High School Physics solve 9/11

So where is your link providing evidence of a concrete core?

You expect people to take your word?

No comment on a plane not hitting WTC7 I notice.


why dont you actually look it up for yourself
this is something that was debunked YEARS ago
only stupid fucks still try to use it

So you need to come up with excuses to not have to supply links to support your own claims?

That means you can CLAIM anything. Great position for the stupid. I am not taking your word and I am not going to research it. If you don't provide the link soon I'll assume you ecpect to be able to lie and be believed without any supporting evidence. That rhetoric, oratory and sophistry crap.

I built and videoed a model and explained how anyone that wants to can duplicate it and conduct the experiment for themselves. All you can do is talk and not provide the links for what you claim.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caATBZEKL4c]YouTube - Gravitational Collapse onto Cumulative Supports[/ame]

As far as I am concerned anyone that can't figure out why a bottom heavy self supporting structure can't be crushed by its own top 15% is a moron.


And we are to assume that whatever your model is made of represents the twin towers? That's pretty funny, where are you performing the rest of your act so we can be sure to miss it.
stupid bullshit removed
holy fuck you are lazy. It's YOUR fucking comparison. You prove they were of the same construction. You can't because they weren't.

Fuckin idiot twoofers won't get off their lazy ass and do anything. No wonder that they have been screaming for a new investigation but never got one. They are all too fucking lazy to go start one.
P.S. I answered your wtc7 plane comment in the last post you made about. You too stupid to find that for yourself too or do you also need somebody to show you where that is?
stupid bullshit removed
holy fuck you are lazy. It's YOUR fucking comparison. You prove they were of the same construction. You can't because they weren't.

Fuckin idiot twoofers won't get off their lazy ass and do anything. No wonder that they have been screaming for a new investigation but never got one. They are all too fucking lazy to go start one.

So accusing someone of being lazy is your method of not having to support your CLAIM?

Is that just the dumb method you use to hide a LIE?

why dont you actually look it up for yourself
this is something that was debunked YEARS ago
only stupid fucks still try to use it

So you need to come up with excuses to not have to supply links to support your own claims?

That means you can CLAIM anything. Great position for the stupid. I am not taking your word and I am not going to research it. If you don't provide the link soon I'll assume you ecpect to be able to lie and be believed without any supporting evidence. That rhetoric, oratory and sophistry crap.

I built and videoed a model and explained how anyone that wants to can duplicate it and conduct the experiment for themselves. All you can do is talk and not provide the links for what you claim.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caATBZEKL4c]YouTube - Gravitational Collapse onto Cumulative Supports[/ame]

As far as I am concerned anyone that can't figure out why a bottom heavy self supporting structure can't be crushed by its own top 15% is a moron.


And we are to assume that whatever your model is made of represents the twin towers? That's pretty funny, where are you performing the rest of your act so we can be sure to miss it.

Science isn't about assuming. You are supposed to put your brain in gear and think.

Do you know how the Inverse Square Law applies to modeling very large structures?

Maybe you need a NASA scientist to explain modeling to you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsDn6es7mtk]YouTube - Hardfire THE PHYSICS OF 9/11 3RD PROGRAM / RYAN MACKEY / RONALD WIECK[/ame]

Of course his conceptual model is nonsense because his falling mass has a structure different from the impacted stationary mass. The structure of the WTC above the plane impact point was the same as the structure below. Just the thickness and therefore the weight of steel is different.

So you need to come up with excuses to not have to supply links to support your own claims?

That means you can CLAIM anything. Great position for the stupid. I am not taking your word and I am not going to research it. If you don't provide the link soon I'll assume you ecpect to be able to lie and be believed without any supporting evidence. That rhetoric, oratory and sophistry crap.

I built and videoed a model and explained how anyone that wants to can duplicate it and conduct the experiment for themselves. All you can do is talk and not provide the links for what you claim.

YouTube - Gravitational Collapse onto Cumulative Supports

As far as I am concerned anyone that can't figure out why a bottom heavy self supporting structure can't be crushed by its own top 15% is a moron.


And we are to assume that whatever your model is made of represents the twin towers? That's pretty funny, where are you performing the rest of your act so we can be sure to miss it.

Science isn't about assuming. You are supposed to put your brain in gear and think.

Do you know how the Inverse Square Law applies to modeling very large structures?

Maybe you need a NASA scientist to explain modeling to you.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsDn6es7mtk"]YouTube - Hardfire THE PHYSICS OF 9/11 3RD PROGRAM / RYAN MACKEY / RONALD WIECK[/ame]

Of course his conceptual model is nonsense because his falling mass has a structure different from the impacted stationary mass. The structure of the WTC above the plane impact point was the same as the structure below. Just the thickness and therefore the weight of steel is different.

You are all wrong, both 9/11 and the 9/11 truth movement are fake. It's all a big conspiracy by aliens from another galaxy to get us to confuse and hate each other to prepare for an invasion of Earth. All hail our soon to be masters. :bowdown:

PS: The sad truth is that sounds more plausible than the US govt staging 9/11. :rolleyes:
No one has located Elvis yet, either.

I think he's staying in the barn loft on George W's ranch, but many claim to have sighted him playing in a jazz band in South Georgia with Idi Amin and Jimmy Hoffa.
stupid bullshit removed
holy fuck you are lazy. It's YOUR fucking comparison. You prove they were of the same construction. You can't because they weren't.

Fuckin idiot twoofers won't get off their lazy ass and do anything. No wonder that they have been screaming for a new investigation but never got one. They are all too fucking lazy to go start one.

So accusing someone of being lazy is your method of not having to support your CLAIM?

Is that just the dumb method you use to hide a LIE?


are you too stupid to understand any of this at all or is it just this one part?

YOU made the fucking comparison to the other building so its YOU that needs to fucking back up your claim that they are similar. :cuckoo:

they arent. hotel in china you are comparing it to was designed and built AFTER 9/11 and was built with a concrete core, not a steel core. yes i can back it up but i'm not doing your fucking homework for you. you can start by using the search feature of this page and you can also use google if you want. the info is there. dont be a fucking lazy slug. i bet you breast fed until you were 12, you lazy fuck!! :lol:
holy fuck you are lazy. It's YOUR fucking comparison. You prove they were of the same construction. You can't because they weren't.

Fuckin idiot twoofers won't get off their lazy ass and do anything. No wonder that they have been screaming for a new investigation but never got one. They are all too fucking lazy to go start one.

So accusing someone of being lazy is your method of not having to support your CLAIM?

Is that just the dumb method you use to hide a LIE?


are you too stupid to understand any of this at all or is it just this one part?

YOU made the fucking comparison to the other building so its YOU that needs to fucking back up your claim that they are similar. :cuckoo:

they arent. hotel in china you are comparing it to was designed and built AFTER 9/11 and was built with a concrete core, not a steel core. yes i can back it up but i'm not doing your fucking homework for you. you can start by using the search feature of this page and you can also use google if you want. the info is there. dont be a fucking lazy slug. i bet you breast fed until you were 12, you lazy fuck!! :lol:
dont ya love how n00by troofers come on here and assume they can use the same old debunked lies as if they are bringing some new revelation to the forum
So accusing someone of being lazy is your method of not having to support your CLAIM?

Is that just the dumb method you use to hide a LIE?


are you too stupid to understand any of this at all or is it just this one part?

YOU made the fucking comparison to the other building so its YOU that needs to fucking back up your claim that they are similar. :cuckoo:

they arent. hotel in china you are comparing it to was designed and built AFTER 9/11 and was built with a concrete core, not a steel core. yes i can back it up but i'm not doing your fucking homework for you. you can start by using the search feature of this page and you can also use google if you want. the info is there. dont be a fucking lazy slug. i bet you breast fed until you were 12, you lazy fuck!! :lol:
dont ya love how n00by troofers come on here and assume they can use the same old debunked lies as if they are bringing some new revelation to the forum

They still haven't found Elvis, but they can prove 9/11 was an inside job.

God, they're cute!
Oh wow, a new truther that wants us to prove the planes did it instead of proving to us that they didn't.

The planes hit the buildings, the buildings fell, they hit other buildings, all the buildings are gone.

No proof found of pre set charges. No proof of missiles. Only proof found was Jet liners.

Simple enough for anyone to understand.

Well if you don't even have sense enough to ask about the distribution of steel in a skyscraper that has to hold itself up then how you convince yourself that you UNDERSTAND the physics is beyond me.

Let's see you build a vertical model of any material that can support its own weight and yet the top 15% can crush the bottom 85%. And the bottom portion must sustain real damage. A house of cards doesn't count because they are only held by friction and thecards slide off each other. No actual damage is done.

Where did the NIST compute the energy that produced the 4 minute damped oscillation of the south tower? They supplied a graph but not how much of the planes kinetic energy produced that motion. So how could they compute how much energy did structural damage?

Now if the NIST can document the oscillation of the south tower resulting from the impact then why don't the core columns move in the Purdue simulation due to their simulated impact? How do years go by without the EXPERTS pointing out such obvious flaws?

More than EIGHT YEARS and we never see the weight of the standard floor assemblies specified. Great Physics! ROFL

I haven't read the whole thread and perhaps this has been answered, but let's suppose explosives did bring down the towers ...... why would anyone think it was our government that did it and not terrorists? What if the terrorists planted all the explosives and coordinated with the airplane crashes as a backup plan?
I haven't read the whole thread and perhaps this has been answered, but let's suppose explosives did bring down the towers ...... why would anyone think it was our government that did it and not terrorists? What if the terrorists planted all the explosives and coordinated with the airplane crashes as a backup plan?

Many aspects of the ensuing cover-up imply government complicity in the events of 9/11
I haven't read the whole thread and perhaps this has been answered, but let's suppose explosives did bring down the towers ...... why would anyone think it was our government that did it and not terrorists? What if the terrorists planted all the explosives and coordinated with the airplane crashes as a backup plan?

Many aspects of the ensuing cover-up imply government complicity in the events of 9/11
yet you have ZERO evidence of any
You are all wrong, both 9/11 and the 9/11 truth movement are fake. It's all a big conspiracy by aliens from another galaxy to get us to confuse and hate each other to prepare for an invasion of Earth. All hail our soon to be masters. :bowdown:

PS: The sad truth is that sounds more plausible than the US govt staging 9/11. :rolleyes:

I didn't say anything about the govt.

The thread is about high school physics.

holy fuck you are lazy. It's YOUR fucking comparison. You prove they were of the same construction. You can't because they weren't.

Fuckin idiot twoofers won't get off their lazy ass and do anything. No wonder that they have been screaming for a new investigation but never got one. They are all too fucking lazy to go start one.

So accusing someone of being lazy is your method of not having to support your CLAIM?

Is that just the dumb method you use to hide a LIE?


are you too stupid to understand any of this at all or is it just this one part?

YOU made the fucking comparison to the other building so its YOU that needs to fucking back up your claim that they are similar. :cuckoo:

they arent. hotel in china you are comparing it to was designed and built AFTER 9/11 and was built with a concrete core, not a steel core. yes i can back it up but i'm not doing your fucking homework for you. you can start by using the search feature of this page and you can also use google if you want. the info is there. dont be a fucking lazy slug. i bet you breast fed until you were 12, you lazy fuck!! :lol:


I see you still haven't provided a link to support YOUR CLAIM that the building in China that did not collapse had a concrete core. You are the first person I have encountered to claim that it did so I think you are LYING. So all you can do is talk trash.

Oh wow, a new truther that wants us to prove the planes did it instead of proving to us that they didn't.

The planes hit the buildings, the buildings fell, they hit other buildings, all the buildings are gone.

No proof found of pre set charges. No proof of missiles. Only proof found was Jet liners.

Simple enough for anyone to understand.

Well if you don't even have sense enough to ask about the distribution of steel in a skyscraper that has to hold itself up then how you convince yourself that you UNDERSTAND the physics is beyond me.

Let's see you build a vertical model of any material that can support its own weight and yet the top 15% can crush the bottom 85%. And the bottom portion must sustain real damage. A house of cards doesn't count because they are only held by friction and thecards slide off each other. No actual damage is done.

Where did the NIST compute the energy that produced the 4 minute damped oscillation of the south tower? They supplied a graph but not how much of the planes kinetic energy produced that motion. So how could they compute how much energy did structural damage?

Now if the NIST can document the oscillation of the south tower resulting from the impact then why don't the core columns move in the Purdue simulation due to their simulated impact? How do years go by without the EXPERTS pointing out such obvious flaws?

More than EIGHT YEARS and we never see the weight of the standard floor assemblies specified. Great Physics! ROFL


You are correct, I am not a Physics major and I do not understand physics. However i do understand how a building implosion works. And I do know and understand that there has been no evidence of any pre-planned explosives at the World Trade center or Pentagon.

Now when you can show me evidence that will stand up in a court of law that there was some other cause than the jet liners that caused this damage, then i can take it serious. Until then you got nothing.

I see you still haven't provided a link to support YOUR CLAIM that the building in China that did not collapse had a concrete core. You are the first person I have encountered to claim that it did so I think you are LYING. So all you can do is talk trash.


ok.... let me get this straight....

YOU make the comparison to the building in China and you dont even know what it is made of? :lol:

you really are a jackass!!

here's a picture of the TVCC (which housed the Mandarin hotel) under construction.

I see you still haven't provided a link to support YOUR CLAIM that the building in China that did not collapse had a concrete core. You are the first person I have encountered to claim that it did so I think you are LYING. So all you can do is talk trash.


ok.... let me get this straight....

YOU make the comparison to the building in China and you dont even know what it is made of? :lol:

you really are a jackass!!

here's a picture of the TVCC (which housed the Mandarin hotel) under construction.
seem this troofer moron hasn't seen the facts yet

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