Zone1 highly educated atheist investigates the Cause of Christ, becomes a Christian

There are also six epochs of creation
The Archean Eon
The Proterozoic Eon
The Paleozoic Era
The Mesozoic Era
The Cenozoic Era
The Anthropocene
It gets better. If time halves every day in Genesis, the days of Creation match up with the above eras. In other words, day 1 is 8 billion years, day 2 is 4 billion, and day three 2 billion, etc. then the eras of science match. with the days of the Bible.

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Also, lots of highly educated Christians deconvert. And from what I've seen or read of their deconversion stories, they are no less objective than educated atheists who convert.
And you're not the topic, which is about the highly intelligent.

There is a mysterious power involved that's working in the minds of highly intelligent Christians, that allows them to believe the hokey bible stories while believing in the normal too.

Our Ding is trying to make the break from that power in that he doesn't accept the ridiculous nonsense in his bibles. Ask him!

And fwiw, Ding is easily as intelligent as the schlunks who buy the whole literal nonsense as being the word of the god.
I agree. The way you read the bible is ridiculous. You don't possess the intellect or work ethic to read it the proper way.
And the converts? I am a Christian raised as an atheist. Actually, Mom was a dabbler in Atheism, Voodoo and Witchcraft.
As a convert, do you read the accounts in Genesis literally? Or as allegories? Because they are pretty good allegories.
Also, lots of highly educated Christians deconvert. And from what I've seen or read of their deconversion stories, they are no less objective than educated atheists who convert.
There's a distribution for almost everything. Hard to argue against that. But I won't go so far as to say they are objective. That's not to say people can't be objective. It would be hard to argue that almost all people aren't objective at least some of the time. But objectivity has more to do with the preference of the person for a specific outcome, not the person itself. With that said, some people have more biases and some have less, so there is a people element but it goes to tendencies. It's a case by case basis in my opinion. But I can say this, Donald is not objective about religion and his bias against religions spills onto Christians and God. I feel sorry for such a blind person who can't see the ultimate reality because he doesn't want to see that.
Christian faith is a curse to the highly educated. It forces them to live the lies when they know better.
Actually my faith is responsible for turning on all the learning centers of my mind and has resulted in extraordinary success in my professional and personal life. Your subjectivity is like an anchor tied around your neck. It's dragging you down and keeping you from shining and reaching your full potential.
Actually my faith is responsible for turning on all the learning centers of my mind and has resulted in extraordinary success in my professional and personal life.
Good! Then let's begin.
Your subjectivity is like an anchor tied around your neck. It's dragging you down and keeping you from shining and reaching your full potential.
I agree. The way you read the bible is ridiculous. You don't possess the intellect or work ethic to read it the proper way.
I've made it clear to you that I don't read bibles. And I'm not prepared to say that half of Americans are idiotic or ridiculous because the read their bibles as the literal word of the god.l

I've even been kind and generous by offering some explanations for their behaviour, unlike your kneejerk condemnation of their devotion.

I accept that it's still a mystery why a physicist can accept the 'big fish' story as being literally true. But at least I've offered a possible explanation of childhood indoctrination.
I've made it clear to you that I don't read bibles. And I'm not prepared to say that half of Americans are idiotic or ridiculous because the read their bibles as the literal word of the god.l

I've even been kind and generous by offering some explanations for their behaviour, unlike your kneejerk condemnation of their devotion.

I accept that it's still a mystery why a physicist can accept the 'big fish' story as being literally true. But at least I've offered a possible explanation of childhood indoctrination.
No, that's not clear. You keep making references to the bible as justification for dismissing the bible. Your childhood indoctrination theory is wrong, asinine and condescending. There are so many positive benefits of belief that non-belief is illogical. And that's why faith has existed in every society since the beginning of man.
As a convert, do you read the accounts in Genesis literally? Or as allegories? Because they are pretty good allegories.
As has been pointed out, creation could not have happened in any other progression. There has been six epochs of planetary development. We are in the sixth right now.

Of all the books of the Bible, the most bewildering is Leveticus. It reads like some time traveler jaunted back in time to warn a backward people of avoidable dangers. A people unaware of food allergies or food borne parasites. Don't put new wine into an old wineskin It makes absolute sense.

I frankly do not care what others believe and I will not argue so they can reinforce their own opinions.

Go. be well.
As has been pointed out, creation could not have happened in any other progression. There has been six epochs of planetary development. We are in the sixth right now.

Of all the books of the Bible, the most bewildering is Leveticus. It reads like some time traveler jaunted back in time to warn a backward people of avoidable dangers. A people unaware of food allergies or food borne parasites. Don't put new wine into an old wineskin It makes absolute sense.

I frankly do not care what others believe and I will not argue so they can reinforce their own opinions.

Go. be well.
Thank you. You too. Peace.
the guy's name is Lee Strobel and I believe he is either an attorney or has some law degree or another (I wasn't clear about that when reading his background info). But he is very well educated, has one or 2 degrees.

He investigated many, many claims made about Jesus by Christians and by the Bible.

And he couldn't deny the facts. He interviewed many experts on such things as: How Jesus died on the Cross (some say he didn't actually die on it, but that was disproven by experts. There is no way he could have merely "swooned." Roman guards were killed themselves if anyone survived their torture/crucifixion)

And I could go on and on. I can't recall the exact title of the book, something about the Cause for Christ.. No, it was The Case for Christ.

There is a massive amount of information in the book, written some 20 years ago, still relevant today.

You'll likely be happy to learn he is not Catholic (or wasn't back then anyhow)

But facts are facts regardless of your POV
Book found here:
Amazon product ASIN 0310350034
Anthony Fewer, world class atheist set about proving that Christ did not exist ended up becoming a Christian.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, born a Muslim, became an atheist because of a botched clitorectomy (FGM). she recently became a Christian.

Faith is a gift.
Faith comes to us first through infant baptism

and other ways, but that's the best way to be given the gift... which, that s aid, does not mean the baptized will not ever sin.. not hardly. But then when they do, they have the sacrament of Reconciliation aka confession to a priest.
Faith comes to us first through infant baptism

and other ways, but that's the best way to be given the gift... which, that s aid, does not mean the baptized will not ever sin.. not hardly. But then when they do, they have the sacrament of Reconciliation aka confession to a priest.
One of the more famous atheists that converted was CS Lewis. He was an avowed atheist that became a writer of Christian themes.

It is always interesting to learn the stories of atheists that received faith.
the guy's name is Lee Strobel and I believe he is either an attorney or has some law degree or another (I wasn't clear about that when reading his background info). But he is very well educated, has one or 2 degrees.

He investigated many, many claims made about Jesus by Christians and by the Bible.

And he couldn't deny the facts. He interviewed many experts on such things as: How Jesus died on the Cross (some say he didn't actually die on it, but that was disproven by experts. There is no way he could have merely "swooned." Roman guards were killed themselves if anyone survived their torture/crucifixion)

And I could go on and on. I can't recall the exact title of the book, something about the Cause for Christ.. No, it was The Case for Christ.

There is a massive amount of information in the book, written some 20 years ago, still relevant today.

You'll likely be happy to learn he is not Catholic (or wasn't back then anyhow)

But facts are facts regardless of your POV
Anyone can be fooled. 🤷
It gets better. If time halves every day in Genesis, the days of Creation match up with the above eras. In other words, day 1 is 8 billion years, day 2 is 4 billion, and day three 2 billion, etc. then the eras of science match. with the days of the Bible.

Uh, the universe is only 13.7 billion years old.

You blew past that on "day 3".

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