: and that doesnt counter anything I said in my long post, which of course is typical for you.:lol:

Hundreds of video recorders and audio recorders within hearing distance, many of them operated by professional news crews when the towers fell. And we don't hear any controlled demolition explosions. Not on even one of those tapes. Yes there is the occasional secondary explosion as in any major office building fire, but those didn't bring the towers down. Now have you any physical evidence of planted explosions?

hundreds you say ?...source please

Source for how many recording devices were in the area when the towers went down? Are you shitting me? If there weren't hundreds I would have to wonder why not. We are talking the largest news story in decades, And in the center of Manhattan. 10's of thousands (if not 100's of thousands) of people and every newsman who could get there. You sure you can't figure this out on your own?
Hundreds of video recorders and audio recorders within hearing distance, many of them operated by professional news crews when the towers fell. And we don't hear any controlled demolition explosions. Not on even one of those tapes. Yes there is the occasional secondary explosion as in any major office building fire, but those didn't bring the towers down. Now have you any physical evidence of planted explosions?

hundreds you say ?...source please

Source for how many recording devices were in the area when the towers went down? Are you shitting me? If there weren't hundreds I would have to wonder why not. We are talking the largest news story in decades, And in the center of Manhattan. 10's of thousands (if not 100's of thousands) of people and every newsman who could get there. You sure you can't figure this out on your own?
of course, you gotta know, if there isnt a link to it on the interwebs, it didnt happen
Hundreds of video recorders and audio recorders within hearing distance, many of them operated by professional news crews when the towers fell. And we don't hear any controlled demolition explosions. Not on even one of those tapes. Yes there is the occasional secondary explosion as in any major office building fire, but those didn't bring the towers down. Now have you any physical evidence of planted explosions?

hundreds you say ?...source please

Source for how many recording devices were in the area when the towers went down? Are you shitting me? If there weren't hundreds I would have to wonder why not. We are talking the largest news story in decades, And in the center of Manhattan. 10's of thousands (if not 100's of thousands) of people and every newsman who could get there. You sure you can't figure this out on your own?

so you just made these facts up..
hundreds you say ?...source please

Source for how many recording devices were in the area when the towers went down? Are you shitting me? If there weren't hundreds I would have to wonder why not. We are talking the largest news story in decades, And in the center of Manhattan. 10's of thousands (if not 100's of thousands) of people and every newsman who could get there. You sure you can't figure this out on your own?

so you just made these facts up..

So you are too stupid to figure this out?
If the idiot wants me to search for shit in reference to claims he made then I'm gonna do it in a language of me choosing. Not his.

I can only read and write a little Chinese but I'm guessing a little is still more than him.

You CLAIMED the Chinese hotel had a concrete core in post #456.


because YOU tried to compare it to the WTC in post 454, you moron!!! :lol:

what, you think i randomly go around posting construction info on random buildings throughout the world?!! :lol:

another fucking twoofer moron bites the dust. you tried to use a stupid fucking comparison and asked for an explanation on why it didnt collapse. YOU brought the building up, jackass.

now run along before somebody sprays a chemtrail over your head.... :cuckoo:

The Chinese building was similar to WTC7. It was similar in size and was not hit by an airliner. But it had a bigger fire that lasted longer and DID NOT COLLAPSE.

So where is your link indicating that it had a concrete core. YOU made the stetement!

You CLAIMED the Chinese hotel had a concrete core in post #456.


because YOU tried to compare it to the WTC in post 454, you moron!!! :lol:

what, you think i randomly go around posting construction info on random buildings throughout the world?!! :lol:

another fucking twoofer moron bites the dust. you tried to use a stupid fucking comparison and asked for an explanation on why it didnt collapse. YOU brought the building up, jackass.

now run along before somebody sprays a chemtrail over your head.... :cuckoo:

The Chinese building was similar to WTC7. It was similar in size and was not hit by an airliner. But it had a bigger fire that lasted longer and DID NOT COLLAPSE.

So where is your link indicating that it had a concrete core. YOU made the stetement!

it was NOT similar in construction
why is it people that CLAIM to be for thew truth, lie so much

I see you still haven't provided a link to support YOUR CLAIM that the building in China that did not collapse had a concrete core. You are the first person I have encountered to claim that it did so I think you are LYING. So all you can do is talk trash.


ok.... let me get this straight....

YOU make the comparison to the building in China and you dont even know what it is made of? :lol:

you really are a jackass!!

here's a picture of the TVCC (which housed the Mandarin hotel) under construction.
hey Pshit, try that link
High school level Physics calculations show Gravity on the World Trade Center Towers was 0.1 KiloTons of TNT-equivalent energy in "action".

The debris and dust erupted over 8.5 KiloTons of 'TNT' energy in "reaction".



FACT: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
0.1 KT ACTION does not equal 8.5 KT REACTION

When the top chunk of Mt. St. Helens turned into a cloud of dust, thrown on the landscape, the TV and newspapers said the mountain expended the energy equivalent of 30,000 K Tons of TNT.

How did they know that number?
Were there conflicting opinions?
Was it a debateable issue whether it was 40,000 KT or 10,000 KT of TNT equivalent energy?

No, it was 30,000 KT, no argument, no debate....the number is not an opinion, it's a calculation of a fact.

Like an Example problem in Physics homework, multiply the massive weight of the rock times how far it flew against gravity's energy forcing it down to the ground. Weight x distance x gravity, is the energy number......the math is done......easy as pie.

The same calculation makes a fact that 8.5 KT of energy force expanded the dust cloud of pulverized concrete which came out of each Twin Tower on 9/11 and spread across Manhattan's buildings and streets an inch thick, or more.

8.5 KT of expended energy, is the number which American Corporate Media does NOT say, because it's censored, prohibited, since there's a mystery about where that energy came from. Since 0.1 KT, is all the energy that gravity had, forcing down on each building.

Gravity smacking the floors together, one-by-one flattening them like pancakes....or 110 floors pushed down into a stack on ground level, where gravity can't push any farther.

Multiply all the weight that came down the distance to the ground, and the fact is 0.1 KT of TNT equivalent energy was expended. That's all there possibly was. If a Tower weighed twice as much, there was 0.2 KT of energy in it. If it weighed twice as much being twice as tall, then 0.4 KT of energy was in it at all times.

Whether the building is on fire or not, it weighs the same and stands as tall, until gravity, not fire, starts into action.

Same as if you have a book on the table, and you push it off the edge so it drops on a weight scale. When it hits the scale, it scores the same (energy) force of gravity pushing its fall, every time, whether or not the book is on fire. Instead of a book, if you use a balloon full of water, the force measured when it falls down on the scale is the same, every time, whether the water is liquid or solid ice. And, if you know how tall the table is, and you know the weight of the book or water balloon, you can calculate the pounds of force the scale is going to show under the falling object and have that answer before you push the weight off the table.

It's not an "opinion," it's a calculation, it's a fact.

Each Twin Tower dust cloud measured 8.5 KT of (energy) force spreading out of the building. But only 0.1 KT of gravity pushed each building, straight down. This Action is NOT equal Reaction and was as if you dropped a 1 Ton book off the table and the scale measured 85 Tons hit it.

The mystery of where the extra energy force came from, measured on 9/11, is an unsolved mystery.

American Corporate News has the factual calculation of the explosive equivalent energy number, the same place they got it for Mt. St. Helens.....so what is the difference with our Media Today?

Looks like highschool science wont be able to develope a drug to treat your case of mental retardation
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You CLAIMED the Chinese hotel had a concrete core in post #456.


because YOU tried to compare it to the WTC in post 454, you moron!!! :lol:

what, you think i randomly go around posting construction info on random buildings throughout the world?!! :lol:

another fucking twoofer moron bites the dust. you tried to use a stupid fucking comparison and asked for an explanation on why it didnt collapse. YOU brought the building up, jackass.

now run along before somebody sprays a chemtrail over your head.... :cuckoo:

The Chinese building was similar to WTC7. It was similar in size and was not hit by an airliner. But it had a bigger fire that lasted longer and DID NOT COLLAPSE.

So where is your link indicating that it had a concrete core. YOU made the stetement!


Truth is that the Mandarin Hotel was only about 50 stories tall, no real comparison to the twin towers.
because YOU tried to compare it to the WTC in post 454, you moron!!! :lol:

what, you think i randomly go around posting construction info on random buildings throughout the world?!! :lol:

another fucking twoofer moron bites the dust. you tried to use a stupid fucking comparison and asked for an explanation on why it didnt collapse. YOU brought the building up, jackass.

now run along before somebody sprays a chemtrail over your head.... :cuckoo:

The Chinese building was similar to WTC7. It was similar in size and was not hit by an airliner. But it had a bigger fire that lasted longer and DID NOT COLLAPSE.

So where is your link indicating that it had a concrete core. YOU made the stetement!


Truth is that the Mandarin Hotel was only about 50 stories tall, no real comparison to the twin towers.
he's comparing to WTC7
47 stories
but, still of different construction
the Mandarin building had a concrete core

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