Higher taxes or cut frivolous spending

liberty, hmm, like women having the liberty to control their uterus and not the govt. of the Baptist church?
Liberty, stupid- nothing more, nothing less- I don't have, or exercise caveats, stupid.
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
What's different now from when Trump cut taxes and did not cut spending?
There was no difference and I complained about his spending as well. Biden is now president so focus.
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
What's different now from when Trump cut taxes and did not cut spending?
There was no difference and I complained about his spending as well. Biden is now president so focus.
None of them have any real notion of stopping...Why? The wealthy and corporations would go broke. We are used to being broke, those greedy piggies have no idea how to do without and ruff it on the streets or out here in the wildz of nature.
The first thing thing to go is any funding for USAID and the Millennium Challenge Corporation.
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.

The only thing I don't agree with is number 10 because that will have unintended consequences and we the people will lose.
I too agree in principle. However, 1, 3, and 9 may also have unintended consequences.
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
Attack China and destroy it's manufacturing base along with Russia and become the world's manufacture base again.
Have you ever purchased anything that said made in Russia? it s called Tariffs
Ever notice how the debt is only a problem when Democrats are running things?
Democrats only care about the debt when republicans are in office
Republicans only care about the debt when democrats are in office.
Dont remember them caring when Trump was in office....can anyone remember last time dems cared about it
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Ever notice how the debt is only a problem when Democrats are running things?
Democrats only care about the debt when republicans are in office
Republicans only care about the debt when democrats are in office.
Dont remember then caring when Trump was in office....can anyone remember last time dems cared about it
You didn't hear the constant whining that Trump's tax cuts would increase the debt?

I care about the debt no matter who is in office, because our kids and grandkids and those that follow them will have to pay the interest on that debt. At some point the interest rate WILL begin to go up and when that happens whoever finally gets stuck with the problem isn't going to have any good options. Pointing fingers isn't going to solve anything, that is for sure.

Some 22 or 23 years ago? I believe Canada faced a rising debt problem, and it was tanking their economy because too much money was being taken OUT of the private sector and THAT is where economy growth has to occur. So - a funny thing happened: the liberals and the conservatives got together and worked out a way to resolve their financial situation, which WAS growing very dire. Their solution was to cut spending AND raise taxes wisely, but they did it by cutting spending by a 7-1 ratio. Alas, they couldn't sustain that cooperation, and I believe Canada is back in fiscal trouble, bigly. But, that's the only way out - you HAVE to cut the spending.

The way I see it, we could limit spending increases to say 2% per year, and anything over that 2% gets tacked onto next year's budget. No exceptions, no exemptions. That's what I believe the EU is or was doing, not sure if they still are. And we gotta do better at ending Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, or at least reducing it a heck of a lot. To many of the wrong people are getting our tax-dollars by hook or crook, mostly crook I think and that shit has to stop.

The problem? Too many Americans don't give a shit about deficits and debt. So, neither do the politicians in either party. What we need I think is a revival of the Tea Party with more emphasis on the spending and with people from both sides of the aisle. No pressure = nothing changes.
Ever notice how the debt is only a problem when Democrats are running things?
Democrats only care about the debt when republicans are in office
Republicans only care about the debt when democrats are in office.
Dont remember then caring when Trump was in office....can anyone remember last time dems cared about it
You didn't hear the constant whining that Trump's tax cuts would increase the debt?

Nope .......words mean nothing when they do the opposite,,,,,,,Last true budget champions were the Teabaggers......
Ever notice how the debt is only a problem when Democrats are running things?
No I haven’t and neither have you. What I do notice is when democrats are in charge they want 2 trillion dollar spending bills for COVID even when only 6% of it is actually COVID related. The reason? If we don’t do it everyone is going to DIE! And when they aren’t in charge and cuts are attempted they won’t let that happen. The reason? Everyone is going to DIE!

It’s the democrat theme.
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
What's different now from when Trump cut taxes and did not cut spending?
The fact that rich white propagandists weren’t telling them to be butt hurt
Ever notice how the debt is only a problem when Democrats are running things?
No I haven’t and neither have you. What I do notice is when democrats are in charge they want 2 trillion dollar spending bills for COVID even when only 6% of it is actually COVID related. The reason? If we don’t do it everyone is going to DIE! And when they aren’t in charge and cuts are attempted they won’t let that happen. The reason? Everyone is going to DIE!

It’s the democrat theme.
When democrats are in charge, the country doesn’t descend into recession
With the debt the left is forcing on us something has to give. We are either going to HAVE TO raise taxes or cut spending. The answer seems obvious to me but few seem courageous enough to try.

1. Cut foreign aid by 80% or more.
2. Stop funding shrimp on a treadmill type shit.
3. Increase oil production and export it.
4. Put salary caps on politicians.
5. Ban fundraising/money in politics. Require PBS to host and air ALL political debates since we fund them (cut out corporate media money pits)
6. Make ALL government contracts publicly bid. No more giving contracts to your buddies who charge you 80 bucks for a toilet seat.
7. Create a section on irs forms for contributions to go DIRECTLY to our national debt and make that program publicly accessible by anyone via the internet (full transparency)
8. Lock down our southern border and institute strick guidelines for work visas.
9. Cut the budget of ALL federal agencies by at least 5%.
10. Add a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
11. Require ALL spending bills to be accessible for 7 days & to be publicly read on the floor BEFORE any vote is taken.
12. AFTER all that raise taxes incrementally as needed.

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. Point being that anyone, including our elected officials, can solve this problem if they actually wanted to.
Add a Line item Veto Amendment
Ever notice how the debt is only a problem when Democrats are running things?
Democrats only care about the debt when republicans are in office
Republicans only care about the debt when democrats are in office.
Dont remember then caring when Trump was in office....can anyone remember last time dems cared about it
You didn't hear the constant whining that Trump's tax cuts would increase the debt?

Nope .......words mean nothing when they do the opposite,,,,,,,Last true budget champions were the Teabaggers......

They lie about everything.

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