High Schooler Recieves Felony For Having Fishing Knife In Tackle Box In Car On Campus


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
What a insane action to give this young white kid a felony for having a fishing knife in a tackle box. I used to carry a knife in my tackle box on school campus back when I was in high school if I was going fishing immediately after school. I even carried my shotgun on the gun rack in the vehicle and nothing was ever said. The cops are going overboard with this and need to tone it down. How disgusting! This kid needs a good lawyer.

Georgia cops hand out felonies to high schoolers for having a pocket knives locked in cars | Police State USA

MARIETTA, GA — A high school senior is facing felony charges after police searched his car in the parking lot of his school and found a tackle box with some fishing knives in it. The young man could now be sent to prison for 10 years if convicted.

Cody Chitwood, age 17, was pulled out of class at Lassiter High School on September 17th, and told, “You’re going to be in a lot of trouble,” by police and school administrators.

Outside the building, the Cobb County Sheriff’s Department had been combing the parking lot with dogs looking for reasons to arrest students. Performing random sniff-searches of the vehicles in the lot, one police K9 made a signal on Chitwood’s car.

The dog had smelled a firecracker that had been left over from “Independence” Day, two months earlier. Regardless that it is not criminal to have a firecracker laying under your seat, this sniff gave police the excuse they needed to perform an exhaustive search of his personal vehicle.

As deputies rummaged through his property, they found some fishing gear and a tackle box. In it they found — what else — basic tools for fishing, including a fillet knife and a few other utility knives that serve all sorts of useful purposes to a country boy in Georgia. A total of 4 knives were taken from his car.
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Why is it always about "white' with you? Jesus Christ, CATCH UP
It would be a bad thing for "any" young kid
Is the law that knives will not be on campus?

Was the law reviewed in the student handbook?

If the answer to questions #1 and #2 are "True," then Do not pass Go on your way to Jail.
‘Police State USA,’ oh, brother.

From a factual and objective account not intended to mislead:

Chitwood, a senior at Lassiter High in northeast Cobb, was arrested and charged with violating the same law after a K-9 dog targeted his car during a random police sweep of the student parking lot Sept. 17. When police searched his car they didn’t find any drugs but they did find several fishing knives in a tackle box left in his trunk from a fishing trip several days earlier. He also had a butterfly knife in the side pocket of the driver’s side door.

The Marietta Daily Journal - Legislature may tweak zero tolerance law

A butterfly knife in the side pocket of one’s driver’s side door is a concealed weapon, the carrying of which without a permit is indeed a felony. This wasn’t solely about ‘harmless fishing knives’ in a tackle box.

The scent of gunpowder residue manifests reasonable suspicion to conduct a vehicle search, regardless how innocent its source, and there is a considerably lower expectation of privacy with regard to one’s car.

Ignorance of the law is never an excuse, Chitwood was stupid and foolish to keep a butterfly knife in his door’s pocket; young drivers should be admonished to never carry knives in their cars because they can indeed be construed as a concealed weapon by LE, even driving on public roads, ‘zero tolerance’ policy or not.
Is the law that knives will not be on campus?

Was the law reviewed in the student handbook?

If the answer to questions #1 and #2 are "True," then Do not pass Go on your way to Jail.

If the school wants to doll out a punishment fine, but for Christ's sake the kid doesn't deserve to go to jail. We have way too many people incarcerated in this country as it is for stupid shit. We have the largest prison population in the world. That is not emblematic of a free country.
It's high time the police and state attorneys are either reined in at the legislative levels or juries just start nullifying this nonsense.
Are they going to charge him for having a lug wrench in there to

Friend of mine got pulled over for speeding and ended up charged with having burglary tools.

He had a tire iron and a took kit in his car with wrenches and screw drivers.

The lesson is never consent to search your car and the police are NEVER your friend.
It's high time the police and state attorneys are either reined in at the legislative levels or juries just start nullifying this nonsense.

They treat every case individually. They want to know the circumstances. That is how they get paid.
Friend of mine got pulled over for speeding and ended up charged with having burglary tools.

He had a tire iron and a took kit in his car with wrenches and screw drivers.

The lesson is never consent to search your car and the police are NEVER your friend.

There has to be more to that story.
What a insane action to give this young white kid a felony for having a fishing knife in a tackle box. I used to carry a knife in my tackle box on school campus back when I was in high school if I was going fishing immediately after school. I even carried my shotgun on the gun rack in the vehicle and nothing was ever said. The cops are going overboard with this and need to tone it down. How disgusting! This kid needs a good lawyer.

Georgia cops hand out felonies to high schoolers for having a pocket knives locked in cars | Police State USA

MARIETTA, GA — A high school senior is facing felony charges after police searched his car in the parking lot of his school and found a tackle box with some fishing knives in it. The young man could now be sent to prison for 10 years if convicted.

Cody Chitwood, age 17, was pulled out of class at Lassiter High School on September 17th, and told, “You’re going to be in a lot of trouble,” by police and school administrators.

Outside the building, the Cobb County Sheriff’s Department had been combing the parking lot with dogs looking for reasons to arrest students. Performing random sniff-searches of the vehicles in the lot, one police K9 made a signal on Chitwood’s car.

The dog had smelled a firecracker that had been left over from “Independence” Day, two months earlier. Regardless that it is not criminal to have a firecracker laying under your seat, this sniff gave police the excuse they needed to perform an exhaustive search of his personal vehicle.

As deputies rummaged through his property, they found some fishing gear and a tackle box. In it they found — what else — basic tools for fishing, including a fillet knife and a few other utility knives that serve all sorts of useful purposes to a country boy in Georgia. A total of 4 knives were taken from his car.

This PC one size fits all shit is out of control.
Another reason why public schools are becoming an undesirable venue for education.
This is also an example of liberalism being absent of common sense.
Not really. Just speeding. The cop pulled him over, asked to search the car, and my friend who had nothing to hide allowed it and then got arrested. The cop got a pad in his statistics. The state attorney ended up dropping the case when the family hired an attorney and it was clear my friend wasn't going to just plead to nothing.
Is the law that knives will not be on campus?

Was the law reviewed in the student handbook?

If the answer to questions #1 and #2 are "True," then Do not pass Go on your way to Jail.

do the breaking of school rules now lead to criminal convictions?

well, then it surpasses Nazi Germany and Soviet Union combined in totalitarian degree of strangling the personal freedom.
This is why I hate pigs, but the good news is nobody with a brain is going make this stick. Fucking pigs.

The reason why you hate 'pigs' is the reason why we need 'pigs'.

So let's for a moment revert back to the days of that huge waste of time known as Occupy Wall Street.
As most people know, use of tobacco products in ANY public park in the 5 boroughs of NYC is illegal. It is a Class E misdemeanor punishable by a fine and in the case of a habitual offender, possible jail time.
Now, let's suppose the police decided to bust every smoker in Zucotti Park during the months long occupation....
They are breaking the law. They 'deserve' their punishment, correct? Throw the bastards in jail, right? Ignorance of the law is no excuse, correct?
What say you?
Is the law that knives will not be on campus?

Was the law reviewed in the student handbook?

If the answer to questions #1 and #2 are "True," then Do not pass Go on your way to Jail.

If the school wants to doll out a punishment fine, but for Christ's sake the kid doesn't deserve to go to jail. We have way too many people incarcerated in this country as it is for stupid shit. We have the largest prison population in the world. That is not emblematic of a free country.

this type of charges are emblematic of the worst kind of tyranny possible

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