High School

What were you in high school?

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I loved HS. I loved college more, but HS leaves me with mostly great memories.

I hated HS... such a wast of my time. I would have preferred skipping it and going straight to college.

I loved high school, I thought I hated it for awhile, but realized I loved it. Life was easy then, and I was still mostly a good girl. I knew what I wanted to do. I had jobs I loved like teaching kids how to ice skate and working in an after school program....You know nothing you can make a career out of. :lol:
I was in my English Lit class, a senior. Real bitch of a teacher we had.
We're studying some author when she comes across a passage with the word "dilemma" in it.

She looks around the room... "anyone know what a dilemma is"?

I raised my hand, and in my best faux Italian accent I said "yeah- dilemma... dat's da little rounda yellow fruit".
Were you suspended for painfully bad joke-making?

I got called to the office. The principal threatened me with detention.

I replied "oh detention is killin' me"!

Nah- they already had three years of my antics and just considered the source.

Like I said- I was one of the stoner/braniacs, but a good kid.

Another classic- in speech class, I told everyone in the adjoining seats to hold hands. The look on their faces- "oh god here we go"... so we're holding hands across the classroom when I reach out and touch the window. Then I said to the guy on the other side of the room "hey- can you feel the pane?".
That's why they should allow corporal punishment in schools.

He's a miltary guy, right?

I had plenty of the corporal shit in Catholic grade school. Maybe that's why I rebelled in HS. Well I shouldn't call it rebellion as I had my comedic moments under the nuns.
I remember one kid telling me I should be a comedian.

Ah- another brain fart. In college health class. The teacher is talking about Lesbos and Saphos so I chimed in "weren't they two of the Marx Brothers"?
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How do you think high school affected the person you became?

That's a tough one to answer. I don't think it played much of a role, other than making me determined to get away. I still have nightmares where I am in class and I forgot something, homework, lunch, my clothes...
There have been times when I've had an opportunity to revisit persons or places I once knew and the people are always amazed at how I have changed over the years. No one ever suspected I would grow up to become an airplane mechanic, that's for sure! I lettered in stuff like Marine Biology.
I was definitely considered a bad boy although the hype was far more than the reality. :lol: I got good grades, played middle linebacker for a couple years until my schedule became so busy I had to stop playing (and I was simply too small to play the position in my junior and senior years), I rarely got into trouble, but the thing was I was a singer in a rock band and I was acutely aware of our image and the need to craft it through a stage persona and a pretty elaborate stage show for a band at that level of development. So I certainly portrayed myself as something one would expect a "rock star" to be....and frankly it worked. :lol: In Idaho, western Montana, and eastern Oregon and Washington we were probably as close to "rock star" status as you could get without actually being a "rock star" :lol: And we took full advantage of it, let me tell you. Spent a shit ton of money on light shows and flash pods (stage explosions), drank rivers of booze, and took many liberties with the female portion of our fan base. It's a minor miracle I never got the clap. :lmao:

But anyhow, behind the scenes I studied various subjects of academic interest intently and was a far different person than my image suggested. Sure was fun though. ;)

I wonder if I should have found a way to include band/choir/orchestra - OR was that part of Nerd/Geek?

it was part of nerd/geek/good girl/boy
You had a 'health class' in college?

I'm pretty sure that's what it was called. Fuck man this was 1973. You want me to dig up my transcripts?

General Health/ED. One of those introductory core requirements.

There was a gal in that class I'd know since grade school. She vomited on the floor.

Just sounds strange, like taking home ec in college or something.
You had a 'health class' in college?

I'm pretty sure that's what it was called. Fuck man this was 1973. You want me to dig up my transcripts?

General Health/ED. One of those introductory core requirements.

There was a gal in that class I'd know since grade school. She vomited on the floor.

Just sounds strange, like taking home ec in college or something.

As I recall, it was on par with home ec LOL. It even covered some sex ed.
The teacher was actually a sport coach at the university. Golf, I think.
I took a Human Sexuality course in college. Seeing a porn movie was an assignment. I saw Deep Throat, a lesbian porn, and a gay man porn movie.

It's the only porn I've ever seen in my life.

We had discussion groups. What was interesting was how much the men talked about masturbation. I heard about "circle jerks".

At that time, women didn't discuss masturbation at all. In fact, there were parties where women were invited to find their own clitoris and cervix.
I took a Human Sexuality course in college. Seeing a porn movie was an assignment. I saw Deep Throat, a lesbian porn, and a gay man porn movie.

It's the only porn I've ever seen in my life.

We had discussion groups. What was interesting was how much the men talked about masturbation. I heard about "circle jerks".

At that time, women didn't discuss masturbation at all. In fact, there were parties where women were invited to find their own clitoris and cervix.

Hmm, interesting.

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