Highland Park Shooter Antifa? Images of Crimo from Twitter account...

Whatever you need to tell yourself.
You fascists, you would flat out deny the sunrise and sunset, you are so fucking weak and impossibly fucking stupid, he is solid antifa material, right down to his feminized male form, and choice of ambushing the helpless from behind with a rifle....

You fascists, you would flat out deny the sunrise and sunset, you are so fucking weak and impossibly fucking stupid, he is solid antifa material, right down to his feminized male form, and choice of ambushing the helpless from behind with a rifle....

Can’t tell if he was mocking Trump supporters or just wearing a Trump flag.

How do you know he targeted conservative families? Sounds like bullshit.

4 minutes ago? How does that make sense?

This has to be fake.
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Again, so what. For years People put Confederate flags on cars and stuff. Didn't mean that they were supporting the Confederacy. Shooting people celebrating a Patriotic holiday, well that's some serious shit.
So people who wear Trump flags and go to Trump events are usually Trump supporters.

Common sense.
Yet he was wearing a Trump flag and at several Trump events.
John Sullian, a notorious BLM protestor, was inciting violence outside and inside the Capitol on 6 Jan, posing as a Trump supporter...

FBI agents were at the Capitol the night before, posing as Trump supporters, telling protestors 'We have to get into the Capitol tomorrow'...

What"s your point again?
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Think this might even clinch it for X.




Antifa model even has a Democratic Socialist Rose Tattoo to match the one on the Shooters neck.

Illinois has red flag laws and has had since January first 2019...
Well, it would have been nice if someone reported him.

It would have been nicer if someone did a background check on him BEFORE he got the gun.

No, it is NOT a valid strategy to try to prevent particular people from obtaining weapons, because the possible types of weapons are infinite, and the number of sources for illegal obtaining weapons if you are intent on murder, are also infinite.
Clearly dangerous people have to be identified and institutionalized, not try to make the whole world nerf safe. That can never work.

Oh, please.

The US is the ONLY country where this kind of shit happens on a regular basis, because we are the only country that let's the gun industry write the gun laws and have complete civil immunity from liability.

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