Highland Park shooting suspect’s father faces charges for sponsoring son’s gun license

If you do not know the difference between a driver's licence and a gun licence, it is useless discussing it with you.
haha actually far more people are injured or killed with a auto, then a gun. Cars are far more dangerous.
The Founders enacted a way for you to change the Constitution. Until you do your point is moot. They did not envision people voting on computers either, but here we are. We no longer simply drop a ballot in a box.
Firearm ownership and voting are both protected rights, except in some places, felons cannot vote. Some have literally been arrested and sent to prison for violating terms of their parole. For voting.

I don't support restrictions on who can vote. I do support restrictions on who can legally purchase a firearm. A waiting period. A background check. Proof that your firearm is registered in a federal database. That, to me, is simply sensible. Many gun owners I know are irrational about any restrictions to gun ownership.
Firearm ownership and voting are both protected rights, except in some places, felons cannot vote.

Because the Constitution lays out the steps the government needs to do to remove rights from people. Due process and all of that.

Some have literally been arrested and sent to prison for violating terms of their parole. For voting.

I don't support restrictions on who can vote. I do support restrictions on who can legally purchase a firearm.

Right, your hypocritical where our rights are concerned. It's OK to violate the rights of some but not others.

A waiting period. A background check. Proof that your firearm is registered in a federal database. That, to me, is simply sensible. Many gun owners I know are irrational about any restrictions to gun ownership.

I do not own a gun. I see no reason why anyone ever should be forced to get the governments permission to exercise their right.
Firearm and or 2nd A threads regularly get silly in a nano-second.

But back to the OP, Tommy T makes a valid point: Somebody --in addition to the shooter ---bears culpability for this tragedy. If the father knew his son was unstable, and it seems there is sufficient evidence to indicate he knew.....and he still facilitated the acquisition of the gun.....well, hell yes, hammer the guy.

It was irresponsible.
It was reckless.
And, as we all saw.....it was tragic.

Make him pay a stiff price.
Maybe....maybe? .....it will send a signal to all fathers who are considering signing firearm authorizations for their underage sons. A signal that they better be very very careful in going ahead with this act because......because their freedom could be on the line too. And their ability to provide for and support the rest of their family.
That privilege is a violent and bloody one.

Many of our rights have negative aspects. Like the first allows the KKK to use the local park for an event. I may dislike it but the valid argument is, it's better than the alternative.
Well the father knew that his son was unbalanced but still sponsored his license. There should be a reckoning for that.

Of more concern is the fact that the boys behaviour was known to the authorities and yet did not show on his application.

Is that a system failure or humn error ? Very often different agencies do not share information. Is this such a case ?
He shouldn't have had to get a license, anyway. Charging the father is unconstitutional. Even psychiatrists aren't allowed to evaluate someone they're close to. It's unethical. The father isn't a psychiatrist.
Firearm and or 2nd A threads regularly get silly in a nano-second.

But back to the OP, Tommy T makes a valid point: Somebody --in addition to the shooter ---bears culpability for this tragedy. If the father knew his son was unstable, and it seems there is sufficient evidence to indicate he knew.....and he still facilitated the acquisition of the gun.....well, hell yes, hammer the guy.

It was irresponsible.
It was reckless.
And, as we all saw.....it was tragic.

Make him pay a stiff price.
Maybe....maybe? .....it will send a signal to all fathers who are considering signing firearm authorizations for their underage sons. A signal that they better be very very careful in going ahead with this act because......because their freedom could be on the line too. And their ability to provide for and support the rest of their family.
Do you have kids?
Many of our rights have negative aspects. Like the first allows the KKK to use the local park for an event. I may dislike it but the valid argument is, it's better than the alternative.

Apples and oranges.
Well the father knew that his son was unbalanced but still sponsored his license. There should be a reckoning for that.

Of more concern is the fact that the boys behaviour was known to the authorities and yet did not show on his application.

Is that a system failure or humn error ? Very often different agencies do not share information. Is this such a case ?

Likely the case.........the God of democrats...government...failed...again.
The gun background check system in this country by design is full of holes.

Here in Illinois, the ability to own a gun in this state requires one to only spend $11.00 to get a Firearms Owner's Identification Card. Which means is all you have to do is pinky-swear you are not a criminal or mentally ill.

Wrong....when you buy a gun you have to have a Federal Background check, you lying doofus.

Yup. I dont doubt that he could have picked up a gun from somewhere.

But if you have a system then it should work If this kid was given a license in error there is culpability there.

As with any problem you should tackle the low hanging fruit first.

The low hanging fruit is not letting known, violent, dangerous criminals out of prison on bail and parole over and over again...the ones doing almost all of the actual shooting.

This guy was the rarest of rare events.....the criminals doing all of the shooting are known to police, have been arrested over and over again, then democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians let them go.....
It sounds like a process designed in gentler times. The parent should not be able to bypass the system.
Is finance the issue in updating the system or is it political will ?

The democrats vote against fixing the background check system...they need criminals to get guns so they can push gun control.
It's amazing this tiny hurdle to clear still upsets the majority of gun owners that I know.

And the democrats thought poll taxes and literacy tests were a tiny hurdle to blacks voting to.....
A "poll tax" and a FOID card are in now way comparable. A FOID card should be mandatory for all gun owners, and all guns purchased should be in a Federal data base, by serial number, for starters. That's a separate argument, perhaps better suited to happen in another thread.

We can argue endlessly about gun control, but the Founding Fathers did not envision assault rifles in this country when they drafted the 2nd Amendment. To think that their opinions and beliefs in the 18th century are somehow sacrosanct, and above reproach, 250 years later, requires a healthy level of disassociation. I cannot pretend that life in America is the same in 2022 as it was in 1787.

Had the Founding Fathers known that between 1939-1945, Europeans would murder 15 million innocent men, women and children, the 2nd Amendment would have had mandatory rifle and pistol ownership by the population.
Wrong....when you buy a gun you have to have a Federal Background check, you lying doofus.

I could go out and buy a truck full of guns and not have to bother with a background check.
Firearm ownership and voting are both protected rights, except in some places, felons cannot vote. Some have literally been arrested and sent to prison for violating terms of their parole. For voting.

I don't support restrictions on who can vote. I do support restrictions on who can legally purchase a firearm. A waiting period. A background check. Proof that your firearm is registered in a federal database. That, to me, is simply sensible. Many gun owners I know are irrational about any restrictions to gun ownership.

That isn't sensible since criminals don't do any of those things, and by Supreme Court ruling, criminals do not have to register their illegal guns.
I could go out and buy a truck full of guns and not have to bother with a background check.

No.....you would have to go to private sellers to do that...people selling their private property. If you went to any licensed dealer, you would have to have a federally mandated background check.
It sounds like a process designed in gentler times. The parent should not be able to bypass the system.
Is finance the issue in updating the system or is it political will ?
It has to do with the what the people of the State want, so you need to ask them why such a loophole is allowed.

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