High Schooler Recieves Felony For Having Fishing Knife In Tackle Box In Car On Campus

No politician is going to champion changing the laws either because there is always an election around the corner and who wants to be seen as soft on crime.

It's a hell of a system we've got here.
No politician is going to champion changing the laws either because there is always an election around the corner and who wants to be seen as soft on crime.

It's a hell of a system we've got here.

this is the biggest contradictions to the freedom this country has been built upon.

I can not understand how in their sane mind people can allow these types of abuse, which happens on a daily basis to occur.

yes, I understand, that most likely the charges will be thrown to the garbage pail, but they should not occur at all to start with!

And these types of abuse happen no matter what political affiliation the local authorities have - and this is the most frightening.
No politician is going to champion changing the laws either because there is always an election around the corner and who wants to be seen as soft on crime.

It's a hell of a system we've got here.

this is the biggest contradictions to the freedom this country has been built upon.

I can not understand how in their sane mind people can allow these types of abuse, which happens on a daily basis to occur.

yes, I understand, that most likely the charges will be thrown to the garbage pail, but they should not occur at all to start with!

And these types of abuse happen no matter what political affiliation the local authorities have - and this is the most frightening.

The problem is that most people don't get worked up enough about this stuff to try and do anything to change it unless they or someone in their family becomes a victim of it.
It's high time the police and state attorneys are either reined in at the legislative levels or juries just start nullifying this nonsense.

Are they going to charge him for having a lug wrench in there to

Friend of mine got pulled over for speeding and ended up charged with having burglary tools.

He had a tire iron and a took kit in his car with wrenches and screw drivers.

The lesson is never consent to search your car and the police are NEVER your friend.

What did he get pulled over for?

Was he convicted?

Do you have anything missing from your house?

Does your friend have a criminal record?
Not really. Just speeding. The cop pulled him over, asked to search the car, and my friend who had nothing to hide allowed it and then got arrested. The cop got a pad in his statistics. The state attorney ended up dropping the case when the family hired an attorney and it was clear my friend wasn't going to just plead to nothing.

If you've got burglary tools in your car perhaps you shouldn't speed.

I've been pulled over twice for speeding (which I was) and neither time was there a request from the Cop to search my car. But of course I have a clean criminal record.
Why is it always about "white' with you? Jesus Christ, CATCH UP
It would be a bad thing for "any" young kid

I know, right? Apparently he's saying if the kid was brown or black or red or yellow, then it's reasonable to bust him for a fishing knife -- but white's alright.

Is the law that knives will not be on campus?

Was the law reviewed in the student handbook?

If the answer to questions #1 and #2 are "True," then Do not pass Go on your way to Jail.

do the breaking of school rules now lead to criminal convictions?

well, then it surpasses Nazi Germany and Soviet Union combined in totalitarian degree of strangling the personal freedom.

You seem to be confusing personal freedom with personal responsibility.

Being responsible is following the rules. If you don't follow the rules you lose personal freedom.
This is why I hate pigs, but the good news is nobody with a brain is going make this stick. Fucking pigs.

The reason why you hate 'pigs' is the reason why we need 'pigs'.

So let's for a moment revert back to the days of that huge waste of time known as Occupy Wall Street.
As most people know, use of tobacco products in ANY public park in the 5 boroughs of NYC is illegal. It is a Class E misdemeanor punishable by a fine and in the case of a habitual offender, possible jail time.
Now, let's suppose the police decided to bust every smoker in Zucotti Park during the months long occupation....
They are breaking the law. They 'deserve' their punishment, correct? Throw the bastards in jail, right? Ignorance of the law is no excuse, correct?
What say you?

So nobody received a citation?
Not really. Just speeding. The cop pulled him over, asked to search the car, and my friend who had nothing to hide allowed it and then got arrested. The cop got a pad in his statistics. The state attorney ended up dropping the case when the family hired an attorney and it was clear my friend wasn't going to just plead to nothing.

If you've got burglary tools in your car perhaps you shouldn't speed.
How are you supposed to change a flat tire if you don't have a tire tool to remove the lug nuts?
Knives aren't allowed on school property. Guess what? They weren't when I was in school either....derp. And he's not going to go to jail so lay off the Nazi crap jeez.
^ That may be true. But I'll bet you a bazillion dollars the kid is never charged with any felony and the OP is just sensationalizing :cool:

Most likely true.

There is so much violence today in schools, it isn't surprising the authorities are doing stuff like that, and a kid is either stupid or rebellious to not be aware of what he or she needs to have in their car or on their person while on school property. School violence is a hyper-sensitive issue nowadays.

This story has nothing to do with being black or white, so why is the OP mentioning race?

School dissection kit. The kids are under a teacher's supervision.
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‘Police State USA,’ oh, brother.

From a factual and objective account not intended to mislead:

Chitwood, a senior at Lassiter High in northeast Cobb, was arrested and charged with violating the same law after a K-9 dog targeted his car during a random police sweep of the student parking lot Sept. 17. When police searched his car they didn’t find any drugs but they did find several fishing knives in a tackle box left in his trunk from a fishing trip several days earlier. He also had a butterfly knife in the side pocket of the driver’s side door.

The Marietta Daily Journal - Legislature may tweak zero tolerance law

A butterfly knife in the side pocket of one’s driver’s side door is a concealed weapon, the carrying of which without a permit is indeed a felony. This wasn’t solely about ‘harmless fishing knives’ in a tackle box.

The scent of gunpowder residue manifests reasonable suspicion to conduct a vehicle search, regardless how innocent its source, and there is a considerably lower expectation of privacy with regard to one’s car.

Ignorance of the law is never an excuse, Chitwood was stupid and foolish to keep a butterfly knife in his door’s pocket; young drivers should be admonished to never carry knives in their cars because they can indeed be construed as a concealed weapon by LE, even driving on public roads, ‘zero tolerance’ policy or not.

First off, the police shouldn't be doing random searches. That is not probable cause.

Second off, why would the scent of gunpowder be a reason to search a car? Is it illegal to have the scent of gunpowder in your car? No.

Third off, the idea that there is 'considerably lower expectation of privacy with regard to one's car' is some bull shit that some fascist judge made up to justify this police state stuff.

Fourth off, ignorance of the law is not an excuse, but it should be a mitigating factor. Do you even think you know 1/20th of the laws in your state? I seriously doubt it. I bet hundreds or even thousands of people in Georgia carry butterfly knives without knowing it's a felony.

Fifth off, what is the justification for making owning any knife (without a permit) a felony? That's total police state bull shit. Assaulting people and harming them is the spirit of the law definition of felonious behavior; not this bull shit I want to fuck you over cos I can or I want to control your life crap.

Sixth off, who gives a shit if he has a so-called concealed weapon? Do you give a shit that the police have concealed weapons? Then why the fuck are you so worried about private citizens carrying them? Why? Because you full-on support the police state. Pull your head out of your ass, dip shit.
‘Police State USA,’ oh, brother.

From a factual and objective account not intended to mislead:

Chitwood, a senior at Lassiter High in northeast Cobb, was arrested and charged with violating the same law after a K-9 dog targeted his car during a random police sweep of the student parking lot Sept. 17. When police searched his car they didn’t find any drugs but they did find several fishing knives in a tackle box left in his trunk from a fishing trip several days earlier. He also had a butterfly knife in the side pocket of the driver’s side door.

The Marietta Daily Journal - Legislature may tweak zero tolerance law

A butterfly knife in the side pocket of one’s driver’s side door is a concealed weapon, the carrying of which without a permit is indeed a felony. This wasn’t solely about ‘harmless fishing knives’ in a tackle box.

The scent of gunpowder residue manifests reasonable suspicion to conduct a vehicle search, regardless how innocent its source, and there is a considerably lower expectation of privacy with regard to one’s car.

Ignorance of the law is never an excuse, Chitwood was stupid and foolish to keep a butterfly knife in his door’s pocket; young drivers should be admonished to never carry knives in their cars because they can indeed be construed as a concealed weapon by LE, even driving on public roads, ‘zero tolerance’ policy or not.

First off, the police shouldn't be doing random searches. That is not probable cause.

Second off, why would the scent of gunpowder be a reason to search a car? Is it illegal to have the scent of gunpowder in your car? No.

Third off, the idea that there is 'considerably lower expectation of privacy with regard to one's car' is some bull shit that some fascist judge made up to justify this police state stuff.

Fourth off, ignorance of the law is not an excuse, but it should be a mitigating factor. Do you even think you know 1/20th of the laws in your state? I seriously doubt it. I bet hundreds or even thousands of people in Georgia carry butterfly knives without knowing it's a felony.

Fifth off, what is the justification for making owning any knife (without a permit) a felony? That's total police state bull shit. Assaulting people and harming them is the spirit of the law definition of felonious behavior; not this bull shit I want to fuck you over cos I can or I want to control your life crap.

Sixth off, who gives a shit if he has a so-called concealed weapon? Do you give a shit that the police have concealed weapons? Then why the fuck are you so worried about private citizens carrying them? Why? Because you full-on support the police state. Pull your head out of your ass, dip shit.

However, he was on school property, so whatever rules and regulations the school and/or school district imposes apply. Schools are hyper-sensitive to any kind of weapons or violence nowadays, with good reason.

Cobb County, Georgia has a "zero-tolerance weapons law that applies to all public schools in Georgia." This is in the link. "The law applies to all knives with a blade measuring two inches or longer, and all firearms." And they are going to be re-examining the law to make the language more precise.

With all the school shootings nowadays, how can anyone be surprised at the hyper-senstive environment in schools regarding weapons? If we want to really get down to where the bottom line reason for this kind of law comes from, it is the way pro-gun people interpret the right to bear arms, so that any numskull with an an attitude or mental problem can get a hold of a powerful weapon, walk into a school, and blow away half a dozen or more kids and teachers. That's the reason things have gotten to the point where the police enter school parking lots and randomly search student cars for weapons. Duh!
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‘Police State USA,’ oh, brother.

From a factual and objective account not intended to mislead:

A butterfly knife in the side pocket of one’s driver’s side door is a concealed weapon, the carrying of which without a permit is indeed a felony. This wasn’t solely about ‘harmless fishing knives’ in a tackle box.

The scent of gunpowder residue manifests reasonable suspicion to conduct a vehicle search, regardless how innocent its source, and there is a considerably lower expectation of privacy with regard to one’s car.

Ignorance of the law is never an excuse, Chitwood was stupid and foolish to keep a butterfly knife in his door’s pocket; young drivers should be admonished to never carry knives in their cars because they can indeed be construed as a concealed weapon by LE, even driving on public roads, ‘zero tolerance’ policy or not.

First off, the police shouldn't be doing random searches. That is not probable cause.

Second off, why would the scent of gunpowder be a reason to search a car? Is it illegal to have the scent of gunpowder in your car? No.

Third off, the idea that there is 'considerably lower expectation of privacy with regard to one's car' is some bull shit that some fascist judge made up to justify this police state stuff.

Fourth off, ignorance of the law is not an excuse, but it should be a mitigating factor. Do you even think you know 1/20th of the laws in your state? I seriously doubt it. I bet hundreds or even thousands of people in Georgia carry butterfly knives without knowing it's a felony.

Fifth off, what is the justification for making owning any knife (without a permit) a felony? That's total police state bull shit. Assaulting people and harming them is the spirit of the law definition of felonious behavior; not this bull shit I want to fuck you over cos I can or I want to control your life crap.

Sixth off, who gives a shit if he has a so-called concealed weapon? Do you give a shit that the police have concealed weapons? Then why the fuck are you so worried about private citizens carrying them? Why? Because you full-on support the police state. Pull your head out of your ass, dip shit.

However, he was on school property, so whatever rules and regulations the school and/or school district imposes apply. Schools are hyper-sensitive to any kind of weapons or violence nowadays, with good reason.

And if he violated school rules; he should be subject to whatever discipline of the school. But, the police pressing felony charges for someone having a knife in their car is nonsense.
A lot of us had gun racks displaying guns in our trucks in the school parking lots every day. They made us conceal them the last couple years I was there due to thefts.
Not really. Just speeding. The cop pulled him over, asked to search the car, and my friend who had nothing to hide allowed it and then got arrested. The cop got a pad in his statistics. The state attorney ended up dropping the case when the family hired an attorney and it was clear my friend wasn't going to just plead to nothing.

If you've got burglary tools in your car perhaps you shouldn't speed.

I've been pulled over twice for speeding (which I was) and neither time was there a request from the Cop to search my car. But of course I have a clean criminal record.

Are you stoned or just STUPID, boy?

News flash: if you have a full toolbox in your car, you probably have "burglary tools"!

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